• Record Label: Parkwood
  • Release Date: Apr 23, 2016
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  1. Apr 25, 2016
    Álbum maravilhoso, com uma sonoridade irreal, uma mistura de ritmos, Beyoncé se superou mais uma vez trazendo um álbum recheado de conteúdo politico, trouxe a tona questões sociais com seu Filme visual e Formation, incrivelmente maravilhoso.
  2. Apr 25, 2016
    Maravilhoso! Uma obra prima de Deus,empoderada,clara e direta. Não consigo parar de ouvir,assistir,desejar as versões ao vivo. Não esperava menos da dona da indústria da musica.
  3. Apr 25, 2016
    Esse álbum é definitivamente o melhor do ano! Um dos melhores álbuns da dona do universo, Beyoncé. São tantas faixas boas que fica difícil escolher apenas uma como favorita.
  4. Apr 25, 2016
    I Love it talks about Black women needing love themselves, and trust themselves.....She even shows her political side...over A+...She not afraid to be emotional and show us a peak of her personal life..
  5. Apr 25, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. MELHOR ÁLBUM DA BEYONCÉ.
    Incrivel, maravilhoso! Ótimo trabalho! A Beyoncé pisou na cara de muita gente e os invejosos estão dando nota zero. Os invejosos que, noventa porcento são fã da (também, maravilhosa) Rihanna. Aceitem! Beyoncé não está de brincadeira!
  6. Apr 25, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Beyonce conseguiu EXATAMENTE o que queria: Um album forte de tom político, que dá voz para minorias, que abre os olhos da sociedade e exige um grito de PAZ!
    E além da grandiosidade politica nesse album, existe uma inegável pluralidade de estilos, que só engradecem e abraçam ainda mais esse album

    ==> Rock? ''Dont hurt yourself'' (Com sample de Led zepplin)
    ==>R&B? '' ''6 Inch'' ( Com The weeknd)
    ==>Hip Hop? ''Sorry''
    ==>Country? ''Daddy Lessons''
    e o HINO desse album, que tem uma batida de fácil entendimento e letra poderosa
    ==> obrigado Beyonce por esse album, é o que tenho a dizer
  7. Apr 27, 2016
    O álbum é maravilhoso em todos os sentidos. Poesia em forma de álbum visual, mais uma vez surpreendendo o mundo e criando novos padrões para a indústria.
  8. Apr 25, 2016
    The best album of Queen B !!
    who say that there is lying, because all that the queen Beyoncé does is wonderful and this album is no different, on the other hand is one of the best !!
  9. Apr 25, 2016
    Um album com tal genealidade não merece uma nota menor que essas , dentro da atual situação da industria da música beyoncé vem e nos mostra que ainda existe uma salvação , mas que merecido o titulo de rainha.
  10. Apr 25, 2016
    Lemonade is a masterpiece full of soul, humanity, desire, passion. Beyonce deliver something totally different in its solid discography and ascends as his most personal work and that shows that an artist can not just lust.
  11. Jun 9, 2017
    Beyonce with this album showed that althugh could leave the same as had been doing for the last 4 albums, she could make a great album showing support for the black community united states.
    JayZ not deserve to have a woman like beyonce with, beyonce is one of the great artists who were to become a great modern music legend even better than madonna
    Anyway, Beyonce is art at its best
    Beyonce with this album showed that althugh could leave the same as had been doing for the last 4 albums, she could make a great album showing support for the black community united states.
    JayZ not deserve to have a woman like beyonce with, beyonce is one of the great artists who were to become a great modern music legend even better than madonna
    Anyway, Beyonce is art at its best "FREEDOM" is one of the best songs along with the great rapper Kendrick Lamar
  12. Apr 25, 2016
    Beyonce's most thorough, thought-provoking work to date. An album about forgiveness, this latest piece serves to heal the listener, from the confident, finger-wagging lyrics to her equally impactful wistful performances.
  13. Apr 25, 2016
    This is a political and musical masterpiece. The beautiful form in which she appeals to the black rights' movement, the incredible way she talks about women uniting themselves on a constant struggle against male injustice and domination. All her references are incredible, the album builds up on anger, develops to forgiveness and ends with her new anthem "Formation".

    All negative user
    This is a political and musical masterpiece. The beautiful form in which she appeals to the black rights' movement, the incredible way she talks about women uniting themselves on a constant struggle against male injustice and domination. All her references are incredible, the album builds up on anger, develops to forgiveness and ends with her new anthem "Formation".

