• Record Label: Jive
  • Release Date: Apr 27, 2010
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 79 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 64 out of 79
  2. Negative: 9 out of 79

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  1. EannaB.
    May 2, 2010
    An excellent attempt by a brilliant band.
  2. Nov 18, 2011
    A move away from their previous albums, Fever adds a more melodic touch to Bullet's sound. With some of the best individual tracks in years and a generally cohesive album format, this is up there as one of my favourite albums of all time.
  3. Aug 1, 2014
    This album is what we call "Perfection". From previous album this is a great step ahead. It sound really amazing and Bullet is the most underrated band in the world.
  4. JesseM.
    Apr 29, 2010
    An amazing album by standards of a fan of their music in the past. Bullet has once again modified their style, this time staying away from screaming and focusing much more on singing. Fever is an album for all rock and metal fans alike, and should definitely be up on the top of the charts (at least in the genre it is in).
  5. Sep 2, 2010
    This was my first full Bullet album. I had classics such as Tears Don't Fall and Scream, Aim, Fire via download, so I was slightly curious as to whether or not buying their CD would make me a full-time fan. And it has! Nine out of the eleven songs are classic Bullet: Some belting anthems that would seem at home during any festival, mixed with some metal widdle-melodies to make any musicThis was my first full Bullet album. I had classics such as Tears Don't Fall and Scream, Aim, Fire via download, so I was slightly curious as to whether or not buying their CD would make me a full-time fan. And it has! Nine out of the eleven songs are classic Bullet: Some belting anthems that would seem at home during any festival, mixed with some metal widdle-melodies to make any music lover shiver down their spine. But because of the two tracks that are stuck between good and average, it loses a point from me. Yet as I said, I am now a full Bullet fan, and i'm seeing them in December in London! Expand
  6. Dec 31, 2013
    Fever is one of my Favorite Bullet For My Valentine albums to date. With Tracks like Your Betrayal and Fever it really stands out in it's sound and it's lyrics. I'll be listening to this album for years to come.
  7. Oct 28, 2011
    'Fever' is an album that conjures up mixed reviews from users and critics alike. The premise is simple enough, broken relationships and revenge. All that is all an fine, but at times, 'Fever' feels cliche and over-the-top in the whole "hatred" mindset. The album is great, though, clocking in around 50 minutes and never dragging or becoming repetitive. The songs are varied, and they'Fever' is an album that conjures up mixed reviews from users and critics alike. The premise is simple enough, broken relationships and revenge. All that is all an fine, but at times, 'Fever' feels cliche and over-the-top in the whole "hatred" mindset. The album is great, though, clocking in around 50 minutes and never dragging or becoming repetitive. The songs are varied, and they feel as fresh as ever. There is something I would like to point out, this album isn't as heavy as their previous release 'Scream Aim Fire.' Nor is it as heavy as their first full-length 'The Poison', but the album is right up there in terms of enjoyable listening. Like I said, the premise is simple, and it has been done before; which makes the songs seem recycled and reused. But, only in their subject matter. The tracks themselves, are fresh and feel like they fit the songs very well. This album starts off with a fast-and-furious song 'Your Betrayal', but the follow-up doesn't seem as bright. The middle of the album (tracks 4-8) is where the album picks up most of its steam, but it dissipates before the last track. All-in-all, 'Fever' is a solid album from a band that keeps hitting its stride. The issues are minute, and they won't deter any fan of the genre. Expand
  8. Jul 16, 2013
    I'm not narrow minded, but my favorite two Bullet For My Valentine albums were their first. The Poison and Scream Aim Fire. However that doesn't mean to say that Fever is bad. After all, Bullet are the biggest metal band to come out of England since Iron Maiden. (Even though they're Welsh)

    Fever was a new approach to Bullet. At this point they changed a few things and how they
    I'm not narrow minded, but my favorite two Bullet For My Valentine albums were their first. The Poison and Scream Aim Fire. However that doesn't mean to say that Fever is bad. After all, Bullet are the biggest metal band to come out of England since Iron Maiden. (Even though they're Welsh)

