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Generally favorable reviews- based on 62 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 37 out of 62
  2. Negative: 9 out of 62
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  1. Nov 16, 2018
    I'll keep taking Smashing Pumpkins music as long as they continue making it. The world is much better for it.

    A few notes: 1. "Solara" sounds significantly better within the context of the album and after repeat listens. Elements like "Starz" without the chorus of Billies, a tighter structure, and a better melody. 2. "Silvery Sometimes" is a hyper-listenable improvement and blending of
    I'll keep taking Smashing Pumpkins music as long as they continue making it. The world is much better for it.

    A few notes: 1. "Solara" sounds significantly better within the context of the album and after repeat listens. Elements like "Starz" without the chorus of Billies, a tighter structure, and a better melody. 2. "Silvery Sometimes" is a hyper-listenable improvement and blending of Try, Try, Try and 1979 that doesn't feel like a retread. I can't listen to 1979 anymore, but I've been listening to this song on repeat for days. 3. "Alienation" stood out the most from my first few listens of the album as a whole. Reminiscent of "Stellar" and "Ma Belle" from the Zeitgeist era, both of which I really enjoy. Nice contrast of dynamics and propulsive tempo.

    If you added these songs into the mix with MTAE and split them up into two parts, you might have two stronger albums than either are on their own. Or perhaps the top ten songs from both albums would make a greater one: Tiberius, One and All, Being Beige, Drum + Fife, Monuments, Anti-Hero, Silvery Sometimes, Solara, Travels, and Alienation, maybe?

    I would expect the next full album effort from the band would be an improvement and will be eagerly looking forward to it. I like the potential for Billy, James, and Jeff to develop their guitar interplay in a way that has the potential to be greater than the wall of guitar sound that was constructed primarily by Billy himself in SD.
  2. Dec 7, 2020
    At a time in most bands life cycle where they resort to just playing the hits, Billy Corgan and the Pumpkins have a top to bottom masterpiece of an album. I connected with these songs in a way that seems fresh and new. While the teenage version of myself connected with Siamese Dream and songs like "Today" my older self finds Shiny and oh so Bright, Vol.1 and songs like "Travels" to be justAt a time in most bands life cycle where they resort to just playing the hits, Billy Corgan and the Pumpkins have a top to bottom masterpiece of an album. I connected with these songs in a way that seems fresh and new. While the teenage version of myself connected with Siamese Dream and songs like "Today" my older self finds Shiny and oh so Bright, Vol.1 and songs like "Travels" to be just the tonic I needed. Expand
  3. Nov 16, 2018
    More a collection of songs than an album, but still fantastic. How can you not love the first SP song with gospel backing vocals?

    Fingers crossed for a proper SP album with Rick Rubin.
  4. Nov 16, 2018
    Most mediocre SP album to date. Weak collection of songs with no depth and few of the hallmarks of the band. All the songs are short and blow by without leaving much of an impression at all. Billy is clearly consciously diluting the bands sound because he's still desperate to have a hit. The production is also horribly squashed which is typical of Rubin, and Jimmy's drums sound like a toyMost mediocre SP album to date. Weak collection of songs with no depth and few of the hallmarks of the band. All the songs are short and blow by without leaving much of an impression at all. Billy is clearly consciously diluting the bands sound because he's still desperate to have a hit. The production is also horribly squashed which is typical of Rubin, and Jimmy's drums sound like a toy drum set. Billy's vocals are often strained and hoarse sounding. Having James and Jimmy back is a non-issue and does nothing to save this mediocre set. A total disappointment and overall 5/10 at best. Expand
  5. Nov 16, 2018
    This is by far the Smashing Pumpkins' worst album. There is no knockout song on here. Every song is trying to sound either like a mainstream pop band or a previous Smashing Pumpkins song. Billy should go back to working random musicians.

    Best song: With Sympathy (7/10)
  6. Nov 17, 2018
    As a huge fan of the Pumpkins, I wanted to like this album a lot more than I did. And i'm not saying I wanted another Siamese Dream or Mellon Collie, but I just wanted a solid album from the band. And what I got was just alright, not exactly terrible but I don't mind it too much. However for a band that was once ambitious it's hard not to see that once firey passion the band once had. OrAs a huge fan of the Pumpkins, I wanted to like this album a lot more than I did. And i'm not saying I wanted another Siamese Dream or Mellon Collie, but I just wanted a solid album from the band. And what I got was just alright, not exactly terrible but I don't mind it too much. However for a band that was once ambitious it's hard not to see that once firey passion the band once had. Or more specifically, while Billy Corgan has been quite vocal about the direction of rock music has gone, he falls under the same trappings.