    All negative user reviews come either from people that obviously insist on comparing this work with Rihanna's ANTi album when both (amazing) albums obviously had different goals or from people who don't get how political beyoncé has gotten and those who can't accept a change in her musical style
  14. Apr 25, 2016
    Melhor trabalho da Beyoncé, estou no chão.Profundo, forte, conseguiu me trazer aquela magia de uma era completamente nova e épica que não sentia desde I am Sasha Fierce.
  15. Apr 25, 2016
    Lemonade album is perfectly sound. All songs are perfect and the whole album follows the same concept.perfect lyrics, perfect sound, perfect musicianship, the quality of audio and movie are perfect.Beyoncé showed just why is the largest and most talented artist alive.
    Beyoncé congratulations.
  16. Apr 25, 2016
    On this album, Beyoncé tells us her story, her influences. Influences of Africa, Texas, her parents, her religion. Shows her musical influences, combining different styles masterfully. The songs show us sides never before shown in their albums and still combine perfectly with the singer. Beyoncé to shout to the world that is a black woman, independent and complex. And although it is aOn this album, Beyoncé tells us her story, her influences. Influences of Africa, Texas, her parents, her religion. Shows her musical influences, combining different styles masterfully. The songs show us sides never before shown in their albums and still combine perfectly with the singer. Beyoncé to shout to the world that is a black woman, independent and complex. And although it is a feminist and businesswoman that does not stop loving her husband, daughter and family.. Expand
  17. Apr 25, 2016
    A real masterpiece. This is what the world needs: ART! It brings a mix of rhythms with an amazing harmony. The context of the album is absolutely wonderful!
  18. Apr 25, 2016
    ÁLBUM INCRÍVEL, POREM NÃO É O MEU FAVORITO DA QUEEN B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Apr 25, 2016
    Amazing! The best Beyoncé album ever! Is everything and has everything i always wanted Beyoncé to do. She presents a perfect masterpiece and not everyone these days can do it like she can.
  20. Apr 25, 2016
    Innovative , exciting and amazing!
    The queen shows again that it is possible to bring an unprecedented and unsurpassed quality work.
    Magnificent, royal.
    God save the Queen B.
  21. May 5, 2016
    Her most bold and complex work to date. A mix of genres and beats with her flawless vocals.
    A visual and musical masterpiece, one of the best albums of all time.
  22. Apr 25, 2016
    Beyoncé nunca decepciona. Seu novo álbum é salto em sua qualidade sonora, vocal e letras das músicas, deixando bem para trás suas concorrentes. She's the Queen... the best... Another level.
  23. Apr 25, 2016
    Simplismente perfeito!!! Sem duvidas o melhor album dela!!! Nada de farofas, musicas com um movimento de liberdade, Beyoncé realmente é a verdadeira rainha!! Amo demais
  24. Apr 25, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Beyoncé é uma das poucas artistas atuais que se jogam em seu trabalho e sua arte. Não precisa ser fã para admira-la. Este álbum é mais uma prova que ela é uma artista completa! Expand
  25. Apr 25, 2016
    O que falar de um álbum que misturou todos os estilos músicas? Realmente, Beyoncé mostrou para o que veio. Falando de traição ao amor sublime e o mais importante a luta dos negros e o racismo que até hoje é um dos assuntos mais abordados do mundo. Parabéns Beyoncé por nos dar uma obra-prima com tanto respeito e ainda sendo o melhor de toda a sua carreira!
  26. Apr 26, 2016
    This is easily Beyoncé’s best album yet, a clear progression from her previous work and a musical triumph. Lemonade is by far Beyoncé’s strongest album!
  27. Apr 25, 2016
    Lemonade é um álbum completamente diferente de tudo que Beyoncé já fez. É pessoal, fala sobre uma possível traição, mostrando a sua fúria. Mas também é político, mostra a sua insatisfação contra a brutalidade e a violência sofrida por pessoas negras. Beyoncé prova mais uma vez que não está para brincadeira, ela fez não somente uma obra-prima, mas está fazendo a revolução.
  28. Jun 1, 2016
    Beyoncé's best work to date. She really out did herself when no one thought she could live up to Self-Titled. The multiple meaningful messages in this album really show in such an artistic way. Great work! Very great work! Definitely the best album of 2016.
  29. Apr 25, 2016
    I think this is Beyonce's best album because she uses different genres and not pop and R&B. This is a masterpiece by Beyonce and she uses her platform to talk about black lives matter and that's what I love about her she thinks hard about the other songs on her album and not just one like a single. She puts her all into every one of those songs.
  30. Apr 25, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Esse é o novo testamente, "to Monday to Sunday". Um álbum cheio de referencias e críticas construtivas, um álbum preenchido de verdades nunca antes distas por ela. Assuntos que muitas pessoas diziam que ela ignorava, tanto da vida pessoal como em sociedade. Então ela "shoot" e acertou em cheio a cabeça e tirou o sono dos conservadores e dos "haters". Viver para ver, sentir e ouvir a sua em sua plenitude e brilho. Com muita Lemonade e hot sources ! Expand
  31. Apr 25, 2016
    Beyonce's best work in her career. She continues to outdo herself and I'm happy to be in the BeyHive because of that. Not only did she release amazing music, but the movie was amazing and followed a plot. Just simply excellent.
  32. Apr 25, 2016
    É tudo muito diferente do que tá aí hoje no pop mainstream. E um diferente com qualidade. Gente, qual a dificuldade em levantar e aplaudir a Beyoncé? Ela fez um álbum incrível, falando de suas raízes, identidade e cultura. Tem rock, country, R&B, pop, hip hop...
  33. Apr 25, 2016
    A definition of true ART! she's topped herself yet again. I see a certain fanbase commenting their sad reviews but maybe if their fave gives them a good album one day maybe the hate will stop.
  34. Apr 25, 2016
    Es un magnifico álbum, y el mejor en la carrera de Beyoncé. Representa un gran cambio en la carrera de esta artista, que cada día muestra parte de lo que es capaz y en mi parecer la única que se supera a si misma en cada álbum
  35. Apr 25, 2016
    The word "masterpiece" gets thrown a lot when reviewing albums, but it's so appropriate in this case. Lemonade really is a masterpiece and her best body of work to date. In this album, Beyoncé speaks about several topics, such as black rights, relationships, and womanhood. The reason why I love this album so much is because she talks about topics that I can relate to.
  36. Apr 25, 2016
    Sorry haters, that's Beyonce's reign, the only thing u can do is bowing down and accepting that she is the most popular and powerful living artist in the world, she is actully comparatble to Prince. So cut ur crap and sh*t 'cause RS reviews 5 stars! lol
  37. Apr 25, 2016
    Amazing! She really came to slay! A political, profane and empowred album!

