
Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Alternative Press
    Kittenz is stocked with decadent electro-house grooves, slinky synth burbles and Ms. Kittin's glammy, deadpan vocals that sound like Madonna on Quaaludes. [Mar 2002, p.80]
  2. A masterful bricolage that revisits the crossroads of early-'80s clubland without ever settling for cheap pastiche.
  3. Blender
    An intentionally ludicrous Eurotrash concept album about the sweet life. [Apr/May 2002, p.113]
  4. 90
    Might already have an inside shot to be the best record of 2002 here in the states.
  5. The perfect guest at your next guilty-pleasure dance party.
  6. Whilst Daft Punk's elaborate practical joke of an album, Discovery, reeked of childish trying-too-hard elitism, Felix's party is both exclusive and enjoyable, sharing a sense of humour and musical ethos with Scouse synthesiser aficionados Ladytron.
  7. Mojo
    The work of a genuine individualist. [Aug 2001, p.108]
  8. 'Kittenz And Thee Glitz' is not a techno album, hardly even a dance record, only partially an '80s homage, and not quite pure pop either. But it is also all of these things in one, plus some kind of warped comment on celebrity culture.
  9. Kittenz and Thee Glitz is Housecat watered down by trivia and outside egos.
  10. The results are almost painfully fashionable, f'sure, but utterly essential nonetheless.
  11. The tracks featuring Prince soundalike vocalist Harrison Crump are as fine as ever - dreamy, melodic, melancholy.... The trouble is, elsewhere, this ladies man seems convinced that a woman talking (especially in a European accent) is all the melody anyone could possibly need.
  12. Suggests Kraftwerk crashing a party at the Playboy Mansion.
  13. The music here is never outright parody, and there's evidence that real work went into creating this record -- it isn't a lightweight effort designed to cash in on retro-trendiness.
  14. Kittenz features a few too many barely sketched ideas, but its rough-hewn surface ultimately tightens the psychic squeeze.
  15. Urb
    Instead of just blowing the dust off of relics from his childhood closet, he's embraced the neon ehtos of the era and produced and actual New Wave album that still sounds eerily contemporary. [#90, p.118]

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 4 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 4
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 4
  3. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. IHaveNoFirstNameNorHaveIASurname
    Nov 13, 2002
    Dat's da wurst title I evah hurd! Fine music doh.
  2. DirkK.
    Feb 6, 2002
    Viciously cool and glitzy indeed. Perfect pop for catwalkers. And the record breathes a true statement: sex, drugs and rock and roll are Viciously cool and glitzy indeed. Perfect pop for catwalkers. And the record breathes a true statement: sex, drugs and rock and roll are over.... everybody wants to be Hollywood... Full Review »