• Record Label: N/A
  • Release Date: May 13, 2022
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 103 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 87 out of 103
  2. Negative: 12 out of 103
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  1. May 21, 2022
    After I listened to this album, I felt different. Never before had I heard something as unique as this. It’s most definitely one of my favorites of all time. It really touched me deeply.
  2. May 19, 2022
    one of my favourite albums of the year. i have been obsessed with it since it came out and have not shut up about it. the storyline is unbelievably clever and the lyrics make it so perfect. ethel cain is a genius character and this album is perfect.
  3. May 18, 2022
    aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its trueaoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true aoty its true Expand
  4. Aug 21, 2022
    An album to transcend while listening to, best new artist in a long long long time!
  5. Jul 17, 2022
    This album is simply stale, boring, uninspiring, uninteresting and unappealing.
  6. Jan 24, 2023
    This is a near-perfect album — swirling melodies, soaring climaxes, a gorgeous voice that goes to every extreme. Her lyrics are poetic and poignant. All the pieces are there. Plus, she is the quintessential tortured artist. I can't help but hope she’s okay. I feel so many emotions through this work — I’m exhausted! But I can’t stop exploring and feeling it. It is astonishing. ApparentlyThis is a near-perfect album — swirling melodies, soaring climaxes, a gorgeous voice that goes to every extreme. Her lyrics are poetic and poignant. All the pieces are there. Plus, she is the quintessential tortured artist. I can't help but hope she’s okay. I feel so many emotions through this work — I’m exhausted! But I can’t stop exploring and feeling it. It is astonishing. Apparently the album has a sonic -novel concept/story, and I hear pieces of it, but it feels unnecessary. Not superfluous, just not needed to enjoy the lushness and gorgeousness of the music. She is a beautiful, tortured soul with a lot to say, a lot of pain for a young person. Though I remember being younger than she is now and feeling like this. She bucks the trend of short quippy hooky songs—many seemingly overstay their welcome but never for no reason, always to take a turn, or drive a point, or climax again in an explosion of self-expression. Sometimes I hear Blind Melon in this. Sometimes, yes, Lana del Rey (but I agree this is an overused comparison). Sometimes Courtney Love. And it’s definitely what I WISHED Billie Eilish and Taylor Swift were when it seemed everyone loved them and I did not. I think it’s because I need my music to have a punk-ish edge—say something f*cked up! Ya know? Well, this album is pretty f-ed up. And this woman is a tour de force. I can't wait to see what she does next. Expand
  7. Jul 18, 2023
    Objectively one of the best albums of all time like I can't make this up. The outro to Family Tree and Strangers is are the best parts of a song I've ever head
  8. May 19, 2022
    This is such a pefect album, easily one of the best debuts in decades. Stop comparing Ethel to Lana or whatever, this is different and unique
  9. Nov 21, 2022
    My first review chided this record for how derivative it sounded(which it still does) but on further listens I've been able to appreciate those influences alongside Ethels own impressive talent for producing &songwriting. This dark Americana concept album explores violence, loneliness and identity with a wisdom indie isn't lacking but wouldn't mind more of. The closing 7min epic is aMy first review chided this record for how derivative it sounded(which it still does) but on further listens I've been able to appreciate those influences alongside Ethels own impressive talent for producing &songwriting. This dark Americana concept album explores violence, loneliness and identity with a wisdom indie isn't lacking but wouldn't mind more of. The closing 7min epic is a culmination of everything and shows just how much she can load into a song without weighing it down. Expand
  10. Jul 21, 2022
    An amazing album. I can understand that it’s not for everyone for it’s slow pacing. However, the story this album tells is well thought out and well executed
  11. Aug 16, 2022
    an absolutely masterpiece, this album from top to bottom is spectacular and for me the best album released this year! so glad we're seeing new alternative girlies doing REAL alternative music with rock ballads and giving us top tier concept albums. more people should listen to this project is insanely good! a 10/10 no doubt and it was my first time listening to her and that got me into heran absolutely masterpiece, this album from top to bottom is spectacular and for me the best album released this year! so glad we're seeing new alternative girlies doing REAL alternative music with rock ballads and giving us top tier concept albums. more people should listen to this project is insanely good! a 10/10 no doubt and it was my first time listening to her and that got me into her discography, now i'm in love with her music. Expand
  12. Jul 11, 2022
    Absolutely beautiful and sad at the same time. Definitely my AOTY of 2022. And american teenager is SOTY !
