• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Mar 4, 2014

Mixed or average reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 8
  2. Negative: 1 out of 8
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  1. Apr 3, 2014
    Like a showtune from Wicked, Louder serves as an above average power-pop album that you can bust a lung trying to sing along to without any of that pesky “thinking” to get in the way.
  2. Mar 18, 2014
    While the turbo vocal bursts on “You’re Mine” and “Burn With You” blend nicely with the poppier elements, several of the tracks, including the burbling “On My Way” and the title tune, feel a bit too calculated and anonymous in their production approach.
  3. Throughout the album, Michele doesn’t so much sing as trumpet like an elephant eager for the charge. Her voice has more need than vulnerability, more anger than understanding.
  4. Mar 4, 2014
    Sadly, a compilation of tracks randomly culled from the best Rachel Berry solos recorded for the show would yield a stronger album than this one made up of originals.
  5. Mar 3, 2014
    The album consists entirely of songs begging for a singer that could give them their own personality, to which Michele and company respond by making every song louder than the last.
  6. Feb 28, 2014
    Lyrically, Louder is rather one-sided, as she often sings about the perils of relationships, over and over, in ways that we've all heard many times at this point. Still, it's a solid effort that shows she has promise as a bona fide pop artist.
  7. 67
    It's hard to be that mad at Louder, because it's so admirably and lovingly crafted.
  8. Feb 28, 2014
    Her attempt at breaking out as a solo artist has been rocky--lead single "Cannonball" sank like one--and this album of insta-dated EDM-pop anthems and half-cocked bass drops probably won't help her cause.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 130 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 19 out of 130
  1. Mar 5, 2014
    I loved the whole album. I connected to Lea's voice and the overall sound of the album. I was happy with the uptempo songs and some theI loved the whole album. I connected to Lea's voice and the overall sound of the album. I was happy with the uptempo songs and some the ballads has me in tears. Burn With You was my favorite followed by Battlefield, If You Say So and On My Way. I didn't skip any songs. I did like some songs more than others, but overall the entire album is really enjoyable. I find it funny that a lot of critics are saying she sounds to perfect or too broadway. It's almost like they are faulting her for having a great voice. I'm glad she can sing well ( on this album and live) because too many artists today can't. I love all genres of music and this album is a great addition to my my music collection. Full Review »
  2. Mar 4, 2014
    I find it hilarious that talent such as Lea Michele's raw power and vocal range are cited as negatives. In a world of pop-music devoid ofI find it hilarious that talent such as Lea Michele's raw power and vocal range are cited as negatives. In a world of pop-music devoid of talent, and cultivated ability, Lea Michele shines on Louder. As a whole the album is a solid endeavor into the pop world. Cannonball, despite it's emotional ties to Michele seems to be a weak selection for a single, but the album builds as well as grows on the listener. Her voice conveys emotion and depth. To write the whole thing off simply because she's too powerful is something I find insulting. Louder is not for the meek. If a strong female vocalist singing songs that aren't about twerking and having sex then maybe Louder is for you. Full Review »
  3. Mar 4, 2014
    We must recognize that Lea gave her best on the album highlighting her voice, even though she has only written three songs for the album, 3We must recognize that Lea gave her best on the album highlighting her voice, even though she has only written three songs for the album, 3 show the pure feeling and strength, then we should not say it was an empty album because the songs however they have been only 3 showed a strong emotion to be recorded. Even songs like "Cannonball", "Battlefield", "Thousand Needles" and "You're Mine" seemed to have been written by her, the only emotion she gave the song with his voice! Full Review »