
Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
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  1. Apr 29, 2024
    Fun sonic flourishes abound, like the heady call-and-response of "Incognito" or the winding melody that gives "Explorer" a phantom of the discotheque vibe, but ultimately, Hyperdrama is neither catchy enough to play to the duo's pop strengths nor bold enough to highlight Justice's experimental skills.
  2. Mojo
    Apr 25, 2024
    Ultimately hit and miss, Justice's gift for arena-friendly hooks remains undimmed. [May 2024, p.86]
  3. 60
    Ultimately the album's uneven tempo and uncertainty at its heart make it unclear what Hyperdrama wants to be and to whom they still appeal.
  4. Apr 26, 2024
    Justice are still capable of raw-edged excitement, but on Hyperdrama they find themselves too polished and bright.
  5. Apr 26, 2024
    Variably groovy and often catchy, Hyperdrama represents a marked improvement in Justice’s output. It’s easy to see why the band have had such a hard time topping Cross, however: Generator, the album’s strongest track, proves they’re still at their best when they stick to the sound that put them on the map 17 years ago.
  6. May 14, 2024
    There’s plenty of good songs on the record, and it’s at least exciting that Justice are still intent on experimenting and dodging expectations, but were some of its tracks are executed with a little more zest, Hyperdrama could have been a truly great album.

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