• Record Label: Parkwood
  • Release Date: Apr 23, 2016
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  1. Jan 15, 2023
  2. Dec 10, 2021
    The album Lemonade is so amazing, i think that i need this forever, so emotional and i never more will be the same.
  3. Nov 24, 2021
    Extremely overrated album, the only good song on the album is Love Drought.
  4. Mar 19, 2021
    If Lemonade feels less garbage than the near-70-minute Beyoncé tanked and flopped.
  5. Nov 10, 2020
    The whole album is boring, it’s telling nothing. I can’t stand listening. It’s horrible. Sometimes I think how people can love these albums
  6. Oct 13, 2020
    A mesma coisa que já estamos acostumados. Beyoncé empoderando axx negrxx e se escorando no movimento por falta de originalidade.
  7. Sep 16, 2020
    Un álbum que no tiene mucho sentido bastante melodías y ritmos desatinados un álbum que quiere llamar la atención con cosas que no son ni música no me gusto.
  8. Aug 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Se nota que pagaron para que tuviera tan bien puntaje, pero bueno es queen b ósea ella que no paga para tener, igual me encanta su voz, diosa Expand
  9. Aug 29, 2020
    Creo que 2 canciones solo tienen un mensaje y son buenas el resto no me gustaron, nada comerciales solo le mete misterio y aburren.
  10. Aug 29, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Lemonade by Beyoncé isn’t just a disease. It’s a pandemic coming to end the globe. Expand
  11. Aug 28, 2020
    Es un álbum que no tiene muchos mensajes la única canción que me parece muy buena tanto el sonido como en letra es formation, el álbum habla de lo mismo sus letras no me parecen tan buenas y los sonidos y ritmos regulares.
  12. Jul 29, 2020
    Não gosteeeeeeeeei, não tem nada muito do ritmo que eu gosto, tem umas boazinhas, mas não pra ouvir sempre, pra mim é zer0
  13. Jul 25, 2020
    talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, spectacular, never-the-same, totally unique, completely-not-ever-been-done-before
  14. Jul 24, 2020
    Worst Album ever she's just giving us the Same type of music
  15. May 30, 2020
    awful, overhyped, wrote by white men. nothing about this album is eye popping... her making an album about being cheated on and staying with jayz is kind of embarrassing as well
  16. Sep 1, 2019
    No 0/10 very bad baaaaaaaaaaaaaad don't like it her worst album in my opinion
  17. Aug 31, 2019
    Sin duda Lemonade se veía prometedor, pero sigue atada a lo mismo, especialmente en sus presentaciones, haciendo lo mismo una y otra vez.
  18. Aug 25, 2019
    honestly... she didn't do what she thought she did. There's NO FLAVOUR to this.
  19. Aug 24, 2019
    Overrated album.
    A wrong try to do something that was done before for a lot of others talents artists
  20. Aug 23, 2019
    Esse album é péssimo, nada com nada, muito ruim chega a ser deprimente como Beyonce lança uma porcaria dessas
  21. Aug 10, 2019
    Infelizmente o álbum é muito superestimado pelo cenário musical.
    Algumas letras não transitam com a aura do álbum, indo de encontro com uma técnica já vista.
  22. Jul 20, 2019
    Ela deveria ter vergonha na cara Lisa de lançar essa bosta e se dizer feminista fazendo esse lixo pro marido e dizer que é pra militar. Lixosa.
  23. Jun 17, 2019
    Superestimada, não acho que seja um dos melhores de todos os tempos. Forçou.
  24. Sep 28, 2018
    Lemonade is by far her best album. Very strong, bold and unique. What a flawless masterpiece. 10/10.
  25. Jun 26, 2018
    TRASH Horrible, terrible and extremely boring album, always proving why she needs more than 1.000 peoples to do anything. Sorry Beyoncé, keep trying and being overrated.
  26. Apr 14, 2018
    Buyoncé made a trashable and unnecessary album, even more mediocre than 4 or her homonimus.
  27. Feb 2, 2018
    You could expect more from Beyoncé than this piece, she can do better like the old times but she prefers to go mainstream.
