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Universal acclaim- based on 271 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 30 out of 271

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  1. Dec 2, 2021
    Haunting and affecting. Antony's voice being the clear standout. Beautiful and haunting, doesn't let you down even on repeated listening. There are several solid songs on this album but also quite a few clunkers. With songs almost wholly dependent on the quality of the lyrics (though I'd say one's appreciation of the album is wholly dependent on his understandably divisive voice), AntonyHaunting and affecting. Antony's voice being the clear standout. Beautiful and haunting, doesn't let you down even on repeated listening. There are several solid songs on this album but also quite a few clunkers. With songs almost wholly dependent on the quality of the lyrics (though I'd say one's appreciation of the album is wholly dependent on his understandably divisive voice), Antony walks a fine line between heartfelt authenticity and somber camp and, to say least, his foot is far from steady. Worth previewing if you have the means, but I feel a lot of people will ultimately be underwhelmed with this release. Collapse
  2. Jun 16, 2018
    The most beautiful album that I've heard in my whole life . So deep untouchable
  3. Apr 4, 2015
    Containing all the required ingredients to make a decent Antony and the Johnsons record, "I am a bird now" is very enjoyable. That said, I preferred at least 3 other albums from various periods of their career. The short running time helps the listener focus for the duration and gives the record a real sharp feel, never lagging. Every song is good and it is a really consistent album, itsContaining all the required ingredients to make a decent Antony and the Johnsons record, "I am a bird now" is very enjoyable. That said, I preferred at least 3 other albums from various periods of their career. The short running time helps the listener focus for the duration and gives the record a real sharp feel, never lagging. Every song is good and it is a really consistent album, its just that we don't get any truly mindblowing moments, evidence of real genius, that can be found on their other albums. Expand
  4. Jan 9, 2015
    Las composiciones de este maestro siempre han mantenido una lucidez de grandes proporciones. Y que así sea con Antony and the Johnsons y este gran trabajo. Este álbum tiene su manera de cómo transportarte a aquellas dimensiones en donde predomina la nostalgia, el amor sincero, y la tristeza en forma de melodías que, en sentido común, agradecerías de haberlas oído, pues te sentirásLas composiciones de este maestro siempre han mantenido una lucidez de grandes proporciones. Y que así sea con Antony and the Johnsons y este gran trabajo. Este álbum tiene su manera de cómo transportarte a aquellas dimensiones en donde predomina la nostalgia, el amor sincero, y la tristeza en forma de melodías que, en sentido común, agradecerías de haberlas oído, pues te sentirás relacionado estrechamente. Expand
  5. Apr 26, 2013
    I can only think of one adjective to describe this album, 'beautiful', His voice is stunning, I saw him in London about 5 years ago and WOW.
  6. Feb 20, 2013
    This record completely hit me by surprise. Prior to listening to it, I actually had never heard even a single track from this band. So right off the bat, the opener "Hope There's Someone" showed me exactly what I was getting myself into. Antony has one of the most beautiful and passionate voices I've probably ever heard. It's truly unlike any voice I've ever had the pleasure to soak in andThis record completely hit me by surprise. Prior to listening to it, I actually had never heard even a single track from this band. So right off the bat, the opener "Hope There's Someone" showed me exactly what I was getting myself into. Antony has one of the most beautiful and passionate voices I've probably ever heard. It's truly unlike any voice I've ever had the pleasure to soak in and enjoy. The lyrics carry a dark and ominous sadness to them, and to an extent I could relate to them. This man has something to say, and he says it in the most artful and beautiful way he can say it. All In All, I Am A Bird Now is a sublime record, from the production to the lyrics, to Antony's voice. Almost pitch-perfect. A- Expand
  7. Oct 10, 2010
    This album is simply one of the most beautiful listens I have had in quite some time. Antony's voice is uniquely breath-taking, and the lyrical content is both raw and deeply meaningful. Just wonderful!
