• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: May 6, 2014
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 176 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 23 out of 176
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  1. Jul 11, 2014
    O mundo pop na música é um complexo emaranhado de cordas de diferentes tamanhos, cores e, o mais importante, resistências. Tudo isso sustenta boa parte da indústria fonográfica atual e garante o "leite" de milhares de crianças. Mesmo com a existência de uma variedade imensa de tipos de cordas que compõem essa teia há sempre uma corda tão especifica que sua falta é uma perde quaseO mundo pop na música é um complexo emaranhado de cordas de diferentes tamanhos, cores e, o mais importante, resistências. Tudo isso sustenta boa parte da indústria fonográfica atual e garante o "leite" de milhares de crianças. Mesmo com a existência de uma variedade imensa de tipos de cordas que compõem essa teia há sempre uma corda tão especifica que sua falta é uma perde quase irreparável. Uma dessas cordas é a que representa a inglesa Lily Allen. E o que me faz pensar dessa maneira? Simples: Allen voltou de um período sabático com o álbum Sheezus mostrando que continua a mesma. Ou seja: continua sendo sensacional.

    Cinco anos depois do lançamento do seu segundo álbum (It's Not Me, It's You de 2009), Allen resolveu lançar seu terceiro trabalho quase que para provar que ela é ainda é necessária para o mundo da música, em especial para o competitivo e barulhento pop. A principal razão para isso é que até pode existir igual, mas não nenhuma compositora no atual pop tão boa como Lily Allen.