  28. Oct 11, 2017
    Um dos piores álbum que podiam ser criados, de tão chato e cansativo, torna a experiência de ouvi-lo como uma tortura quase insuportável, porém com uma boa temática, mal trabalhada
  29. Oct 2, 2017
    Bem ruim amores, por isso perdeu os grammys. Beyonce nao tem mais talento, parece q is over para as boas musicas. Infelizmente essa é a realidade hoje em dia.
  30. Jul 25, 2017
    Блядонсе одна из самых ублюдских коммерческих проектов ever, полнейшая бездарность и подтягивание за уши во всех аспектах сочетаются с расисткой, скандальной, пятисортной музыкой-штамповкой, после прослушивания которой хочется удавиться. Наглая скупка наград и хвалебных отзывов только усиливают сеанс копрофилии при упоминании имени абсолютно пустого артиста-ничтожества, популярностьБлядонсе одна из самых ублюдских коммерческих проектов ever, полнейшая бездарность и подтягивание за уши во всех аспектах сочетаются с расисткой, скандальной, пятисортной музыкой-штамповкой, после прослушивания которой хочется удавиться. Наглая скупка наград и хвалебных отзывов только усиливают сеанс копрофилии при упоминании имени абсолютно пустого артиста-ничтожества, популярность которого не только не заслуженная, но также имеет более негативное отношение из-за своей неактуальности. Надеюсь бездарная блядина Блядонсе когда-нибудь получит своё настоящее признание - это ротация ее дерьма на свалочных помещениях и гниение в подвале у своего бесталанного алчного муженька Гея Зи.
    0 из 10
  31. Jul 25, 2017
    Жалкая и бездарная женщина, как можно любить и восхищаться настолько отбитыми особями, как блядонс? Купленные награды, купленные рецензии на песни, которых толком никто и не знает. Сворованная хореография в туре, сворованные семплы для своих скучных и однообразных альбомов. Влияние практически нулевое... а список минусов этой обезьяны можно продолжать вечно!
    ставлю заслуженную оценку
    Жалкая и бездарная женщина, как можно любить и восхищаться настолько отбитыми особями, как блядонс? Купленные награды, купленные рецензии на песни, которых толком никто и не знает. Сворованная хореография в туре, сворованные семплы для своих скучных и однообразных альбомов. Влияние практически нулевое... а список минусов этой обезьяны можно продолжать вечно!
    ставлю заслуженную оценку этому альбому, да и всей ее дискографии в целом!
  32. Jun 17, 2017
    Once you get past the idea that this was by Beyonce, this album is nothing special, at all. Very overrated as Beyonce is seen as such a relevant figure.
  33. May 26, 2017
    b'day >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  34. Feb 6, 2017
    Terrible album. I did not see any music pop in the radios, and I only know Formation because I saw it on tv. It lacks vocally, with different features, the songs are all alike, at least it sells a lot.
  35. Dec 23, 2016
    Just Overrated. 2/10 ................................................................................................................................
  36. Dec 22, 2016
    Un álbum bastante sobrevalorado y realmente malo, todo el disco en general es aburrido, algunas canciones son malas y la mezcla de tantos sonidos son muy horribles y no quedan con el contexto del álbum, los videos salvaron un poco el disco y la canción "Daddy Lessons" es la más rescatable. El peor álbum de Beyoncé para mi parecer.
  37. Nov 30, 2016
    Самый переоцененный альбом за все время. Мне нравится Бьенсе, она очень классная, отлично поет и хороший человек, но альбом шлаковый, худший ее альбом. Клип на formation очень понравился и тексты песен хорошие, но музыка скучная и однообразная.Самый переоцененный альбом за все время. Мне нравится Бьенсе, она очень классная, отлично поет и хороший человек, но альбом шлаковый, худший ее альбом. Клип на formation очень понравился и тексты песен хорошие, но музыка скучная и однообразная.
  38. Nov 5, 2016
    this album is overrated, jay z pays to critics, payola!this album is overrated, jay z pays to critics, payola!this album is overrated, jay z pays to critics, payola!this album is overrated, jay z pays to critics, payola!this album is overrated, jay z pays to critics, payola!this album is overrated, jay z pays to critics, payola!this album is overrated, jay z pays to critics, payola!thisthis album is overrated, jay z pays to critics, payola!this album is overrated, jay z pays to critics, payola!this album is overrated, jay z pays to critics, payola!this album is overrated, jay z pays to critics, payola!this album is overrated, jay z pays to critics, payola!this album is overrated, jay z pays to critics, payola!this album is overrated, jay z pays to critics, payola!this album is overrated, jay z pays to critics, payola! Expand
  39. Nov 2, 2016
    De sus peores álbumes.... :/ Beyonce es buena, pero en definitva es de los peores álbumes que ha tenido... Pero ni modo, que se le puede hacer! xD Esperemos al siguiente!
