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Universal acclaim- based on 42 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 39 out of 42
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 42
  3. Negative: 3 out of 42

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  1. Sep 25, 2015
    It's been a decade since Separation Sunday was first released. I am convinced it's a modern classic.

    There's a quotable lyric every other line, every song is perfectly structured, and the album works as a cohesive whole. Saying this Separation Sunday has staying power would be a massive understatement.
  2. ThomasD
    Feb 20, 2007
    When approaching the Hold Stead (and any band for that matter), thinking in genres won't help you at all. This album is like nothing I have ever heard. Finn's sincerity is refreshing and sharp. His unironic but unpreaching approach to spirituality is very refreshing. Musically, the band is amazing. Personally, this album has had more impact on me than any before it, and I hope When approaching the Hold Stead (and any band for that matter), thinking in genres won't help you at all. This album is like nothing I have ever heard. Finn's sincerity is refreshing and sharp. His unironic but unpreaching approach to spirituality is very refreshing. Musically, the band is amazing. Personally, this album has had more impact on me than any before it, and I hope other people see the same amazing piece of magic in it that I do. Expand
  3. MilesW
    Oct 3, 2006
    I don't get it. What is it supposed to be? They are like a Pop hardcore (whatever!) band, but with cheesy metal guitars. As for the lyrics; are they a god squad band? Straight edge? or are they a party band? Is he being ironic? I can't tell. It's just bad pub-rock, and that can never be good. I can't imagine anyone who likes punk or hardcore, or even metal for that I don't get it. What is it supposed to be? They are like a Pop hardcore (whatever!) band, but with cheesy metal guitars. As for the lyrics; are they a god squad band? Straight edge? or are they a party band? Is he being ironic? I can't tell. It's just bad pub-rock, and that can never be good. I can't imagine anyone who likes punk or hardcore, or even metal for that matter, liking this band. Perhaps it's for pop fans who think they are getting into hardcore. Collapse
  4. ChaseH
    Aug 19, 2006
    A fantastically unique epic.
  5. TheBigCrunch
    Jan 6, 2006
    Best album of 2005, and among the five or so best albums of the decade so far.
  6. matthewc
    Jan 2, 2006
    If Elvis Costello happened to produce early AC/DC. Fantastic rock album!
  7. YLE
    Aug 15, 2005
    An album with such high praise from the critics always runs the risk of being labeled overated but to be honest who cares? Just grab a six-pack, your cigarettes and lie back and listen to some real, entertaining bar rock. Finn's voice is for me the best thing about this album even though on some tracks, Stevie Nix especially, it's not hard to imagine Bea Arthur behind the mic An album with such high praise from the critics always runs the risk of being labeled overated but to be honest who cares? Just grab a six-pack, your cigarettes and lie back and listen to some real, entertaining bar rock. Finn's voice is for me the best thing about this album even though on some tracks, Stevie Nix especially, it's not hard to imagine Bea Arthur behind the mic but that's ok because who doesn't love Bea Arthur? I know i do and i love this album, definitely one of my faves so far this year. Expand
  8. CosmoPrelog
    Aug 5, 2005
    I'm sorry? If this is "one of 2005's true classics" then "Somethig to Be" by Rob Thomas is the best record since "Blonde on Blonde" This is Over-Hype trash by a band that sounds like a a cross between Bo Bice on speed and Ringo Star's All Star Band of hillbilly New York rejects. Lame Junk...
  9. TerrenceO
    Jul 21, 2005
    A fantastic bar-band that has obviously disected every little move and note used by the E-Street band pair up with a spastic rambling hardcore kid whos all grown up. While theres little in the way of melody, or inventive song structure or sound, theres plenty of fun riffs and pounding drums and some of the best smart/dumb lyrics ever written. If you were raised catholic i dont see how you A fantastic bar-band that has obviously disected every little move and note used by the E-Street band pair up with a spastic rambling hardcore kid whos all grown up. While theres little in the way of melody, or inventive song structure or sound, theres plenty of fun riffs and pounding drums and some of the best smart/dumb lyrics ever written. If you were raised catholic i dont see how you cant identify at least somewhat with this album Expand
