
Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
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  1. Apr 22, 2016
    While most tracks capture the hell-for-leather energy and countrified cruises of the Waco Brothers’ renowned live shows, the album also enjoys diversions such as the early Rod Stewart-like ballad Orphan Song and an unlikely but spirited cover of the Small Faces’ All Or Nothing.
  2. Apr 4, 2016
    It's the sound of a great band evolving with the times, even as those times try their soul and conscience.
  3. Magnet
    Mar 30, 2016
    The country-tarnished/garage/indie/glam-rock edge of this collection of 10 tracks has not one disappointment. [No. 129, p.60]
  4. 80
    Hard truths are faced down and bad voodoo gets annihilated throughout in unflinching, life-affirming, hard-rocking glory.
  5. Feb 29, 2016
    Going Down In History is pretty much what you’d expect from the genre veterans; catchy three-chord country with some distorted guitars and plenty of punk rock attitude and smart ass lyrics.
  6. Feb 29, 2016
    Going Down in History is a visceral, gut-thumping, pretty-close-to-live album one of whose main themes is astonishment at being alive, still, inexplicably.
  7. 80
    Over twenty-one years later the band has released Going Down in History that shows even if the band’s tongue in cheek send up of David Koesh and his followers isn’t culturally relevant, this band certainly still can be.
  8. Mojo
    Feb 24, 2016
    Sturdy, rousing, crank-it-up Rock'n'roll that's sometimes more punk, sometimes more country. [Feb 2016, p.93]
  9. Uncut
    Feb 24, 2016
    A soaring, Ian McLagan-dedicated Small Faces cover, "All Or Nothing," is the spiritual centrepiece of the set, but every song arrives with crisp melodies, burning guitars and impassioned vocals. [Apr 2016, p.81]
  10. Feb 24, 2016
    Long-time fans will be rewarded in spades, and newcomers to the Wacos could do a lot worse than starting their journey here.
  11. Feb 24, 2016
    Going Down in History may not mark a sea change for Langford and company, but between the humor, the honky-tonk, and the affable, full-bodied sound, it’s an awesome chance to catch up.
  12. Feb 24, 2016
    This record ain’t perfect but neither is rock ‘n’ roll and neither are the musicians who birthed this collection with passion and amusement.

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