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Universal acclaim- based on 113 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 1 out of 113

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  1. AnthonyH
    Apr 25, 2004
    This album is one of the greatest albums every created. The songs catch you in every direction and anyone who gives this album least then a 9, doesn't know music.
  2. Tristan
    Mar 16, 2005
    The deftones most obscure and unique album to date it is much tighter that "around the fur" and much more abstract than "white pony". Despite being rather a noisy sounding record, after sustained listening the record blossoms, it is textural and colourful. This record is deeply emotional cross-examining relationships and human perceptions. My favourite tracks are the gorgeous "Moana" and The deftones most obscure and unique album to date it is much tighter that "around the fur" and much more abstract than "white pony". Despite being rather a noisy sounding record, after sustained listening the record blossoms, it is textural and colourful. This record is deeply emotional cross-examining relationships and human perceptions. My favourite tracks are the gorgeous "Moana" and the industrial "When Girls Telephone Boys", both track using minimalism with respect to their lyrics and their riffs. Stunning programming skills exhibited and juicy, poetic and abstract lyrics ... Definitely the best record by the Deftones. Expand
  3. wills
    Jun 28, 2003
    after spending so much time on this CD, i was expecting a lot. and i was totally pleased with the final product. almost. there's a bunch of songs that are monsters and there a still a few fillers.
  4. JasonE
    Oct 25, 2003
    The Deftones have come a long way since their days of Adrenaline. This new album is the best showcase of the Deftones capablities as a band yet. The music, lyrics, and even vocals have developed greatly and it shows. Deftones would get a 10 if it weren't for one or two songs that just seem to be pointless. Great job though!
  5. mattj
    Sep 24, 2004
    I have always been a metal fan, i bought my first deftones cd (white pony) 3 years ago and have been captivated by the disturbing beauty of the deftones ever since i have just recently purchased the self titled cd "deftones" and have found it to be one of the best cd's in a long search for stupid meaningless poppy junk. this cd will blow your mind i can listin to this cd over and I have always been a metal fan, i bought my first deftones cd (white pony) 3 years ago and have been captivated by the disturbing beauty of the deftones ever since i have just recently purchased the self titled cd "deftones" and have found it to be one of the best cd's in a long search for stupid meaningless poppy junk. this cd will blow your mind i can listin to this cd over and over, never getting sick of the genious that is the deftones. Expand
  6. Joseph-ScottA.
    Dec 6, 2007
    This is an incredible album. And very underrated. The Deftones created an incredibly emotive and artistically relevant record with this, their self titled release, as though they were re-inventing what Deftones were. It sounds blissed out, willingly obscure and unforgiving with it's hard bite at times. it is one of my favorite albums of the 00s. It can also be seen as a brilliant This is an incredible album. And very underrated. The Deftones created an incredibly emotive and artistically relevant record with this, their self titled release, as though they were re-inventing what Deftones were. It sounds blissed out, willingly obscure and unforgiving with it's hard bite at times. it is one of my favorite albums of the 00s. It can also be seen as a brilliant alternative of Loveless. Expand
  7. MattD
    Jun 3, 2003
    It's the Deftones, so of course I love it, but it's just not quite as good as Around The Fur or White Pony.
  8. MarcW
    Aug 24, 2003
    I really disliked this album. Other than 'Minerva' this album just seemed to lack direction. The songs never seemed to go anywhere and they seemed a little confused. Compared to the previous 3 albums, this was a disappointment.
  9. chinoshoegazer
    Sep 28, 2006
    Not the best deftones record, that would be "White Pony". But if WP is the deftones "Nevermind", then "Deftones" is surely their "in Utero", a self-concious attempt to weed out the poseurs in their fanbase that got on board with "Back To School". But, whereas "In Utero" is my favourite Nirvana record, "deftones" suffers because what they're running away from (quite unsuccessfully, Not the best deftones record, that would be "White Pony". But if WP is the deftones "Nevermind", then "Deftones" is surely their "in Utero", a self-concious attempt to weed out the poseurs in their fanbase that got on board with "Back To School". But, whereas "In Utero" is my favourite Nirvana record, "deftones" suffers because what they're running away from (quite unsuccessfully, thank God), is their pop jones. The tunes on this record try very very hard to be straight-up metal, but they are too good, too well-versed, and too bloody ambitious to deliver a real "step=back" to the days of "Adrenalin" and "Around the fur". Those records were progressions, history goes in a straight line. And Deftones have been forever changed by "White Pony". Still, this record has it's moments, especially "Minerva", possibly the best song they've ever recorded. I like this record mostly beacuse it sounds so much like Deftones meets My Bloody Valentine, the best band ever. Expand
  10. chuckyo
    Oct 22, 2003
    I hated this record. Why are all these people talking about how innovative it is?? It's just the same old crap (screaming, simple guitars) that's all over the radio these days. White Pony was MUCH better. At least it didn't sound like the exact same song being played ten times in a row like this CD.