    The compositions and instrumentation are fine, they certainly sound like a Pumpkins song, there's no mistaking their signature sound, however the production guts it. It's too sanitized and polished. I'm kind of surprised Rick Rubin produced this album, because it doesn't have his infamous signatures when he produces a rock album. It feels more like the band wanted to go in a pop direction, and as a result what should sound big and anthemic comes off toothless. These songs beg for more crunch and grit! Like the percussion from Jimmy is pretty solid, but the mix does him no favors as the other instruments swallows the drums. Which ironically enough is typical for a Rick Rubin production!

    There really isn't much to talk about besides that for me really. It sounds like a Pumpkins album, and it kind of feels like Pumpkins on cruse control. Not exactly going fast, but just staying the same speed down a highway, but not in the passing lane. Most of the energy and passion just isn't there, even with returning members James Iha and Jimmy Chamberlin. It feels very much like the band's last record, Monuments. Except honestly I think Monuments is a far stronger album IMO because I could recall the singles off that album. Outside of Silvery Sometimes, which I feel is a solid pop rocker, there isn't much memorability too this album, even with the band's sound that I am very much fond of. Maybe that fondness is what is saving me from being too harsh on this album, besides I can't say it's flat out terrible and it does feel like the band did put in effort in making the songs here, like I said the compositions and instrumentation is great, but it's one of the band's least memorable albums, and definitely not the return to form so many fans wanted. At least for me.
  7. Nov 16, 2018
    The songs themselves feel unique and are well written. However listening to them in sequential order doesn't do the record any justice. The bulk of the record turns out great work that will happily find its way into my playlists and weaves seamlessly into the bands massive catalog. Silvery ( Sometimes ), With Sympathy, Travels, and Seek & We Shall Destroy are really stand out songs. EachThe songs themselves feel unique and are well written. However listening to them in sequential order doesn't do the record any justice. The bulk of the record turns out great work that will happily find its way into my playlists and weaves seamlessly into the bands massive catalog. Silvery ( Sometimes ), With Sympathy, Travels, and Seek & We Shall Destroy are really stand out songs. Each would make solid singles IMO. While songs like Knights, Alienation & Marchin' On don't do anything for me personally, they are not with out some great moments or hooks. As someone who has heard the majority of the recorded music for this band over the past couple decades, I am not really sure what to think of Rubin's contribution. I don't really hear him pushing them through any walls sonically or in terms of songwriting. The mixing of the record also feels just as varied as the songs themselves. Lets just call this what it is. Its a collection of songs written at different times with cohesive art direction and a classic bloated album title. It still doesn't feel like a Pumpkins album, but I am really enjoying the songs none the less. Expand
  8. Mar 10, 2021
    Unfortunately this album is one of those mediocre efforts to sound fresh. I think Monuments was a much better try if the goal was to sound relevant. I'm not going to pretend I was a life-long SP fan, as if it means something. The band slowly faded from my radar around Adore. So I wouldn't say I have an attachment or expectations on a SP record (thankfully there are many brilliant bandsUnfortunately this album is one of those mediocre efforts to sound fresh. I think Monuments was a much better try if the goal was to sound relevant. I'm not going to pretend I was a life-long SP fan, as if it means something. The band slowly faded from my radar around Adore. So I wouldn't say I have an attachment or expectations on a SP record (thankfully there are many brilliant bands out there).
    Monuments was the first Pumpkins record I picked up in decades. Rather pale when compared with the former energy of the old records, but still some solid songs in there that I like to this day. Now fast-forward to this record. And honestly if this would have been churned out by a newcomer band on Bandcamp, I wouldn't even be bothered to give it a second spin. So I give this record the benefit of a doubt, maybe it's a 'grower'. After my fifth try I gave up. I'm not a professional musician so I can't get into the technical specifics what went wrong here. Production-wise it sounds okay to me, although no song has an oomph to it, really. I welcome and respect bands that go out and try something that is outside their comfort zone. But you better be really really hungry to do it, this sounds more like, "there was nowhere else for us to go, so we did that". And at the same time they have a song like Silvery Sometimes that tries so desperately to be an ode to the old-times that it underlines even more the aimless direction of this album. Silvery Sometimes and the rest of the album feel kind of unfinished, like there was a long way to go for these songs to be worthy to be put on an album.