    Since the release of 'Formation', Beyoncé, proving that it is the greatest artist of our time, gave lacquer-plastic question the most burning of the USA: the relationship between blacks and whites in the richest country in the world. In this true audio-visual experience, it is the key to understanding the
    Amazing! She really came to slay! A political, profane and empowred album!

    Since the release of 'Formation', Beyoncé, proving that it is the greatest artist of our time, gave lacquer-plastic question the most burning of the USA: the relationship between blacks and whites in the richest country in the world.

    In this true audio-visual experience, it is the key to understanding the uiniverso spoken of the singer at the stage where it embraces and exalts with maximum power their blackness.

    The film is a visually arresting spectacle.
  38. Apr 25, 2016
    Me da un gusto enorme comenzar a reseñar disco empezando con uno de los trabajos más esperados en el año titulado LEMONADE.
    El sexto trabajo de estudio de Beyoncé nos trae una propuesto que si bien en su obra anterior "Beyoncé" ya se había experimentado. Ahora nos acontece algo totalmente innovador.
    Con un mensaje fuerte, violento, irónico e incluso crudo. Se homenajea no sólo a la mujer
    Me da un gusto enorme comenzar a reseñar disco empezando con uno de los trabajos más esperados en el año titulado LEMONADE.
    El sexto trabajo de estudio de Beyoncé nos trae una propuesto que si bien en su obra anterior "Beyoncé" ya se había experimentado. Ahora nos acontece algo totalmente innovador.
    Con un mensaje fuerte, violento, irónico e incluso crudo. Se homenajea no sólo a la mujer negra. Si no a todo lo que representa la historia negra en U.S.A.
    Aparentemente el rumbo que ha tomado la música pop desde el año pasado con influencias en el R&B, en el rock y pasando a una instrumentalización más orgánica con toques de pop, ha impactado demasiado en la manera de hacer música actualmente.
    Discos tales como ANTi, Mind Of Mine, Beauty Behind The Madness y los Buzz Singles de Drake... Etc han acarreado a los productores a llevar a este ritmo cómo lo comercial. A pesar de esto LEMONADE se escucha y se siente veraz.
    Beyoncé demuestra una capacidad vocal como ningún otro cantante femenino. Experimenta, juega, desgarra la voz.
    Respecto a la producción músical se puede notar una percusión muy particular en el disco al igual que el uso de cuerdas y las influencias de orquesta que se notan en el uso de violines. Pero el disco va en incremento. Comienza con una producción músical ligera y termina con producciones grandes como FREEDOM y ALL NIGHT.
    Respecto a la pélicula...
    Se divide en capítulos que dan a entender que la película es eso... un trabajo fílmico. Que nos va contando una historia y para el Film las música que se extraen de LEMONADE forman parte de el como una banda sonora.
    Sin duda un trabajo que marcará tendencia en la música popular y que le dará el sello a la música comercial durante el periodo que dure el R&B y el Rap/Hip Hop en los charts de Billboard.
  39. Apr 25, 2016
    Didn't know she could exceed BEYONCE, but indeed this is her best work. I can't get through any song from this album without chills! Her voice resonates throughout. It seems that she is her rawest, most truthful yet and I think that's exactly why LEMONADE is so profound.
  40. Apr 25, 2016
    The album is amazing. The sound , the lyrics, the rhythms . Everything perfect. One of the best is the best album of Beyonce's career. The songs seem to be interconnected with each other. You can not even to realize the transition from one track to another . A job very well done and cohesive .
  41. May 3, 2016
    This right here is what music is about. Music is about growth and expanding that what is to what can be. Beyoncé showed us once again that she is able to adapt, change, learn and grow. LEMONADE may not be for everyone, but you can't deny that it's one of the best albums of the 10's.
  42. Jun 7, 2016
    Beyoncé is without doubt one of the greatest entertainers alive. With this album she also proved her ability to create a masterpiece of art and not just danceable mainstream songs. Besides the political message, there are many references artwise and the album as well as the movie contain a huge varieties of styles. I love it!
  43. Apr 26, 2016
    Her best album since 4. It has many different genres and dealt with many issues that many people, men and women, face. I hope she continues to grow as an artist because I am loving what she is offering.
  44. Apr 26, 2016
    Queen Bey has done it again. What an incredibly personal and cohesive album. I've never been a huge fan of Beyoncé's but started to take an interest in her after her previous release 'BEYONCÉ'. Formation followed and I loved how care free and energetic the song was and had complete admiration for how bold the message was.

    Now Lemonade. My god, what an experience. She really took me
    Queen Bey has done it again. What an incredibly personal and cohesive album. I've never been a huge fan of Beyoncé's but started to take an interest in her after her previous release 'BEYONCÉ'. Formation followed and I loved how care free and energetic the song was and had complete admiration for how bold the message was.

