• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Oct 31, 2000
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 71 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 63 out of 71
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 71
  3. Negative: 8 out of 71

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  1. Apr 5, 2019
    Haunted should be on the list of 'Best Albums you Never Heard' as promotion was cut short when Poe's record label was bought out and dropped her. Despite the album never charting it managed to sell a quarter of a million copies in the US alone; which if happened nowadays would be considered excellent. Overall a wonderful and beautifully mixed record, as Poe revisits her film-maker Father'sHaunted should be on the list of 'Best Albums you Never Heard' as promotion was cut short when Poe's record label was bought out and dropped her. Despite the album never charting it managed to sell a quarter of a million copies in the US alone; which if happened nowadays would be considered excellent. Overall a wonderful and beautifully mixed record, as Poe revisits her film-maker Father's audio cassettes and incorporates them into a semi-autobiographical concept album. Listen to: Haunted, Wild, Walk the Walk, Spanish Doll. Expand
  2. Mar 6, 2016
    This is my favorite album of all time. Poe manages to tell two or even three incredibly deep and poignant stories. Much like brother Mark's 2000 novel House of Leaves (one of my favorite books) that Haunted is part-companion to, this is a multilayered art experience that you really do have to just dive into and let it affect you however it chooses to. Part-parallax piece to HoL,This is my favorite album of all time. Poe manages to tell two or even three incredibly deep and poignant stories. Much like brother Mark's 2000 novel House of Leaves (one of my favorite books) that Haunted is part-companion to, this is a multilayered art experience that you really do have to just dive into and let it affect you however it chooses to. Part-parallax piece to HoL, part-conversation with the ghost of her father, his voice layered and splintered throughout the tracks, and an all-out gift to her fans. Every track is layered with meaning and beautifully arranged. The concept-y "Exploration B" and "House of Leaves" are terrifying and perfect for setting the mood of the album. Hard rockers like "Could've Gone Mad", "Wild" (the callback to the opening of her freshman effort "Hello" is clever), and "Walk The Walk" have a drive and ferocity that I've rarely heard from any artist. The title track is beautiful and, pardon the pun, haunting. My overall favorite thing about Haunted is that it never seems to get old. Poe goes through every human emotion possible from grief, to rage, to happiness, to defiance, to catharsis, and every time I listen I get swept right up with her. Can't recommend highly enough. It's alright that Poe hasn't been able to release new music for awhile. Her opus is already near-perfect. Collapse
  3. Dec 20, 2011
    just another review.... I just want to state a **** You" to rolling stones review.. even though it was written in 2000 or 2001... They have no idea what emotion lies through out this whole album... dicks.
  4. Dec 18, 2011
    Never really listened to POE's prior, but this album is a work of art. I am quite impressed, glad I checked it out. Sounds a bit trip-hoppy, and that's a good thing for me.
  5. EdK.
    Mar 29, 2008
    I've listened to this album at least 100 time since it came out in 2000. It never grows old and I discover something new almost every time I hear it.
  6. AmirulR
    Jan 11, 2007
    Haunted is excellent. Beyond excellent. There are no proper words to describe this majestic feat of music.
  7. MarkG
    Aug 8, 2006
    This album could be put in the same class as Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon." Anyone who professes to not like it undoubtedly doesn't understand and never gave it a full listen. This is the first POE that I ever heard, and I became an instant fan! There is not a bad song on this disc.
  8. KandisD
    May 25, 2006
    I loved Poe since the first time i heard her so long ago. I can't wait for her next album.
  9. BojanM
    May 4, 2006
    This is one of the best albums I have ever heard. When I feel sad I just play the album and it makes me feel much better right away.
  10. FionaR
    Mar 5, 2006
    Love it.... love it.... can't stop playing it!!! The best cd I have been given in years! Track 18 - awesome - just for a petrolhead like me! ;)
  11. GeoffA
    Nov 29, 2005
    Amazing album!
  12. AustinA
    Sep 17, 2005
    An amazing feat.
  13. MissyH
    Sep 3, 2005
    Deep, unnerving, sneaks up on you at times, and love the lyrics. She says things that every woman's "daddy's little girl" inside wants to say. Shame really that Rolling Stone missed the mark on their review, seems that the rolling has stopped at the bank. Im a total fan and one of a growing number.
