• Record Label: Warp
  • Release Date: Sep 21, 2010

Universal acclaim - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. Pattern + Grid World may sound like an addendum to Cosmogramma, but it's no less essential for that.
  2. This new EP is a terrific welcoming of fresh, new thriving music from one of electronic music's leading men.
  3. It's consistent and enjoyable, showcasing some nice new ideas while continuing to pull off the same tricks that Flying Lotus has been using to make a name for himself 2010.
  4. Dec 23, 2010
    As a literally small record, the EP can seem like a diversion. But it is an immensely enjoyable one.
  5. Part of its delight is how naturally the disparate parts fit together, but another part is how they add up to phantasmagoria if you let your attention wander.
  6. Pattern + Grid World sounds fully formed and precisely assembled. That shouldn't be surprising, considering Ellison's growing reputation as an album artist.
  7. Jan 13, 2011
    This new batch of tracks is less precocious, sure, but it's also less labored.
  8. Instead of tossing off interstitial, between-album scraps, Ellison has done what most artists should do with the extended-play format: create a mini-album. Every song has its place and works together to form a tangible flow.
  9. The Wire
    This EP chases Cosmogramma into the same territory, but seems to favor consistent, looping palettes and original electronics over the latter's ad hoc sampling. [Oct 2010, p.66]
  10. Although you'd be hard pressed, but very pleased, to find a shindig entirely amenable to FlyLo's relentlessly eccentric experiments, Pattern+Grid World is certainly more pillow fight than lounge party.

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 23 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 23
  2. Negative: 1 out of 23
  1. Sep 19, 2015
    While not nearly as cohesive as Cosmogramma, Pattern + Grid World has enough interesting experimental beats to tie me over until his nextWhile not nearly as cohesive as Cosmogramma, Pattern + Grid World has enough interesting experimental beats to tie me over until his next album comes out. Full Review »
  2. Oct 6, 2012
    A nice follow-up to Cosmogramma. This EP doesn't take itself as seriously, making it more fun (albeit not nearly as good). If you, like me,A nice follow-up to Cosmogramma. This EP doesn't take itself as seriously, making it more fun (albeit not nearly as good). If you, like me, can't get enough of FlyLo, check this out. Full Review »
  3. Sep 9, 2012
    Filled with classic beats, this is a must-have for all Flying Lotus fans.