• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Jan 22, 2016

Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
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  1. Jan 27, 2016
    Even if said listener is inundated with shiny, R&B-based pop, as is anyone who has access to a radio or the Internet in 2016, there's something about the way Chairlift operate that helps them to stand out just enough to truly shine.
  2. Feb 9, 2016
    On new album Moth, the follow-up to 2012’s Something, Polachek and Wimberly seem to relish their good luck, layering hooks and beats with a kooky exuberance that was missing last time out.
  3. Jan 22, 2016
    While not a minimalistic record by any stretch of the imagination, Moth greatly benefits from a toned-down approach that gets to the core of what makes each song work.
  4. Jan 21, 2016
    They may have left behind their haunted house roots, which might rub some people off the wrong way, but Chairlift have found themselves creating something far more barmy, bold and exhilarating than ever before.
  5. Jan 26, 2016
    Make no mistake, these are all energising pop tunes, but by the time you reach the seventh track, you’re left wondering how many of them you can take in one go.
  6. 91
    Polachek is also a whip-smart lyricist and on these ten tracks, she reveals a poet’s eye for observing the world around her.
  7. Jan 20, 2016
    With Moths, Chairlift make a strong claim to being one of pop music's best songwriting teams, with the production and vocal chops to bring their compositions fully and vibrantly to life.
  8. Jan 27, 2016
    It’s by no means a bad album, but at this stage Chairlift are strictly second division.
  9. Feb 16, 2016
    All in all, the result of Chairlift dabbling in the mainstream pop archetype is the duo’s best and most cohesive album to date.
  10. Feb 25, 2016
    Like many pop acts' full-lengths, this is an album of singles.
  11. Jan 20, 2016
    As much as the singles on Something thrilled, it struggled for coherence from song to song. The songs on Moth feel related and extroverted, pulled together by a common purpose. They have a charming asymmetry, they drift in sometimes oblique and irregular patterns. This is pop that wants to show you what it’s made of.
  12. Feb 11, 2016
    A diverse album is a thing to strive for, but trying to temper the optimism of a luminous, mother-of-pearl record like this by repeating tired ideas culled from the last decade of songwriting is not the way to go about it.
  13. 83
    Moth is a breezy, immensely enjoyable pop record that provides just the amount of pep that you’ll need to make it through the winter.
  14. Q Magazine
    Jan 20, 2016
    Their third album is their most developed yet.... What's missing is that sense of real emotion, the euphoria or misery that makes for great pop. [Feb 2016, p.108]
  15. Jan 26, 2016
    This is a record where love, music and love for music come together beautifully.
  16. Jan 26, 2016
    The most impressive thing about Moth is the way it manages to wrap a more compact frame around Chairlift’s spiraling colors without dulling the final product.
  17. Feb 1, 2016
    Though as a collection Moth is both fascinating and fun, demonstrative of what can be achieved when you focus on substance over style.
  18. Jan 21, 2016
    What’s most interesting is how Wimberly’s clickety but viscous production combines with Polachek’s diamond-sharp falsetto. At times the former can get confused and the latter a little indulgent, but when they nail it--see also No Such Thing, Crying in Public and Polymorphing--they don’t just fly close to pop’s flame, they ignite it.
  19. 85
    It’s Chairlift at their most vulnerable, but also at their most jubilant, documenting their burning passions with their most confident sound to date. Most importantly, it’s Chairlift at their most fun.
  20. Jan 25, 2016
    With the exception of Romeo, inspired by Greek mythology and possessing an irresistible chorus, too much of the album’s hinterland sounds slick but uninspired.
  21. Uncut
    Jan 20, 2016
    Moth's incessantly hiccuping polysyllabic pop lacks soul and sticking power. [Feb 2016, p.73]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 43 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 38 out of 43
  2. Negative: 2 out of 43
  1. Feb 11, 2016
    With Moth, an irresistible world of sophistication, magic and slow power, Chairlift positions in the middle of acts like Purity Ring,With Moth, an irresistible world of sophistication, magic and slow power, Chairlift positions in the middle of acts like Purity Ring, CHVRCHES, Beach House or even Björk grabbing the best of them but still sounding quite idiosyncratic and faithful to their own style. I'm impressed for the vocal delivery here, the songwriting and the production; I'm in love with this record. Full Review »
  2. Jan 30, 2016
    For a pop record that initially seems a bit normative, Moth holds a steady number of secrets to be unearthed on closer listen. Utilizing sweetFor a pop record that initially seems a bit normative, Moth holds a steady number of secrets to be unearthed on closer listen. Utilizing sweet melodies and creative textures, Chairlift manages to turn the verse-chorus-verse-chorus structure into something vibrant, colorful, and intriguing. Vocalist Caroline Polacheck's vocals are extremely emotive, carrying would-be-weaker tracks to rest among the rest of the record. In terms of complaints, I have very few; however, the last track, No Such Thing as Illusion, goes on for far too long and ends the album uneventfully. It is really a shame, as the rest of the album is very consistent. For all of its musical creativity, Moth is also very formulaic. Perhaps Chairlift will heed Kate Bush, whose influence is very apparent, and embrace more experimental ideas on their next record. Despite these grievances, I thoroughly enjoyed Moth and loved most of the tracks here. Definitely a must-listen of 2016.

    Full Review »
  3. Jan 29, 2016
    Chairlift's third record, the first after 4 years, is their most solid work to date. Moth is filled with textures, colours, nostalgia,Chairlift's third record, the first after 4 years, is their most solid work to date. Moth is filled with textures, colours, nostalgia, danceable beats, and keeps alive the post-'80 feel that sets Chairlift apart from other contemporary indie-pop acts. Full Review »