
Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
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  1. 70
    For the most part, Dolly sounds great- her personality pouring through effortlessly, as well as her masterful way to inhabit a song without making it a caricature.
  2. 80
    Despite the odd unfortunate guest, ‘Rockstar’ is as bursting with life and positivity as the woman who made it.
  3. Nov 17, 2023
    By the time Rockstar reaches "Free Bird," the party has been rolling on for two hours and is starting to feel a little tired -- it doesn't help that Parton is duetting with the ghost of Ronnie Van Zant, either -- but that doesn't erase the good spirits created by the rest of the record.
  4. 100
    As much as the record is a tribute to rock and roll, it is as much a testament to Parton’s prestige. Who else could gather so many for a party in honor of the genre? Indeed, the album is a show for the ages, a show for one and all. Standing ovation.
  5. Nov 17, 2023
    Throughout the rest of the project, Parton’s original tracks (including “World on Fire,” a stadium-ready stomp-stomp-clap protest anthem) and faithful renditions of classic rock favorites help her get the band back together for one last encore shine through. At age 77, Dolly Parton sounds fresh, brand new and like she’s having the time of her life.
  6. Nov 17, 2023
    The queen of Dollywood has more than earned her place in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame with this stupidly fun and over-the-top love letter to the genre.
  7. Nov 16, 2023
    It’s another solid, consistent piece of work that shows the country legend having fun and enjoying herself at this point in her career.
  8. 100
    A monumentally hideous, yet strangely glorious album. Some might say it goes up to 11... [Dec 2023, p.72]

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