  40. Oct 29, 2016
    Тупорылая ебаная хуйня для отсталых от жизни и живущих в пещерах дегенератов. Блевонсе опять блеснула своей пиздой перед галатикой и все лизнули ее мочи, восприняв моченад как дар божий, а на самом деле это ебаная хуйня.Тупорылая ебаная хуйня для отсталых от жизни и живущих в пещерах дегенератов. Блевонсе опять блеснула своей пиздой перед галатикой и все лизнули ее мочи, восприняв моченад как дар божий, а на самом деле это ебаная хуйня.
  41. Oct 27, 2016
    адовая хуетень, записанная на диктофон первого айфона. большая часть "альбома" состоит из чужих сэмплов, неактуальная лирика (раскрытие проблем эры динозавров, когда сама певица ртом еще не успела накачать себя силиконом), дешевая обработка прокуренного голоса. лонгплей не заслуживает и пяти минут внимания, так что на написание этой ревьюшки ушло всего две.адовая хуетень, записанная на диктофон первого айфона. большая часть "альбома" состоит из чужих сэмплов, неактуальная лирика (раскрытие проблем эры динозавров, когда сама певица ртом еще не успела накачать себя силиконом), дешевая обработка прокуренного голоса. лонгплей не заслуживает и пяти минут внимания, так что на написание этой ревьюшки ушло всего две.
  42. Oct 25, 2016
    I am really disappointed by Beyonce Knowles new album Lemonade. It´s very flat and boring. None of the songs stand out, they all sound very basic to me. Furthermore, I am not a fan of visual albums because a good artist can express his vision or art with only his music and not with a movie or tons of videos. Really shocked by how terrible this album is.
  43. Oct 24, 2016
    Beyoncé is a terrrible artist, she is trying to be like Madonna, Michael and talented as Bjork, but Bjork doesnt pay for good critics, cause Bjork makes real art. "Queen B" it´s just a product of pop music. LEMONADE IS SO EMPTY.
  44. Oct 24, 2016
    La Biyons me pagó por darle una buena calificación como a todos los críticos y a los Grammy y MTV, pero nel morra, este álbum está sobrevalorado, además creo que ella no es Vedette como Niurka kuin. Viva Patroncitas!!
  45. Oct 21, 2016
    This is so weird for beyonce, she used to make good music but now she only wants to receive money making any sheet of album like this, this is so bad, it dont deserve the succes that it have got
  46. Oct 21, 2016
    Worthless. Can't even think of how this album has a 92 score. My prayers go to the people that think this album is great, I'm hoping you all are sane.
  47. Oct 21, 2016
    The mix of genres and all the different people working on one album was not pulled off well and the album did not flow from start to finish. The album heavily relied on hype from the visual album and the implications of adultery in her well publicized marriage. Whenever people mention this album, they talk about her husband's infidelity or the beautiful visuals from the music video, butThe mix of genres and all the different people working on one album was not pulled off well and the album did not flow from start to finish. The album heavily relied on hype from the visual album and the implications of adultery in her well publicized marriage. Whenever people mention this album, they talk about her husband's infidelity or the beautiful visuals from the music video, but never actually the music. In such a pop culture moment, the music should live up to the visuals and hype and it just fell flat. I do not see how this album could possibly be so personal when the lyrics and music and even the poetry in the visual album were mainly written by other people. I would love to listen to an album written with Beyonce's words only to really feel her pain and emotion, but some people cannot express themselves well and need to pay other people to do it for them. Expand
  48. Oct 9, 2016
    I am really disappointed by Beyonce Knowles new album Lemonade. It´s very flat and boring. None of the songs stand out, they all sound very basic to me. Furthermore, I am not a fan of visual albums because a good artist can express his vision or art with only his music and not with a movie or tons of videos. Really shocked by how terrible this album is.
