
Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. The harshest and most consistent album of their career.
    Fast, furious and full of wicked good fun...
  3. This collection of urgent, gravel voiced anthems is one of the most vital things the punk world has coughed up in years.
  4. 80
    This self-titled effort is the kind of wall-to-wall spitting, snarling aggression that they haven't fully unleashed on the world since Let's Go.
  5. The vitality of these ditties is such that you'll be swept up in the excitement without much time or inclination for deep lyrical dissections, or fretting about Rancid's originality.
  6. Thankfully lacking the comedy ska bletherings of their last two albums, this is certainly fast and furious and, where once they seduced the charts with songwriting, now they want to bludgeon with hardcore muscle.
  7. Revolver
    Sometimes it sounds like someone grafted the Who's Live at Leeds and the first Minor Threat EP together. Yes, it's that good. [#2, p.103]
  8. With Rancid, the band's mix of American thrash minimalism and Brit punk's sound and fury have transcended revivalist mimicry once and for all. The result is a brutally exuberant rock album.
  9. Select
    If punk must survive, it could sound worse than this. (Oct 2000, p.114)
  10. In an age of "been there, done that" cynicism, Rancid come across like true believers...
  11. Spin
    Rancid is a roots record, scouring off any glossy residue left from the Alternative '90's by returning to pure punk... [Nov. 2000, p.209]
  12. Their new record rules, but in the party-punk, young-dumb-full-of-aplomb manner of their eponymous debut and the following year's Let's Go--not in the guitar-often-on-the-offbeat, more mannered manner of . . . And Out Come the Wolves (1995) and Life Won't Wait (1998).
  13. But as the songs blow by like so much sonic shrapnel, Rancid runs the risk of trying to say too much too quickly and losing its voice amid the ranting, raging blur.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 42 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 37 out of 42
  2. Negative: 4 out of 42
  1. Jun 7, 2023
    Best Rancid album hands down. Life wont wait is a close 2nd. Rancid 5 is hard hitting punk/hardcore to say it best. It really shows how TimBest Rancid album hands down. Life wont wait is a close 2nd. Rancid 5 is hard hitting punk/hardcore to say it best. It really shows how Tim and the Guys can really dial it up. Cant say theres a bad track. Matt's Bass lines are some the of the best in music period. I will have to say Tomarrow Never comes took some notes from this album. Full Review »
  2. j30
    Aug 15, 2011
    I absolutely love this band, however I think this record is a little disappointing after 1998's great "Life Won't Wait." I do understand theI absolutely love this band, however I think this record is a little disappointing after 1998's great "Life Won't Wait." I do understand the thought process in going back to their hardcore punk roots because of the criticism from their fans. Full Review »
  3. BobbyK
    Mar 22, 2007
    A very solid punk-pop release from Rancid. It moves away from their older releases, which tend to be more along the lines of third wave ska. A very solid punk-pop release from Rancid. It moves away from their older releases, which tend to be more along the lines of third wave ska. This album strips nearly all of the ska influences and takes power pop melodies and blends it with the short-fast rules of American hardcore punk acts like Minor Threat. Overall, while it is different from their older stuff, there's no denying that this is definitely the most aggressive, as well as most political, release of their career. Highly recommended. Full Review »