    Em Sheezus, Lily demonstra que não perdeu nada do seu distinto olhar sobre tudo e todos. Allen ficou conhecida por saber como discorrer sobre um assunto de maneira extremamente critica e ácida sem perder em nenhum momento o tom irônico e engraçado que marcou ela em seus primeiros trabalhos. Basicamente, as composições em seu novo trabalho se dividem em dois temas: reflexões sobre sua vida particular e sobre a fama. Nesse segundo quesito, Lily se coloca de duas maneiras: como uma simples observadora e como sendo parte dessa "instituição". É nessa parte que a cantora faz as suas melhores e mais pungente criticas ao falar sobre o atual cenário do mundo das celebridades & CIA, sobre o obsessivo fascínio da mídia e do público, a exposição, as trocas de valores e até mesmo sobre si mesma. Sempre direta do começo ao fim sem mandar recados "escondidos", Allen mantém outra grande qualidade em suas composições: toda critica não parece algo forçado, mas soa natural, principalmente, com a ajuda do seu sempre humor refinado. E Allen não espera muito para começar a "descer a lenha": a abertura já têm a mortal faixa Sheezus (resenha a seguir) que além de reapresentar a cantora ao mundo da música faz analise sobre o atual mundo das divas pop. E ela continua seu desfile com Insincerely Yours um soco no estômago sobre o vicio em saber da vida dos famosos e com um toque pessoal desconcertante. Claro, ainda tem a sensacional Hand Out Here que se destaca como a melhor faixa de Sheezus. Com os cinco anos "fora" sendo esposa e mãe, Allen também pode ter tempo para poder analisar a vida normal de uma pessoa como na boa Life for Me que mostra as delicias de ser mãe e dona de casa, na declaração para marido em L8 Cmmr e nas deliciosas As Long as I Got You e Close Your Eyes. Resumidamente: não importa qual seja o objeto de sua critica, Lily entregou o seu doce veneno feito para deliciar quem estava com abstinência. A cantora Lily Allen continua com sua deliciosa voz e completamente carismática com seu sotaque britânico compensando pela falta de alcance e, ás vezes, a falta de versatilidade. O que há para ser critica em Sheezus é que a cantora ao lado dos produtores (principalmente Greg Kurstin) não se arriscam na sonoridade. Novamente, Allen faz novamente um seguro e bem amarrado pop/synthpop, mas que não passa disso mesmo com algumas influências diferentes. Mesmo assim, Sheezus é um álbum que precisa ser ouvido, pois é a luz que brilha no fim do túnel da mesmice e da falta de personalidade que assola o pop e a música de uma maneira geral. E Lily Allen faça o favor de não sumir por muito tempo que precisamos de você!
  2. Jun 3, 2014
    She has done it again! She really is a perfect popstar. Great voice that isn't afraid to try new things. A lot better than Rihanna or Katy or any of the people she name drops in her songs. A great collection of songs, and I love her new happy direction. A very pleasant listen.
  3. May 7, 2014
    Sheezus is quite the ambitious album. Still, too many beats are reminiscent of recent and better pop songs, and some of the lyrics are cringe-worthy. Remove these bits of filler and this could quite possibly be Allen's finest work.
  4. Jun 9, 2014
    While it's quite a departure from her previous musical theme, I think Sheezus stands out in the sense that it is very balanced sonically. Tracks like Miserable without Your Love, Sheezus, and Air Balloon stand out the most for me while other tracks are all enjoyable as well. Overall, I think it wouldn't be an overstatement to say that this album is amongst this year's best releases.
  5. May 6, 2014
    Lily Allen's warm, breathy vocals work well to her new dreamy genre. The album may have a little bumps, but it is one of the most enjoyable, relaxed albums ever..
  6. May 6, 2014
    A fun, smart and diverse pop album in its own right, but compared to her previous work it lacks the charm and old-fashioned touches which can only be seen on bonus track "Holding on to Nothing". Hugely enjoyable all the same, and tracks like "As Long as I Got You" are breezy and genuinely fresh. The new modern pop direction works on URL Badman and the title track especially, but one hopesA fun, smart and diverse pop album in its own right, but compared to her previous work it lacks the charm and old-fashioned touches which can only be seen on bonus track "Holding on to Nothing". Hugely enjoyable all the same, and tracks like "As Long as I Got You" are breezy and genuinely fresh. The new modern pop direction works on URL Badman and the title track especially, but one hopes she fleshes out this sound a bit more next time. Expand
  7. May 7, 2014
    I personally think this is a fantastic album. Surely not as cohesive as her previous two, but still an amazing collection of tracks. Lily Allen & Greg Kurstin deliver as always!
  8. May 9, 2014
    Very good, Many Songs, But no lily makes his voice, Air Ballon is one of the best songs on the album like sheezus I love her voice but as I said before no voice notes, The cover of the album is very well check
  9. Jul 4, 2014
    Lily Allen is and will always be a distinguished taste. Her "girl power" and hatred towards the media and the government have been former major themes in Lily's previous major albums "Alright, Still" and "It's Not Me, It's You," the latter of the two being the newer one, which was released over half a decade ago.

    Allen opens the title track and opening number "Sheezus" with the phrase
    Lily Allen is and will always be a distinguished taste. Her "girl power" and hatred towards the media and the government have been former major themes in Lily's previous major albums "Alright, Still" and "It's Not Me, It's You," the latter of the two being the newer one, which was released over half a decade ago.

    Allen opens the title track and opening number "Sheezus" with the phrase "Been here before, so I’m prepared; Not gonna lie though, I’m kinda scared." This isn't Allen's first rodeo in the music industry, but with all the newer and younger pop divas, Allen comes to the realization that she can't do the same ol' same ol' if she wants to attract a younger crowd and have any commercial success.

    Allen does go back to her roots with some of her newer music. While you can find a feminist anthem in a song such as "Hard Out Here," a play on words of the phrase and rap song "It's hard out here for a pimp," you can also find tracks such as "L8 CMMR," in which she discusses her long sexual duration with her husband. You would think an artist such as Allen, now in her late 20s and a mother of two young children, would revert from profane lyrical content that she's been previously notorious for in songs such as **** You" and "Not Fair," however that's not stopping her.