  11. RexV
    Nov 2, 2007
    It's really creative, but not as WHITE PONY ( a masterpiece).
  12. Ed
    Jun 26, 2003
    This album is White Pony.2 and i love it because it`s like this guys have perfectioned the style they presented us with their last album, i truly believe that with Lucky You i've heard what teenager was meant to be a greater song it`s mellow and yet it has a sense of evil and Deathblow is this disc Change i can`t get enough of this song. What can i say i love this album
  13. RainZ
    Aug 17, 2004
    this is not a best album what i wanted to hear, but at all it is quite normal... maybe just a bite quiter then i hope...
  14. DanielL
    Feb 16, 2005
    WTF Mates?How could you guys rate these guys so low? Society as we know it is crumbling today and luckily we have guys like deftones keeping our music industry alive. Deftones may be a little psycho but apart from that, these guys sound pretty much the best the music industry has to offer these days. I downloaded them onto my computer 2 weeks ago and i haven't stopped listening to WTF Mates?How could you guys rate these guys so low? Society as we know it is crumbling today and luckily we have guys like deftones keeping our music industry alive. Deftones may be a little psycho but apart from that, these guys sound pretty much the best the music industry has to offer these days. I downloaded them onto my computer 2 weeks ago and i haven't stopped listening to them. A good 10 Deftones and hopefully the next album will be as good or better Expand
  15. DeFtOnEs_FaN1
    Mar 8, 2005
    Nothing went wrong here. Deftones have captured what we in modern society call "music". Nobody can play better than them and who knows, their next album might be even a touch higher than the best!
  16. declanm
    Sep 13, 2005
    superb and no compromise what we have come to expect from deftones not to commercial thank god.
  17. TheMedium
    May 18, 2007
    In retrospect now one of the best Deftones records ever, second only to White Pony. With the songs more direct and to the point, the eponymous album now seems the most apt follow-up to its spectacular predecessor. Though not as jagged, it is certainly the rawest produced Deftones record since Adrenaline, which would explain its constant likeness to Shoegaze. But while most other bands In retrospect now one of the best Deftones records ever, second only to White Pony. With the songs more direct and to the point, the eponymous album now seems the most apt follow-up to its spectacular predecessor. Though not as jagged, it is certainly the rawest produced Deftones record since Adrenaline, which would explain its constant likeness to Shoegaze. But while most other bands falling under this sub category are no more then blatant copycats, Deftones rather pay homage to My Bloody Valentine for being profound influences here. Hexagram is the quintessence of why this band is always alluded to as being Expand
  18. Aug 17, 2011
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Their best to date. nothing else to say, most part of the record you found Deftones at their max , the killer-chain-saw-like sounding guitars, the peculiar drumming, the atmospheric electronic effects and of course Moreno's utterly high screams & eire quiet vocals makes this record unmatchable. Expand
  19. Nov 17, 2011
    This is one of the darker and heavier albums of the Deftones. some people say only minerva is worth hearing (The mixed and negative review guys said it) but Metal up a little the record some times gets bring down a bit, (that's why i didn't gave the album a 10) but it shows Deftones can go which ever way they want to go. they might not have so many comercial success but they always put outThis is one of the darker and heavier albums of the Deftones. some people say only minerva is worth hearing (The mixed and negative review guys said it) but Metal up a little the record some times gets bring down a bit, (that's why i didn't gave the album a 10) but it shows Deftones can go which ever way they want to go. they might not have so many comercial success but they always put out good music. (Go to if you like the Deftones as much as i do) Expand
  20. Feb 20, 2012
    The Deftones most underrated album, partly due to the bands lack of innovation in the release but also because it had the difficult task of following on from White Pony. 'Needles and Pins', 'Minerva' and 'Hexagram' keep the consistency on an album which struggles to reach the heights of its predecessor.
