• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: Apr 22, 2014

Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
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  1. The Wire
    Jul 21, 2014
    Future is one of the few true artist of Auto-Tune, and the emotional honesty lying behind trad-rap boasts bleeds from his words in a minor key and a pitch as subtly tremulous as a wobbling bottom lip. [Jun 2014, p.63]
  2. May 20, 2014
    This album makes up for substance with slickness.
  3. May 5, 2014
    Future stays true to himself and clearly shows where he stands. Even when he goes simple, there is an appeal, at least somewhere in there.
  4. The album is, on face value, yet another rap record about the artists success in overcoming the hobbling obstacles of the drug industry. Stale as the concept is, Future breathes life into it by twisting it into his own image and owning it fully.
  5. 58
    Honest is a good deal more middle-of-the-pack for a post-Yeezus 2014 than its creator wants to admit.
  6. Apr 28, 2014
    Honest is transporting in ways that few records are, and no matter how strong the beat selection might be or how perfectly the guest list is curated, credit is due overwhelmingly to Future for being able to sustain and justify such a broad range of moods for the duration of the record.
  7. Entertainment Weekly
    Apr 25, 2014
    ["I'll Be Yours" and "Move That Dope"] reinforces Future's status as the rap game's current MVP. [2 May 2014, p.63]
  8. Apr 25, 2014
    Even if not everything on this album pulses with full intensity--the back half of it lags--Future is generally magnetic.
  9. Apr 24, 2014
    At 18 tracks, Honest doesn’t feel bloated. Future takes his time on slow, sensitive jams.... But for every tender ballad, there’s a classic Future banger in which he yelps the hook over and over, lest you forget it, on top of harsh beats.
  10. Apr 23, 2014
    An early contender for this year’s big summer rap album, we won’t be surprised if we are still hearing about Honest when the winter cold returns.
  11. Apr 22, 2014
    The album suffers from a bit of an identity crisis, it is an honest album as the name suggests but it seems Future has difficulties in being an artist who feels the need to balance his street upbringing with his skill at writing, what are essentially, hip-hop love songs.
  12. Apr 22, 2014
    By all accounts, Honest reveals that Future's music was never a "right place, right time" story, but one that's unique and has staying power.
  13. Apr 22, 2014
    For an A-list rap album, Honest is refreshingly small in scope. It resists grandiose production flourishes, message songs, ambitious themes, run-on suites, and most of the other tropes rappers over-rely on to telegraph importance. Instead it just lets the bangers rip, freeing Future to cruise down his preferred lane unimpeded.
  14. Apr 22, 2014
    Future’s influence might not ever reach the same height as that famous duo’s, but efforts like Honest certainly dispel his consistent-hit-man-of-little-substance status (a la T-Pain).
  15. Apr 22, 2014
    He’s returned with a slightly updated, less flawed version of 2012’s Pluto.
  16. The new Honest goes for something more personal and earnest, though many of his rhymes lack the nuance to make those revelations more than rote. Luckily, there’s enough depth in Future’s spoken, and sung, verse to lend them the vulnerability they demand.
  17. Apr 22, 2014
    Honest surges with the self-assurance of an artist finally coming into his own.
  18. Apr 22, 2014
    Breezy in its boldness (12 tracks, under 50 minutes), this is a heavily considered album from the only reasonable rap star around.
  19. Apr 22, 2014
    The world of Future is as wobbly and as wonderful as ever, and thanks to Honest, it just got grand.
  20. Apr 22, 2014
    Future’s sophomore LP is a raw interpretation of his heartfelt musings filtered through an audio processor and laid bare at the intersection of trap rap and synth R&B. It’s a fascinating foray into alternative trap that ambitiously pushes the limits of self-expression and transmission.
  21. Apr 22, 2014
    Future’s lyrical sensitivity wouldn’t work without the album’s pitch-perfect production.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 101 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 65 out of 101
  2. Negative: 22 out of 101
  1. Apr 30, 2014
    Future could not be a worse rapper if he tried, and the amount of idiots praising this garbage concerns me. The production is a 6/10 at bestFuture could not be a worse rapper if he tried, and the amount of idiots praising this garbage concerns me. The production is a 6/10 at best on this album. Some poorly mixed beats, and not nearly as many bangers as is necessary to conceal Future's lack of skill.

    The features are entirely for marketing. I mean, Drake's song is more just an interlude with a sort-of hook slash verse mix that moves ridiculously slow as Future shouts and croons in autotuned intelligibility in the background. Drake's bars are garbage, and the song just screams, "I dont actually care about how good the music is, I just wanted Drake on the track listing!"

    The other features except Pusha suck equally, Kanye delivers his laziest bars since "I Am A God," and the album continues to stumble along. Future can't sing or rap or get hype.

    I don't like a single thing about this album. Nothing, swear to god, not even hating.
    Full Review »
  2. Apr 22, 2014
    Future really evolves from Pluto and has a great mix of bangers and R&B songs. The songs "I won" and "Benz Friendz" are two of the bet songsFuture really evolves from Pluto and has a great mix of bangers and R&B songs. The songs "I won" and "Benz Friendz" are two of the bet songs this year and really carry the album along with "Honest" and "Move That Dope" Full Review »
  3. Apr 22, 2014
    best album all year. every song is a classic. some bangers some soft songs it has it all. and im just being honest. so great man i listen tobest album all year. every song is a classic. some bangers some soft songs it has it all. and im just being honest. so great man i listen to this album BANGING in my whip. t shirt soty Full Review »