
Mixed or average reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. It doesn't help that the best song here, "Feel," sounds like a bad Richard Ashcroft B-side; the worst is a seven-minute mariachi stomp about traveling to Las Vegas with a monkey, called "Me and My Monkey."
  2. Backed by stale songs, formulaic arrangements, and mediocre songwriting, Williams is forced to rely on his volcanic personality to bring this album across -- and despite a few strong performances, he sinks into lame self-parody time and time again.
  3. Probably the weakest Robbie Williams album to date.
  4. An unholy brew of overreaching ambition and soul-destroying complacency.
  5. More than anything in his career, Escapology is literally riddled with confession and confusion.
  6. Occasionally, Williams even manages candor without cockiness.
  7. Musically and vocally, there's few surprises but at least lyrically he's moved on from clever-ish wordplay and inane love songs, to tell tales of being generally screwed-up at the hands of the multi-million dollar pop machine.
  8. Q Magazine
    His straitjacket is an entrenched reliance on "lighters aloft" ballads, or, ironically, Oasis-derived anthems. [Dec 2002, p.113]
  9. Like Eminem, Williams is desperate to give his own spin on tabloid coverage and determined to prove himself as human as the rest of us, but incapable of letting us forget he's a star. Except Eminem is the voice of a generation while Robbie Williams is just the voice of Robbie Williams, and while Eminem has Dre, Robbie has a ramshackle posse of musicians roped in to create this album's (wait for it) 'spontaneous' live sound.
  10. While 2000's Sing When You're Winning was a trashy masterpiece that the States ignored, Escapology sounds like a more self-conscious effort to craft a pop-rock blockbuster.
  11. Blender
    Being shallow and immature is both his strength and his weakness. [Apr 2003, p.131]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 67 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 52 out of 67
  2. Negative: 11 out of 67
  1. May 19, 2012
    What's with the low critic score? After 9 years, this is still an album I remember. OK, there are a lot of self-indulgent and self-deprecatingWhat's with the low critic score? After 9 years, this is still an album I remember. OK, there are a lot of self-indulgent and self-deprecating songs in here, but that's how Robbie is. I really do feel bad for him for having all that pressures to "break in America". The U.S. was never ready for someone like him, and it's their loss. Full Review »
  2. najia
    Nov 7, 2006
    its amazing
  3. KillaBen
    Jan 9, 2006
    This is a great album to sing along to if you're trying to learn. Especially 'Love Somebody' and 'Some Kind of This is a great album to sing along to if you're trying to learn. Especially 'Love Somebody' and 'Some Kind of Beautiful'. Definitely go with the UK vesion, though- U.S. version omitts some great tracks. Full Review »