  14. ColeK
    May 31, 2005
    I absolutly love this album,it's completely different than any other of this genre, if you can give it a genre, it's beautifully haunting while not pretencious,a beautiful masterpiece of lyrical and musical artwork.
  15. RandyB
    Mar 13, 2005
    This album is artistic genius. Poe's smart lyrics, catchy music, and incredible vocals make for a dark journey that is sometimes frightening, sometimes fun, and always beautiful.
  16. EffieT
    Mar 13, 2005
    I listened to this album for 3 months straight! It's addicting. One of my favorite albums-period.
  17. DaveD
    Mar 5, 2005
    Everything is incredible - the writing, the performances, the production.
  18. MattS
    Feb 20, 2005
    absolutely one of the best cd's I have ever heard. A dark, haunting journey through one woman's attempts to become her own person. Beautiful.
  19. MichelleS.
    Dec 30, 2004
    This is one of my favorite albums of all time. I always discover something new when I listen to it, and if you take the time to learn the story behind "Haunted," you appreciate its subtleties even more.
  20. JewelC
    Jul 19, 2004
    I love the darkness of this album. She captures the mood of HOL perfectly!
  21. MarcP
    Jun 22, 2004
    More more more!
  22. LissaD
    Jun 14, 2004
    This CD is the best ever. Shes original and doesn't follow the path of every other artist. She unique and for that she should be recognized.
  23. BillG
    Apr 19, 2004
    This cd tells a story and we realy havent had that for years.I can't wait for her to make more
  24. AbeD
    Feb 10, 2004
    Haunted ranks as one of my all-time favorite albums. I enjoy the title track in particular, but there isn't a clunker in the mix.
  25. HollyS
    Nov 18, 2003
    Haunted is all about intense beat! Actually, truth be known, after having my second son, and quite a bad case of post-partum depression, this was the album that changed my outlook and my body. (I work out to this album). I have a deep respect for Poe, and get something more out of the album every time I listen to it.
  26. PhilippG
    Aug 10, 2003
    This album is so gloomy, especially the song Haunted.
  27. NatashaM
    Jun 14, 2003
    Its a great album... its one of those albums that u just cant stop listening to... Its truely different compared to the rest of the music u hear nowadays, but its great in its entirety..
  28. BrandonS
    Apr 17, 2003
    More than a pinch of Awesome. Though I do like "Hello" better...
  29. DanK
    Mar 7, 2003
    This album is the most complex thing that I have ever laid my ears on. It has inspired my artwork, changed my outlook on life and also weirded me out while driving, and almost caused several car accidents. Unfortunatly she has had no publicity in Australia, and has cause her albums to sell for 99c. But hey, I snap em up when I find em, buy them for my friends and get them addicted. the This album is the most complex thing that I have ever laid my ears on. It has inspired my artwork, changed my outlook on life and also weirded me out while driving, and almost caused several car accidents. Unfortunatly she has had no publicity in Australia, and has cause her albums to sell for 99c. But hey, I snap em up when I find em, buy them for my friends and get them addicted. the More Angry Psycho's develop in australia... the greater chance she has on touring.... I hope.... Expand
  30. DaveS
    Mar 3, 2003
    This album, moves and talks to the soul. I find it cries out just to be heard, felt, and loved. It will touch a cord in all of us.
  31. AssafStieglitz
    Feb 24, 2003
    Great album, lots of emotions expressed with great lyrics and the wonderful voice of poe.
  32. Alissa
    Dec 26, 2002
    Haunted is an album that is ahead of its time. Dark and edgy, it has the power to draw you in and won't let you out. Sorry to all you bubble gum pop lovers- but you're not ready for Haunted. Or should it bge said that Haunted isn't ready for you?
  33. ElaineM.
    Oct 28, 2002
    I reccomend this CD to everyone that I know. It is Dark and Spiritual at the same time. I think that everyone should own a copy of this album...I own 2!
  34. Amber
    Oct 12, 2002
    There's a beautiful and bewitching quality about Poe's music..that only few other artists have captured. And Haunted is the prime example...its one of the most careful and meaningful albums ever.