  8. JohnM.
    Sep 21, 2007
    The voice is remarkable - the songs are not. The relentless focus on Antony's gender issues is just tiring - what is initially touching becomes beaten down after awhile. It would probably be just as irritating if it was heterosexual and so narrowly focused, for those ready to claim bias. Bottom line: everyone should listen to this album once and know this voice exists, but unless you The voice is remarkable - the songs are not. The relentless focus on Antony's gender issues is just tiring - what is initially touching becomes beaten down after awhile. It would probably be just as irritating if it was heterosexual and so narrowly focused, for those ready to claim bias. Bottom line: everyone should listen to this album once and know this voice exists, but unless you find yourself connecting personally with his sense of being ostracized, it is mostly a curiosity. Expand
  9. Jan
    Jul 21, 2007
    An outstanding beautiful voice, very good instrumentalists and some unbelievable touching lyrics. I like to listen to this songs a real lot from time to time. 10 points from me.
  10. Maiken
    Jun 5, 2007
    I just can't believe how beautiful this album is. It's .. stunning. I just don't have words.
  11. tino
    Apr 27, 2007
    to feel to know to infuse to perceive to resonate in the god-given voice of mozart stuck in [that] "middle place between light and nowhere" is to beathe, grieve and love robustly ethereal ANTONY may love always overflow your painful heart
  12. SteveR
    Apr 23, 2007
    What's not To Like? this is a haunting and utterly beautiful masterpiece, nothing less. no one else has done this, ever, and this was THE album of 2005, no doubt.
  13. BernadetteD
    Apr 17, 2007
    All of the people who hated this album had nothing constructive to say>Criticism is supposed to be constructive,not just ignorant drivel.You all must be emotionally barren and bereft.This album is the best thing ever.Antonys voice would make you cry.For the person who claimed he could sing like antony if he wanted to;I don't think so mate,not in a million years.
  14. MichelNL
    Feb 7, 2007
    At first, when I heard some of the songs from this album through the PC speakers of my colleague, the sound really annoyed me. What kind of fake, drag-queen voice is this? OMG.. Yes, I do have some minor homophobic issues, sorry - can't help it yet but well that's me. Then, a few weeks later I started to look out for new music on several music review sites and played many of the At first, when I heard some of the songs from this album through the PC speakers of my colleague, the sound really annoyed me. What kind of fake, drag-queen voice is this? OMG.. Yes, I do have some minor homophobic issues, sorry - can't help it yet but well that's me. Then, a few weeks later I started to look out for new music on several music review sites and played many of the high-rated unknown CD's/artists in YouTube, hoping to find good vitamin M. Of course, there was Antony and the Johnsons and I recognised the drag-queen sound again. But now, being in the ambience of my living-room, I deceided to give it a fair chance and listened carefully without prejudice. I discovered that Antony has a stunning voice, actually. Initially I didn't want to admit it, but I just can't keep telling to myself that someting is yellow whilst it's clearly green. So a few days later I deceided to buy the CD I'm a bird now.. I have it for 2-3 weeks and I've played it maybe 6,7 times Everytime this music gives me shivers, which is actually quite rare for me. And it only seems getting better. Unfortunately I am not a native English speaker, hence I probably cannot find the right words to precise my enhousiasm. So I'll just write what I literally think when I listen to it: "Wooooow...This album is f*ck*ng gorgeous man!!!" I cannot imagine how a music album is getting any better than this. Different maybe, but rarely better. Giving it less than a 10 would be a matter of principles, not of absolute appreciation. I'm going to play it again guys, right now. I'm in love. Although I really don't want to be ;-) Expand
  15. AndrewW
    Dec 21, 2006
    I don't get it?! I have a wide-ranging taste in music. Roy Orbison to Thom Yorke to Johnny Cash to Nick Drake. Love Lou Reed. Love Rufus Wainwright. But I can't get into this album. It's not bad, but it doesn't really do anything. I've been trying to get this album for over a year now and I just give up.
  16. robinf
    Oct 16, 2006
    A miracle !
  17. sean
    Aug 31, 2006
    Easily the best album of 2005. Hands down. This is music that will take you on a journey to a place above yourself if you let it. Hope There Is Someone and Bird Gurl are the two best songs of 2005. BUY THIS ALBUM!