    Fever was a new approach to Bullet. At this point they changed a few things and how they approached the album, and all in all I thought Fever was great. Some iconic songs and some fantastic riffs, all of which are fun to play too! The only reason I didn't vote this higher is because I only really listen to this album a few times, It's not one of those I could listen to constantly as it does get a little boring. But they're all great songs, and seeing them live is just fantastic too!
  9. Oct 31, 2015
    Fever is a great album, one of the best in the metalcore genre. It accomplishes enjoyment to the listener, and that's what an album is supposed to do, right?
  10. Apr 15, 2011
    This isnt their best album but its one of their best.Fever is my favorite song from this album and its not that great.They make good songs but they should add more guitar.
  11. Aug 21, 2010
    This album should come with a simple disclaimer. "Put on your seatbelt and turn up the volume"

    This beginning of this album is an absolute blitzkrieg of sound from track 1-4. After track four the band tries to be a little experimental and while that should come with some credit it just doesn't work. Any album that should be bought in singles only will take a hit but this band has the
    This album should come with a simple disclaimer. "Put on your seatbelt and turn up the volume"

    This beginning of this album is an absolute blitzkrieg of sound from track 1-4. After track four the band tries to be a little experimental and while that should come with some credit it just doesn't work.

    Any album that should be bought in singles only will take a hit but this band has the potential to be big.
  12. Aug 22, 2013
    I'll start this off by saying I used to like this band. The Poison and Scream Aim Fire are still in my catalog of music, and I still listen to them on occasion for nostalgia. However, this album was Bullet for my Valentine's sound going full on mainstream.

    Sure, Scream Aim Fire was the beginning of this trend, but it still retained traits of their earliest work. The furious vocals,
    I'll start this off by saying I used to like this band. The Poison and Scream Aim Fire are still in my catalog of music, and I still listen to them on occasion for nostalgia. However, this album was Bullet for my Valentine's sound going full on mainstream.

    Sure, Scream Aim Fire was the beginning of this trend, but it still retained traits of their earliest work. The furious vocals, guitar riffing and tolerable lyrical themes. Fever...has little of those traits left. The guitar work is still decent, and Matt Tuck's vocals are still good. However, this album in general is a big step backwards for the band. None of these songs, to me, are memorable. The only songs off of this album that I actually enjoyed were 'Your Betrayal' and 'Begging for Mercy'. The former for its melody, and the second for its hard hitting sound.

    The rest of the album, not a chance. For any big fan of the band that loves everything they ever release, this will be another keeper. For those who aren't fanatics for this band's sound, this will not be one you'll want to own. Listen to on rare occasions, sure. But own? Nah.
  13. Sep 20, 2010
    This is awful. Like most other sensible people, I really enjoyed "The Poison", I thought "Scream Aim Fire" had it's moments, and thought that this was utter crap. It's pure torture to see bands going through this type of change, and it's also torture to sit through this entire album. As the old saying goes, "Gimme back my Bullet."
  14. Sep 28, 2010
    An issue with this album seems to be, that nothing changes. there is no advance through the album, and the only song that stands out as their own and doesn't look like it would belong with another band is sadly Your Betrayal. Songs like Fever, while still being a well written song, seem to not lie in the realms of Bullet For My Valentine. This is a shame, because the same fate lies withAn issue with this album seems to be, that nothing changes. there is no advance through the album, and the only song that stands out as their own and doesn't look like it would belong with another band is sadly Your Betrayal. Songs like Fever, while still being a well written song, seem to not lie in the realms of Bullet For My Valentine. This is a shame, because the same fate lies with Scream Aim Fire. The only album that appears to be anything over a 5 would be The Poison, but even that had its moments where you were left thinking "surely not".

    If Bullet are to carry on, and bring out a fourth album, then they need to review it themselves before deciding if it's right. If they can imagine another band, or singer, making a better job of the song, then they need to trash it and rewrite.

    Overall, Fever is a letdown to many, and it's just another BFMV album.
  15. Jan 2, 2011
    Loved The Poison, Kinda liked Scream Aim Fire, hate their newest album Fever. This band has focused more on lyrics ryhming then delivering any message to their listener. Quite a disappointment.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. As a whole, Bullet show absolutely no progression on Fever, despite this being their third album.
  2. This isn't a pathbreaking album by a band with any chance at reshaping their genre in their image; it's a solid disc by a group that knows its own strengths.
  3. Despite the lyrics failing to improve upon previous efforts, elsewhere Fever represents a significant step forward, and practically guarantees that BFMV will fulfil the expectations preceding its release.