
Universal acclaim - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Her calm, hushed, clear singing only emphasizes the emotional torment the songs trace. The result is an album on a par with her best work.
  2. A polished, classy album whose retrained elegance and melancholy resonance more than compensate for its lack of rhythmic and instrumental restlessness.
  3. Blender
    One of Vega's best. [Oct/Nov 2001, p.114]
  4. Per usual, the content is clouded in misery--the kind of soft, sad and touching tracks that'll have Dido fans rediscovering this Greenwich Village adult-alternative pioneer
  5. Entertainment Weekly
    Infinite sadness, hypnotic beauty. [28 Sep 2001, p.74]
  6. [Her songs are] articulate and bright, enlivened by pithy metaphors and images that suggest a well-rounded English major with a sensitive side.
  7. Mojo
    Could well be her finest yet. [Oct 2001, p.128]
  8. A simple, often stark record reminiscent of her eponymous 1985 debut.
  9. Vega's been good before, especially on her eponymous 1985 debut and its '87 follow-up, Solitude Standing, but never as consistently good as she is here.
  10. Revealing a songwriter unwilling to compromise even when it hurts, Songs makes her return all the more welcome.

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 8 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 8
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 8
  3. Negative: 1 out of 8
  1. Oct 3, 2014
    Another quality collection from the folk songstress. Like the vast majority of her output, "Songs in Red and Gray" is consistent and maintainsAnother quality collection from the folk songstress. Like the vast majority of her output, "Songs in Red and Gray" is consistent and maintains a high level of songwriting throughout. Vega's complex lyrics on everyday observations complement her simple guitar melodies perfectly. The days of the chart hits may be gone for Vega but there are no poor tracks present here and it is a rare record where you can say this. "Priscilla" and "St Clare" stand out for me. Full Review »
  2. PhilipF
    Mar 16, 2003
    Saw her live in concert, and met her. She is amazing. It is too bad that people tire of good artists like her, Cyndi Lauper and Joan Osborne. Saw her live in concert, and met her. She is amazing. It is too bad that people tire of good artists like her, Cyndi Lauper and Joan Osborne. American Radio is soooo fickle! I'm tired of hearing scantily clad women with no talent (or talent, but crappy materiel.) Would love to hear some talented seasoned songwriters like Suzanne getting some air time! This album is melodic, thought provoking and beautiful! Full Review »
  3. JohnV.
    Dec 2, 2001
    This is a very good one... probably her best...