  21. May 10, 2013
    Not the best Deftones album, BUT, it sure is amazing. The more you go through and listen to the whole thing the more you like it. When I first listened to it I had mixed reactions myself. Than I went back and listened to it multiple times and fell in love with it. I'm edging for the score of a 10 because it really is something else for Deftones.
  22. Aug 12, 2013
    Don't know why Pitchfork disliked this so much. While it doesn't quite live up to the rest of their catalog (except Adrenaline), this still has some absolute gems on it. Good Morning Beautiful and When Girls Telephone Boys are both exceptional.
  23. Nov 26, 2012
    This album is heavier but production is weak and the album is inconsistent. Their worst album, because it follows one of their best and is simply not up to their standards.
  24. Nov 13, 2012
    After White Pony it doesn't seem like Deftones could do anything better ... and they didn't (at least not with the self-titled album), BUT they didn't need to. All they needed to do is create an album just as good or at least close to it and that is what they did. Various ups and downs during this album. Raw and emotional just like White Pony, but a little more polished , which,After White Pony it doesn't seem like Deftones could do anything better ... and they didn't (at least not with the self-titled album), BUT they didn't need to. All they needed to do is create an album just as good or at least close to it and that is what they did. Various ups and downs during this album. Raw and emotional just like White Pony, but a little more polished , which, unfortunately, in the long run may seem boring after playing this album on repeat for the 100th time, but eventually you'll come back for more (especially for songs like Minerva, Hexagram and Good Morning Beautiful, though I don't like to point out something specific, because they are all great). Expand
  25. Jul 11, 2018
    Here is contained the sonority which defined Deftones, characterized by ethereal parts, baritone 7-string guitars, luscious and sometimes agressive vocals and a lot of groove. This album sounds more progressive and slow-flowing than White Pony, and for the last reason, a bit less epic. Most part of songs are incredible, another songs are just goods , at the most, dispensable. Nevertheless,Here is contained the sonority which defined Deftones, characterized by ethereal parts, baritone 7-string guitars, luscious and sometimes agressive vocals and a lot of groove. This album sounds more progressive and slow-flowing than White Pony, and for the last reason, a bit less epic. Most part of songs are incredible, another songs are just goods , at the most, dispensable. Nevertheless, this play shows several musical moments, varying between heavy and calm moments. Great album, although fails. Expand
  26. Sep 24, 2015
    an 8+ average user rating may not warrant the "underrated" identification but nonetheless it's a sublime album that builds on White Pony's experimental and dark themes.
  27. Oct 26, 2013
    Definitely the most epic record by Deftones. So much emotion in every single vocal line, powerful riffs and of course the mind-blowingly atmospheric, almost divine harmonies they create. Hexagram as an opener is just outta this world, and Good Morning Beautiful Bloody Cape convince with their simplicity and power. Also, very slick sound with a touch of raw. I love it.
  28. Dec 23, 2013
    this is personally one of my least favorite deftones albums (next to adrenaline). songs like the amazing "Minerva", "Hexagram" and "Good Morning Beautiful" save this album from being bad. the album isnt terrible, but its a bit weird. when compared to what was before and what came after, this album is not as good. one redeeming qualities about the album is that the band tried something newthis is personally one of my least favorite deftones albums (next to adrenaline). songs like the amazing "Minerva", "Hexagram" and "Good Morning Beautiful" save this album from being bad. the album isnt terrible, but its a bit weird. when compared to what was before and what came after, this album is not as good. one redeeming qualities about the album is that the band tried something new and it has better song
    structuring than Saturday Night Wrist.
    Best Songs:
    -Good Morning Beautiful
    -Needles And Pins
    -When Girls Telephone Boys (The heaviest deftones song ever!)
  29. Apr 18, 2016
    Up there with Deftones' very best. It's got this amazing balance of heavy riffs and gorgeous melodies. Chino's vocal performance is outstanding (those screams on "Hexagram" are almost inhuman) and always moves you with how it flows superbly throughout every track.
  30. Jan 18, 2022
    Great Album !
    Hardcore Type Bangers like „Bloody Cape“ and Shoegaze like Soundscapes like Minerva ,making this record a Perfect represantation of the Deftones-Sound.
    The raw mix creating a great sound of anger and frustration! Perfect!!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. A modern, commercially-viable, carefully crafted rock record that also sounds violent, deranged and desperately, incurably sad all at the same time.
  2. Deftones sticks a little too close to familiar territory this time around.
  3. Alternative Press
    After four very similar albums, they seem to be in danger of painting themselves into a corner. [Jun 2003, p.93]