  35. BillF.
    Aug 27, 2002
    Technically speaking the dulcette voice of Poe, the beauty of well mastered mixing and the general theme of this album both dark and light, on these merits alone everyone should have a copy of this cd. Her voice is mesmerizing and beautiful of its own
  36. Andrea
    Aug 12, 2002
    This album came to me unexpectedly at the greatest moment of confusion and despair I have ever felt. I found my life and my spirit again while listening to "Spanish Doll." Poe brought to me a cathartic clarity of emotion that can only be described as utterly transcendant. If you open your mind and heart to it, you will find a revelation waiting for you.
  37. AdamX
    Feb 26, 2002
    Lyrically deep, poetic (without being cliched or redundant) and touching, especially if you've ever lost someone you deeply cared about. Musically and stylistically diverse. I found myself reminded at times of the Beatles, other times of Portishead, or Queen, or Garbage, or any other dozen bands I can't even think of at the moment. Multilayered and beautiful. I downloaded some Lyrically deep, poetic (without being cliched or redundant) and touching, especially if you've ever lost someone you deeply cared about. Musically and stylistically diverse. I found myself reminded at times of the Beatles, other times of Portishead, or Queen, or Garbage, or any other dozen bands I can't even think of at the moment. Multilayered and beautiful. I downloaded some of the songs and after listening knew I had to buy the CD. One of the best CDs I've heard in a long time. Expand
  38. Brenda
    Jan 13, 2002
    Simply stunning from beginning to end. One of my all-time favorites, it has been in my CD changer for over a year now, and gets played daily. Now, if only Poe would get the commercial recognition she so richly deserves...
  39. ScottA.
    Jan 8, 2002
    IT FUCKING ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!
  40. WillSargent
    Jan 2, 2002
    Comparable to Tori Amos's Little Earthquakes, this album mixes personal revelation with deeply unsettling transitions using the voice of her dead father as her guide. Recommend you turn out all the lights, and listen to the CD from start to finish; the cumulative impact brought tears to my eyes at the finish.
  41. Chris
    Oct 24, 2001
    Wow!!! This is one of the most incredible albums I have ever heard. Poe's haunting voice and unique beauty is mesmerizing! This album is exceptional, Well Done Annie!!!!
  42. BillieB.
    Oct 9, 2001
    I think that Poe Is a beautiful talent. I love that my generation finally has an artist that actually has meanings behind her words. Poe makes it very clear that her music comes forth from her heart, mind, and soul. I aspire to be as amazing as she is!!!!
  43. Pauline
    Oct 6, 2001
    I thought Poe's "Haunted" album was very well made. She has a sound that is different, and a voice that sucks you in.
  44. AjonjolinaA.
    Sep 22, 2001
    If Poe would just get rid of all the self-indulgent crap and stick to singing her excellent lyrics, this would be the most awesome album!
  45. cyphixation
    Aug 24, 2001
    Poe brings her vivid imagery and textured voice inflections to another awesome album.
  46. MattM.
    Jul 28, 2001
    Poe's "Haunted" is odd, dark, bleak, and ultimately a good album. Filled with disturbing voices from the past and a raw energy that can't be described, the album is quite a journey. Overlong, but altogether a fine work.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. 80
    Lyrically, Haunted progresses from timid to defiant, and ultimately to triumphant. Musically, Poe drifts confidently from trippy beats and spacy sounds to straight ahead rock and mellow, melancholic numbers, though not always in such a way as to strictly parallel the dramatic flow of the album's lyrics. All that means, though, is that this is a dynamic collection of songs and not merely the kind of high-minded rock opera that quickly goes from interesting novelty to pretentious joke. Ignore everything but what comes out of the speakers, and you've got a pop treasure that is as innovative and insightful as it is immediate and unforced.
  2. Sadly, Poe's work might not be welcomed in the mainstream, which is disappointing because her original compositions have the makings for a new music revolution alongside the likes of Radiohead's Kid A. Haunted is in its own class of twisted intelligence and beauty.
  3. Q Magazine
    The mood is too heavy for far too long, but some good songs and more cohesive, melodic structures augur well for this damaged daughter's future. [Sep 2001, p.115]