  18. ChristianB
    Jul 28, 2006
    The most beautiful voice I've ever heard. Live even better.
  19. BrendanN
    Jun 11, 2006
    Challenging, emotional, beautiful, haunting, and just th slightest bit disturbing, I Am A Bird Now will make you shed a tear, quiver in fear, and ultimately cheer.
  20. BronW
    May 28, 2006
    Challenging, haunting and beautiful, it sends tingles down my spine every time. Ignore the killjoys, not all music is supposed to be easy. This is gorgeous stuff.
  21. ScottW
    May 11, 2006
    It's not worth spending money for just one good song. Download "Fistful of Love" but don't waste your money on the rest of this crap!
  22. JohnO
    Apr 22, 2006
    Like nothing i've heard before. Fascinating vocals, with a live, unplugged feel. Quite amazing!
  23. paul
    Apr 8, 2006
    not always easy to listen to. different . intriging and in parts truely amazing
  24. seamusm
    Mar 28, 2006
    Singular voice that arcs high like a nightingale in flight. A lovely record. Check it out.
  25. Amanda
    Mar 24, 2006
    This album brings tears to my eyes every time. Also makes me smile like crazy.
  26. MarkB
    Mar 24, 2006
    Amazing vocals! A must have for everyone! an absolute 10
  27. KyleK
    Mar 22, 2006
    Probably the most cohesive and moving album of the year.
  28. anthonyb
    Mar 22, 2006
    this album is amazing! there is no other artist like this. antony coveys all of his omtions through song, it is entrancing and beautiful....this album is a must have!
  29. AdolfoG
    Mar 21, 2006
    Original, profundamente bello Una instrumentacion delicada que ensambla magistralmente con unas voces increibles
  30. MattB
    Mar 4, 2006
    Bizarre how so many people say this is "overrated". Look at all the 10s. People love this album. It moves people. It moved me from the the opening chord to the end. Less deserving of the Mercury Award than the Kaiser Chiefs?!! Give me a break! Have you no hearts OR souls?
  31. catherinep
    Mar 1, 2006
    he is the best. with a beautiful voice he turns their musics wonderful.
  32. rogerk
    Feb 19, 2006
    one of the only cd's that i never get tiered of listing too
  33. DavidW
    Feb 16, 2006
    An album that stops your blood flowing lest you miss one word or phrase from that incredible voice.
  34. IvanF
    Feb 11, 2006
    It must be a 7,because we all know what Mont Everest is, but trully beautiful, maybe he used to listen 1st Roxy Music album...
  35. karenp
    Feb 8, 2006
    best music i have heard for years and i am 49
  36. JuanAntonioA
    Feb 5, 2006
    From Diamanda Galás it did not listen to a voice that affected so much to me. The two last musical decades are saved by these voices. Will be essential for the history of music.
  37. JohnL
    Jan 31, 2006
    There are few voices that effect me so much- Ian Curtis, Morrissey, Thom Yorke, and now Antony. Fantastic album.
  38. andys
    Jan 23, 2006
    stunningly beautiful
  39. joshc
    Jan 7, 2006
    so pretty.
  40. MichaelW
    Jan 6, 2006
    Would have never thought a voice like Antony's could affect me so much
  41. JonathanC
    Jan 5, 2006
    Simply awesome
  42. MeyaC.
    Dec 31, 2005
    I've only heard a few songs on this album, but his voice is so haunting. It's beautiful, exquisite and entirely different. Everything else, like the lyrics and the arrangements just make this record so much better. Though I'm usually a more hard rock person, Antony and the Johnsons just converted me.
  43. tq
    Dec 31, 2005
    This album is heartbreaking and stunningly gorgeous. But don't listen to those who fault it for bad reasons or defend it for reasons just as closeminded and immature (Michael B, you are extremely guilty here).
  44. SimonB
    Dec 27, 2005
    The most remarkable album I've heard since (the very different) Grace, by Jeff Buckley...and time will prove this to be every bit as much a classic as that one is now seen to be. Haunting and hurt, but ultimately uplifting.
  45. belvedereh
    Dec 27, 2005
    If you can ignore the excruciatingly awful vocals, the songs are quite nice.
