• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Jun 24, 2003

Mixed or average reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 21
  2. Negative: 11 out of 21
  1. There's nothing wrong with a change of pace, but there's a startling lack of depth in either the words, which are entirely too literal, or the music, whose hooks are at once too obvious and not ingratiating enough.
  2. Alternative Press
    [A] slickly produced holding pattern. [Jul 2003, p.122]
  3. A highly overproduced, shallow, soulless, confused, pop-by-numbers disaster that betrays everything the woman stood for a decade ago, and most heinously, betrays all her original fans.
  4. For what it is, it may in fact be quite good. But, to her discarded fans, at least, she's given the ultimate finger.
  5. Blender
    Beneath the highlights, she's still a messy troublemaker whose brain is as spicy as the rest of her body. [#17, p.146]
  6. Phair is a fine lyricist, and although she's lost some musical identity, she's gained potential Top Forty access.
  7. Q Magazine
    Embarrassing. [Dec 2003, p.134]
  8. Thematically uninspired and painfully boring.
  9. Worst of all, the album closes with three decent songs, reminders of Phair's talent that are muted by what's come before.
  10. Spin
    Boilerplate MOR.... But what Liz Phair delivers is authenticity. [Jul 2003, p.107]
  11. There’s a glistening veneer of contented happiness coating the record, as if some adult-oriented radio programmer gleefully shat on it, but the tragedy is that Phair is wholly complicit in this utter waste of talent.
  12. She doesn't sell out so much as she sells herself short.
  13. Even if the divorcée flirts with being Sheryl Crow-y bland now, she can still let whip-smart lyrics flow with her potty mouth.
  14. Even the non-Matricized songs are full of useless keyboard riffs, tacked-on guitar solos and loads and loads of overdubbed Lizclone background singers. Never before has so much work been put into making somebody sound so ordinary.
  15. Mojo
    Mostly you're left with the sensation that the quickie you so hotly anticipated wasn't what you were looking for after all. [Sep 2003, p.104]
  16. Liz Phair proves so ultimately unnecessary, it might as well not even exist.
  17. Under The Radar
    Upon hearing the endless barrage of banalities on Liz Phair, it's hard not to feel scorned by the trite and shrill pop songwriting. [#5, p.106]
  18. Entertainment Weekly
    An honestly fun summer disc. [Jun 27/Jul 4 2003, p.136]
  19. Where she used to be smart and provocative, Phair has become crass and bloated, her lyrics crude and her image apparently a grotesque exercise in self-parody.
  20. Uncut
    This is turgid, formulaic guff. [Nov 2003, p.114]
  21. The songs left over from the original, non-Matrix album form the emotional core of Liz Phair and make it worth hearing.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 83 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 49 out of 83
  2. Negative: 25 out of 83
  1. Aug 5, 2022
    I don't understand all of the backlash this album got. There are so many good songs on here. This is Liz Phair's best album. Standouts includeI don't understand all of the backlash this album got. There are so many good songs on here. This is Liz Phair's best album. Standouts include Love/Hate, My Bionic Eyes, It's Sweet, Why Can't I, and Rock Me. Firewalker and Good Love Never Dies are songs that don't fit for this album but Firewalker is somewhat decent for this album. This album should not have gotten the criticism that it did. Full Review »
  2. Oct 25, 2020
    Liz Phair's self-titled album is an underrated gem, it has a pretty fresh and enjoyable pop rock and teen pop sound. I don't understand whyLiz Phair's self-titled album is an underrated gem, it has a pretty fresh and enjoyable pop rock and teen pop sound. I don't understand why people despise this beauty. Full Review »
  3. Dec 12, 2017
    liz phair presenteia fãs com câncerliz phair presenteia fãs com câncer ............................................................................................................................ Full Review »