• Record Label: Harvest
  • Release Date: Sep 30, 2016
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 199 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 11 out of 199
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  1. Nov 3, 2022
    6 years later and this album still holds up super well! It’s a staple album for BANKS for sure, songs on here was even ripped off by Zedd (without the credit). If you’re going to listen to a BANKS album, it’s going to be this one
  2. Nov 10, 2019
    As close to perfection as it can be. Banks is definitely one of the most underappreciated artists of all time, this album has been on repeat ever since it came out
  3. Nov 2, 2019
    BANKS does what she does best with a new album of haunting ballads, but most of the songs on the last leg sound like things we've already heard before.
  4. Aug 31, 2019
    i love this album...........................................................
  5. Mar 18, 2018
    Emotional voice and full of memorable tracks. Some notable tracks are: Gemini Feed, **** With Myself and This is Not About Us. Definitely recommend to everyone.
  6. Feb 26, 2018
    Não acredito que nunca ouvi esse álbum antes, é simplesmente maravilhoso. Minha favorita é F*** With Myself mas todas as músicas são ótimas, a Banks merece mais reconhecimento.
  7. Jan 2, 2018
    estou feliz em dizer que não perdi meu tempo em ouvi o álbum inteiro da Banks, ela anda segura na zona vocal em que percorre, dando vitalidade aos trechos que exige vocal mais forte, apaixonado por esse álbum, visualmente tão incrível quanto sonoramente. aguardando trabalhos futuros.
  8. Jul 25, 2017
    talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before. xxxxxxxxxx
  9. Jul 25, 2017
    Агрессивный, тёмный, дикий, но в то же время сексуальный, чувственный и томный. Именно такие слова приходят в голову после прослушивания. Её личный дневник, который уже она читает слушателю. Открыта ко всему. Чувствуется, как она меняется с каждой новой песней. Никакой стеснительности, никакого молчания. Люблю ***Агрессивный, тёмный, дикий, но в то же время сексуальный, чувственный и томный. Именно такие слова приходят в голову после прослушивания. Её личный дневник, который уже она читает слушателю. Открыта ко всему. Чувствуется, как она меняется с каждой новой песней. Никакой стеснительности, никакого молчания. Люблю ***
  10. Mar 12, 2017
    Jullian Banks continua sua jornada, se reinventando a cada álbum. The Altar mostrou uma nova face da cantora, não necessariamente mais madura, mas melhor explorada. Visualmente e musicalmente, essa era está impecável.
  11. Mar 11, 2017
    A logical progression from Goddess, Banks' dark, mysterious and soulful style continues. She still spans a lot of styles, sounding a little abstract like Bjork or FKA Twigs at times **** With Myself, Poltergeist) and more like an old soul spilling her guts at others (Lovesick) but it's a roller coaster of emotion all the way through. Those who say she hasn't grown or progressed as anA logical progression from Goddess, Banks' dark, mysterious and soulful style continues. She still spans a lot of styles, sounding a little abstract like Bjork or FKA Twigs at times **** With Myself, Poltergeist) and more like an old soul spilling her guts at others (Lovesick) but it's a roller coaster of emotion all the way through. Those who say she hasn't grown or progressed as an artist aren't listening for growth. If they're looking for flaws, they're not impossible to find, but why focus on minor imperfections when you really should just be dancing? Expand
  12. Oct 29, 2016
    Охуенный альбом мне очень нравится обожаю смотреть как это няшка забивает гвозди на жопанн
  13. Oct 21, 2016
    One of the best records of the year. What BANKS does with this record it's show the different shapes of pain. In my opinion, her lyrics are the best with this effort. Her experience with depression and heartbreaking are expressed in dark/ dance melodies with great power to make it over. The catchy songs "Gemini Feed", **** With Myself" and the amazing written "Mind Games" gave me life.
  14. Oct 15, 2016
    Banks's finnest work to date, it's dark, beautiful and so breathtaking. A masterpiece. It starts with a bold Gemini Feed and finishing with a rad 27 hours, it's definitely one of the best albums of 2016. She takes it all.
  15. Oct 5, 2016
    This album is sooo cool! I wasn't really interested on her when I listened Goddess but this album is a masterpiece. Her voice and the production of the album are sticky. My fav songs are Mind Games, Trainwrecker and Weaker Girl. Keep up the good work!!
  16. Oct 4, 2016
    No evolution. Banks does not show growth as an artist, following the same line of his debut album. Low production like any other artist that indie that is "fashionable". 'The Altar' sounds more like a deluxe edition.
