• Record Label: Elektra
  • Release Date: Jun 10, 2003

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 20
  2. Negative: 5 out of 20
  1. St. Anger looks inward with a hard eye, and while it finds some grinning demons in that pit, it also unearths some of the sickest grooves of Metallica's 20+ year lifespan.
  2. Alternative Press
    The guitars are processed into high-tech oblivion, and every song is eight minutes long when it should be five. [Aug 2003, p.100]
  3. Blender
    Overall, this is the grimiest and grimmest of the band's Bob Rock productions. [#17, p.145]
  4. The production on St. Anger is abysmal.
  5. This is the sound of Metallica drawing back into themselves and their history.
  6. While St. Anger doesn't go back to the speedy, epic-crafting days of yesteryear, it's all balls: bad-ass rock and blistering, visceral lyrics.
  7. ''St. Anger'' is arguably the season's finest metal offering -- and the band's best since 1991's ''Metallica.''
  8. Mojo
    This is miffed and exemplary metal. [Jul 2003, p.108]
  9. The true masters have finally awakened from their slumber.
  10. While there’s no denying that Metallica have produced a huge – and welcome – blast from the past, it also represents a monolithic slab of noise that stretched over 11 songs and 75 minutes is just too dense and daunting to be truly enjoyable.
  11. A ragged, cacophonous, raging beast of an album, it's not the most perfect album Metallica has ever produced, and it's a very bumpy ride for listeners, but the album's handful of high points are thrilling to hear.
  12. Q Magazine
    They've never sounded this heavy or this pissed off. [Jul 2003, p.106]
  13. This is loud, expansive, unrepentant Metallica.
  14. The guitars stumble in a monotone of mid-level, processed rattle; the drums don't propel as much as struggle to disguise an all-too-turgid pace; and the rage is both unfocused and leavened with too much narcissistic navel-gazing.
  15. Spin
    This is the album Metallica lifers have been waiting for: an inspired return to the complex savagery of old. [Jul 2003, p.109]
  16. St. Anger suffers mightily for its thin, washed-out sound.... A messy, unsatisfying misfire.
  17. Uncut
    Against all odds, St. Anger constitutes the cutting edge of commercial yet aggressive heavy rock in 2003. [Aug 2003, p.106]
  18. Songs like "Frantic," "Dirty Window," and even the balladesque "Sweet Amber" stop and start, cut to pieces by groove-robbing edits that replace the guitar harmonies on which Metallica built an industry.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 413 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Feb 8, 2014
    Drum sounds really AWFUL!! Repetitive, simple and boring riffs; no SOLOS and terrible vocal. Forget thrash, it's not even metal. That's all IDrum sounds really AWFUL!! Repetitive, simple and boring riffs; no SOLOS and terrible vocal. Forget thrash, it's not even metal. That's all I can say about this failure. DO NOT LISTEN IT!!! Full Review »
  2. SeanM
    Aug 11, 2003
    What a fucking album! Not only is it quite up to par with most of thier other albums, but its so addicting to listen to@ With all the speed What a fucking album! Not only is it quite up to par with most of thier other albums, but its so addicting to listen to@ With all the speed metal from the 80's, conbined with the bone chilling riffs of the black album to the serene sound of "sweet amber". Metallica definatly unleashed one hell of a beast on this one. I just got back from thier concert yesterday, and they played it so loud and hard that i could barely keep up with the lyrics of "frantic". Awesome job Metallica! Full Review »
  3. Apr 11, 2014
    If could put 11, i would have put it, because this album is THE BEST THING IN THE WHOLE WORLD! If we will be able to heal aids, it wouldn't beIf could put 11, i would have put it, because this album is THE BEST THING IN THE WHOLE WORLD! If we will be able to heal aids, it wouldn't be as good as this album. it's not only the best Metallica's album, it's also THE BEST **** ALBUM IN THE HISTORY OF MUSIC! Full Review »