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Universal acclaim- based on 107 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 95 out of 107
  2. Negative: 11 out of 107
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  1. Oct 14, 2022
    My personal AOTY. What a majestic piece of pop work. She never misses.

    I can't choose a favorite one because I have many, but No One Dies From Love, Suburbia, Call On Me, Pineapple Slice and Grapefruit are absolute perfection.
  2. Oct 15, 2022
    O álbum é simplesmente incrível e coeso, é impossível pular uma faixa ou outra, de longe o melhor álbum da Tove Lo até agora!
  3. Oct 17, 2022
    Such a great sonical experience! Tove really outdid herself. Very cohesive and full of bangers.
  4. Oct 15, 2022
    a **** blast of an album / to dance for, to cry for, to DIEEEE FOR .. TOVE LO EAT MY SOUL
  5. Oct 14, 2022
    a true masterpiece from start to finish, Tove Lo deserves all the praise in the world
  6. Oct 15, 2022
    Love Tove and LOVE this album. Great effort as usually that girl doesn’t miss. Banger after banger and No One Dies From Love still one of the best songs of the year
  7. Oct 31, 2022
    Tove Lo is back with banger after banger. Such a great album with great stories and messages. I love it.
  8. Oct 14, 2022
    Ms Too vay loo never makes a bad album!!! This one has some growers, sure but it’s just as good as the rest! The features weren’t needed other than SG Lewis, but she still sounds fresh and the beats are perfect
  9. Oct 15, 2022
    Dirt Femme may not be for everyone but this Album is catchy and really heart crushing at times. I Love it
  10. Oct 17, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Tove Lo comes back with this album in a incredibly way! The vulnerability she presents can be either relatable or not, but makes you understand and feel her emotions. Expand
  11. Oct 24, 2022
    I love this album from top to bottom, it’s a perfectly fun album to jam to in the car. I need to get it on Vinyl as well.
  12. Oct 14, 2022
    It's a indredible job. Tove Lo brings the rulles and giving us a fine and soft pop music.
  13. Oct 15, 2022
    album incrivelmente bem articulado, nossa eu amei de ponta a ponta, ela nunca faz músicas ruins
  14. Oct 21, 2022
    Este álbum es realmente una maravilla de principio a fin, me fascina, no lo superaré nunca. DIRT FEMME vino a salvar el pop en 2022, we stan
  15. Oct 17, 2022
    Dirt Femme is Tove Lo's best album. It's incredible and makes a perfect contender for AOTY.
  16. Oct 16, 2022
    Tove Lo proved once again that she doesn't make bad songs. Absolutely adore every song, it's too beautiful!!! This year was terrible in terms of music, but Tove Lo saved it with her album. She deserves to be at the top of every chart for weeks!
  17. Oct 14, 2022
    Very good pop album. No One Dies From Love, 2 Die 4, Grapefruit and I'm to Blame are best songs
  18. Oct 14, 2022
    This one feels like ‘a dreamland with mistakes’. Seeing both lyrics and production going well hits different. Totaly different from previous works but totally fits her discography too. My favs are Suburbia, True Romance (
  19. Oct 14, 2022
    Amazing album! I liked the lyrics, production and the concept. One of best albums of year!
  20. Oct 14, 2022
    Dirt Femme is Tove's most mature and confident release with references to her earlier material.
  21. Oct 14, 2022
    Seriously, this album is great. I think she really succeeded in creating her own individualized soundscape. All the production sounds like it belongs, and it all adds to the concept of the album. A proper piece of masterful pop music!
  22. Oct 14, 2022
    She never disappoints. It's hard for me to supear the magnificent dark pop of Lady Wood; but Dirt Femme is very close. She needs more attention! She is the Synth Pop royalty
  23. Oct 14, 2022
    Honestly? The best pop album this year. In terms of lyrics it’s Tove’s best work to date
  24. Oct 14, 2022
    Amazing pop album! Tove never misses. Call On Me, No one Dies From Love, and True Romance are the standouts for me
  25. Oct 15, 2022
    Dirt Femme is Tove Lo at her finest, with incredible vocal performances and a fresh synth-pop sound that is “2 Die 4.” Under her independent label Pretty Swede, the Swedish singer has released her most honest album to date. With the very 80s sounding Call on Me, and the more laid back, Radiohead infused I’m to Blame, she does not fail to deliver songs that can be listened to on repeat.
  26. Oct 17, 2022
    I was really surprised by this album. Even though the singles were very good, i didn't like Sunshine Kitty that much. But i think this is Tove's best work to date. Call On Me it's an instan clasic, the production of SG Lewis never misses
  27. Oct 17, 2022
    Best Tove Lo’s Album for sure until now!
    Great lyrics, music and sound
  28. Oct 17, 2022
    Tove Lo outdid herself, like she always does. This is by far her best album, sonically and thematically. A solid contender for AOTY.
  29. Oct 19, 2022
    Wonderful rhythm and lyrics, the perfect voice.
    The album has good songs...
  30. Oct 21, 2022
  31. Oct 26, 2022
    Tove Lo is a versatile artist, in my opinion the album to be personal, she does it in an interlinked, sexy and confident way. the album also has natural cinematic. refreshing the pop from which it emerged. is a very good work, being her first independent work. "Suburbia", "Pinneaple Slice" 10/10
  32. Oct 28, 2022
    Sunshine Kitty is one of my all-time favourite pop albums so it's really hard for me to judge anyting after that but this one stands its ground and proves that Tove Lo is still a force to be reckoned with, an absolute pop queen and this album is well-crafted.
    Kick In The Head is for me is a gay and sl*t anthem in the best way possible, but I also gotta highlight Call on Me and Attention
    Sunshine Kitty is one of my all-time favourite pop albums so it's really hard for me to judge anyting after that but this one stands its ground and proves that Tove Lo is still a force to be reckoned with, an absolute pop queen and this album is well-crafted.
    Kick In The Head is for me is a gay and sl*t anthem in the best way possible, but I also gotta highlight Call on Me and Attention Whore along with the singles. A dance-pop greatness, well-produced and well-written.
  33. Oct 21, 2022
    This is definitely the best Tove Lo album so far. She’s an incredibly talented artist.
  34. Feb 1, 2023
    I would give this album a 10 with a clear conscience, but the song 'I'm to Blame' makes it impossible for me. One of the better projects from Tove Lo.
  35. Oct 21, 2022
    Tove Lo just released her best album.Every song is so good,Pineapple Slice and 2Die4 are pop perfection.
  36. Oct 21, 2022
    Tove Lo is a staple name in some households (mainly the gays and the girlies) and she is just constantly bringing bop after bop after bop.
    In a way, I wish she was bigger so that others can experience what we experience and on the other hand, I love that we have a genuine artist thats a bit more underground than other major artists, and is so incredibly talented that it makes it special
    Tove Lo is a staple name in some households (mainly the gays and the girlies) and she is just constantly bringing bop after bop after bop.
    In a way, I wish she was bigger so that others can experience what we experience and on the other hand, I love that we have a genuine artist thats a bit more underground than other major artists, and is so incredibly talented that it makes it special to know that I'm able to listen to her music and doesn't spread herself thin or make 2 minute songs just to please the charts and tiktok.

