
Universal acclaim - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
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  1. Jun 10, 2021
    There are moments here that feel like being carried aloft by a parade, and moments that feel like the jail doors shutting. There are pools of calm and surges of impossible triumph.
  2. Mojo
    Apr 27, 2021
    This remains far from forbidding music, with an orchestrated heft that's as close to Ennio Morricone as it is Glenn Branca. [Jun 2021, p.83]
  3. Uncut
    Apr 20, 2021
    It finds its sound in glowing electric waltzes, piled high with massed guitars and sawing fiddles, that take up a riff and grind it into extinction. Not to be missed, though, is their skill for softer atmospheres. [Jun 2021, p.27]
  4. Apr 7, 2021
    For the first time in a long time, the future feels uncertain and unformed. This is the music that will help us charge forward into the unknown.
  5. Apr 6, 2021
    STATE’S END! is another wonderful chapter in a book we hope will continue to be writ for years.
  6. 80
    Even by this band’s lofty standards, G_d’s Pee at State’s End! is a particularly rocking instalment of their familiar franchise; still head and shoulders above most other music that sails under the flag of post-rock.
  7. Apr 5, 2021
    The four suites of music here sound incredible, capturing the grandeur, aggression, and power of their symphonic punk with perfect clarity. And it feels incredible, too, as it endures passages of oppressive darkness to step at least toward a new dawn.
  8. Apr 5, 2021
    No longer supported by two decades’ worth of prophetic scope or career-highlight compositions, Godspeed’s revolution feels as performative as it always has - and a good deal more hollow.
  9. Apr 5, 2021
    It’s sombre, yes, but it’s also calm and reflective – a moment to pause and consider where those of us opposed to the systems that have created our current crises go from here.
  10. Apr 2, 2021
    The tracks on G_d’s Pee AT STATE’S END! share a sense of triumphalism brought about by the communion of music. The album soundtracks the end times, while offering glimpses of hope.
  11. Apr 2, 2021
    Having zigged for a while, Godspeed zags (of course) on G_d’s Pee, bringing back some of the inscrutable elements that made the band so interesting in the first place.
  12. 80
    Godspeed continue to perform with a bold and alluring command and unlike their peers, a majority of their output lands on a much wider scale.
  13. Apr 1, 2021
    As always, the band are at the height of their powers when at their most emotively rousing. ... But when recalling their previous efforts, there's an unshakeable feeling that they've done it before, but better — though you can't fault them for doing what so many post-rockers have done over the past 20 years.
  14. Apr 1, 2021
    G_d’s Pee AT STATE’S END! might follow a certain well worn path but still sounds magnificent, especially at volume, pulling you in like a rip tide.
  15. 80
    Godspeed’s new album articulates dark times, but it also presents the countermovement with breathtaking power.
  16. Mar 31, 2021
    On G_d's Pee AT STATE'S END! Godspeed has created a perfect soundtrack for these strange times.
  17. Mar 31, 2021
    Twenty-seven years on from their formation, their ability to convey the spectrum of both emotional and political feeling through the raw power of music remains unparalleled.
  18. Mar 31, 2021
    For all the existential dread contained therein, G_d’s Pee… also includes moments of elegiac beauty, as on shorter tracks Fire At Static Valley and the exquisite OUR SIDE HAS TO WIN (for D.H.).
  19. Mar 31, 2021
    Just as it seems like it's about to spin out of control, the band regain focus and add strings that shift it closer to a vaguely country-ish lament, then end the suite with the sounds of distant explosions. ... On the second suite, wayward drums and haunting strings tumble like a ship rocking from side to side, then the group locks into a steady, churning rhythm, slowly getting heavier and hotter until it all seems engulfed in smoke.

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 39 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 39
  2. Negative: 1 out of 39
  1. Aug 31, 2021
    Not as good as Godspeed You! Black Emperor classics but a solid album, I'll never get enough of them.
  2. May 16, 2021
    Notable Tracks

    > A Military Alphabet (five eyes all blind) (4521.0kHz 6730.0kHz 4109.09kHz) / Job’s Lament / First of the Last Glaciers /
    Notable Tracks

    > A Military Alphabet (five eyes all blind) (4521.0kHz 6730.0kHz 4109.09kHz) / Job’s Lament / First of the Last Glaciers / where we break how we shine (ROCKETS FOR MARY)
    > Fire at Static Valley
    > GOVERNMENT CAME” (9980.0kHz 3617.1kHz 4521.0 kHz) / Cliffs Gaze / cliffs’ gaze at empty waters’ rise / ASHES TO SEA or NEARER TO THEE
    > OUR SIDE HAS TO WIN (for D.H.)
    Full Review »
  3. Apr 3, 2021
    What more can I really say other than GY!BE is back! And right on time too. The first track, A Military Alphabet, reminds me a lot of theirWhat more can I really say other than GY!BE is back! And right on time too. The first track, A Military Alphabet, reminds me a lot of their earlier work on F# A# and LYSF and I am here for it. The first of two shorter ambient pieces, a Fire at Static Valley, is more akin to their newer stuff yet is as equally haunting and powerful as ever. The third piece, while in my opinion not as good as the first, is extremely cathartic, climatic, and dark. The album ends very strongly with the beautiful "ambient" piece Our Side Has to Win, which has a beautifully soft and somber ending. I would not be surprised if this is my favorite album by the end of the year. A must listen. Full Review »