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Universal acclaim- based on 12 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 12
  2. Negative: 1 out of 12
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  1. Jun 13, 2020
    The only... Oasis unplugged you need to hear. A little bit too late but at least we have it!
  2. Jul 28, 2020
    This is an excellent release for fans of Liam Gallagher. Obviously if your not a fan then this is unlikely to be your Damascus. The tracklisting is superb with a mix of vintage Oasis tracks and mostly his solo singles. It must have been hard to pick a set of songs for this such is the array of material he could have picked from his Oasis days but he has gone for tracks more or lessThis is an excellent release for fans of Liam Gallagher. Obviously if your not a fan then this is unlikely to be your Damascus. The tracklisting is superb with a mix of vintage Oasis tracks and mostly his solo singles. It must have been hard to pick a set of songs for this such is the array of material he could have picked from his Oasis days but he has gone for tracks more or less tailored for this setting. There is an interesting take on "Some Might Say" and a mellower "Champagne Supernova". The inclusion of "Sad Song" is a masterstroke as is the omission of "Wonderwall". His voice is in great shape here too considering what its been through. Who would have thought that in 2020 it would be the younger Gallagher brother bringing out great records year after year. Expand
  3. Jul 25, 2020
    It's time to accept that the talented Gallagher was Noel and not Liam. I know that's controversial for some but it's the truth.
  4. Jun 19, 2020
    Acústico maravilhoso com ótima seleção de músicas. É sempre muito bom ver o Liam revivendo clássicos do Oasis

Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Classic Rock Magazine
    Jul 6, 2020
    Even when exhorted by chanting fans, Liam's solo hits can never quite match Some Might Say's enduring emotive appeal. [Summer 2020, p.89]
  2. Mojo
    Jun 26, 2020
    Opener Wall Of Glass resounds with stirring audience participation while a robust rhythm section and lively Hammond organist help cut through the din. [Aug 2020, p.86]
  3. Jun 16, 2020
    A string section and gospel choir barely add nuance to straight-ahead karaoke versions of Oasis classics and a few of Liam’s solo songs.