
Universal acclaim - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
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  1. It's evident from the musicianship, from the instrumentation, from the lyrics, and from the vocal delivery that Parting the Sea Between Brightness and Me is a record of progression and refinement; released halfway through 2011, it will go down among the best of the heavy hitters this year.
  2. Alternative Press
    Jun 7, 2011
    While still drenched in anguish, regret and torrential riffs, Parting The sea gives Bolm's prose-dense vignettes and feral confessions the full punch and epic scope they deserve. [Jul 2011, p.112]
  3. Jun 7, 2011
    Yet despite being a busier effort than …To The Beat of a Dead Horse, it's probably on the whole more accessible due to a sharper production job and a new found clarity in the vocals.
  4. Kerrang!
    Jun 24, 2011
    This is a staggering album, one that leaves you bruised, bloody and breathless. [11 Jun 2011, p.52]
  5. Q Magazine
    Aug 8, 2011
    Parting the Sea Between Brightness and Me is fuelled by issues addressed in Jeremy Bolm's furiously screamed, raw and sometimes, frustratingly po-faced vocals. [Aug. 2011, p. 119]
  6. Jun 7, 2011
    Where its cool and dynamic at first, by the time the albums over you get the sense that there was too much, too quickly, and something was certainly lost. While it may break away from the hardcore realm, giving these songs more room to grow and expand would have greatly increased the replayability of Parting the Sea beyond the first listen or two.

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User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 18 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 18
  2. Negative: 2 out of 18
  1. Aug 3, 2011
    i could not disagree more with qrobur. if you were looking for something "meatily punk" you should not listen to an album that is posti could not disagree more with qrobur. if you were looking for something "meatily punk" you should not listen to an album that is post hardcore. yes, while i realize how utterly musically condescending that sounds, the difference between these genres could not be more clear. this is not punk rock you hear in a mall, this is tortured and personal. the songs move in short frenetic bursts like intense fireworks. i found the material to be very well written, almost like listening to a slam poetry session made during a metal show. the vocal style is in the style of just about every hardcore band out there, no different. but the content is better. this is one of my faves of the year so far, but it is an extremely short album. Full Review »
  2. Jul 28, 2011
    Based on the critic's score I was really looking forward to something meatily punk. However, this is a really dreary album. Every trackBased on the critic's score I was really looking forward to something meatily punk. However, this is a really dreary album. Every track sounds the same, the vocals are in the fashionable strangulated manner that just sounds silly and the song writing is utterly unimaginative. In short, a stinker. Full Review »
  3. Jun 15, 2011
    AMAZING ALBUM!! Production is amazing, it sounds great, the lyrics are very good, and vocals are much better. Drums are amazing as well. AllAMAZING ALBUM!! Production is amazing, it sounds great, the lyrics are very good, and vocals are much better. Drums are amazing as well. All songs are very good, but my top 3 right now are ~, Pathfinder, and Amends. My favorite songs change every week though Full Review »