
Universal acclaim - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 17
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 17
  3. Negative: 0 out of 17
  1. Jun 5, 2015
    Much of the album is frenetic--full of bodies and larger-than-life. But the muted and downcast moments end up being memorable, tender and affecting.
  2. Jun 5, 2015
    Surf integrates a mish-mash of sounds, genres and guests into a relatively coherent whole, textured and nuanced in ways that demand repeat listens.
  3. Jun 5, 2015
    Surf is a boardwalk picnic with sunset views of the Ferris wheel, grassy laughter, and paper plates smeared with blueberry shortcake.
  4. Jun 5, 2015
    There are too many impressive performances on Surf to focus on just one man’s achievements, and Chance has to be proud of that.
  5. Jun 5, 2015
    Surf will not be for everyone, but for those seeking a sense of spiritual upliftment and a relaxing summertime soundtrack, Surf is the wave you’ve been looking for.
  6. 80
    So Surf continues--infectious, light and upbeat, but never inane. It begs you to feel included, and wide-awake.
  7. Jun 5, 2015
    Whether Chance is billed as frontman or not, his thought-provoking lyricism and potent backing band has made for yet another life-affirming release that’s sure to propel the artist to even more impressive territory.
  8. Jun 5, 2015
    While written with absolute precision and poetic skill that rivals the best rappers currently working, Chance's words tumble from his mouth effortlessly, as if he's already done with the verse by the time he recites it, looking to what's next.
  9. Jun 5, 2015
    It’s a rare record that exists due to the harmonious power of its collaborators, but the reason why it will have a lasting legacy is due to how utterly fresh it feels, making for the rare kind of album that sounds just as accessible on its first listen as it does on its hundredth.
  10. 91
    The crowd-pleasers are big and full, richly accessible and eccentric at the same time.... And yet even at its most infectious this music can pivot on a dime, emotionally, and the effect is often shattering.
  11. Jun 16, 2015
    A warm, evocative pop-soul-jazz album that comes straight from the heart.
  12. Jun 5, 2015
    If you’re not feeling Surf right away, stick with it long enough and it just might bring you to its wavelength.
  13. Jun 5, 2015
    The musical event drips in unprecedented additions that welcome alternative vocals from Erykah Badu, Janelle Monae and Jesse Boykins III to the track list, along with fervent features from King Louie, Big Sean, J Cole and Quavo, that lure the rap artists out of their comfort zones and onto intricate live compositions.
  14. Jun 5, 2015
    Surf is so vibrant, so alive with triumphant vibes and unadulterated joy, that it never leaves any room for cynicism.
  15. Jun 5, 2015
    His lyrics are consistently the most interesting, his flow the most original and here he sounds content, as if in the group setting he is completely comfortable with being (in his mind at least) just one of the guys. Clearly though, he’s much more than that.
  16. The Source
    Aug 4, 2015
    Surf's arbitrary, spontaneous nature is one of the chief reason's it's such a well put together album. [Jun-Jul 2015, p.89]
  17. Jun 5, 2015
    For all its dabbling in the black arts, Surf does have a few missteps, but they are ephemeral at best.

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 127 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 4 out of 127
  1. Jun 6, 2015
    One thing that listeners must take to mind prior to listening to this album is that Surf definitely does not centre around Chance The RapperOne thing that listeners must take to mind prior to listening to this album is that Surf definitely does not centre around Chance The Rapper and thus takes it's own fusion of rap, funk, soul, jazz (and many other genres) to be quite different to the type of rap music found on his previous record Acid Rap. However, once this is taken to mind, wonderful live instrumentation and good vibes all around can be heard with this album and it proves to be a great listen. Perhaps the only flaws of this album is that it isn't necessarily innovative or mind - blowing musically, production - wise or in a lyrical sense. Despite this, The Social Experiment has crafted a wonderful album that holds the listeners attention from start to finish and the surprise features on this album truly steal the show on the tracks that they are featured on. This album makes me excited for anything The Social Experiment has to offer in the future and it raises the anticipation for the solo album that Chance will release some time in the near future. Full Review »
  2. Jun 14, 2015
    Even though Chance the Rapper said from the beginning that this isn't his album and that he won't be featured on this record as much as weEven though Chance the Rapper said from the beginning that this isn't his album and that he won't be featured on this record as much as we expected him to be, I cannot help but have this thought in the back of my mind while listening to this record. People would tell me it would be unfair to compare this record to an album like Undun by the Roots, another hip hop band. But I think it is fair, as Chance is one of the most exciting young rappers as of late. But while this is an ambitious record with a lot more instrumentation than other hip hop records, it doesn't come without it's failures, which I hear in many parts over this record. While I won't question Chance's top fans to exclaim about the "good vibes" that the album brings, sometimes musically and focus wise The Social Experiment falls short. Fantastic songs like "Slip Slide", "Familiar", and "Sunday Candy" standout much more than they should, because the album should've been a lot more of these kinds of songs. The band playing as a strong ensemble bringing out the best of all the members of the group. But In many parts of the album I simply see many examples of a failure of building off of melodies, such as in songs like "Cool", "Caretaker", "Just Wait" and "Questions". Many of these tracks also are completely watered down by the amount of features all over this record. It was so watered down that J. Cole didn't even stand out to me, because there were just too many verses from so many people all over the place. I didn't hate this record. I respect the creativity the group has come up with on this record. But unfortunately, for the amount of time I was anticipating this record, it was a disappointment for me. But I still see potential in these young musicians still in their young 20s, and while they have a lot to learn, I'll still be listening to their next release. Full Review »
  3. Jun 18, 2017
    Talk about wasted potential. Chance does his best but not even he can salvage most of these bland, poorly mixed, and completely forgettableTalk about wasted potential. Chance does his best but not even he can salvage most of these bland, poorly mixed, and completely forgettable "soulful" jazz rap tracks. Full Review »