    Now Lemonade. My god, what an experience. She really took me through it. Some parts really made me think she was singing about me! From the innocence and vulnerability of Pray You Catch Me to the euphoric idgaf anthem Sorry, this album was worth the money. Well done Bey. I also just spent £950 on reseller tickets for the world tour. There is no way I'm missing out on this experience live.
  45. Apr 26, 2016
    Her most innovative and brilliant album Beyoncé has ever made. The level of artistry is amazingly high for a pop star and the collaborations she did are surprisingly great. The album is very emotional but in the same way very strong. I love the fact that she talks about real issues like women and black power in today's society, which is a topic she has always defended but not in music.Her most innovative and brilliant album Beyoncé has ever made. The level of artistry is amazingly high for a pop star and the collaborations she did are surprisingly great. The album is very emotional but in the same way very strong. I love the fact that she talks about real issues like women and black power in today's society, which is a topic she has always defended but not in music. Great just great and already iconic. Expand
  46. Apr 26, 2016
    After the incredibly high standard Beyoncé set up for herself (and for everybody else) with her 2013 self- titled release, I did not think she could top herself with her latest release. However, she proved me wrong and blew through every expectations I had for Lemonade. The album is very cohesive yet each song managed to have their own characteristcs and distinct sounds. I can feel herAfter the incredibly high standard Beyoncé set up for herself (and for everybody else) with her 2013 self- titled release, I did not think she could top herself with her latest release. However, she proved me wrong and blew through every expectations I had for Lemonade. The album is very cohesive yet each song managed to have their own characteristcs and distinct sounds. I can feel her emotions through such amazing vocal performances, with her voice displaying incredible versatility, to the extent that she could manipulate her voice to different sounds with ease yet still sounding raw and retaining the Beyoncé trademark. However, it's not her vocal performance, nor her genre-hopping flawlessness that made Lemonade such a masterpiece. It's how the album as a whole could tell a story with a vividness that is comparable to a movie and how the album can manage to convey such array of emotions in just 46 minutes. The album is not the most radio-friendly but that's one of the things that truly made Lemonade such a jewel on Beyoncé's crown. Lemonade shows an artist that is brave enough to break the rules and do whatever she wants to do, say whatever she wants to say and let others feel what she feels, and that is what art is supposed to do. To make people feel what the artist feels. Lemonade is Beyoncé best album to date, and could even turn out as her magnum opus. Expand
  47. Apr 26, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Hold Up the best song on the album in my opinion, I want to see live the the fastest possible,to start World Tour Formation,That Come To Brazil....Beyoncé Queen of World! Expand
  48. Apr 26, 2016
    This is the best album of the last times! I am Brazilian and we love the album from the first minute we hear. what Beyoncé does, fighting for ideals that should not be a problem nowadays , it's spectacular ! We love you Queem! We love your spirit! We love your soul. Tanks for the dedication.
  49. Apr 26, 2016
    Todas as músicas do álbum chegaram ao Top 15 no iTunes US. Álbum maravilhoso. Amei. O Álbum abraça forte o feminismo e trata de questões referentes às minorias.
  50. Apr 26, 2016
    Álbum feito com músicas bonitas, inspiradoras, e sociais. Beyoncé aparece diferente do normal, vocais loucos. Beyoncé é A MELHOR ARTISTA FEMININA DE TODOS OS TEMPOS
  51. Apr 26, 2016
    Eu tenho opinião própria e acho este álbum o melhor da carreira da Beyoncé. Dou 10. Dou 100, 1000. Beyoncé merece. Ela trabalha arduamente. Amei todas as músicas do álbum. Vale a pena escutá-lo.
  52. Apr 26, 2016
    Só tenho a comentar é que este álbum é o melhor da carreira. É incrível como a Beyoncé consegue ser original e tão perfeita. Ainda bem que nasci na Era Beyoncé.
  53. Apr 26, 2016
    Ouvi o álbum assistindo ao filme. Fiquei chocado com tantas mensagens e muita Arte. Beyoncé consegue surpreender seus próprios fãs. Amei o álbum. NOTA 10.
  54. Apr 26, 2016
    This is easily Beyoncé's best work yet. The theme of the album is much darker than her previous work and she really takes you on a journey from beginning to end while crossing genres. The visuals are the added icing on the cake. The whole album is wonderfully put together.
  55. Oct 25, 2016
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. An amazing artist! Rarely there can be someone who can dance, write, sing, entertain, motivate and use its voice for something bigger than itself! Lemonade and BEYONCE a true masterpiece! Maybe the best albums of this century:) Expand
  56. Apr 26, 2016
    She emotionally puts the breakdown of her marriage on display, showing she is real, not just Beyonce.
    Throughout the album, highlights include "Hold Up", a reggae diplo-produced jam, "Sorry" where the line "Call Becky With The Good Hair" is the standout lyric, "Don't Hurt Yourself" the polarizing FU to cheating husband Jay-Z featuring Jack White, "Freedom" the featuring track with
    She emotionally puts the breakdown of her marriage on display, showing she is real, not just Beyonce.
    Throughout the album, highlights include "Hold Up", a reggae diplo-produced jam, "Sorry" where the line "Call Becky With The Good Hair" is the standout lyric, "Don't Hurt Yourself" the polarizing FU to cheating husband Jay-Z featuring Jack White, "Freedom" the featuring track with Kendrick Lamar that is very emotional and triumphant, and the closing track, the bop "Formation" which is likely to become Bey's 6th #1 U.S. single.
  57. Apr 26, 2016
    Album Quick Review

    Album - Lemonade Artist - Beyoncé Featuring - The Weeknd, Kendrick Lamar, Jack White and James Black Before I start, can I just say that the way Beyoncé drops her album, even a free fall seems planned. Well, after her self titled album that released back in 2014, people expected only brilliance from Beyoncé. So here she is with Lemonade. The LP according to TIDAL
    Album Quick Review

    Album - Lemonade
    Artist - Beyoncé
    Featuring - The Weeknd, Kendrick Lamar, Jack White and James Black

    Before I start, can I just say that the way Beyoncé drops her album, even a free fall seems planned. Well, after her self titled album that released back in 2014, people expected only brilliance from Beyoncé. So here she is with Lemonade. The LP according to TIDAL statement released with it is a ‘conceptual project based on every woman’s journey of self-knowledge and healing’. And boy do I agree. Each and every song is lyrically brilliant, adding to it some amazing music and the sexy, powerful vocals of Queen B.