  49. Oct 7, 2016
    I'd cheat on my wife if she made an album like this. I love Beyonce. Hell, I am a Beyonce stan but Lemonade sucked so hard, she need to up her game or she gonna lose her queen title.
  50. Oct 4, 2016
    The most overrated Beyoncé sounds like your last album of the same name. A tap hole, captive composers and even the black empowerment idea was it. We have "Lemonade"
  51. Oct 3, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Um simples escoramento em causas sociais, o disco é ótimo mas as intenções não. Mas uma apelação da industria, simples lançamento visando o Grammy de álbum do ano. Expand
  52. Sep 17, 2016
    **** overrated mess. piece of garbage. Beyonce, this is by far your most disappointing album. Several albums that came out this year deserve much more acclaim than this. The whole album from start to finish has been a boring, snoozefest.
  53. Sep 15, 2016
    Beyoncé used to make good music but this decade it seems she has no more inspiration. All of her songs are vulgar and very sexual. She's also singing about issues that don't really exist. I tried to give it a chance but I am disappointed. There's no hit on the album, no melody, no great lyrics either.
  54. Sep 3, 2016
    Essa limonada ta azeda demais, album marketeiro, sem amor, feito por 70 compositores, com falso ativismo, falso feminismo, fala da suposta traição do marido e ainda expõe que vai fazer album em conjunto com o adúltero. Essa mulher realmente é uma farsa. Sonoridade bosta e conteudo vindo de uma mulher que não corresponde ao que diz, hipocrita né amores? Não vale um caroço de azeitona.
  55. Aug 30, 2016
    The most of the album is boring except for some songs, i think it doesn't deserve such a high meta score. They all kissing Bey's ass. This is not her best album
  56. Aug 28, 2016
    As always, Beyoncé fails to impress with this album. There's absolutely nothing special on this album (with the exception of Hold Up, that song is great, too bad it's on this horrible album). I seriously can't believe something like this is considered the "album of the year". It just shows how Beyoncé is overrated.
  57. Aug 27, 2016
    this is awful . the more of same . but except this afro sound ; this is horrible !!!
    I dont like this cd . I waited more caming of the black Queen
    Beyonce Knowles . I missed of songs like in her cd 4 and I'm Sasha Fierce .
    I hope she make something better
    in your next cd .
  58. Aug 27, 2016
    Sinceramente eu me pergunto que porcaria é essa? Isso acabou com os meus ouvidos. Lady Gaga é muito melhor que esse lixo, gaga tem talento, b on c fica se escorando em causas sociais pra ver se ganha algum prêmio... tadinha.
  59. Aug 26, 2016
  60. Aug 26, 2016
    The lyrics are very good, the whole concept of the album is very good but the production is very boring. Non iconic music is something you hear once and really that's it. I miss Beyonce Sasha fierce Bday, fierce and iconic.
  61. Aug 26, 2016
    Nossa que lixo, não salva nada disso aí.
    Não sei como ainda tem louco que gosta disso, coragem viu? a unica coisa que da pra elogiar nisso é a voz a sonoridade é um lixo total...
  62. Aug 26, 2016
    beyonce is an activist false. a completely anchored album causes in order to sell. it is ridiculous, and the specialized critic does not have to speak ill to not commit. Note zero.
  63. Aug 26, 2016
    Beyonce is an activist false. a completely anchored album causes in order to sell. it is ridiculous, and the specialized critic does not have to speak ill to not commit. Note zero.
  64. Aug 26, 2016
    Overrated lame ass album with repeated same kind of music. People must be deaf to give this album such high score. Beyonce did nothing revolutionary in the past 3 albums. This just proves that when you have money you have everything. Trash
  65. Aug 26, 2016
    really sad she needs to invent tragedies with her marriage and appropriate the BLM movement for sales,It keep being a false activist like feminism only uses it as attention
  66. Aug 26, 2016
    Meaningless album. She has to fake and public shaming her husband just to gained enough publicity for the album. And the album wasn't good at all, not even a hit! Seriously, this is the most overrated album of the year.
  67. Aug 26, 2016
    Beyonce now is popular.It's so bad album really.I love Beyonce and her voice but this album sounds really TERRIBLE.She mixed all styles like rock,pop, country and etc.I don't know why critics say that it is a masterpiece, i love only Formation,other songs sounds so boring and not original cause all simples she bought and its not good its not good music...
