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Universal acclaim- based on 32 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 32
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 32
  3. Negative: 3 out of 32

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  1. KoenD
    Oct 12, 2004
    This is an amazing album.It is full of beautiful and sophistic vocal harmonies, it's beautifully arranged, and all insturments are in perfect harmony like the radarwork of a swiss clock. It is lush, sophisticated, harmoic and soothing music, and essentiall, it is the perfect pop record. Their best effort yet
  2. jasont
    Oct 17, 2004
    This band, and this album, are absolutely essential.
  3. jamalmashburn
    Jan 2, 2005
    best cd ever
  4. BrianC
    Sep 3, 2006
    I love this album much for the same reasons that I loved last year's "Transatlanticism". Pinback undertakes the rare goal of making a real album with a unified theme, encapsulated uncompromisingly in each song. So while each song is individually a gem of dreamlike proportions - they coexist better as a whole. For lazy days of summer, there is no better album than Pinback's I love this album much for the same reasons that I loved last year's "Transatlanticism". Pinback undertakes the rare goal of making a real album with a unified theme, encapsulated uncompromisingly in each song. So while each song is individually a gem of dreamlike proportions - they coexist better as a whole. For lazy days of summer, there is no better album than Pinback's offering, and in my opinion, no better album in 2004. My rating: 9.5/10 --> rounds up. Expand
  5. erike
    Oct 23, 2004
    wow! i have been obsessively listening to this record for a week and a half, and with good reason. everything seems to come together here. great instrumentation, fantastic vocals, and well structured songs. this album is the cat's pajamas. go get you a copy!
  6. JosephM
    Dec 30, 2005
    There are occasional problems with enunciation that keep the lyrics from having truly great value (until you look them up), but the sound of the band itself, in particular the instruments coming together with such a harmony that Pinback has, is amazing. Pinback is one of the greatest bands of all times, and this cd is the final, ultimate culmination of their abilities.
  7. IssacBrock
    Oct 4, 2005
    Awesome. All but like 3 tracks can be listened to for hours...
  8. JohnC
    Feb 5, 2005
    Some great songs. There are songs on here I could lisen to for hours on end non stop. However the album seems to drift a bit at the end. It just meanders away and you forget where you are.
  9. JoshuaK
    Jan 30, 2006
    The intricate layered melodies are irrisistable, deep, brooding, and moving.
  10. ColbyC
    Mar 1, 2007
    This has to be the greatest album I have ever heard. It is kinda short, but it's the first album I have ever liked every single track on. It's easy to listen to, and many of the songs especially AFK strike a chord with me.
  11. AC
    Mar 3, 2007
    This really is an impressive LP by Pinback. Every track on the album is listenable and complex, yet beautiful. Songs like Non Photo-Blue, Sender, Syracuse (my fav track), Soaked, & 3 X 0 will definitely keep you glued to this album for days, weeks and months, is that good. "Summer In Abaddon" is thoughtful, astounding & just downright amazing. Definitely check it out. You won't be This really is an impressive LP by Pinback. Every track on the album is listenable and complex, yet beautiful. Songs like Non Photo-Blue, Sender, Syracuse (my fav track), Soaked, & 3 X 0 will definitely keep you glued to this album for days, weeks and months, is that good. "Summer In Abaddon" is thoughtful, astounding & just downright amazing. Definitely check it out. You won't be dissapointed. Expand
  12. MikeC
    Apr 13, 2007
    One of the better & biggest surprises of 04. Really good album.
  13. AnthonyK
    Oct 13, 2004
    It's a great album has a new sound.
  14. scottp
    Oct 14, 2004
    Gorgeous. A joy to listen to.
  15. DMac
    Mar 3, 2007
    Best album of 04
  16. TrekD
    Mar 3, 2007
    One of the best albums of it's kind.
  17. richard
    Nov 9, 2004
    One of the best of 2004. "Fortress" may be my song of the year.
  18. NiclasL
    Dec 8, 2004
    This album is innovative, intelligent and variated music at it´s best! My first Pinback album but certainly not my last.
  19. BernK
    Jan 11, 2005
    This album definatly reveals more of itself upon multiple listens. Really infectious, really f'n good.
  20. KellyP
    Aug 19, 2005
    Not the best of Pinback I must admit, but a solid album nonetheless. it's pleasing...a bit conservative, but solid- sweet, and simple.
  21. SamD
    Apr 22, 2007
    Simply beautiful
  22. [Anonymous]
    Nov 29, 2004
    hmm it's not the best i have heard. It's not even close. It actually is very terrible.
  23. Oct 11, 2011
    Nevermind the mainstream, this music is too good to get ruined by overexposure. Pinback seemed to have achieved the impossible: a truly indie record with masterful studio production; terrific musicianship that keep it loose; lyrics are obscured and seldom rhyme; cryptic yet memorable songs that are impossible to get out of your head; crisp and immediate playing; and enigmatic atmospheres.Nevermind the mainstream, this music is too good to get ruined by overexposure. Pinback seemed to have achieved the impossible: a truly indie record with masterful studio production; terrific musicianship that keep it loose; lyrics are obscured and seldom rhyme; cryptic yet memorable songs that are impossible to get out of your head; crisp and immediate playing; and enigmatic atmospheres. This is long-term listening, each song growing on you over time. Quite simply this or recent LCD SoundSystem will remind you or let you experience how engaging early albums by REM or U2 were, back when alternative was really, truly alternative. Expand
  24. Nov 13, 2020
    an absolutely perfect and beautiful album from start to finish, just buy it you won't be disappointed, 10/10 doesn't seem quite high enough
  25. Jul 15, 2023
    Pretty unique sound. I like how the vocals sound somewhat submerged in the instrumental, not sure what others think about that but I personally enjoy it

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. It's quite a treat to hear the duo create such refreshingly original music with rock's "standard" instruments.
  2. Arguably their best record yet, a logical and accessible realization of a sound they've been developing for more than six years.
  3. While Summer in Abaddon features Pinbackā€™s by now trademarked sound and cryptic lyrics with a few nice developments, it falls victim to a sort of malaise of consistently indistinguishable mid-tempo rockers on the second half of an album that starts very strongly.