  10. FishyBooty
    Jul 15, 2005
    Incredible! I can't get this out of my cd player and I can't get out of my head either. The story is great. If you drank every time Finn says "high" you'd be blacked out drunk by the end of this album. You would think thats a bad thing, but it works for this album. Musically and lyrically very strong.
  11. DavidB
    Jul 10, 2005
    Album of the year so far. Great lyrics and music. Fantastic.
  12. ChadS
    Jul 8, 2005
    There's probably a lot of vocalists who use Craig Finn's non-singing delivery, so calling "The Hold Steady" the American "Blue Aeroplanes" informed by "Werewolves of London" is a label that's only useful to me. The same week that I heard "Video Killed the Radio Star" in some national television ad, I came across this brilliant dig: "at least in dying you don't have to There's probably a lot of vocalists who use Craig Finn's non-singing delivery, so calling "The Hold Steady" the American "Blue Aeroplanes" informed by "Werewolves of London" is a label that's only useful to me. The same week that I heard "Video Killed the Radio Star" in some national television ad, I came across this brilliant dig: "at least in dying you don't have to deal with new wave for a second time," from "a multitude of casualties". Warren Zevon would've loved that line. "Separation Sunday" is a little thin, all the rousing songs are loaded in the front; in particular, "yr. little hoodrat friend", and "cattle and creeping things". The irony of this interesting band is that their songs inevitably become monotonous, but they're the perfect change-up for your mix tapes when singing becomes a monotony. Expand
  13. matta
    Jul 5, 2005
    Individually, each song is an amazing display of angst-ridden rock and roll, and, for the most part I like Craig Finn's unique style of singing, but it definetely gets a little monotonous at times. Nonetheless, it's unique and fresh, especially compared to alot of the other rock/indie rock bands out there right now.
  14. JoeD
    Jun 18, 2005
    gret music great lyrics lots of fun!
  15. DrunkenMaster
    Jun 8, 2005
    This is cathartic, literate rock at its finest. I was blown away from the first listen and it hasn't left my stereo since. The characters --mainly Holly and Charlemagne -- are finely drawn and detailed in a way that exposes radio-ready rock as idiocy. The album has the story arc of a novel, with all the heartbreak.
  16. DougD
    May 20, 2005
    This is IT! Run don't walk to get it.
  17. HNice
    May 12, 2005
    holy crap this is good -- and not nice good, more like if springsteen was in mclusky good.
  18. ChrisK
    May 10, 2005
    Every song sounds great, better with beer, and genius with a beer and headphones on (in the sun, if you want). Won't be a better rock album this year.
  19. StevenR
    May 9, 2005
    nearly perfect.
  20. TimT
    May 8, 2005
    Craig Finn will sooner or later be known as one of the most important rock lyricists ever. The Hold Steady really gels on this epic album that's on par with Lifter Puller's nearly perfect Fiestas and Fiascos. This is music at its most creative and absorbing. Call it 'bar rock' if you want, but it's the narrative that will ultimately seduce you, the album-long Craig Finn will sooner or later be known as one of the most important rock lyricists ever. The Hold Steady really gels on this epic album that's on par with Lifter Puller's nearly perfect Fiestas and Fiascos. This is music at its most creative and absorbing. Call it 'bar rock' if you want, but it's the narrative that will ultimately seduce you, the album-long story that you'll never get until you sit through it in a dark room with headphones on. Expand
  21. rob
    May 7, 2005
    "Your Little Hoodrat Friend" is one of the best songs I've heard in 2005. It gets a little too 70's rockish for my taste at times, but the whole album is very listenable with 5 or 6 very good songs.
  22. Vellocet
    May 7, 2005

Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 22
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 22
  3. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. While far from perfect, The Hold Steady's sloppy take on classic rock is actually quite refreshing and much more fun than most current indie rock and British post-punk revival wankery.
  2. The group sounds a bit like Guided By Voices at times, only a Guided By Voices that want to kick your sorry can up and down the length of the bar.
  3. While [Finn's] odd and humorous rants are essentially compelling, they wouldn't be half as engrossing if his backing group... didn't smack up such a glorious din, scabrous punk rock swagger dolled up with classic hard rock power chords.