• Record Label: Arista
  • Release Date: Sep 30, 2003
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 77 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 64 out of 77
  2. Negative: 10 out of 77

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  1. Jul 29, 2020
    Dido's voice perfectly accompanies the chain of songs on 'Life for Rent'. Most of these are touching, soft and nostalgic and some of them will surely transcend you. I think the dull feeling you get when listening to 'Life for Rent' is a part of Dido's conception. I got interested in this album in 2020 (during isolation, yes) and it clearly reminded me past years. This record actually madeDido's voice perfectly accompanies the chain of songs on 'Life for Rent'. Most of these are touching, soft and nostalgic and some of them will surely transcend you. I think the dull feeling you get when listening to 'Life for Rent' is a part of Dido's conception. I got interested in this album in 2020 (during isolation, yes) and it clearly reminded me past years. This record actually made me feel like being in 2003 again. Perhaps it should be considered a melancholic fossil from the past. That's how I chose to understand it to surpass the boring feeling you can feel while listening to it.
    Hopefully the record stops after 13 tracks because more would have been too much of Dido's honeyed voice. I have to admit though that the end of the album is kind of repetitve.
  2. LucianoR.
    Jun 28, 2007
    Very nice! Girls use to enjoy ;-)
  3. ixata
    Dec 22, 2006
    is a good album, yes, but you kinda get bored after frequent lisyening... im looking forward for a new and fresh sounded follow up album and not a dull-in-time album... bt still, life for rent is a peaceful and a good record to put on when a war is over
  4. LuisG
    Jul 28, 2006
    .... Life For Rent is soft and song after song a continuany of love , breakup and hope....theres no bouncing off the walls ...just down to earth simple lyrics " alot of words and pleanty of meaning" although it may not garner much airplay its best that way..the rare album you can hear again and again and never quite quit....truly a delight....KEY TRACKS : See The Sun, see you when your .... Life For Rent is soft and song after song a continuany of love , breakup and hope....theres no bouncing off the walls ...just down to earth simple lyrics " alot of words and pleanty of meaning" although it may not garner much airplay its best that way..the rare album you can hear again and again and never quite quit....truly a delight....KEY TRACKS : See The Sun, see you when your 40, dont leave home Expand
  5. vicp
    Mar 31, 2005
    i LOVE dido and this album!! it's music that goes right to your heart; she's real and down to earth and amazing!! (live its even better cos the band are awesome and dido is really lovely!!!) BUY IT NOW!!!!!
  6. LunarN
    Jun 11, 2004
    "Life for Rent" Follows all the formulas that her debut album follows, and this is the CD's greatest strength. If you liked Dido before this album, you will like her again here. Each song does its best to be different from the last, but the easy-going tunes often blend together nonetheless. Some songs will fall flat, but most will haunt you enough to listen to them quite a few times.
  7. Anthony
    Feb 22, 2004
    The album succeeds where so many others fail by providing stunning vocals with complex rhythms to create a sturdy canvas for the portraits Dido?s lyrics paint. I understand that in the age of Britney and all the over-hyped, oversexed, and over-replicated progeny, those accustomed to such will find this album boring, but for those of us searching for simple beauty and grace, this album The album succeeds where so many others fail by providing stunning vocals with complex rhythms to create a sturdy canvas for the portraits Dido?s lyrics paint. I understand that in the age of Britney and all the over-hyped, oversexed, and over-replicated progeny, those accustomed to such will find this album boring, but for those of us searching for simple beauty and grace, this album scored on many levels. Be damned all you pop-junkies. Expand
  8. johnb
    Feb 14, 2004
    The new album by Dido, 'Life for Rent' is definitely not as good as her debut. Perhaps the previous release was just too close to perfect to be easily surpassed. However, judged by its own standards, this is a good album to listen to. I somehow get the feeling that this album could be seen as a precursor to an even better attempt (her possible 3rd album). In other words, her The new album by Dido, 'Life for Rent' is definitely not as good as her debut. Perhaps the previous release was just too close to perfect to be easily surpassed. However, judged by its own standards, this is a good album to listen to. I somehow get the feeling that this album could be seen as a precursor to an even better attempt (her possible 3rd album). In other words, her best work is yet to come; this will not be it. The songs are well written (based on simple themes) and yes (that was the word which eluded me. Perhaps the aim here was beauty in simplicity) The beats are gentle; sound textures smooth, almost seamless. However, the songs border on being monotonous with one essential ingredient missing - (variation - which 'No Angel' despite its generic melancholy mood; did have, in terms of style.) I think that the acid test for her will be whether she can do a good 3rd album and go beyond that to prove that she is not just something of a fad. The album could have been worse, however; it does have its moments. Collapse
  9. raVen
    Dec 7, 2003
    Enjoyable. Title track is really good. But since it in many ways resembles her first, don't expect any newness.
