
Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 15
  2. Negative: 1 out of 15
  1. Comes off as a mix between the White Stripes' bluesy insouciance and AC/DC's cockeyed swagger.
  2. Alternative Press
    Jet storm the new rock pack with the diverse appeal and catchy compositions. [Nov 2003, p.112]
  3. Blender
    Jet frequently manage to turn in the kind of bulgy-veined, streamlined gonzo rock that [Oasis] haven't managed since the mid-90s. [Nov 2003, p.114]
  4. There's nothing on this record that has any danger of keeping you from your beer. There are two gears: fast and slow, shoutalong and sobalong.
  5. Jet has more fun with songs like "Cold Hard B****" than most bands do during their entire careers.
  6. Entertainment Weekly
    The overall aesthetic is young, loud, and snotty. [17 Oct 2003, p.82]
  7. At least they're better than The Vines.
  8. Outburn
    If you dig the likes of the D4 and The Datsuns, you'll dig Jet, even though Get Born is the over-hyped sound of a few old records stuck in an all-too-familiar groove. [#23, p.93]
  9. We sound like everyone's favorite old rock bands, we have insipid lyrics, we say 'Come On!' and 'Oh Yeah!' every five seconds, we have no discernable identity, and we're from Australia. What could people possibly dislike about us?
  10. Q Magazine
    There's a raw urgency to the album that belies its dated influences. [Oct 2003, p.108]
  11. A quartet that lives, dies and drinks to Exile on Main Street.
  12. There's no denying the disc's unbridled energy, and those who pine for a return to the booze-fueled days of '70s rock must find immense pleasure in Get Born's finer moments.
  13. Spin
    If this album had been released five years ago, it would've been a blast. Today, it's the same new same old. [Nov 2003, p.117]
  14. Uncut
    An efficient if fairly joyless hybrid of the Stones, AC/DC and Oasis. [Nov 2003, p.109]
  15. The best tunes here have that boys'-club vibe of the best early-to-mid-'70s hard-rock bands, dead-on and nailed.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 59 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 45 out of 59
  2. Negative: 11 out of 59
  1. May 16, 2011
    Chill out pitchfork, it's just a bit of fun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  2. Nov 21, 2021
    Are you gonna be my girl was always overplayed everywhere and everyone knew the words.
  3. maxj
    Feb 7, 2009
    Theres a good explanation why jet are getting the cash. the hit's such as "rollover dj" and "are you gonna be my girl" must have been Theres a good explanation why jet are getting the cash. the hit's such as "rollover dj" and "are you gonna be my girl" must have been huge and this album got big which i think off these traks should have made more. Full Review »