
Universal acclaim - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Menomena clearly thinks of itself as a clever bunch of musicians. Maybe next time around they'll be more interested in sharing their wit with their listeners rather than just alluding to it.
  2. For a debut, it's a remarkabley inventive and interesting release.
  3. One of the most surprising, challenging, and important albums of the year.
  4. While it makes no effort to conceal its intellect, it solicits an under-the-table emotional connection the Seas and Cakes of the indiesphere simply will not allow.
  5. 80
    It will take at least ten listens before you hear everything that’s going on, and ten more to understand it, yet this is far from impenetrable; it boasts a melody line that any pop princess would sell her plastic soul for, and prompts the idea that Knopf and his cohorts have been hanging around a crossroads doing just the same.
  6. One of the most original-sounding albums in a long while.
  7. I can’t recommend this album strongly enough.
  8. Suffice to say, Menomena are a hugely creative band, and with I Am the Fun Blame Monster, they've managed to make an album that's extremely accessible yet entirely unconventional.
  9. A promising debut from a band more clever than it is musically accomplished.
  10. Menomena is a wickedly creative band.
  11. I Am the Fun Blame Monster is totally vibrant, totally groovy, and once again, totally awesome.
  12. This is one of the albums of the year: completely out of left field and completely solid from start to finish.
  13. Under The Radar
    While the production techniques are so ingenious as to occasionally outshine the melodic content of the songs themselves, these are first and foremost pop songs. [#8, p.115]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 30 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 27 out of 30
  2. Negative: 2 out of 30
  1. Nov 29, 2021
    It will take at least ten listens before you hear everything that’s going on, and ten more to understand it, yet this is far fromIt will take at least ten listens before you hear everything that’s going on, and ten more to understand it, yet this is far from impenetrable; it boasts a melody line that any pop princess would sell her plastic soul for, and prompts the idea that Knopf and his cohorts have been hanging around a crossroads doing just the same. Full Review »
  2. jayk
    Jul 20, 2007
    A promise of things to come..worth checking out but friend or foe is the one for me.
  3. NelsJ
    Dec 7, 2006
    I have no idea how anyone could deem this album "boring". Inventive and highly unconventional, this is a beautifully crafted album that I have no idea how anyone could deem this album "boring". Inventive and highly unconventional, this is a beautifully crafted album that clearly had a lot of time put into it. The first album in a long time that has kept me on my toes throughout the entire thing. Full Review »