  46. OrinocoA
    Dec 26, 2005
    Not always, but if the mood is right...
  47. HunterH
    Dec 26, 2005
    His voice warbles like that of Etta James or Billie Holiday; the opening track, "Hope There's Someone," melodically drops your heart thirty feet off a pier into a dark ocean of despair.
  48. RaulJulia
    Dec 26, 2005
    awesome. this cd has called out the homophobes. scatter you cockroaches.
  49. TC
    Dec 22, 2005
    Stunning, haunting and not for over analysis ;) one of the best of 05. Long live Antony....
  50. SWM
    Dec 21, 2005
    Unspeakably beautiful and impossibly cathartic and pure. While albums of musical sophistication are a great thing, this album is one of emotional sophistication, to a degree that sometimes seems too mature and trasncedental to really understand. Easily one of the best albums of the year.
  51. MarcinUK
    Dec 20, 2005
    Briliant, moving, beautyfull...I've bought 4 copies to present my friends on Xmas!
  52. LottieE
    Dec 20, 2005
    This is not only music, it is also politics. Here we have a man who dares be truly "feminine" and vulnerable and still he is truly a man. Ths music and the image is new and fresh. Innovative.
  53. JoeMc
    Dec 15, 2005
  54. MitchellS
    Dec 12, 2005
    My favourite album of 2005. Understand that it's not for everyone give it a chance though. Don't get hung up on the voice, you'll not notice it once you've got into it.
  55. DaveB
    Dec 11, 2005
    This is as fragile, affirming, exquisite and incredibly sublime album you will ever hear. Hope There's Someone reduces human fear to its rawest elements and still makes it sound like something you want to listen to. Not since The Cure's Disintegration has it been this cool to be screwed up.
  56. GabrielaC
    Dec 5, 2005
    best album of the year... sublime is the word, absolutely overwhelming, beautiful, haunting and poweful
  57. kitam
    Dec 3, 2005
    went to his Glasgow gig. was totally enveloped. like never before....even managed to shake his hand at the end and have a wee word with him. his whole persona is exquisite.
  58. TerryTickle
    Dec 2, 2005
    I believe the combination of each word in the bands lyrics are naturally positioned, showing combination of emotion and litrature has been mastered - John Lennon was one such an artist as well as Van Morrison, it is beautiful to hear. The lead singer is somewhat of an aluf style character. My only wish this xmas is that this band stay around for a long time pumping out such great vocal I believe the combination of each word in the bands lyrics are naturally positioned, showing combination of emotion and litrature has been mastered - John Lennon was one such an artist as well as Van Morrison, it is beautiful to hear. The lead singer is somewhat of an aluf style character. My only wish this xmas is that this band stay around for a long time pumping out such great vocal and equally great music. I was brought up with 60s,70 blasting out from the record player and it is natural for me to be heard singinging such historic hits, if the Johnsons can survive this unforgiving world then I believe that my children will be bellowing out these tunes. It would also be good to hear some cover version in antony unique vocal style. theres not much out there that is orignal but this pop pickers is, long may it continue. Expand
  59. MichaelB
    Dec 2, 2005
    I can't help but think that the majority of the negative reviews are overtly trans-phobic ("if he wants the damn transexual (spelled incorrectly I might add) operation then he should just get it instead of crying to listeners about it!" Reeks of bigotry to me.)....and all of the people who disparage Antony's voice should resume listening to their insipid Bright Eyes albums in I can't help but think that the majority of the negative reviews are overtly trans-phobic ("if he wants the damn transexual (spelled incorrectly I might add) operation then he should just get it instead of crying to listeners about it!" Reeks of bigotry to me.)....and all of the people who disparage Antony's voice should resume listening to their insipid Bright Eyes albums in their parent's house while lamenting the fact that the derivative sonic fecal matter that passes as musical innovation (i.e. Kaiser Chiefs) is critically reviled for its mediocrity and poised to fade into the obscurity from whence it came.....This album is poignant and compelling but not necessarily consistent, it does require tolerance and patience (like an unruly child) so if you consider yourself to be a top 40 mainstream sycophant then perhaps you should just invest your money on more faux vintage clothing, and the new Coheed and Cambria album....