  10. JohnM
    Nov 24, 2003
    Great, great, great!
  11. NseE
    Oct 20, 2003
    A very dull, soulless effort. Took my copy right back to the store, sorry for the bugger that takes it. Gave it a 1 for 'Who makes you feel'.
  12. MicheleM
    Oct 18, 2003
    Because she is the best singer in the world and her song is wounderfull.....bye from Caserta( Italy )
  13. RikkiB
    Oct 13, 2003
  14. Tom
    Oct 6, 2003
    Dullsville. Bland. Uninteresting to the extreme. It should sell like hotcakes, then.
  15. MichaelH
    Oct 4, 2003
    Dido follows in a long line of talented Irish singers,( Sinead O'Connor, Dolores O'Riordan, and the Coors to some degree) with a beautiful voice. That the album is minimalistic to showcase this may come off to some as dull or boring. For those that have grown tired of all the new artist with overproduced, oversung, and overdubbed voices, (pick one!), it's refreshing to hear Dido follows in a long line of talented Irish singers,( Sinead O'Connor, Dolores O'Riordan, and the Coors to some degree) with a beautiful voice. That the album is minimalistic to showcase this may come off to some as dull or boring. For those that have grown tired of all the new artist with overproduced, oversung, and overdubbed voices, (pick one!), it's refreshing to hear such a wonderfull sound. This may not have all of the hooks that the first album had, but with such little choices out there, it is still a nice counterbalance to the other "pop" garbage shoved in front of us. Sit back, listen and enjoy. Expand
  16. jb
    Oct 2, 2003
    Dull, dull, dull - kitchensink soap operas, less imaginative than her debut and Rollo's work is a v. pale shadow of what he does with Faithless.
  17. Alex
    Oct 2, 2003
    Dido has produced absolutely the greatest and finest CD of 2003 with Life For Rent. Hit single White Flag is just the beginning of an album crammed to the brim with wonderful, atmospheric classic ballads like "Don't Leave Home" and "This Land Is Mine." Dido also experiments with dance and electronica on songs such as "Stoned" and "Sand In My Shoes." Highly recommended - buy it NOW!
  18. Brandon
    Oct 1, 2003
    i just picked it up and its great! i highly recommend anyone to get it...a nice evolution from her debut release, no angel.
  19. MattR
    Oct 1, 2003
    I loved her first CD, and this is more of the same, although not quite as good. She still has a knack for writing interesting songs about random events, although some are rather trite love songs. A good purchase for fans, although I doubt it'll have the impact her first album had.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Lacking its predecessor's edgy tone, Life For Rent offers up one bland, polite tune after another.
  2. Its best moments suggest that Armstrong is unfairly maligned.... At worst, it's twee and bland, aural wallpaper that only someone who didn't really like music could care about. Either way, it isn't going to change anyone's mind about Dido.
  3. Mojo
    Easy listening with just enough unease to tease. [Nov 2003, p.125]