  68. Aug 26, 2016
    Péssimo álbum, apenas se escorando no feminismo e na cor da raça, para vender cd, Não ha nada de novo que outros artistas que se importam realmente com a raça não tenha feito melhor.
  69. Aug 26, 2016
    Pointless album with no continuity in her songs. She is rapping not singing, also none of the songs is a standout, they all are pointless and worthless with no meaning... Beyonce's not an artist. Its awful to think that the average amount of songwriters for a song in this album is 15, and there are no lyrics at all. This album is a waste of time and music.
  70. Aug 25, 2016
    I really was expecting something BIG, but once i heard it i was very dissapointed. It has good song, but nothing special, nothing new. And the thematic... oh Lord, a whole album based on your husband cheating on you??? I think the thematic was intentional to create expectation and controversy, i don't really believe it. Anyways, as I said, it has some good songs.
  71. Aug 19, 2016
    What I have to say is, why is everybody going crazy for the album but not for any of the songs? Not a single song on it has appeal. And trust me, there is audience for R&B and Urban music, but not even there her songs get massive audience. Where is this queen b? She only exists through this album. So what is this Lemonade phenomenon? just a super pretentious visual album, completelyWhat I have to say is, why is everybody going crazy for the album but not for any of the songs? Not a single song on it has appeal. And trust me, there is audience for R&B and Urban music, but not even there her songs get massive audience. Where is this queen b? She only exists through this album. So what is this Lemonade phenomenon? just a super pretentious visual album, completely manipulated and brainwashing music record. Oh look at the queen B, "surprisingly" released an album (again), "she can sing and is so proud of her race!" "I can really feel the emotions" Come on, it's completely overproduced, totally unauthentic and unrelatable. This is not impressing me in the least. Expand
  72. Aug 17, 2016
    A very overrated album which insurance Beyonce did not write his name was all a show with her husband nothing bye....................................................................
  73. Aug 3, 2016
    I wonder why she has to wear a bathing suite to get people to listen to her music. I like a lot of female artists but none of them have to dress like a hooker to get people to buy their music. Their music sells itself, then again what is Beyonce selling?
  74. Jul 4, 2016
    Just not good. Her old stuff was way more inspired. She's kind of granny music anyway. .
  75. Jun 18, 2016
    boring, uneducated, just awful, racist , no talent whatsoever, these reviewers are either paid by her or have lost their minds. She is talentless and from what she displays in the public eye just a bad person
  76. Jun 6, 2016
    The state of pop music is very bad. If you are someone that mostly listens to indie artists you will understand how emotionally hollow this music is and how severely lacking in creativity it actually is. I will not be duped into buying corporate produced crap for the masses
  77. Jun 4, 2016
    In my opinion, Beyoncé is the strongest and most relevant pop singer today. LEMONADE has became a big thing on the music industry, not just on 2016, but it'll be marked for years and years. In this album, we have a mix of styles: country, r&b, pure pop, classic music... But the concept of the thing, it is not the music styles, it is the black empowerment in the biggest songs of theIn my opinion, Beyoncé is the strongest and most relevant pop singer today. LEMONADE has became a big thing on the music industry, not just on 2016, but it'll be marked for years and years. In this album, we have a mix of styles: country, r&b, pure pop, classic music... But the concept of the thing, it is not the music styles, it is the black empowerment in the biggest songs of the masterpiece, like FREEDOM(feat. Kendrick Lamar) and FORMATION. Beyoncé also show us her marriage problems on SORRY and SANDCASTLES. This must be the year's most valuable thing, and it'll take a long time to be forgotten. Expand
  78. May 24, 2016
    Não gostei muito do álbum, não faz muito o estilo de música que Beyoncé canta, tem 4 músicas que se salvam que são Sorry, Formation, 6 Inch e Love Drought, essas que citei recomendo pois são ótimas já as outras não achei isso tudo não, o 4 é muito melhor
  79. May 16, 2016
    i saw the special and thought it was all over the place, but i think the album is boring, her fans just hype it up. really disappointing considering she has a sing with almost 20 writers
  80. May 14, 2016
    I don't know how you can call this album a MASTERPIECE. This is her worst album so far... Its not even empowering. Only couple of songs are good but not great. She tries to sell albums with fake marital problems...