    While Allen does go outside of her comfort zone, which makes Sheezus feel like a more playful album than her former other two, it just isn't always as successful as she hoped for. "Air Balloon," one of the singles Allen released prior to the album launch, boasts a bubbly instrumental however lacks in the lyrical department, which is the fatal flaw of many of these other tracks.

    Sheezus, as a whole, is an inconsistent album. Quite a few tracks stand out amongst the others, and the rest lie flat and unmemorable, while in previous Lily fashion, several songs sounded similarly and the album flowed very well together. However, Sheezus is also Allen making a statement: she may be down, but she's not out. None of these songs are what I would consider to be generic, and I believe Allen achieved what she wanted to express to her fans.


    Standout Tracks:
    - Insincerely Yours; A soulful track in which Allen simply states that she's not in this industry for friends, she's here to make money

    - URL Badman; A witty song in which Allen lyrically flips off online reviewers and bloggers hating on Lily
  10. Sep 1, 2015
    Such a strong record with Hard Out Here being one of her best songs of all time. Other standouts are Our Time, Insincerely Yours, Close Your Eyes, Wind Your Neck In, Holding onto Nothing, and many more! Lily is truly underrated and such a queen! Flawless!
  11. Jul 24, 2014
    Lily? Well, there are some good moments here, but none can match the quality of their previous two albums.
    Yes, we know that Lily could easily stand out by their lyrics, but here, it seems she is not going through one of their most inspiring moments.
    For every great song that Sheezus gives for us (which are not many) he give us an equally bad.
  12. May 9, 2014
    Hold on to nothing is my favorite, so sweet, her voice is like a whisper, it's always on my head. Sheezus, Our time, Air Ballon, Hard Out There is also a masterpiece
  13. May 27, 2014
    Let her be Sheezus because she really is. Since 2006, with the smash-hit "Smile", Lily call all the attention for her. She was a unusual pop-girl, singing about she's think in a sarcastic and ironic way. In 2014, she returns to the ring with "Sheezus" and the result is a mix of everything that she did with some experimentation. Maybe this is just a sweet pop album, but the acid still beLet her be Sheezus because she really is. Since 2006, with the smash-hit "Smile", Lily call all the attention for her. She was a unusual pop-girl, singing about she's think in a sarcastic and ironic way. In 2014, she returns to the ring with "Sheezus" and the result is a mix of everything that she did with some experimentation. Maybe this is just a sweet pop album, but the acid still be there. You know, Lily sing to you **** you" with a sweet and adorable voice. Expand
  14. May 6, 2014
    seu melhor album, o mais maduro. Ela pecou apenas no autotune em algumas canções mas continua sendo um excelente album. "Holding On To Nothing" is like a masterpiece.
  15. Jan 19, 2015
    My sentiment of this album is summed up perfectly by the NME quote here: 'Allen’s old sharp eye feels watery on Sheezus, squinting at the discourse around feminism, race and privilege unfolding online in 2014, and riding them as a bandwagon back to the middle of the very space the Myspace-spawned pop star once owned, but not having the conviction to do much with them once she’s arrived.'My sentiment of this album is summed up perfectly by the NME quote here: 'Allen’s old sharp eye feels watery on Sheezus, squinting at the discourse around feminism, race and privilege unfolding online in 2014, and riding them as a bandwagon back to the middle of the very space the Myspace-spawned pop star once owned, but not having the conviction to do much with them once she’s arrived.'

    Even when disregarding her awkward attempts at social commentary, the fresh sounding pop of previous albums is nowhere to be seen here. Her best is perhaps URL Badman, but it doesn't reach the height of her previous albums, with tracks such as Smile and The Fear being far more subtle and intelligent.

    The title track 'Sheezus', a would be quirky M.I.A-esque pop number has potential, but is butchered by her monotonous lyrics. Her desire to tell us women have periods, while then proceeding to name drop her contemporaries (none of which sound quite so out of ideas) feels like a desperate attempt to sound relevant. She even admitted herself that most of the singles are trash. If that doesn't ring alarm bells, I don't know what does.