  13. Jun 12, 2022
    Every twist and turn in this album feels distinct and still comes together to create something magical. One of the best albums to be released this year
  14. Sep 10, 2022
    never thought i’d connect with a concept album about a girl being cannibalized by her lover would connect with me so much. from the incredible family tree (intro) with ethel singing “these crosses all over my body, remind me of who i used to be” to the album closer, strangers, arguably preacher’s daughter’s strongest track. on strangers ethel sings “am i turning in your stomach, am inever thought i’d connect with a concept album about a girl being cannibalized by her lover would connect with me so much. from the incredible family tree (intro) with ethel singing “these crosses all over my body, remind me of who i used to be” to the album closer, strangers, arguably preacher’s daughter’s strongest track. on strangers ethel sings “am i turning in your stomach, am i making you feel sick?” which, by the way, is an incredible double-entendre between the album’s conceptual meaning of ethel being cannibalized, and the perceived meaning of being a standard indie song about love and contemplation. family tree (intro) 9/10
    american teenager 7.5/10
    a house in nebraska 9/10
    western nights 8.5/10
    hard times 8/10
    thoroughfare 7/10
    gibson girl 9.5/10
    ptolemaea 10/10
    august underground 7.5/10
    televangelism 6/10
    sun bleached flies 8/10
    strangers 10/10
  15. Aug 2, 2023
    With the first 3 tracks the album starts very promising but then, somehow it can get a little boring in the middle which makes you not pay enough attention to the final tracks. Still I think that Ethel is a very promising artist in the alternative music world.
  16. May 19, 2022
    this album is a rollercoaster of emotions. ALBUM OF THE YEAR HANDS DOWN PERIODT
  17. Jul 14, 2023
    probably one of the most interesting storytelling albums I've ever heard. my personal favorite by far. i understand that people might not like too much reverb in her songs but personally i find it very cool to incorporate it and give us this 'atmosphere' through the album. personal favs: family tree, thoroughfare, televangelism, gibson girl, sun bleached flies & strangers. + ptolomaeaprobably one of the most interesting storytelling albums I've ever heard. my personal favorite by far. i understand that people might not like too much reverb in her songs but personally i find it very cool to incorporate it and give us this 'atmosphere' through the album. personal favs: family tree, thoroughfare, televangelism, gibson girl, sun bleached flies & strangers. + ptolomaea (that song is WAYY too good for people to get it). Expand
  18. Dec 16, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album changed my life! The sound, the production, the story, the vocals are all so mesmerizing and hauntingly beautiful! Ethel mothered. Expand
  19. May 20, 2022
    Her debut album is a true epic masterpiece. A good mix of dreamy, ethereal songs, catchy rock music and mysterious, dark themes. Her voice is unique and stunning. Songs like 'A House In Nebraska' and 'Hard Times' easily manage to touch you deeply.
  20. Jul 27, 2022
    the sound of this album is so unique mi mind was collapsing during family tree, ty mother cain
  21. Aug 13, 2022
    A fantastic debut album. Each song will keep you on the edge of your sit with its clever storyline and fantastic vocals that make you so immersed. I can't wait for what miss Hayden will bring to the table!!
  22. Dec 30, 2022
    This type of music genre usually isn't my thing, but this album is one of the best of 2022 and of this decade.
  23. Mar 28, 2023
    she ate with this one idk what else to tell you, STREAM PREACHERS DAUGHTER!
