• Record Label: Rounder
  • Release Date: Aug 25, 2009

Universal acclaim - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. The set is both familiar and fresh-sounding at once.
  2. The sound quality is astonishing.
  3. This is a remarkable and historic set of recordings with an equally remarkable history.
  4. Paired with an artful book that spins the tale of these sides and their place in Woody's world by Guthrie historian Ed Cray and Rounder co-founder Bill Nowlin, these four CDs are a superb introduction to an artist whose influence extends to Dylan, Springsteen, and, indeed, nearly all American music that followed on his dusty heels.
  5. Filter
    This boxset--quite literally a suitcase--highlights four distinct sides of one of the most prolific icons of the pre-dylan era, and introduces both unreleased and released tracks to a new generation in themed installments. History is back in session. [Fall 2009, p.100]
  6. Mojo
    The songs, six previously unreleased, range from good to outstanding, the sound quality as clear and natural as if he were singing in the next room. [Oct 2009, p.115]
  7. Uncut
    My Dusty Road is facinating as an archive set. [Oct 2009, p.120]
  8. The first disc of the 4-CD trove provides the best comparisons, showcasing the troubadour's most familiar tunes ("This Land Is Your Land," "Pretty Boy Floyd") with vocals and picking that are rich and unblemished.
  9. By dividing the sessions into what amounts to an overview of his career, My Dusty Road detracts from the recently discovered source material, making it both an incredible find and a missed opportunity.

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 12 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 12
  2. Negative: 3 out of 12
  1. Apr 14, 2017
    To summarize Woody Guthrie in two words, witty and charming. Guthrie usually deals with themes such as communism, the working class, being onTo summarize Woody Guthrie in two words, witty and charming. Guthrie usually deals with themes such as communism, the working class, being on the road and assorted characters while still maintaining a light-hearted perspective and a healthy sense of humour. Guthrie's music is almost the closest you'll ever get to true authenticity and honesty. He is raw yet gentle, humourous yet sincere, innocent yet aware.
    One of the reasons why Woody Guthrie is regarded so highly is because he played a central role in the
    60's Folk Movement even before it was a thing. How? Well he was a the key inspiration for the big artist at the time, namely Bob Dylan, Joan Baez etc. If you ask most folk artist at the time who was their hero, Woody was the guy.
    He set a standard, that most folk artists used to evaluate their own work. This collection offers you an opportunity to peer in the past and at the fundamentals of folk. Woody is an important figure in music, so for goodness sake appreciate him and his often overlooked legacy.
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