    In this album, Allen seems best able to accuse everyone else of bigotry, with her last LP, It's Not Me, It's You, perhaps being a better title for this album instead. Unfortunately, her narcissistic attitude isn't carried on the waves of catchy pop hooks and intelligent lyrics this time, and so her big-mouth bravado falls flat.
  16. May 6, 2014
    Full of so many good tunes. Take My Place, Insincerely Yours both show great production while other pieces such as As Long As I Got You and Silver Spoon display diversity in Lily's creative talent. An excellent album for pop and Lily fans. Deluxe Version is fantastic.
  17. May 30, 2014
    with this new album she revolutioned his style, trying to appear like a tecno-rebel girl. He lost all of his fashioning style and his attraction, the exageration of electronic music has removed all of the magic of his voice (that result less expressive than in the others albums). I appreciated very much hers old albums, but now she seems to me only a without character artist.
  18. Sep 6, 2014
    Lily Allen voltou com tudo! Músicas com letras irônicas, divertidas, honestas... O Sheezus foi um acerto em sua carreira, mesmo sendo inferior ao It's Not Me It's You. O que diferencia esse album dos outros (de forma negativa) é o excesso de autotune usado, mas nada que impede o album de ser bom.
  19. Aug 4, 2014
    Deny Mrs. Lily Rose Beatrice charm and she'll slay you with her well-known witty wordplay ("Give me that crown, b----/I wanna be Sheezus"), whether she's championing her fellow female companions in the mainstream music industry -- except Katy Perry, 'cause you don't just 'unintentionally' fat shame Lily and get away with it -- or using feminism, sarcasm, internet slang, her husband, andDeny Mrs. Lily Rose Beatrice charm and she'll slay you with her well-known witty wordplay ("Give me that crown, b----/I wanna be Sheezus"), whether she's championing her fellow female companions in the mainstream music industry -- except Katy Perry, 'cause you don't just 'unintentionally' fat shame Lily and get away with it -- or using feminism, sarcasm, internet slang, her husband, and even her period to craft her songwriting sass even further, or catchy single-worthy synthpop melodies that each have the equal opportunity to enter the top 40 mainstream: "Air Balloon" has a chorus that'll stay stuck in your head for days and "L8 CMMR" has to be the funniest, sweetest Auto-Tune-clad declaration of love to be released all year.

    But for somebody to have as much hype as Allen, with her Kanye West-ripped album title and explicit feminist-charged lead single, Sheezus has a tendency to sound extraordinarily unextraordinary. Longtime pop producer Greg Kurstin has an excellent eye for what's pop and what's modern -- if his recent critically-acclaimed collaborations with P!nk, Sia, and Tegan & Sara haven't made it clear, however, here he seems to have submurged Lily Allen underneath the hook-heavy choruses and ultra up-to-date production (Auto-Tune, indie-pop, disco, even dubstep), leaving the sailor mouthed songstress almost faceless at certain points on the disc. Even during some of the album's finest moments, Allen ends up turning up more like a stand-in singer rather than a 'Sheezus': although "Air Balloon" certainly has the hook that'll have you humming for days, let's be honest, anybody could have sang this and it would have come up at least almost as catchy.