    This is not an usual Beyoncé album; it is so much more than that. The album entirely consists of Piano Ballads that will give you goosebumps. This is no pop music, no 7/11. This is something far more personal and far more real. The album will take you through a journey, not in a specific order but an amazing one anyway. From infidelity to black lives to self importance, this album touches so many topics and does justice to them.

    I won't go into details about each song. That will make it a very boring and a very long review because I can go on and on and on about how brilliant each and every song is. However, I will give you my top picks. My top 6 out of the 12 songs are -

    Pray You Catch Me, 6 Inch, Daddy Lessons, Sandcastle, Freedom and Formation.

    The other six are amazing too. I won't rate this album because it's beyond that.
  58. Apr 26, 2016
    Where do I even start. This album is an emotional masterpiece that fans have been craving for years. Her career has truly taken off with her past two albums. Beyoncé was originaldly though of as a singles artist with her first three studio albums, releasing mega-hits like Crazy in Love, possibly the song of the 2000s, Naughty Girl, Baby Boy, Irreplaceable, Single Ladies, and Halo. Her 4Where do I even start. This album is an emotional masterpiece that fans have been craving for years. Her career has truly taken off with her past two albums. Beyoncé was originaldly though of as a singles artist with her first three studio albums, releasing mega-hits like Crazy in Love, possibly the song of the 2000s, Naughty Girl, Baby Boy, Irreplaceable, Single Ladies, and Halo. Her 4 album had an obscure indecisiveness with its release and the choice of singles, but it was a great album nonetheless. BEYONCÉ was a time of self-discovery for her artistic style.

    Now, with Lemonade, Beyoncé has set the bar with a visual album accompanied by a short film. It explains the treatment of black women in society, specifically in marriage and other relationships with men. It begins with a telling ballad, Pray You Catch Me, which smoothly transitions to a Hold Up, a song influenced with a certain jazz/funk sound. Don't Hurt Yourself features Jack White and shows Beyoncé at her most violent in years. Her most explicit (language) song on the album features a rock quality she has never used before.

    In Sorry, she doesn't care about her man. She is busy living life with her ladies. 6 Inch is the strange song that seems to stand out as a radio hit. It is less emotionally charged, but highlights the value of women and their wages. The Weeknd also has a great verse on the song. Daddy Lessons is a strange, but catchy, country themed song about her father and what he taught her in Houston (cause she's a Texas Bama). Love Drought and Sandcastles serve as the slow ballads, which then lead into Forward, a short song mainly featuring James Blake. Freedom, featuring Kendrick Lamar, is, in my opinion, the message of the album. It communicates Beyoncé 's ideas as well as having a Black Power message in the Kendrick verse. All Night is truly about forgiveness, as in the film, Beyoncé is seen with Jay Z and they seem happy. Formation closes out the album with amazing power and a tough beat line that will make it a smash hit.

    This album tells a story that many artists cannot achieve. The diversity in sound ranges from 90s New Orleans funk to country to synth ballads. This is an exceptional album that will garner high accolades at the music awards over the next year. The only problem is that Beyoncé might have to outdo herself on her next album, whenever that may be. Lemonade, thus far, is Beyoncé's most complete and emotional album to date, and fans can only appreciate the artistry that she has provided.
  59. Apr 26, 2016
    Mrs. Carter, em seu atual patamar, como uma das estrelas mais poderosas do planeta, vem em “LEMONADE” mostrar ao mundo que já que somos os responsáveis por sua ascensão à arte e ao estrelato, devemos estrar preparados para ouvir o que ela realmente pensa e defendeu, ao longo de sua caminhada, mesmo que de forma indireta. Seu empoderamento negro está mais evidente e abrangente que nunca,Mrs. Carter, em seu atual patamar, como uma das estrelas mais poderosas do planeta, vem em “LEMONADE” mostrar ao mundo que já que somos os responsáveis por sua ascensão à arte e ao estrelato, devemos estrar preparados para ouvir o que ela realmente pensa e defendeu, ao longo de sua caminhada, mesmo que de forma indireta. Seu empoderamento negro está mais evidente e abrangente que nunca, trazendo uma Beyoncé destemida de quaisquer que sejam as consequências de uma afronta direta a sociedade.
    É válido destacar que a cantora contribuiu na composição e produção de todas as músicas do material, que assim como citado pelo The Darily Telegraph, faz a cantora soar ainda mais “genuinamente imperiosa”.
  60. Apr 26, 2016
    I've never been a huge Beyonce fan, and I still trying to understand the majority of the album, but the Lemonade film that was on HBO was absolutely lovely and it's something that deserves the title of "MASTERPIECE". A few mixes of different genres here and there, but it's definitely an album - not a bunch of catchy songs smashed together into one album. Every song compliments one another.I've never been a huge Beyonce fan, and I still trying to understand the majority of the album, but the Lemonade film that was on HBO was absolutely lovely and it's something that deserves the title of "MASTERPIECE". A few mixes of different genres here and there, but it's definitely an album - not a bunch of catchy songs smashed together into one album. Every song compliments one another. My favourite song on the album has to be "Don't Hurt Yourself" and the song "Sorry" is very fun to listen to, more fun to watch though. Absolutely loved the Serena dancing. Expand
  61. Apr 26, 2016
    An amazing album which describes Beyoncé`a inner emotions. Stunning visuals, many of them are unseen. Beyoncé just keeps showing us why she is on of the biggest artists of all time...
  62. Apr 26, 2016
    Beyoncé once again proving that she is King. Arguably her best album to date, definitely the best female album of recent years. Masterpiece, slay queen. Anti sucks.
  63. Apr 26, 2016
    WORK OF ART = LEMONADE, melhor album da cantora em anos, o melhor álbum da década, Beyoncé traz um trabalho ousado que só alguém que vem se tornando lenda dia pós dia poderia trazer...
  64. Apr 26, 2016
    I came to leave a bad review to knock the score down but i just watched the video and WHEW **** it. my edges are looking like Azealia's right now. **** us all up Queen!