(Claudio has an unconventional voice too, but at least he's a heteronormative misogynist with MTV promoting his pretentious prog-emo atrocities). Fistful of Love, My Lady Story, Hope There's Someone and Bird Guhl (or girl) are brilliant....but the duet with Boy George is overly sentimental and dull. Spiralling is ruined by Devendra Banhart's affected vocals, which sound nothing like he would usually, and the Rufus Wainwright song is only good if you perceive Wainwright as "the gay messiah" (I emphatically do not!!!) So borrow this CD from the library, sample sound clips at amazon, use soulseek, purchase the album if it appeals, but by all means do not post inarticulate diatribes about how Antony does not sound like Julian Casablancas (whose voice isn't that good either, but he's dirty-trendy, hip, and hetero and ripping off Gang of Four....) Because contemporary music is a grave robbing multi-million dollar industry that appropriates indie and marginal talent, bringing their music to any idiot with an eighth grade vocabulary and a keyboard. Expand
  60. KopieKat
    Dec 1, 2005
    I hate people who start giving bad ratings just because others think it's awesome. If you're just some whining bitch who doesn't like the music without a reason, then shut up! Awesome record here by the way. Still leaves me speecless...
  61. louisp
    Dec 1, 2005
    I have just recently bought this album based on the numerous recommendations following the mercury prize awards. I can honestly say without any doubt that I have not heard anything this year or even this decade, as emotionally charged and with such a subtle undertone of chilling beauty, it defies any understanding as to what really moves and stirs the matters of the heart. This comforts I have just recently bought this album based on the numerous recommendations following the mercury prize awards. I can honestly say without any doubt that I have not heard anything this year or even this decade, as emotionally charged and with such a subtle undertone of chilling beauty, it defies any understanding as to what really moves and stirs the matters of the heart. This comforts the unrequitted love in all of us. amazing!!! Expand
  62. NavestK
    Nov 29, 2005
    Best Of The Year
  63. WillyP
    Nov 18, 2005
    Tiny Tim is alive and well, and scraping his nails down a chalkboard! I refuse to believe this music isn't a prank of some kind.
  64. MichaelR
    Nov 15, 2005
    Don't submit your ears to unnecessary pain and torture.
  65. KristannaP
    Nov 15, 2005
    Is this what passes for music nowadays?! Antony's singing is whiny, his lyrics are short and stupid, his songs are either cut abruptly or drag on and on. If he wants the damn transexual operation then he should just get it instead of crying to listeners about it! This is nothing but TRASH! I WANT A REFUND!!!
  66. StevanR
    Nov 11, 2005
    The Best Thing I Heard This Year
  67. BobL
    Nov 7, 2005
    Who said, "Popularity breeds contempt?" The backlash to this is disheartening. What a fantastic record this is.
  68. RickyS
    Nov 4, 2005
    If you are one of the people who don't like this album. Let it be known that I ABSOLUTELY LOATHE this album. You know why? Antony has to be one of the most talented songwriters and/or musicians I've heard ever, really ever. What holds the album back is his voice. Although some love it and some hate it, it is definitley divisive. It took six or seven listens to the whole album If you are one of the people who don't like this album. Let it be known that I ABSOLUTELY LOATHE this album. You know why? Antony has to be one of the most talented songwriters and/or musicians I've heard ever, really ever. What holds the album back is his voice. Although some love it and some hate it, it is definitley divisive. It took six or seven listens to the whole album until I got used to it, now I love it. It was worth the work to like it because the music happens to be amazing. Back to my point before, when I say I loathe the album, I mean that I hate how this album could be one of the best ever made if it was easier to listen too. Disregard what anyone else says are the best tracks, after MULTIPLE listens, these are the best...they are all great though 1. What Can I Do (With Rufus Wainwright) ~Short but beautiful, when I first heard this, I listened to it 16 times that day. 2. Man is the Baby ~Just plain out beautiful 3. Bird Gerhl ~The reason why I believe Antony could successfully write Broadway music 4. Spiralling (With