    During one of her championing shoutouts in her title track, she says Lorde "ain't one to f--- with when she's only on her debut." Unfortunately, Sheezus falls in between the cracks of 'that' debut album and the many others that have more to say sonically. But in general, Lily Allen's signature sass and charming light vocals are well intact, if you want an album you'll be singing to for the next few weeks, here you go. But besides the Robin Thicke-slamming, female empowering lead single and a couple of more potential hits, not everyone will get that lasting impression.
  20. May 21, 2014
    Even though Sheezus has a blast of sweet melodies, Allen's attempt to conquer an attention-worthy comeback in a divas-modelled music industry resulted in an inconsistent, warm, slight return.
  21. May 29, 2014
    I fell in love with Lily Allen after buying "Alright, Still" on a whim. The throwback, soulful production, coupled with bold and brash lyrics about exes and societal conventions was a perfect combination. "It's Not Me, It's You" shifted to electronica, but still had lyrical bite. Now, Allen's much-anticipated (at least by me) "comeback" sounds tired. Standout tracks include the titleI fell in love with Lily Allen after buying "Alright, Still" on a whim. The throwback, soulful production, coupled with bold and brash lyrics about exes and societal conventions was a perfect combination. "It's Not Me, It's You" shifted to electronica, but still had lyrical bite. Now, Allen's much-anticipated (at least by me) "comeback" sounds tired. Standout tracks include the title song, "Insincerely Yours," "Take My Place," "URL Badman" and "Hard Out Here," all providing a glimpse of that trademark whit and brutal honesty. Unfortunately, these tracks are too few and far between. "Our Time" sounds forlorn, "Air Balloon" is a reduction of M.I.A., "As Long As I Got You" is just plain boring, and the bonus tracks on the deluxe edition are just as weak as some of the album's worst material. There's nothing innovative in the production, and Allen sounds like she's ready to throw in the towel. Here's hoping she doesn't - she was once a bright spot of truth. Expand
  22. Jun 20, 2014
    Lily lançou 4 ótima músicas como single,esperava O Album do ano,mas Lily descepcionou e veio com um album genérico e fraco pro que ela amostrava,e só trouxe apenas mais uma música boa.
    Albuns que se firmam em singles bons,não são bons albuns.
  23. Jul 24, 2014
    It's amazing how Lily can take care of various themes with irony and catchy melodies. 'Sheezus' is a mix of drugs, love, happiness, internet and even sex. And after all this time, Lily's still Lily.
  24. Aug 5, 2014
    This doesn't sound like Lily a few years ago, which is good, because 2 chords of LDN really can be annoying when you listen to them for such a long time, though this song is amazing. The whole Sheezus is huge sarcasm, so considering its lyrics as serious statements would be really misleading. The 'false basis' of the album outlined in the Pitchfork review IS the thing that makes SheezusThis doesn't sound like Lily a few years ago, which is good, because 2 chords of LDN really can be annoying when you listen to them for such a long time, though this song is amazing. The whole Sheezus is huge sarcasm, so considering its lyrics as serious statements would be really misleading. The 'false basis' of the album outlined in the Pitchfork review IS the thing that makes Sheezus catchy, interesting and bright. This is probably the best thing Lily could do to get back and attract attention. In the end, Sheezus could be a much worse thing if it mostly contained relationships-broken-hearts ballads. Expand
  25. Sep 5, 2014
    lilys most pop, commercial friendly album. i think it falls way short of her previous 'its not me, its you.' there is to much auto tune when frankly lily doesnt need it. theres too much pop friendly like air balloon and l8 cummer, and not enough of 'take my place,' which has that synthy airy sound that makes lily sound so great.
  26. Apr 3, 2018
    It's overall a good album but it doesn't compare to Allen's first two records. It could be a little more cohesive sonically, although it has some standouts, such as "Take My Place", a song about her miscarriadge and "Our Time", Lily's aproach to a party song.
  27. Apr 11, 2015
    ...She has done it again! She really is a perfect popstar. Great voice that isn't afraid to try new things. A lot better than Rihanna or Katy or any of the people she name drops in her songs. A great collection of songs, and I love her new happy direction. A very pleasant listen.
  28. Mar 26, 2015
