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Generally favorable reviews- based on 30 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 30
  2. Negative: 1 out of 30
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  1. Feb 1, 2023
    A 180 degree change from the last album and trying to go back to the roots and try something completely new turned out great for Olly.
  2. Oct 5, 2022
    Amazing upbeat album with some intimate moments. Could be Years & Years' best album if the tracklist was shorter.
  3. Feb 20, 2022
    A full-on eletro-pop playlist that make us fall in love for Years & Years, even more.
  4. Feb 17, 2022
    Faixas Essenciais: Consequences, Night Call, Sooner or Later, A Second to Midnight. É um bom disco, mas ele não é tão interessante quanto Ao anterior, Palo Santo.
  5. Feb 1, 2022
    Really awesome record from artist Olly Alexander aka Years and Years. 8 out of 10
  6. Jan 27, 2022
    Another generic pop bop. It's just a pop album, nothing more. Even the featured artists can't save the flatness of this album. The production is so boring. This is not a commendable album. Full of skips. But there's just one thing I liked in this album, some songs have good verse transitions especially 20 Minutes. I love the song's transition of verse to the actual hook. But everythingAnother generic pop bop. It's just a pop album, nothing more. Even the featured artists can't save the flatness of this album. The production is so boring. This is not a commendable album. Full of skips. But there's just one thing I liked in this album, some songs have good verse transitions especially 20 Minutes. I love the song's transition of verse to the actual hook. But everything else in this album is not notable for me. Expand
  7. Jan 25, 2022
    Years & Years, now just the Olly Alexander solo project have managed to capture the essence of today's modern pop music. Wheras the past two releases from the band offered before the project changed offered something a little out of left field to the pop charts Night Call offers nothing but the most vapid and trend chasing output I've listened to in a long time. This album has nothing toYears & Years, now just the Olly Alexander solo project have managed to capture the essence of today's modern pop music. Wheras the past two releases from the band offered before the project changed offered something a little out of left field to the pop charts Night Call offers nothing but the most vapid and trend chasing output I've listened to in a long time. This album has nothing to say and will be long forgotten about, only offering a how not to of band turns to solo project. Expand
  8. Jan 25, 2022
    Night Call is an absolutely spectacular album, a career best for Olly Alexander to date. Selecting Consequences as the album opener was a very smart, and absolutely correct choice. Production throughout the former band, turned solo project of Alexander’s third studio album, was absolutely immaculate, as was the song of the same name. Lyrically perfect, this body of work will certainly beNight Call is an absolutely spectacular album, a career best for Olly Alexander to date. Selecting Consequences as the album opener was a very smart, and absolutely correct choice. Production throughout the former band, turned solo project of Alexander’s third studio album, was absolutely immaculate, as was the song of the same name. Lyrically perfect, this body of work will certainly be replayed at a constant capacity for the foreseeable future, by me, and many others, I would imagine. The upwards trajectory that Years & Years continue to follow is something very impressive. Outstanding. Expand
  9. Jan 22, 2022
    Loved Paolo Santo, and listen to this one in full at the gym. I enjoyed it! It's mysterios, sexy, makes you wanna move... I especially loved 'Muscle'. I really hope Olly keeps it up!
  10. Jan 21, 2022
    not a bad album, but still the previous albums were so so much better than this
  11. Jan 21, 2022
    night call is a wonderful album with electro, fun, relaxing and catchy sounds. the aesthetics, the style and the vibes that it transmits are magical. it promises to be one of the best albums of the year. thanks olly!!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Jan 28, 2022
    Throughout, keys shimmer, the production is bright and sky-facing, with an emphasis on synthetic beats. It makes for an album that’s unsubtle and all the better for it.
  2. Jan 28, 2022
    The guest list is pretty starry and impressive. However, Alexander’s still the headliner on the album, and he has the charisma, charm, and talent that even with the incredible star power of Kylie and Sir Elton, the best moments are his own.
  3. Jan 25, 2022
    The music is fun and easygoing, whether it’s the title track’s blissful 80s-style chords, or Make It Out Alive’s sparkling synth line, or the dizzying strings of Sweet Talker (a far better Galantis collaboration than Heartbreak Anthem with Little Mix). When the pace drops the results become more mixed, as Intimacy sports a clumsy riff under melodies that don’t gel while 20 Minutes is nice but forgettable.