Devendra Banhart) ~This song is just GORGEOUS. Unfortunatley, the first 30 seconds or so are excrutiating. Mrs. Banhart obviously cannot sing at all. I think the best lyrics belong to For Today I Am A Boy. They are wrenching, especially when you try to appreciate what he must be going through. Plus its a good song. Enjoy the album, but PLEASE give it a chance. I have found that I can love a group even if the singers voice annoys me at first. The perfect example of that is Wolf Parade. Best Albums of the Year so far: This one, Mezmerize by System of a Down for a change of pace, Illinois by Sufjan Stevens probably my favorite artist, The Mysterious Production of Eggs by Andrew Bird who you also may need to give a chance to, and The Magic Numbers by the Magic Numbers. On Mezmerize, listen to Question! On Illinois listen to Casimir Pulaski Day and John Wayne Gacy Jr. On The Mysterious... listen to Tables and Chairs and MX Missles On the Magic Numbers listen to This Love and Mornings Eleven Enjoy, I hope Ive been useful Expand
  69. Lola
    Nov 2, 2005
    I woke up to my radio alarm with Antony singing on NPR. I burst into tears. It's so beautiful. And I'm a jaded old broad. Passed him around and everybody loves him. My friend played him to her mother on her deathbed and then she died, hearing Antony as her last sounds on earth. That seems right to me.
  70. ScottY
    Oct 31, 2005
    Original...perhaps. Disappointing...definitely. Whoa...nothing on this disc jumped out at me. I lasted for 3 songs, my wife made it through 1, and the two friends I lent it to didn't get much farther, either.
  71. seanb
    Oct 28, 2005
    the 3 is for originality! That is all this album is! anyone who wants to work hard to enjoy music give this one a miss!
  72. AlexeyA
    Oct 28, 2005
    Damn. I didn't expect this album to be that great. "I Am A Bird Now" - is an album of the year, it's a record full of sadness and beauty, so simple and difficult at the same time. Antony's voice should be heared to be believed. One of the best records of the decade.
  73. garyc
    Oct 23, 2005
    Album of the year. Album of the decade? Antony is a genius!
  74. yorid
    Oct 21, 2005
    ayone that doesnt like this album should just shut their mouths and head over to walmart where they can purchase ashleigh simpson's album and stay in their microscopic universe of music.have a great
  75. JonathanW
    Oct 20, 2005
    Everybody has an understanding of the concept of originality. You take something that is different to many other albums, take a new spin on things, then try to get it published. However, many people fail to draw the line between originality and total lack of talent. I am trying to emphasise that too much emphasis is put on this in the field of people who believe in real music. If i was to Everybody has an understanding of the concept of originality. You take something that is different to many other albums, take a new spin on things, then try to get it published. However, many people fail to draw the line between originality and total lack of talent. I am trying to emphasise that too much emphasis is put on this in the field of people who believe in real music. If i was to release an album consisting of a mere collection of sounds strung together would this mean i was talented? No. I can honestly say i am disgusted that originality is so overemphasised in todays supposedly, in my opinion, very much musically-informed society. Dont get me wrong. I do not conform to the traditional ways.If i like a song, i like it-simple as that!! However, I can honestly say that i have never, in my long life, ever, ever, seen a better example of originality overrated by genuine talent than anthony and the johnsons. I will be forever sickened that a band like this could win such a prestigious prize as the mercury. I sincrelely hope that an utter, utter, travesty like this disgrace will never, ever, ever, happen again Expand
  76. AaronE
    Oct 17, 2005
    Beautiful and haunting, i've never heard a voice like this before. If you enjoy the warbling vibrato of Devendra Banhart, listen to Antony, the true master. HIs beautiful floating voice is complimented by the piano dancing languidly under his fingertips.
  77. andred
    Oct 17, 2005
    Hoping beyond hope that this album wasn't WEIRD or BIZARRE or HERMAPHRODITIC or AN INSULT TO THE KAISER CHIEFS (because what, after all, could possibly be worse than that) I engaged an open mind and found an original, moving new sound. You can do it too maybe, unless your box of convention interferes with your ability to hear and feel.