    Also How do I change my username on here???
  65. Apr 26, 2016
    It's perfect! Love how Queen Bey came back to show what we;ve missed for 3 years! From cheating, affairs, marriages, and 'Becky with the good hair'. To where she shows her proud black heritage and that #BlackLivesMatter, she shows what's been going through her life through a perfect visual album! This HAS TO BE HER BEST ALBUM YET! Buy it! You will NOT be disappointed!
  66. Apr 26, 2016
    This is the best album I have ever heard, i can't stop listening to it. I love that this album is very artistic and diverse. I can tell she really put a lot of effort and hard work to produce this masterpiece.
  67. Apr 26, 2016
    Lemonade by Beyoncé is not only an amazing album with beautiful production and lyrics but also a huge emotional journey that takes the listener on an epic journey. Beyoncé's new album not only took risk that were heavily rewarded, but touched upon important modern day topics such as African American Rights, Black Female power, and the proclamation of female empowerment. With hoe anthemsLemonade by Beyoncé is not only an amazing album with beautiful production and lyrics but also a huge emotional journey that takes the listener on an epic journey. Beyoncé's new album not only took risk that were heavily rewarded, but touched upon important modern day topics such as African American Rights, Black Female power, and the proclamation of female empowerment. With hoe anthems such as "6 Inch" and "Sorry" Lemonade might be one of the most influential albums of the decade. Her album boast a very high diversity of genre such as country, dance hall, rnb, and etc. which greatly helps to provide a refreshing sound every single song. However even throughout the differences within the songs, they still come together to form an emotional epic that shows how Beyoncé dealt with her emotional problems. Its raw and full of power, songs such as "Don't Hurt Yourself" containing the best vocals of the 21st century, and is a must buy. Expand
  68. May 6, 2016
    The word "masterpiece" gets thrown around very easily in my opinion, and there are very few albums deserving of that title. I honestly believe this is a masterpiece, never been a huge Beyoncé fan, but this is easily the best album of the year, and possibly one of the best pop albums of this decade. Brilliant record.
  69. Apr 26, 2016
    Her greatest album. That's all. The diversity between the different songs represents Beyonce. All Night is my favorite indeed i find that this is the perfect song to finish the album. The melody and Queen B's voice sound amazing.
  70. Apr 26, 2016
    Álbum perfeito, muito bem conseguido, vários estilos musicais, indiferença por um estilo comercial e mais preocupação na mensagem a passar e no real sentimento da musica, muito bom mesmo
  71. Apr 26, 2016
    I thought she wouldn't be able to top her self-titled album, but Beyoncé proved me wrong. This is an album about her transformation and identification and coming-to-terms; it's not just about infidelity. This is her most personal and experimental work to date; very well executed with incredible replay value!
  72. Apr 26, 2016
    Every time I think she have done the best she can do, she always come up with the better album. This album is at the apex of her musical career as a kind of perfectly refined story. It is full of adventures in terms of music itself and in terms of methodology of musical film.
  73. Apr 26, 2016
    Her best album to date! So diverse and addicting! Im amazed seeing Bey keep growing as an artist! And that film wowww ain't no one doing it like her! Rihanna is basic and its a sin to compare her with Queen Bey after this!
  74. Apr 27, 2016
    I love this album. It is Beyoncé at her most vulnerable and emotive. She took social issues, in-cooperated them with culture and poetry and coined an art that will forever leave a mark in pop culture. Its great and anyone who says differently is either just biased or just don't appreciate Art.
    Thank You Beyoncé
  75. Apr 27, 2016
    Amazing album, very important for de world, strong and powerful for the girls, different songs, perfect lyrics, rock, country, hip-hop all together 10*
  76. Apr 27, 2016
    It is rare to experience an album that is so good that you just want to listen to it as a whole and exactly the tracklist order. This is raw, emotional, honest and just the best. It just makes me proud to have experienced it. Great Job QUEEN
  77. Apr 27, 2016
    This is a **** masterpiece. Raw, authentic, sincere and emotive as hell. Did not expect this degree of bareness by Bey and her voice is so timeless she can actually transcede from one genre to another like sipping tea. Kendrick Lamar, Jack White and James Blake are the icing on the cake. Fantastic job stretching music to a new domain and era. Hope she keeps up like this.
  78. Apr 27, 2016
    This is an album of perfection. Beyoncé really did a perfect job as a singer, director and producer. Maybe the navy should stop giving negative reviews, cause everyone knows that ANTI is the real **** of the year.
  79. Apr 27, 2016
    I think this is not the album of the year , but the album of a life. Indeed, with this album, Beyoncé create a masterpiece worthy of the most complete. The album features 13 songs, but they are of impeccable quality. This album contains very specific cultural references, which have the merit of showing the comtemporary society in which we live. Lemonade is really an album That BringsI think this is not the album of the year , but the album of a life. Indeed, with this album, Beyoncé create a masterpiece worthy of the most complete. The album features 13 songs, but they are of impeccable quality. This album contains very specific cultural references, which have the merit of showing the comtemporary society in which we live. Lemonade is really an album That Brings freshness not only to the ear also in the music industry. Expand
  80. Apr 27, 2016
    Definitely best Beyonce's album to date.
    Since Beyonce's "4", she starts her album with ballad. This time, she starts Lemonade with "Pray You Catch Me". The harmonies of her voice and the instrument is heavenly.
    Personally favourite is " Don't Hurt Yourself ", it's like the greater intense version of "Ring The Alarm". The last few lines of this song kills. And her collaboration with Jack
    Definitely best Beyonce's album to date.
    Since Beyonce's "4", she starts her album with ballad. This time, she starts Lemonade with "Pray You Catch Me". The harmonies of her voice and the instrument is heavenly.
    Personally favourite is " Don't Hurt Yourself ", it's like the greater intense version of "Ring The Alarm". The last few lines of this song kills. And her collaboration with Jack White on this song has an incredible chemical reaction. This is what I don't expect from Beyonce. Therefore, this song will be my favourite on this album.
  81. Apr 27, 2016
    A masterpiece from beginning to end, Beyonce has done it again! This is what it is like when art and pop meet. By far the best album of the decade and possibly the best album of all time. Really excited to see how she'll top this magnificent piece of work in the future.
