• Record Label: Def Jam
  • Release Date: Nov 24, 2014
User Score

Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 81 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 81
  2. Negative: 59 out of 81
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  1. Mar 20, 2015
    This album is MILES better than Kendrick's To Pimp A Butterfly. Ross proves once again he is the best in the world with another classic. Incredible subject matter and lyrics, perfect beats. Sonically gifted.
  2. Dec 5, 2014
    I know everyone hates Rick Ross, but I really don't understand why. I listen to his albums to find jems like Aston Martin Music, Thug Cry, Devil is a Lie etc. I don't care what he has done wrong, some of his music is awesome! I don't want to start an internet battle as I really don't have time for that so lets just say this is my opinion. IMO give it a try, YouTube is free!
  3. Apr 12, 2015
    Yes, Rick Ross's lyricism is a bit repetitive on this album, but like Waka Flocka's Flockaveli, there is an interesting message about hood life spread across the whole album - which makes for a generally interesting album, combined with its production. There are a few cuts on this album that I don't love but I think what the critics didn't like about this album was his decision to put outYes, Rick Ross's lyricism is a bit repetitive on this album, but like Waka Flocka's Flockaveli, there is an interesting message about hood life spread across the whole album - which makes for a generally interesting album, combined with its production. There are a few cuts on this album that I don't love but I think what the critics didn't like about this album was his decision to put out another album in 2014 and maybe his repetitive lyricism (which, admit, he has always had). Grade: B. Highlights: "Heavyweight", "Elvis Presley Blvd.", "Hood Billionaire". Worst song: "If They Knew" Expand
  4. Jan 14, 2015
    There is no doubt that Rick Ross has been in decline since Deeper Than Rap/Teflon Don/Rich Forever. Mastermind's lyrics were out-and-out paranoid. I'm assuming this was because of the shooting attempt on Ross's life. All the fun of Ross's over-the-top lifestyle - which fans loved to hear despite knowing most of it was made up - had turned sour. I think Hood Billionaire was made to try andThere is no doubt that Rick Ross has been in decline since Deeper Than Rap/Teflon Don/Rich Forever. Mastermind's lyrics were out-and-out paranoid. I'm assuming this was because of the shooting attempt on Ross's life. All the fun of Ross's over-the-top lifestyle - which fans loved to hear despite knowing most of it was made up - had turned sour. I think Hood Billionaire was made to try and counter that - to get back to talking about big money. The album is really hurt by the first few songs which are dull and repetitive because Ross's idea of a hook is to rap the same line (usually the song's title) over and over again ad nauseum. Things get more interesting after that. Movin' Bass is a very different track for Ross (with producer Timbaland) and I really really like it. Quintessential, with Snoop Dogg, is also a change-up. If They Knew, with K. Michelle, is also great (though the more pop side of Ross) - and is reminiscent of Mine Games, his Rich Forever track with Kelly Rowland. It has to be said that the production of Hood Billionaire isn't as distinctive as his earlier albums. So overall - a few real gems amongst an album that spends too much time retreading past glories. Expand
  5. Apr 22, 2015
    While Rick Ross may be running low on fuel, this album still prove he does has something to offer, but is it enough? Almost... The beats were given the biggest budget of his career and the trap feeling is pretty great, but lyrically, it may be his weakest album.
  6. Nov 24, 2014
    If you hear one song on this album, you practically can say you heard them all. Same sounds, same subject matter, same, same, same. There is nothing creative about this album other than perhaps it was created within a month and released. The track with Jay Z is the strongest. This is crap.
  7. May 30, 2022
    Baous U sound dumb af, this album trash af, don’t u ever compare it to TPAB or any other album again u bozo
  8. Dec 7, 2014
    Every song is similar. He raps about the same thing since 2006 and probably it took him 2 whole hours to produce this "piece of art". This album should be banned from stores, because it sucks so hard.
  9. Dec 1, 2014
    he talk guns, and money, and most of the tracks from him sucks, im warning your no buying this crap
    please, no buy this here, i mean we have realy problem,and the problem its this album here
  10. Apr 19, 2015
  11. Nov 25, 2014
    Money, guns, and drugs... look at how great I am because of them. I've surely shat out the most innovative album of 2014 about how great I am because of money, guns, and drugs right? Right?!
  12. Nov 25, 2014
    This album is absolutely terrible.I didn't find anything on this album that is above average.Same old boring subject,beats are wack and it's a sin this album was put for sale.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Jan 16, 2015
    Without any truly standout tracks, it’s easy to call Hood Billionaire unnecessary.
  2. Jan 5, 2015
    The Miami MC's seventh LP explodes with none of the ambition or scope of March's Mastermind--playing it safe, like a knockoff version of Jay Z's back-to-basics speed bump American Gangster, from 2007.
  3. Dec 8, 2014
    Still, being 16 tracks long and Ross' second album of the year means mixtape gimmicks like "Heavyweight" ("I step into the ring/Ding! Ding!") get to graduate to an official track list and muddle up the flow. They only keep the often surprising Hood Billionaire off the top shelf of Ross releases, so bring some patience as this mixed bag is certainly worth sorting.