  78. dong
    Oct 9, 2005
    Evocative of a time gone by; Antony's vocals echo the gay 70's torch songs that belted from Juke boxes in and around the Schoneberg district.
  79. AllenF
    Oct 8, 2005
    Definately the most beautiful album of 05. Antony's voice is angelic, and the music is just intoxicating. Keep up the good work Antony!
  80. ChazN
    Oct 7, 2005
    Don't know what everyone is getting excited about?? This idiot is almost as folorn and self indulgent as damien rice!!!!! Can someone tell me what is so good about him??
  81. Jonnyw
    Oct 3, 2005
    The fact that this bunch of seemingly no-hopers managed not only to make it tothe top but also deprive the excellent kaiser chiefs of the mercury music prize is a fact that i, like many i am sure, will take a very long time to get to grips with. Utter, utter trash!!
  82. birdg
    Sep 30, 2005
    nadrealni, postapokalipti?ni gotski kabare... plo?a izvan svih
  83. TimR
    Sep 28, 2005
    best album since kid a
  84. ElizabethP
    Sep 27, 2005
    There's only 3 good songs on the album: "Hope there's someone," "Fistful of love" and "Bird gurl." The rest is ANNOYING and WEIRD! The many references to hermaphrodites makes for bizarre subject matter. Listening to the some guest singers is EXCRUCIATINGLY PAINFUL!!!!!!!!!!! Guest singers on tracks 8 and 9 deserve to have their larynx ripped out and buried into the center of the There's only 3 good songs on the album: "Hope there's someone," "Fistful of love" and "Bird gurl." The rest is ANNOYING and WEIRD! The many references to hermaphrodites makes for bizarre subject matter. Listening to the some guest singers is EXCRUCIATINGLY PAINFUL!!!!!!!!!!! Guest singers on tracks 8 and 9 deserve to have their larynx ripped out and buried into the center of the earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Expand
  85. VincentH
    Sep 24, 2005
    A Classic; nothing else needs to be said.
  86. JasonV
    Sep 24, 2005
    An album full of sadness, regret, hopelessness and hope. Its a bright light in a world full of imposters, posers and the insincere. Never once does the music sound mawkish nor does it asscend into mopey, emo style 'torturous' voals. The pain is real, the confusion obvious. And yet amidst all this is all sounds transcendant and beautiful, flying high above the mediocrity in the An album full of sadness, regret, hopelessness and hope. Its a bright light in a world full of imposters, posers and the insincere. Never once does the music sound mawkish nor does it asscend into mopey, emo style 'torturous' voals. The pain is real, the confusion obvious. And yet amidst all this is all sounds transcendant and beautiful, flying high above the mediocrity in the music world and soaring to new levels of grace. Loads of superlatives i know but its just that kinda reoord and nothing i write here will do it justice. LISTEN NOW! Expand
  87. drewt
    Sep 23, 2005
    absultely the most stunningly touching album released this year. i cannot reccomend it highly enough.
  88. anar
    Sep 20, 2005
    This is the best thing i ever heard in my all life. ... no music, no lyrics, no performance, no voice, no city, no bird, no nothing ever touchet me the way Antony and the johnsons did. God bless u Antony
  89. JLD
    Sep 15, 2005
    I don't get it... Only like the song with rufus ! Won the Mercury Price ? Come on...
  90. BlisterfishCafe
    Sep 13, 2005
    Here we have it! The perfect album! Put this masterpiece on and plunge headlong into suicide. I listened to this CD while driving in my car. By the time I reached song 6, I began punching myself in the face in order to quell the pain in my ears. Thank goodness I had pulled off the road. Lord help us...Thinking of buying this CD? Picture Tiny Tim on acid talking about gender issues that Here we have it! The perfect album! Put this masterpiece on and plunge headlong into suicide. I listened to this CD while driving in my car. By the time I reached song 6, I began punching myself in the face in order to quell the pain in my ears. Thank goodness I had pulled off the road. Lord help us...Thinking of buying this CD? Picture Tiny Tim on acid talking about gender issues that you don't really care about. A mid-tempo nightmare from start to finish. Mono-tone vocals that should be used for crowd control or prisoner torture. Everyone loves this CD. If this is a joke, I didn't get the memo. Expand
  91. JasonS
    Sep 13, 2005
    I don't get the love for his voice - sounds like he was kicked in the crotch and someone recorded the crying. Truly awful.
