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Universal acclaim- based on 17 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 17
  2. Negative: 1 out of 17
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  1. Sep 30, 2022
    New Zealand Indie Band born from buds in college studying jazz. Some critics compare them to Sheryl Crow on lead vocals. I would say if you are a fan of the Go Go's you will love the Beths! Kind of unstated and underrated however they did tour with Death Cab For Cutie in Europe and the UK. They have the right production, guitar riffs and vocals to really soar as a world class act. INew Zealand Indie Band born from buds in college studying jazz. Some critics compare them to Sheryl Crow on lead vocals. I would say if you are a fan of the Go Go's you will love the Beths! Kind of unstated and underrated however they did tour with Death Cab For Cutie in Europe and the UK. They have the right production, guitar riffs and vocals to really soar as a world class act. I believe they will be in LA in March to support this album release completed during the pandemic. Enjoy! Collapse
  2. Sep 23, 2022
    This is the second straight absolutely brilliant album from the New Zealand quartet. Guitar-driven alt pop is their perfected niche and Expert In A Dying Field is wonderful from start to finish. The title track leads it off and that is a total banger. It might well end up my #1 song of the year. Silence is Golden, Knees Deep, Head In The Clouds, & When You Know You Know all are freshThis is the second straight absolutely brilliant album from the New Zealand quartet. Guitar-driven alt pop is their perfected niche and Expert In A Dying Field is wonderful from start to finish. The title track leads it off and that is a total banger. It might well end up my #1 song of the year. Silence is Golden, Knees Deep, Head In The Clouds, & When You Know You Know all are fresh and high quality. This is one of my favorite albums of 2022. Expand
  3. Sep 20, 2022
    Largely doubling down on the easy charm of the sumptuous vocal harmonies, gently self-deprecating lyrics and impeccably crafted guitar-pop sound that have thus far defined The Beths' discography, the "ain't broke, don't fix it" approach of "Expert in a Dying Field" won't likely win over anyone not swayed by the group thus far but ensures the record is a start-to-finish delight for theLargely doubling down on the easy charm of the sumptuous vocal harmonies, gently self-deprecating lyrics and impeccably crafted guitar-pop sound that have thus far defined The Beths' discography, the "ain't broke, don't fix it" approach of "Expert in a Dying Field" won't likely win over anyone not swayed by the group thus far but ensures the record is a start-to-finish delight for the already initiated.

    Choice Cuts: "Expert in a Dying Field," "Knees Deep," "Your Side," "Head in the Clouds," "2am"
  4. Sep 16, 2022
    Not as edgy as their first two singles. However, there are a lot of good songs on here. Silence Is Golden is my favorite song this year.

Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Oct 11, 2022
    The Beths took the path of being exactly who they’ve always been, but more intensely and immediately. Given the interruptions, they waste no time in getting going.
  2. Sep 20, 2022
    The strength of the opening trio of tracks on Expert In A Dying Field is a potent reminder of their best attributes.
  3. Sep 20, 2022
    The record is strongest when the band’s bright and spontaneous indie rock acts as a foil to Stokes’ anxiety-filled lyrics. This fusion processes the tangled emotions of lost love and helps make it bearable—something few records can do.