• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Jan 22, 2016
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 43 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 38 out of 43
  2. Negative: 2 out of 43
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  1. Oct 12, 2017
    Very well produced, with a lot of great sounds and tracks. As a concept album, I felt like the preciseness and conciseness of the central theme became lost and convoluted as the record went on, but it's absolutely an enjoyable one to listen to.
  2. Dec 7, 2016
  3. May 15, 2016
    This album has me really moving. Really nice grooves all over this album and the vocals of Ms. Polachek constantly make me feel like i am being poured over by pure sugary icing. Sadly, some of these songs feel like they could have been a lot better if they were optimized a bit more in terms of instrumentation and mastering. But for anyone who is into HAIM, Purity Ring, CHVRCHES, PassionThis album has me really moving. Really nice grooves all over this album and the vocals of Ms. Polachek constantly make me feel like i am being poured over by pure sugary icing. Sadly, some of these songs feel like they could have been a lot better if they were optimized a bit more in terms of instrumentation and mastering. But for anyone who is into HAIM, Purity Ring, CHVRCHES, Passion Pit etc, this album is for you. Could be the reason why i enjoyed this really much :) Expand
  4. Feb 11, 2016
    With Moth, an irresistible world of sophistication, magic and slow power, Chairlift positions in the middle of acts like Purity Ring, CHVRCHES, Beach House or even Björk grabbing the best of them but still sounding quite idiosyncratic and faithful to their own style. I'm impressed for the vocal delivery here, the songwriting and the production; I'm in love with this record.
  5. Jan 30, 2016
    For a pop record that initially seems a bit normative, Moth holds a steady number of secrets to be unearthed on closer listen. Utilizing sweet melodies and creative textures, Chairlift manages to turn the verse-chorus-verse-chorus structure into something vibrant, colorful, and intriguing. Vocalist Caroline Polacheck's vocals are extremely emotive, carrying would-be-weaker tracks to restFor a pop record that initially seems a bit normative, Moth holds a steady number of secrets to be unearthed on closer listen. Utilizing sweet melodies and creative textures, Chairlift manages to turn the verse-chorus-verse-chorus structure into something vibrant, colorful, and intriguing. Vocalist Caroline Polacheck's vocals are extremely emotive, carrying would-be-weaker tracks to rest among the rest of the record. In terms of complaints, I have very few; however, the last track, No Such Thing as Illusion, goes on for far too long and ends the album uneventfully. It is really a shame, as the rest of the album is very consistent. For all of its musical creativity, Moth is also very formulaic. Perhaps Chairlift will heed Kate Bush, whose influence is very apparent, and embrace more experimental ideas on their next record. Despite these grievances, I thoroughly enjoyed Moth and loved most of the tracks here. Definitely a must-listen of 2016.

  6. Jan 30, 2016
    Favourite Songs: Polymorphing, Ch-Ching, Moth to the Flame
    Least Favourite Songs: Romeo
    One month into the year and I've already found one of the best album covers of 2016. Music is not quite as good but it's not exactly bad either and there's a couple of real gems on here like 'Ch-Ching' and the synth pop masterpiece 'Moth to the Flame' (well maybe not a "masterpiece" but it's up there
    Favourite Songs: Polymorphing, Ch-Ching, Moth to the Flame
    Least Favourite Songs: Romeo
    One month into the year and I've already found one of the best album covers of 2016. Music is not quite as good but it's not exactly bad either and there's a couple of real gems on here like 'Ch-Ching' and the synth pop masterpiece 'Moth to the Flame' (well maybe not a "masterpiece" but it's up there with the classic synth-pop songs of the 80s.) I was first drawn into the album by the slightly off kilter production on the opener which is a gradual build and good opening to the album. I felt a bit disappointed as the album went on because the vocalists voice was stretched a bit too far a fair few times but the production stayed consistent with a lot of horns and subtle sax giving the record an extremely joyous feel. I guess it starts to lose steam with the last couple of tracks but overall it's a great pop record. The only track I have to skip is 'Romeo'. I mean it seems promising during the first verse but the chorus is just god awful because of how high pitched her vocals are and how sugary the synths are. It reminded me of everything I hated about Grimes' last album. But yeah great pop album it doesn't overstay it's welcome at all.
    Better Than Previous Project?: idk
    Try This If You Like: Art Angels by Grimes
  7. Jan 29, 2016
    Chairlift's third record, the first after 4 years, is their most solid work to date. Moth is filled with textures, colours, nostalgia, danceable beats, and keeps alive the post-'80 feel that sets Chairlift apart from other contemporary indie-pop acts.
  8. Jan 22, 2016
    While I'm new to whatever sound Chairlift is trying to present here, I think there is something quite special going on. Polachek's vocals are caked with sweet emotion and the lyrics are deeply personal as well. I find that despite its pop appeal (to some degree) there is a fair level of experimentation present. Glitchy, schizophrenic synths provide great contrast to the vocals and areWhile I'm new to whatever sound Chairlift is trying to present here, I think there is something quite special going on. Polachek's vocals are caked with sweet emotion and the lyrics are deeply personal as well. I find that despite its pop appeal (to some degree) there is a fair level of experimentation present. Glitchy, schizophrenic synths provide great contrast to the vocals and are mostly coherent. Overall a nice experimental pop album, even with a couple forgettable tracks here and there. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. Feb 25, 2016
    Like many pop acts' full-lengths, this is an album of singles.
  2. Feb 16, 2016
    All in all, the result of Chairlift dabbling in the mainstream pop archetype is the duo’s best and most cohesive album to date.
  3. Feb 11, 2016
    A diverse album is a thing to strive for, but trying to temper the optimism of a luminous, mother-of-pearl record like this by repeating tired ideas culled from the last decade of songwriting is not the way to go about it.