    She's so smart, she's a lyrical genius that can make any **** she wants, she speak her mind, talk about the actual world, the music industry in general, and some experiences through her life and -stanby- period of her career. Allen really knows how to make a comeback even if that means to deliver a kinda crossover material not as cohesive as her previous work but full of great moments,She's so smart, she's a lyrical genius that can make any **** she wants, she speak her mind, talk about the actual world, the music industry in general, and some experiences through her life and -stanby- period of her career. Allen really knows how to make a comeback even if that means to deliver a kinda crossover material not as cohesive as her previous work but full of great moments, leading with her friend Greg Kurstin who is a great musician and inserts a perfect, robotic, funky and dramatic sound to the lyrics that gave the public such a slap, shotout to her fans and angelic voice. Her style this era is everything *applause*. Expand
  29. Oct 31, 2017
    Lily está de volta depois de um hiato de 5 anos. O álbum é bom, não diria que superou o anterior, mas cumpriu a missão de ser um álbum pop e de certa forma ironizar a indústria musical atual.
  30. Nov 28, 2017
    Um ótimo album pop, algumas letras mais fracas que seus trabalhos anteriores mas ainda não deixam de ser o ponto mais forte do album. Destaque pra Insecerely Yours, Hard Out Here e Url Badman
  31. Jan 23, 2021
    Lily Allen sounds a little generic on tracks that demand more heart, which makes for a moderately pleasant experience, but not a particularly rewarding one, especially when the production sounds like the equivalent of a bad 2013 hollywood comedy. She's great in some tracks, though.
  32. Jan 18, 2017
    Lily Allen confirmed herself as a true icon with this album. She is Sheezus. I am shocked at how underrated this album is. Lily serves even more realness on this album, writing songs that your fav could only dream about. BOW DOWN
  33. May 30, 2018
    This album sounded good when I was 11, when it came out. Now it is painful to listen to.
  34. Jun 10, 2017
    After spending a lot of time with her daughters, Lily Allen came back with everything, and made us realize, how important she is to the music industry. This album has an incredible sound. All songs have incredible melodies.
  35. Nov 2, 2017
    talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before...............
  36. Feb 2, 2018
    She had been out of the public eye for a long time and "Sheezus" was a wonderful comeback. This album is very different to the previous two and has its own magic, a great tracklist and perfect lyrics as usual. She did it again! If you ever have the chance you should get the deluxe version to enjoy the whole idea of the album.
  37. Nov 14, 2021
    It's complex the situation of this album. Lily is a wonderful artist, she has an ethereal voice, and is an amazing songwriter (proved on her two previous albums). Here, it seems like she had a good idea, but it wasn't executed successfully. Is kind of messy sometimes, not that impressive, and the production would be more highlighting if it was in a better context. Still, this album doesn'tIt's complex the situation of this album. Lily is a wonderful artist, she has an ethereal voice, and is an amazing songwriter (proved on her two previous albums). Here, it seems like she had a good idea, but it wasn't executed successfully. Is kind of messy sometimes, not that impressive, and the production would be more highlighting if it was in a better context. Still, this album doesn't mean a worrying downfall. Expand
  38. Nov 22, 2021
    Her most pop album yet, and she still manage to keep her essence over all, I love it
  39. Nov 24, 2021
    Lily Allen tries something a little bit different here and in my humble opinion she nailed it
  40. Nov 25, 2021
    Probably my least favorite album of hers, but Lily Allen still delivers an amazing album here
  41. Nov 25, 2021
    Not her best album but still a very good one, Lily Allen's vocals are great
  42. Jul 20, 2022
    Never has Lily Allen sounded so arrogant and overly confident in any album she has ever made. Despite this, the album has some good songs, but they're pretty mediocre with the beats.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 29 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 29
  2. Negative: 2 out of 29
  1. Magnet
    Jun 18, 2014
    Producer Greg Kurstin ensures a familiarly sparkly synth-pop sheen throughout. [No. 110, p.52]
  2. Q Magazine
    May 20, 2014
    It's all done with a cheeky girl's charm. [Jun 2014, p.115]
  3. Mojo
    May 15, 2014
    Sheezus makes for the slightest of returns rather than a glorious resurrection. [Jun 2014, p.93]