  81. May 6, 2016
    Such a shame that even professional reviewers are part of the strange beyonce fan cult. If you pretend to like stuff because its trendy then this album is definitely for you.
  82. May 5, 2016

    3 ans après son album éponyme, Beyoncé est de retour et elle propose un schéma presque identique au précédent, c'est-à-dire sortir son album par surprise. Là où BEYONCÉ était un album cohérent et bien produit, LEMONADE est un album fouilli et bruyant où sa voix est moins maîtrisée qu'auparavant. Un album vraiment passable et dispensable. On retiendra uniquement

    3 ans après son album éponyme, Beyoncé est de retour et elle propose un schéma presque identique au précédent, c'est-à-dire sortir son album par surprise. Là où BEYONCÉ était un album cohérent et bien produit, LEMONADE est un album fouilli et bruyant où sa voix est moins maîtrisée qu'auparavant.

    Un album vraiment passable et dispensable.
    On retiendra uniquement Pray You Catch Me, 6 Inch, Forward, All Night. Même Kendrick n'arrive pas à relever le niveau de cet album.
  83. Apr 30, 2016
    Way too pretentious. It's a good album putting the gimmicks and fake tabloids aside. It does not feel genuine. She's clearly it for the SCHMONEY and it shows. The music is not that great however, which everybody forgets to talk about regarding LEMONADE as the visuals and gimmicks overshadow it, massively.
  84. Apr 28, 2016
    This is an emotionally raw album -- although there are 58 songwriting credits so it might not be that personal -- that shows Bey's vast vocal range and amazing vibrato control.
    Although for all its conceptual poetry and great vocal delivery, Lemonade is just not as exciting as B'day or 4.
    Formation and Freedom are the only songs that stand out. Unlike Bey's other albums, I feel that
    This is an emotionally raw album -- although there are 58 songwriting credits so it might not be that personal -- that shows Bey's vast vocal range and amazing vibrato control.
    Although for all its conceptual poetry and great vocal delivery, Lemonade is just not as exciting as B'day or 4.
    Formation and Freedom are the only songs that stand out.
    Unlike Bey's other albums, I feel that this one is undeservedly over-hype.
  85. Apr 27, 2016
    The hour-long "Lemonade" Visual Album on HBO was a dark, racially tribal study in the self-indulgence of an urban-pop queen. I don't see this is of any interest to anyone outside her family and vigilante-leaning "Bey Hive". Shawn Carter's ("Jay Z") alleged infidelity was over two yrs ago. If this is an emotional response to that then why the long delay? They're supposedly reconciled by nowThe hour-long "Lemonade" Visual Album on HBO was a dark, racially tribal study in the self-indulgence of an urban-pop queen. I don't see this is of any interest to anyone outside her family and vigilante-leaning "Bey Hive". Shawn Carter's ("Jay Z") alleged infidelity was over two yrs ago. If this is an emotional response to that then why the long delay? They're supposedly reconciled by now so what's the point of so much dark and threatening messaging? Or that's what I'd wonder if I were Shawn. But I'm not and this "Lemonade" is too bitter for my taste. Expand
  86. Apr 26, 2016
    "R.I.P. to the girl you used to see
    Her days are over, baby she's over"
    These lyrics from an unknown song by an unknown singer are perfect to describe this album and Beyonce's come back. She proves with this album that she's more thirsty for money than LEMONADE putting 0 effort to make it as we could have heard and that's very sad because I actually supported her but I'm so
    "R.I.P. to the girl you used to see
    Her days are over, baby she's over"
    These lyrics from an unknown song by an unknown singer are perfect to describe this album and Beyonce's come back.

    She proves with this album that she's more thirsty for money than LEMONADE putting 0 effort to make it as we could have heard and that's very sad because I actually supported her but I'm so disappointed I was waiting for way much better.

    It's way too communal and the album is only made for black people, Some people couldn't identify themselves to the lyrics etc that's sad because people could feel like they're not anymore part of Beyonce's target audience. An album by an international artist like her shouldn't be that sectarian. Once again, that's my opinion, no problem with Beyonce I love her neither with afro americans.

    There's only one song I actually like it's "Forward" because it's the shortest song on LEMONADE and because when I played the fist song of the album for the first time I was looking "Forward" to stop listening to this joke of the century.

