
Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Jun 24, 2016
    Clean and expertly rendered, it will be interesting to hear what Haley Fohr’s musical world will next inhabit, though for now, Jackie Lynn has left her mark.
  2. Jun 14, 2016
    Jackie Lynn’s only significant weakness is that, even though individual songs benefit from brevity, the record is too short. Its eight tracks take up only 22 minutes, and two of those tracks are micro-length instrumentals; it’s half an album at most.
  3. Uncut
    Jun 10, 2016
    Fohr's voice is the constant, but here's it's denuded, its strangely hollowed-out tone perfect for Jackie Lynn's dizzying theatrics. [Jul 2016, p.76]
  4. Jun 10, 2016
    Much like a good piece of genre fiction, Jackie Lynn is quick, sharp, and full of intrigue.
  5. 70
    The record feels short, which might be a good thing: She leaves you guessing what she’s up to.
  6. Jun 9, 2016
    Jackie Lynn feels like the audio equivalent of a gripping short story or film, and whether it's a cliffhanger or its own entity, it's an engaging, suspenseful tale.
  7. Jun 9, 2016
    What this album does extremely well, though, is convey the emotional reality of the protagonist using these moody electronics and tempo changes.
  8. Jun 9, 2016
    The album does demand great attention. I can’t imagine any of these songs playing on the radio, or on one or two listens attracting new fans. Stalwarts of Circuit des Yeux and Haley Fohr will likely delight, however, in this new installment of her performance art.

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