  92. CharlesN
    Sep 12, 2005
    Along with Sufjan Steven's "Illinoise", simply the most lush, gorgeous album of the year. Love, loss, and death are standard subjects for popular music, but rarely have they been addressed with such raw emotion and beauty. Whether you like this album will depend on how you react to Antony's neo-Nina Simone warble. This is how I imagine angels sound--androgynous and stunningly Along with Sufjan Steven's "Illinoise", simply the most lush, gorgeous album of the year. Love, loss, and death are standard subjects for popular music, but rarely have they been addressed with such raw emotion and beauty. Whether you like this album will depend on how you react to Antony's neo-Nina Simone warble. This is how I imagine angels sound--androgynous and stunningly beautiful. I'm struck by the divisiveness of the user comments; Generally, people either really love, or really hate this album. In my opinion, if you aren't moved by this, you aren't human. Expand
  93. TomA
    Sep 11, 2005
    It's so whiney and painful to listen... i've never been a bully and in fact i was one of the kids that got picked on in school... but if i heard someone sing this crap, i would want to punch him in the face.
  94. AlanB
    Sep 11, 2005
    Absolutly Fantastic!!!!!!!!
  95. EdB
    Sep 8, 2005
    Very good album, as much despite of as because of yr man Anthony's voice. He can sing when he wants to, but often he puts a rather melodramatic vibrato on which begins to grate after the third listen. Also, four of the tracks have an utterly superfluous guest star, which seems like a rather cynical attempt to boost sales. 'Hey, if you like Lou Reed, you'll like what Lou Very good album, as much despite of as because of yr man Anthony's voice. He can sing when he wants to, but often he puts a rather melodramatic vibrato on which begins to grate after the third listen. Also, four of the tracks have an utterly superfluous guest star, which seems like a rather cynical attempt to boost sales. 'Hey, if you like Lou Reed, you'll like what Lou Reed likes!!!'. Still, the actual music is pretty damn good, and the album is definitely worth a listen. I'm glad this pipped The Kaiser Chiefs to the prize, because whilst this album is a little overrated, their album is ridiculously overrated. Expand
  96. RomeoM.
    Sep 8, 2005
    Beautiful & gorgeous...:)
  97. LeonardoF
    Sep 7, 2005
    Mommy, I want to be Nina Simone.
  98. KlausF
    Sep 6, 2005
    There are several solid songs on this album but also quite a few clunkers. With songs almost wholly dependent on the quality of the lyrics (though I'd say one's appreciation of the album is wholly dependent on his understandably divisive voice), Antony walks a fine line between heartfelt authenticity and somber camp and, to say least, his foot is far from steady. Worth There are several solid songs on this album but also quite a few clunkers. With songs almost wholly dependent on the quality of the lyrics (though I'd say one's appreciation of the album is wholly dependent on his understandably divisive voice), Antony walks a fine line between heartfelt authenticity and somber camp and, to say least, his foot is far from steady. Worth previewing if you have the means, but I feel a lot of people will ultimately be underwhelmed with this release. Expand
  99. RicardoP
    Sep 5, 2005
    An impressive voice, that flys like an angel, a big angel with a voice from heaven, that only in 30 years we will hear another again. The right colaborations to the perfect album.
  100. TomS
    Sep 4, 2005
    Words can't descibe how amazing his voice is. On that alone this is worth 10 out of 10.

Universal acclaim - based on 30 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 30 out of 30
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 30
  3. Negative: 0 out of 30
  1. Haunting and affecting.
  2. For what it lacks in consistency, I Am A Bird Now gains in being, even at its most tedious of moments, an interesting and thematically compelling listen.
  3. Entertainment Weekly
    It could have been mawkish, but the sentiments--and Antony's trembling falsetto--are so honest, you love it despite your jaded self. [4 Feb 2005, p.133]