  82. Apr 28, 2016
    Amazing!!! I've never be in a hype about an album before, but it's truly an art. She gave so much stories about her past. Every food option is delicious! Order the blood orange lemonade, It's do die for! A lot of people also really like lemonade just like Lemonade by Beyonce
  83. Apr 28, 2016
    Unbowed, unbent, unbroken. The album has been built on a solid foundation.''I was served lemons, but I made lemonade ''. Beyoncé managed to surprise us. Again. As she said: '' World stop. Carry on...''
  84. Apr 28, 2016
    Beyonce é uma artista completa, e esse álbum só nos mostra isso. Capacidade de fazer um ótimo álbum, com uma fotografia maravilhosa. Esse álbum visual é uma completa obra de arte.
  85. Apr 28, 2016
    One of Beyonce's strongest efforts hands down. Her most diverse, musical, and emotional body of work. As an album alone without any visuals her voice alone carries you thru a story. Truly an experience worth listening and watching. Lemonade is an A+ record.
  86. Apr 28, 2016
    The visual has become a standard when it comes to Beyonce. However, she raises the bar higher every time. The transcendence into using the voice, the instruments, the software solutions, the talent of other people, the vision and natural, atavistic human motives, creates a unique and powerful message. Anyone who is a human, even not knowing who Beyonce is, will certainly be emotionallyThe visual has become a standard when it comes to Beyonce. However, she raises the bar higher every time. The transcendence into using the voice, the instruments, the software solutions, the talent of other people, the vision and natural, atavistic human motives, creates a unique and powerful message. Anyone who is a human, even not knowing who Beyonce is, will certainly be emotionally affected by this masterpiece. Even if they can't describe it, the impact on everybody's inside world, emotional jungle hidden from daylight, must be quite an event to handle. In a pop-driven world, this work reminds you that you still have a soul, which is growing with or without your awareness.
    I hereby and finally declare myself that b**** in one of Beyonce's previous songs - I bow down.
  87. Apr 28, 2016
    pisou no ANTI kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
  88. Apr 28, 2016
    Esse álbum é maravilhoso! Mais um resultado de todo trabalho dessa revolucionária que é a Beyoncé. Esse vai ser o melhor album do ano, merece ser o mais comentado!
  89. Apr 28, 2016
    It's not just simply listening to an album, it's an experience; an event. Yes, the songs are not that radio friendly or the one that get stuck into your ears easily, but every song has a story, it created an impact in so many ways. Short but true. Beyoncé's best album to date. Thumbs up!
  90. Apr 28, 2016
    This album is the triumph successor to already stellar BEYONCE. Beyonce has never been shy about experimenting with new genres but this album has something for everyone. R&B, soul, rock, country, funk. You name it, Lemonade has it. Vocally, she is at her most assured. Lyrically, this album breaks new ground and tells the story of a Black woman's journey of growth and forgiveness. AnThis album is the triumph successor to already stellar BEYONCE. Beyonce has never been shy about experimenting with new genres but this album has something for everyone. R&B, soul, rock, country, funk. You name it, Lemonade has it. Vocally, she is at her most assured. Lyrically, this album breaks new ground and tells the story of a Black woman's journey of growth and forgiveness. An instant classic. Expand
  91. Apr 29, 2016
    One of many things that I wanna do before I die is to go to the shop and buy all Beyonce's albums and her songs, see all her films, and all the thing about her. ^^
  92. Apr 29, 2016
    By far Beyonce's best album. She covers everything from R&B, pop,reggae, rock and even country all while managing to be her most cohesive album to date. With songs covering topics such as heartbreak, rage, loss and redemption. This is Beyonce' at her most vulnerable and yet most fearless.
  93. Apr 29, 2016
    Aamzing album. It made me cry from the beginning to end. What a masterpiece it really deserves all the praise. 10/10 really amazes me how much she has evolved
  94. Apr 29, 2016
    Definitely Beyoncé's best album so far. It doesn't really sound like anything she has ever done before, which probably deters many people. It is somewhat melodically minimalistic in the sense that it's not all loud and strong as some of her previous works. There is no Crazy In Love or Flawless songs in it, nor Halo or Listen-like stuff. That is probably the reason people say it's boring,Definitely Beyoncé's best album so far. It doesn't really sound like anything she has ever done before, which probably deters many people. It is somewhat melodically minimalistic in the sense that it's not all loud and strong as some of her previous works. There is no Crazy In Love or Flawless songs in it, nor Halo or Listen-like stuff. That is probably the reason people say it's boring, because it's really different and new. There isn't a feeling of "trying to hart to pull out some hit song for the radio". It's really artistic and pure to me, and the lyrics are so **** gooooood! They are really bare and raw, in a sense that it gives you all Beyoncé's feeling right in your face. There is no censorship of lyrics that describe what she feels and what the message and there are. I think the album is really beautiful and clever, and thee melodies are super witty. Expand
  95. Apr 29, 2016
    Genius album masterpiece at its finest. She has really evolved into a michael jackson heir and prince heir. I a, so proud of this album from the amazing tracks to the theme truly the best album of the decade
  96. May 28, 2016
    She "Came into this world / And daddy made a soldier out of (her)".....and yes she proves this. She is a self-proclaimed feminist who knows it better how things are done.
    "Lemonade" is an album about an independent women who wants a commited husband. She is not ready to live with a husband who is late at night. "You can taste the dishonesty/ it's on your breath" she awares her husband on
    She "Came into this world / And daddy made a soldier out of (her)".....and yes she proves this. She is a self-proclaimed feminist who knows it better how things are done.
    "Lemonade" is an album about an independent women who wants a commited husband. She is not ready to live with a husband who is late at night. "You can taste the dishonesty/ it's on your breath" she awares her husband on the 1st track "Pray You Catch Me"
    But, on the 7th track "Love Drought" she is broken. "What did I do?" she asks.
    Continuing the legacy her own Grammy winning LP "BEYONCÉ", she is here with a gem again, which is undoubtly her best effort till date and the best album of 2010s decade.
    Every song on this "visual album", especially "Sorry" and "All Night", is a masterpiece.
    The 1st 4 tracks are killing anyway.
    And therefore, with "Lemonade" Bey has outdone herself.
    "Good job Bey" I agree with her daughter, Blue Ivy.

