• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Dec 9, 2022
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 389 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 32 out of 389
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  1. Dec 9, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Not really a fan of the album although I did enjoy the collaboration w Lana Del Rey. Basically this is just a female version of hip hop which I don’t care for bc there’s no lyrical strength to it. Expand
  2. Dec 9, 2022
    It's probably the most boring album I have ever heard there are so many fillers in this album could be 12 songs but the desperation for more streams ruined this album
  3. Dec 9, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. there was so much hype over this album but it kind of disappointed me when i heard it. there’re lots of filler songs. but there are also some good ones like good days, and nobody gets me. in my opinion those are the stand outs. but most of the album is just being filled with under average songs Expand
  4. Jan 17, 2023
    I'm just not sure why the critics love this album so much. It's far too long, and SZA doesn't bother to enunciate most of the time. It's just painful to listen to.
  5. Dec 29, 2022
    This album is totally bland and predictable. I cannot fathom replaying it again
  6. Mar 25, 2023
    Very boring artist. Slightly more interesting beats than the average radio garbage, and slightly more intelligent lyrics, but she still sounds like she can't understand high school English. Apparently she was in college for marine biology, but she clearly was not accepted for pure intelligence (diversity).
  7. Apr 12, 2023
    Didn’t like but I’m not surprised generic cheap work nothing special about it
  8. Dec 9, 2022
    It's long and boring. It's not worth the hour plus time to listen to it. Pass and listen to something else.
  9. Mar 29, 2023
    I always loved SZA. “CTRL” is on of my all time favorite albums. However this album… Actually I really love the singles prior to the album like “Good Days”, “I Hate U”. But, man! Album itself has no replay value. Totally forgettable and way too long. Generic R&B album. You cannot deny the fact that the album cover is so beautiful! I wish the quality of the album could also live up to it.I always loved SZA. “CTRL” is on of my all time favorite albums. However this album… Actually I really love the singles prior to the album like “Good Days”, “I Hate U”. But, man! Album itself has no replay value. Totally forgettable and way too long. Generic R&B album. You cannot deny the fact that the album cover is so beautiful! I wish the quality of the album could also live up to it. And the way she said that she is about to release a deluxe version of it with 10 new songs? Wow. This is not a clever move, SZA. I used to appreciated her because of quality music she was prominent on. Well… I guess she solely cares about the charts and being mainstream now. Expand
  10. Dec 9, 2022
    Muy malo, me parece un album muy básico y podría haber arriesgado másndnennnnnnn
  11. Dec 9, 2022
    This album doesn't move the needle, it's boring, and just not very good. Do yourself a favor and skip it.
  12. Dec 9, 2022
    I was bored listening to it pretty quickly. It's over an hour long and just not worth it. Pass.
  13. Dec 9, 2022
    This album may have great songs, but I believe she could do much more better. I would say that she is just too overrated.
  14. Dec 10, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Sinceramente eu esperava muuuito mais desse álbum, sinceramente um álbum virado totalmente pra viralizar no Tik Tok. Expand
  15. Jan 23, 2023
    Complete waste of time. No originality at all. Took at those years to deliver that disappointing album
  16. Jan 29, 2023
    This is cRap. Any "performer" who has to rely on gender swapping, profanity and the use of **** is as fauxny as the Ye wear sold on Sepulveda.
  17. Feb 20, 2023
    another garbage forced upon us by woke illiberal as music
    another garbage forced upon us by woke illiberal as music

Universal acclaim - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Dec 19, 2022
    The peaks on SOS, (“Used,” “Smoking on my Ex Pack,” and “Forgiveless”) find SZA sounding refreshingly comfortable rapping over gritty, hazy, and grimy productions.
  2. Dec 16, 2022
    It may take a few years for SOS to ascend to the heights, but if 808s & Heartbreak was the breakup record of the 2000s and Blonde was the 2010s examination of loss and trauma, then SZA might have produced that emotional breaking point for the 2020s.
  3. Dec 15, 2022
    Hour-plus length and stylistic variety likewise signal that SOS could be the overreaching kind of highly anticipated follow-up. Still, it's an advancement from Ctrl in every respect apart from cohesion