
Universal acclaim - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. It is a pleasure to report that the latest SFA opus is a joy from start to finish.
  2. So, business as usual then; SFA have made another enormously enjoyable record, but one that is unlikely to ‘do an Elbow’ and suddenly make them a serious mainstream proposition again.
  3. Dark Days/Light Years is their finest collection since 2003's "Phantom Power," a purple patch perhaps inspired by the band members' dalliances in various solo projects.
  4. For their ninth studio album, the Welsh quintet go heavy on vamps, riffs, and refrains; the result is their most spontaneous and blissfully lax effort since 2000's "Mwng."
  5. 50
    Flashes of fun appear--dig the glam-Sabbath stomp of 'Inconvenience'--but most of Dark could use more color.
  6. 80
    The charm here is in hearing a veteran band who still really enjoy the process of getting in a studio and playing music together. And it’s great, still.
  7. The stakes are low for Super Furry Animals, with their dedicated fanbase and slim commercial prospects, and the music reflects this. They’re a legitimately great band, but sometimes one can’t help but escape the feeling that all of their dedication is in service of a joke.
  8. Without making any major alterations to their blueprint for music making, Super Furry Animals have nonetheless found a fresh and vibrant new corner of their odd little niche.
  9. If it’s their lighter side that appeals, they’ve never made such a consistent pop album, and I use the term with not the slightest hint of cynicism.
  10. This might just be their best record in a decade.
  11. The results are as free-wheeling and inspired as the group has sounded in years-- Super-er and Furrier.
  12. Dark Days is vibrant and alive, an ever-flowing, ever-shifting, carousel of sound--some might miss the emphasis on song, but it's a ride that's hard to resist.
  13. Due to awkward, clunky sequencing, Dark Days/Light Years takes longer to reveal its charms than maybe it should. Despite this, it’s still a marvellous record and evidence that despite their increasing years, Super Furry Animals are a long way from being out of ideas.
  14. On Dark Days/Light Years, their ninth album, The Furries consolidate their best ideas--electro leanings, hypnotic motorik excursions, catchy, hook-driven riffs and layers of vocal melodies.
  15. This rethink has by no means robbed the band of its tunefulness, as the snappy 'Inaugural Trams' readily proves. But the dozen minutes of 'Pric,' which meanders charmingly around the musical map, are more representative of an outfit which is at its best wild and weird.
  16. Mojo
    Gruff Rhys returns from his sabbatical to release another crush of blissed-out psychedelia, crunching beats, sun-kissed harmonies and topsy-turvy rhythms. And what a blast it is, too. [May 2009, p.96]
  17. At the risk of sounding redundant, this being Super Furry Animals, there just isn’t that much to dislike.
  18. With Dark Days/Light Years, the Furries have once again proven their worth: splendid musicianship, experimentation at its most sensible meaning and those proven hooks are all on display here.
  19. Perhaps Dark Days is not a typical pop statement. But it works like a charm.
  20. Q Magazine
    Playfullly irreverent and magpie-like as ever, and stuffed with inspired pop weirdness and great titles. [May 2009, p.119]
  21. Blissful and vibrant, Dark Days is a party album, but one with a soothing, trance-inducing quality. Best listened to loudly and in a communal setting.
  22. Alternative Press
    The album is a kaleidoscopic montage of stitiched-together riffs and motorik propulsion, sometimes sprawling in execution but exhilarating in its reach and reckless abandon. [Jun 2009, p.109]
  23. With a sprawling soundscape and off-the-wall lyrics, Dark Day/Light Years is a quite trip--often in more ways than one.

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 38 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 38
  2. Negative: 3 out of 38
  1. MrK
    Jul 20, 2009
    DDLY is not classic SFA perhaps, but it is still better than 95% of other band's best. Crazy Naked Girls sounds more than a little self DDLY is not classic SFA perhaps, but it is still better than 95% of other band's best. Crazy Naked Girls sounds more than a little self indulgent (but live it is electrifying!), and Mt & Inconvenience are somewhat humdrum, but after that so-so start DDLY really starts to fly. Trams is great, Cardiff In the Sun is bliss, White Socks is just a great, great song, and Pric ends things with a monster groove. Nice one lads. Full Review »
  2. MarkS
    Jun 21, 2009
    Nine albums into their crazy, neo-psychadelic, rock
  3. AliG
    Jun 16, 2009
    I wanted to grade this lower, but it's not completely without merit. I agree with Miro M, however, in that this is the worst thing I wanted to grade this lower, but it's not completely without merit. I agree with Miro M, however, in that this is the worst thing they've ever done. I hope they are someday able to once again scale the heights of Rings and Phantom Power, but I'm no longer holding my breath. Full Review »