  9. Nov 16, 2018
    As a long-time Smashing Pumpkins fan, I am pleasantly surprised by this album.
  10. Dec 14, 2018
    The brand of the Smashing Pumpkins are pushing this as their first album in 18 years. As a hardcore Pumpkins fan I find this a disservice to the 3 albums released on the Pumpkins label in those 18 years. "Zeitgeist", "Oceania" and "Monument to an Elegy" didn't fare well against the Pumpkins incredible back catalog but at the same time, they are all solid records ("Zeitgeist" is a greatThe brand of the Smashing Pumpkins are pushing this as their first album in 18 years. As a hardcore Pumpkins fan I find this a disservice to the 3 albums released on the Pumpkins label in those 18 years. "Zeitgeist", "Oceania" and "Monument to an Elegy" didn't fare well against the Pumpkins incredible back catalog but at the same time, they are all solid records ("Zeitgeist" is a great listen) that do not deserve to be deleted from history. The point I guess is that Corgan, Chamberlain and Iha are happy to let bygones be bygones and have come together to finally produce a follow up to the "Machina" albums. The results are good if not without fault. A qualified success. I think the singles lifted from this album are class "Solara" with it's heavy rock, "Silvery Sometimes (Ghosts)" with its radio friendly 1979 feel and "Knights of Malta" with a Beatlesesque feel. These are great songs and will in time fit in nicely on setlists with the Pumpkins material from the 90's. The rest of the album is more in the vein of Smashing Pumpkins post 2000 - that is to say songs that are satisfying without leaving a dent on your consciousness. "Shiny and Oh So Bright" probably is their best release since "Machina" and for a band in their 50's who at one time had so much vitriol between them, producing this is absolutely a triumph. Expand
  11. Dec 20, 2018
    Would be better if the lyrics weren’t created by a random word generator. The song “Marchin’ On,” for example, sounds amazing - or at least it would if you couldn’t hear the words - but the nonsense lyrics (She stabs the empty clock?) prevent it from landing with any emotional impact, so what could’ve been a powerful song ends up feeling like a trifle.
  12. Nov 26, 2018
    As a longtime Pumpkins fan, I was very disappointed by this album. It sounds half baked and half hearted. A few Silvery Sometimes for example.. hint at the old Pumpkins magic...the rest of it just sounds like they are trying to be some crappy modern day band like Imagine Dragons or something. If this album was a James Bond film it would be Quantum of Solace.
  13. Feb 18, 2019
    I've been a Pumpkins fan since 1994, and Billy Corgan and company continue to put out great, original music. There is nothing else out there like the Smashing Pumpkins. Like most of their albums, you have to listen to it about 10 times before you get it. My initial impression wasn't great, but this is definitely an album that will grow on you. I agree with other reviewers, in thatI've been a Pumpkins fan since 1994, and Billy Corgan and company continue to put out great, original music. There is nothing else out there like the Smashing Pumpkins. Like most of their albums, you have to listen to it about 10 times before you get it. My initial impression wasn't great, but this is definitely an album that will grow on you. I agree with other reviewers, in that there isn't a stand-out song here. To me, the Pumpkins were always at their best in their most melancholy, reflective, quiet moments. AKA, Soma, Sweet Sweet, Thirty-Three, Disarm, 1979, Soothe, Obscured, etc.... none of that is present in this album. It's almost pure rock. Which is competent, but nothing truly special. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 23
  2. Negative: 1 out of 23
  1. Dec 19, 2018
    Overall, Shiny And Oh So Bright, Vol. 1 / LP: No Past. No Future. No Sun. is a pleasantly nostalgic, brief album--half of which is sensational and the other is painstakingly poor.
  2. Nov 30, 2018
    All in all, it's a welcome return and one that suggests The Smashing Pumpkins' business is far from finished.
  3. Nov 26, 2018
    The album endears itself with a simpler style and digestible runtime provided the ridiculous 60s synths and wee-ooh vocals don't immediately turn you off. It clearly will not go down in anyone's book as a classic release, but for a change it's a Pumpkins album that's aware of that fact, cleverly baking that unassuming simplicity into every note and half-nonsense lyric.