    She's trying so hard to be a Rihanna wanna be singer, like using Rihanna's exactly same type of songs. Rihanna has a particular way to sing and specific types of songs so when I hear "Hold Up" "Sorry", "All Night' anyway... every songs on LEMONADE my thoughts are like "Rihanna could have sung that song". It's very annoying to listen an album by an artiste where every single song reminds me of an other artist. it's a lack of originality.

    To conclude, Forward is dope, but the rest is boring. 2/10 because of "Forward" and "Rihanna's type of songs"
  87. Apr 26, 2016
    Honestly, I'm just not impressed. It's not cohesive at all, which is surprising considering that her last album was so solid. There are some good songs on here, but they don't outweigh the fact that she put a country song ("Daddy Lessons"), rock song ("Don't Hurt Yourself"), and a Weeknd-style song ("6 Inch") all on the first half of the album. The second half of the album is equally weak;Honestly, I'm just not impressed. It's not cohesive at all, which is surprising considering that her last album was so solid. There are some good songs on here, but they don't outweigh the fact that she put a country song ("Daddy Lessons"), rock song ("Don't Hurt Yourself"), and a Weeknd-style song ("6 Inch") all on the first half of the album. The second half of the album is equally weak; two short songs that don't sound finished ("Sandcastles" and "Forward") followed by a social justice song ("Freedom") followed by a love song ("All Night") followed by another social justice song ("Formation") confuses me. People are saying this album is "a story of a woman's journey" but where is the journey? Beyonce sounds like she couldn't pick a sound or style and stick with it for the entire album. The good songs ("Love Drought", "Sorry") don't save the album from its flaws. Expand
  88. Apr 26, 2016
    TERRIBLE!! So boring and OVERRATED! People only give it high scores because of the fake political message Beyoncé was trying to deliver. It's so fake and ugly. It has a couple of decent songs but overall it's a boring album. She also sounds like a smoker and strains on the high notes. A BIG MESS. I regret streaming this piece of nonsense.
  89. Apr 26, 2016
    The melody is really really great, explored the new, but lyric;
    It took advantage of a delicate term to sell albums.
    I love QueenB, but this álbum no.
  90. Apr 26, 2016
    I'm so dissapointed, this is so terrible, not harmony, just no music in this case it's boring, horrible mess, sounds bad and poor. And album and Beyonce are overrated as always !
  91. Apr 25, 2016
    Boring, useless and far from Beyonce's signature songs like "Single Ladies", "Crazy in Love" and "Halo". Might be innovative but is by far Beyonce's most challenging album and this leads to the desperate try to create something new, not good or catchy or emotional, but just new. And that's kinda bad.
  92. Apr 25, 2016
    despite carrying a good message, it is very appealing, so that leaves very heavy album in my opinion this album compares to American Life Madonna, with a lot of criticism and no track relax, in addition to be times in the lyrics of tracks on it mixing things in your life with the theme she wanted for the album
  93. Apr 25, 2016
    If you want to buy an album because 2 songs are ok then this is the album for you.I'm a fan of Beyonce's earlier work but this one just doesn't do it for me.Three years in the making and this is the result? You'd think she'd deliver a revolutionary, well-produced, brilliant piece of art

    If I could give it a negative score, I would. The fact she recorded Formation and someone said "yeah
    If you want to buy an album because 2 songs are ok then this is the album for you.I'm a fan of Beyonce's earlier work but this one just doesn't do it for me.Three years in the making and this is the result? You'd think she'd deliver a revolutionary, well-produced, brilliant piece of art

    If I could give it a negative score, I would. The fact she recorded Formation and someone said "yeah that's great let's keep it" shows she has no sense. Might as well lose the team. She can save herself loads of money by firing all the yes men around her.