    No One Dies From Love, Pineapple Slice, Grapefruit, 2 Die 4, Attention Whore, and Suburbia are top tier songs
  37. Oct 26, 2022
    Superbe album qui sait faire voyager en passant par toutes les phases.
    Des balades, de l’entrain, Tove Lo sait toujours traduire les émotions qui nous traverse tous.
  38. Oct 15, 2022
    Choosing "No One Dies From Love" as the lead single of this album was a great success, its composition, lyrics, rhythm was a kind of open mouth to know that we were going to find the album "Dirt Femm"
    Although the rhythms are constant because they follow the same linear genre, a bit disco, they are sounds that do or do work, even if they are constant.
    In this album, without a doubt, she
    Choosing "No One Dies From Love" as the lead single of this album was a great success, its composition, lyrics, rhythm was a kind of open mouth to know that we were going to find the album "Dirt Femm"
    Although the rhythms are constant because they follow the same linear genre, a bit disco, they are sounds that do or do work, even if they are constant.
    In this album, without a doubt, she wanted to fully exploit her vocal quality, well done because she has a great vocal range that she knows how to take advantage of, with a Growl-type vocal technique, and at the same time soft as can be heard on "True Romance."
    Ludvig Söderberg and Ebba Tove (Tove Lo) They are a great team of writers, and of course, if they have been in charge of giving us great timeless hits like "Habits" and "Love me like you do" the biggest success of the saga of "Fifty Shades of Grey"
    Album design, a concept that can define it is Indietronica Zodiacal, using a Scorpio tail (as her zodiac sign Scorpio) shows strength and sweetness even though it could easily prick you.
    Favorite music from the album:
    Not One Dies From Love.
    Suburbia (Which seems nostalgically familiar)
    Call On Me (With SG Lewis)
    how long
    2 die 4
    Final Score: 7.5/10
    Her best album so far and the best thing is that it is an album that just works,
  39. Mar 12, 2023
    Lo continues her reputation of writing pop bangers and creating a cohesive album. While maintaining her common themes revolving around sexuality, Lo gives us so much emotion in this project as well. At some points, the album can feel a little bit repetitive, but never boring.
  40. Oct 30, 2022
    Disco, lala und dann blabla. Die Platte ist sexy und sachlich zugleich, ich liebe dieses Mädel und weiß nicht warum.
  41. Mar 8, 2023
    The truth is Tove Lo does very catchy pop music. And this album wasn't an expectation.
  42. Nov 16, 2022
    Pop is here, but not its best face. Tove Love is looking for new ispiration, but she is stuck in her sounds

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Oct 31, 2022
    Tove Lo herself often sounds lethargic while singing these songs. She is contending with far more serious subject matter here than on, say, Sunshine Kitty; she is not enjoying herself. She is less daring, less awake, less alive to the pleasures of sex and love than she ever has been.
  2. Oct 27, 2022
    Dirt Femme is a pop record and the compositions can be a little too close to something you’ve heard before. ... When she finds the right direction though, Tove Lo earns her place in the canon of the great Swedish pop song craftsmen.
  3. Oct 20, 2022
    If Dirt Femme is the sound of Tove Lo finding her feet, the future seems very bright indeed.