  24. Nov 9, 2022
    one of the best albums of 2022 hands down. preacher's daughter by ethel cain is a masterpiece with it's cohesive themes, ambient production, and heavenly vocals. she is truly a force to be reckoned with, and mark my words, ethel cain will go down in history as a legend, I cannot wait to see what else she delivers. in a music world that's currently sparse with talent and creativity, thisone of the best albums of 2022 hands down. preacher's daughter by ethel cain is a masterpiece with it's cohesive themes, ambient production, and heavenly vocals. she is truly a force to be reckoned with, and mark my words, ethel cain will go down in history as a legend, I cannot wait to see what else she delivers. in a music world that's currently sparse with talent and creativity, this album is a diamond in the rough. Expand
  25. Nov 15, 2022
    One of if not the best album I have ever listened to in my life. I have been hooked since first listening in June and have not stopped since. The story is beautifully painted and extremely well fleshed out, the characters have so much detail it feels like a whole universe inside of the record. The production is immaculately full throughout perfectly complementing the beautiful and shockingOne of if not the best album I have ever listened to in my life. I have been hooked since first listening in June and have not stopped since. The story is beautifully painted and extremely well fleshed out, the characters have so much detail it feels like a whole universe inside of the record. The production is immaculately full throughout perfectly complementing the beautiful and shocking lyricism. The structure of the album itself is a masterclass in storytelling, the story progressing at an almost exponential rate with the climax in Ptolemaea followed by the genius use of back to back instrumental tracks to build suspense and create a feeling of release when we hear Cain singing again on Sun Bleached Flies. The universe she creates on this record has such potential and I cannot wait to hear the next two installments. Expand
  26. Jan 25, 2023
    back in april 2022 we didn't know the slay was about to commence. c'mon ethel go girly pop
  27. Jan 29, 2023
    an album that is incredible, both lyrically and in production. a story that makes you want to hear it more than once. an album that will be marked in pop culture
  28. Feb 8, 2023
    Who knew a toxic upbringing in a baptist household could create such turmoil for a child that they’d make something like this?? Oh yeah, everyone.

    As beautiful an album as it is chilling, Cain is able to weave her unique, almost American gothic-esque style within her songs seamlessly. She’s like a volcano the entire album, the listener can sense her insanely powerful voice is set to erupt
    Who knew a toxic upbringing in a baptist household could create such turmoil for a child that they’d make something like this?? Oh yeah, everyone.

    As beautiful an album as it is chilling, Cain is able to weave her unique, almost American gothic-esque style within her songs seamlessly. She’s like a volcano the entire album, the listener can sense her insanely powerful voice is set to erupt from this otherwise subdued voice, and it occasionally shoots lava, but it doesn’t fully explode until the album’s best song, “Ptolemaea”. It’s a full on descent into terror as her build to the screaming “STOP” will send chills up and down your body.

    It can run slow at times, and the pacing can be a bit of a slog, but that’s really my only complaint on this beautifully composed and sang debut album for Ethel Cain.
  29. Feb 14, 2023
    I debated on this albums rating for so long. From the 5-10 minute track lengths throughout the entire album, and the uneventful production (Strangers this isn’t about you), I grew to learn why this album was the way it was. The story telling is fantastic, and the songwriting is incredible. Even though “A House In Nebraska” has the same production the entire 7-minute song, the lyrics justI debated on this albums rating for so long. From the 5-10 minute track lengths throughout the entire album, and the uneventful production (Strangers this isn’t about you), I grew to learn why this album was the way it was. The story telling is fantastic, and the songwriting is incredible. Even though “A House In Nebraska” has the same production the entire 7-minute song, the lyrics just get deeper under your skin. “Sun Bleached Flies” and “Strangers” are some of the best album closers I have ever heard. Easily the 4th best album of 2022. Expand
  30. Apr 10, 2023
    I think even though i find the production on this album a little bland at times, Preacher's Daughter is a unique and powerful debut album with an amazing storyline. Personal favorites are American Teenager, A House In Nebraska, Gibson Girl, Ptolemaea & Strangers.

Universal acclaim - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. May 19, 2022
    With more questions raised than answered, Cain’s unusually ambitious and fully-realised debut somehow leaves listeners craving more in spite of its wonderful, exhausting, 75 minute runtime.
  2. May 18, 2022
    Ethel Cain's debut album is an astonishing accomplishment; one that is as painful as it is constantly bathing in the most beautifully dreamy arrangements. Every moment serves to enhance the conveying of the record's story, and refuses to shy away from the unconventional, intense, or drawn out.
  3. May 18, 2022
    By the end it's impossible to ignore the fact that this is a long record with flagging momentum. But it's also impossible to ignore this intriguing debut's promise. Preacher's Daughter has lyrical richness and atmospheric potency to spare.