  94. Apr 25, 2016
    I'm a huge Beyoncé fan, but I have to say this is her worst album ever. Words can't describe how disappointed I am. It's like a horrible version of her self-titled album "Beyoncé". The lyrics are good, but the beats, melodies, etc. are horrible. The only good song on the album is "Formation"! The worst songs are definitely "Daddy Lessons" and "Don't Hurt Yourself". Jack White's voice ruinsI'm a huge Beyoncé fan, but I have to say this is her worst album ever. Words can't describe how disappointed I am. It's like a horrible version of her self-titled album "Beyoncé". The lyrics are good, but the beats, melodies, etc. are horrible. The only good song on the album is "Formation"! The worst songs are definitely "Daddy Lessons" and "Don't Hurt Yourself". Jack White's voice ruins the song completely, even though it's bad enough already. The album cover isn't good either. It was great for the movie, but I was hoping for another artwork for the album. The booklet could be much better and include her lyrics. Plus the price for the album is a colossal cheek! 18€ for 11 and a half songs? Are you serious, Beyoncé? Even her self-titled album, which included 14 songs (+Grown Woman) was only 16€... I'm a really disappointed fan/stan. It makes no sense to me that she's paying dust to songs like "Grown Woman", "A Woman Like Me", "Standing on the Sun" and "Die with You", but releases rubbish like "Daddy Lessons"... This is the worst country song I've heard in my entire life. Who told her this song was good? This album includes no catchy songs, except "Formation". Whoever produced these songs should get fired. Boots, Swizz Beatz, Timbaland, Hit-Boy and Mike-WiLL-Made-It should have produced the album. It's definitely not worth my coins. I won't buy the album (unfortunately). Expand
  95. Apr 25, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. You know.. when you try so hard to create a masterpiece, it will transform into a kitsch. That's what Beyonce ended to do with Lemonade. She wanted to create a record about 'Black Lives Matter' (which is a fantastic idea) but in the end she made the album all about herself (like always).. She still needs to understand that she's not the most important human being from this world. The main idea of Lemonade it's really good, even the fact that she used some samples for creating the album, but we can't see the essence of this record? Is it a sad record? Is it a funky record? What's this record really about? About Jay-Z and his affair with a lady (Becky with nice hair) or about being black? You decide. Expand
  96. Apr 25, 2016
    This album literally consists of one filler after another. I am immensely disappointed with Beyonce her latest album. She is losing focus and nowadays it is more about her image and persona than about the music. Hopefully the next one will be lightyears better than this sonic mess.
  97. Apr 25, 2016
    A very poor effort from the alleged 'artist of our generation'. Each song is overly repetitive, dull and uninspired. Add to this the fake allusion to Bey being cheated on, her copying Rihanna's style and tone in songs such as 'Hold Up' and 'Sorry', and this seems like a very desperate attempt to outdo her fellow peers. It's all about Bey. I find it disgusting that she uses victims'A very poor effort from the alleged 'artist of our generation'. Each song is overly repetitive, dull and uninspired. Add to this the fake allusion to Bey being cheated on, her copying Rihanna's style and tone in songs such as 'Hold Up' and 'Sorry', and this seems like a very desperate attempt to outdo her fellow peers. It's all about Bey. I find it disgusting that she uses victims' families of police brutality and racism to sell this record, as most of the album is seemingly about her overcoming infidelity and forgiveness. Add to this the unusual '6 Inch', where Beyonce plays the part of a prostitute (what does this have to do with the overarching storyline?), to the fact that it has critic favourites The Weekend, James Blake and Kendrick Lamar on board, it is clear that this album was made not from the heart, but for the charts and acclaim. Which it will certainly get, so congrats on that. Shame this is a major disappointment compared to your previous records. Expand
  98. Apr 25, 2016
    I am really disappointed by Beyonce Knowles new album Lemonade. It´s very flat and boring. None of the songs stand out, they all sound very basic to me. Furthermore, I am not a fan of visual albums because a good artist can express his vision or art with only his music and not with a movie or tons of videos. Really shocked by how terrible this album is.
  99. Apr 25, 2016
    The most of the album is boring except for some songs, i think it doesn't deserve such a high meta score. They all kissing Bey's ass. This is not her best album

Universal acclaim - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 33 out of 33
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 33
  3. Negative: 0 out of 33
  1. Q Magazine
    May 31, 2016
    Lemonade hits hard. Beyonce has chosen to portray herself like this, and those choices are bold, powerful and at times, properly shocking. [#361, p.110]
  2. Uncut
    May 24, 2016
    Never short on vocal confidence, here, she trades divadom for arresting, unconventional shapes. [Jul 2016, p.69]
  3. May 12, 2016
    By effortlessly topping her own best work. Lemonade now sets a new standard for cross-genre collaboration.