
Universal acclaim - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 8
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 8
  3. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Oct 29, 2018
    The one constant success of her sound is her ability to jump from one song to the next in a way that rarely seems jarring; it’ll serve her well to keep the multi-faceted nature of her sound from here on out.
  2. Oct 29, 2018
    The album can so ricochet because of Folick's sprawling vocal range, which can quiver at atmospheric, Sinead O'Connor altitudes only to plummet into St. Vincent growls and skips.
  3. 80
    It’s a rare feat for an album to paint a picture that’s broad but intimate at the same time, but Folick has done it here. Her voice, songwriting and ascent are unstoppable; one would do best not to ignore her.
  4. Oct 29, 2018
    She handcrafts everyday situations into something angelic yet relatable and celebratory yet poignant. Her appeal extends well beyond the realms of pop as there’s a distinct, developed lyrical voice and a dynamic, extraordinary literal voice that makes 2018 feel much less scary and isolating and much more pure and magical.
  5. Nov 1, 2018
    Time and time again, Premonitions delivers on that promise as Folick shares her inspiring vision of an ennobled world.
  6. Q Magazine
    Nov 20, 2018
    Every song here is an exquisitely constructed, shimmering pop gem, and jam-packed with Folick's unique perspective and clarion voice. A special thing. [Jan 2019, p.109]
  7. Oct 31, 2018
    It's her sprawling vocal range and smart, sharp songwriting that holds everything together, making Premonitions a thoroughly enjoyable and dazzling collection from one of the more promising artists in recent years.
  8. Oct 29, 2018
    The ten tracks collected here are an excellent slice of brilliantly composed pop masterclasses, and only further add credence to the idea that Folick is indeed the real deal.

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User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 12 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 12
  2. Negative: 2 out of 12
  1. Oct 30, 2018
    Wonderful album from front to back. Absolutely blown away. It's catchy pop-forward songs hold a lot of depth and replayability. This isWonderful album from front to back. Absolutely blown away. It's catchy pop-forward songs hold a lot of depth and replayability. This is already a top 10 album of 2018 for me. Full Review »
  2. Dec 30, 2018
    Just astonishing little gem floating upon a sea of mediocrity. I haven't heard such a perfect pop album in a long-time. I'm sold, I'm all in!