  17. Oct 2, 2016
    I fell in love with Banks when I listened to her first album, Goddess. I was enraptured by her melodic, powerful vocals, as well as the deep messages and meanings to her music. This was an artist who wasn't just "in it for the money", this was a real, genuine girl with personal, formidable yet astounding stories she wanted to convey through music and share with the world. With her newI fell in love with Banks when I listened to her first album, Goddess. I was enraptured by her melodic, powerful vocals, as well as the deep messages and meanings to her music. This was an artist who wasn't just "in it for the money", this was a real, genuine girl with personal, formidable yet astounding stories she wanted to convey through music and share with the world. With her new album The Altar, Banks has not only done exactly that once again, but has only become more raw and true to herself and her music. This album opened me up to whole new realm of Banks and her authentic, unfeigned messages with songs like To The Hilt, Mind Games and 27 Hours. Not only does she showcase her honest, humane persona, but exerts a great deal of strength and empowerment with songs like **** With myself, Gemini Feed and Trainwreck. I recommend this beautiful, heartfelt, relatable album to most anybody, as it is truly one in a million. Expand
  18. Oct 2, 2016
    Probably the best album (thus far) of 2016. Banks proves why she is a force to be reckoned with and then some. Each song is poignant, beautiful and powerful and thematically perfect. "The Altar" just became one of my top albums ever. Download: Gemini Feed, F With Myself, Judas, Weaker Girl.
  19. Oct 1, 2016
    BANKS has gone and done it again. With The Altar, she delivers another stunning album from start to finish. It might not be as amazing as Goddess but that said, its still one of the best releases of the year and just goes to show how good (albeit underrated) of an artist she really is. From the production to the vocals, the whole album is very well-crafted. Standouts include Gemini Feed,BANKS has gone and done it again. With The Altar, she delivers another stunning album from start to finish. It might not be as amazing as Goddess but that said, its still one of the best releases of the year and just goes to show how good (albeit underrated) of an artist she really is. From the production to the vocals, the whole album is very well-crafted. Standouts include Gemini Feed, Judas & 27 Hours. Collapse Expand
  20. Oct 1, 2016
    She surely deserves to be called an artist. The harmony that surrounds this record is just incredible. Everything is planned. The cover shows the real Banks without make-up and so on. I love that concept and I'm going to listen to it until I die.
  21. Sep 30, 2016
    The album sounds much more expansive than its predecessor, in addition BANKS explores in tracks like "Trainwreck" and "Poltergeist". This album is vibrant, is dark and is an incredible work by a fiery woman.
  22. Sep 30, 2016
    This album is pure fire, BANKS best effort to date!!!!!!
  23. Sep 30, 2016
    BANKS is a goddess, and she proved it twice. Goddess is one of my favorite albums ever, and I thought that it's impossible to beat the perfection of Goddess but she proved me wrong. The Altar is something different, it's perfect in every way. She can go from trap beats to piano to guitar and she does it so effortlessly. Altar is so good that I don't even have a favorite song, every song isBANKS is a goddess, and she proved it twice. Goddess is one of my favorite albums ever, and I thought that it's impossible to beat the perfection of Goddess but she proved me wrong. The Altar is something different, it's perfect in every way. She can go from trap beats to piano to guitar and she does it so effortlessly. Altar is so good that I don't even have a favorite song, every song is a unique experience but I think she did it best on 'Judas', 'Mother Earth' and 'Haunt'. I can't wait to see her live, I already bought tickets for her show in London. I'm so hyped about it. Expand
  24. Sep 30, 2016
    felizmente um dos melhores albuns do ano não esperava menos da dona do alternativo um album com instrumentais maravilhosos e vocais fortes. as favs sao mother earth, gemini feed e trainwreck. merece + de 80
  25. Sep 30, 2016
    eu não tenho palavras,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, eu nao teNHO PALAVRAAS EEEEEU NÃO TENHOO PAAAALAAAVRASSSSSSSSWWWWWW

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Oct 12, 2016
    The Altar is more textured and artful than ‘Goddess’, BANKS growing into her role as a writer, upholding the sensual melancholia that characterised her debut. Yet, it still feels as if BANKS is fine-tuning her sound.
  2. Oct 12, 2016
    The Altar has a lot in common with Goddess, including its fatal flaw: its attempts to position Banks as edgy or dangerous, despite all musical evidence to the contrary.
  3. Oct 5, 2016
    The high points of The Altar are nearly perfect, but these are outnumbered by a massive middle section comprised of unremarkable, uninspired filler.