    Jewel of the album - "Sorry"
  97. Apr 29, 2016
    Очень качественный и хороший альбом. Смотрите фильмом, видно что Бейонсе проделала колосальную работу, мне очень понравилось. 10/10
  98. Apr 29, 2016
    From beginning to end, Beyonce takes you on a rollercoaster of emotions. One that many can feel and relate to. A message of heartbreak and redemption, its safe to say Beyonce is here to slay with the outstanding vocals and heart wrenching message. Be sure to purchase this masterpiece today!
  99. Apr 29, 2016
    Masterpiece. Beyoncé truly outdoes herself every album. Lemonade is the standard. Beyoncé showed us how really her only competition is herself. From start to finish Lemonade is an experience that I want to go through over and over again.
  100. Apr 29, 2016
    This album is so diverse. Each song although so different and testing different genres of music flows so flawlessly. There are dance songs which a so catchy and then there are the songs that just touch you. Beyonce uses her voice as a tool and it shows. All Night and Love Drought for example my gosh when I listen to those songs I am filled with such deep emotion and I feel every word she'sThis album is so diverse. Each song although so different and testing different genres of music flows so flawlessly. There are dance songs which a so catchy and then there are the songs that just touch you. Beyonce uses her voice as a tool and it shows. All Night and Love Drought for example my gosh when I listen to those songs I am filled with such deep emotion and I feel every word she's saying in my body. Beyonce has truly outdone herself with this album. Accompanied with the visuals it tells a true story that many women can relate to. She is so human and so raw with her emotions on this album and you can't help but be moved. Excellent body of Art Beyoncé. To see her revolutionizing the industry yet again 20 yrs into her career is a delight. She is a true talent. Unbelievable. I'm happy to experience her continue to grow as an artist and push the industry to newer heights. A true legend and Queen. Undeniable. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 33 out of 33
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 33
  3. Negative: 0 out of 33
  1. Q Magazine
    May 31, 2016
    Lemonade hits hard. Beyonce has chosen to portray herself like this, and those choices are bold, powerful and at times, properly shocking. [#361, p.110]
  2. Uncut
    May 24, 2016
    Never short on vocal confidence, here, she trades divadom for arresting, unconventional shapes. [Jul 2016, p.69]
  3. May 12, 2016
    By effortlessly topping her own best work. Lemonade now sets a new standard for cross-genre collaboration.