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  1. Apr 18, 2017
    Deep thought lyrics with the silkiest angry flow mastered only by greats like Andre 300 and Biggie. The production is something of a hybrid between TPAB and GKMC. This is not something entirely different from what he did in the last album but he came up with a successful alternate version of TPAB. Doesnt dissapoint a bit and is as good as any other Kendrick album. Clockin in to be theDeep thought lyrics with the silkiest angry flow mastered only by greats like Andre 300 and Biggie. The production is something of a hybrid between TPAB and GKMC. This is not something entirely different from what he did in the last album but he came up with a successful alternate version of TPAB. Doesnt dissapoint a bit and is as good as any other Kendrick album. Clockin in to be the shortest KDot album but still packs a nuclear amount of beautiful music for any mood. This wasnt appealing to me on the first listen the more listened the more it hooked me onto it. Expand
  2. Apr 18, 2017
    Definitely not a bad project. But not Kendricks best either. A bit to inconsistent and underwhelming. Instrumentally it's kind of one dimensional. While they are enjoyable. I know they won't age very well.
  3. Apr 18, 2017
    Ive always wondered what kendrick would do after his classic tpab. Will he really go experimental, will he go trap, his style on gkmc or he would continuehis jazz sound? And we got this. Probably the most overrated rap album oat. Not only by fans but also by critics. You know what? I felt like a 5 but when i saw a damn 97 my jaw dropped to the floor. Like are you for real? Lmao ill neverIve always wondered what kendrick would do after his classic tpab. Will he really go experimental, will he go trap, his style on gkmc or he would continuehis jazz sound? And we got this. Probably the most overrated rap album oat. Not only by fans but also by critics. You know what? I felt like a 5 but when i saw a damn 97 my jaw dropped to the floor. Like are you for real? Lmao ill never take reviewers seriously if they overrate it so much and this album ends up having a 90+ not even 75 should get. It doesnt feel done or finished, yes ik its a concept album but he didnt make a good job this time. In no nonno way this is better than good kid maad city no. It has kennys WIRST and poppiest songs he ever made like loyalty and that annoying song love, the banfers are pretty meh, and the overall theme feels not finished. Kendrick ur one of my favourites but this album is your first flaw Expand
  4. Apr 18, 2017
    More replay value than any other Kendrick project, best album of the year so far. I find that the problem with most Kendrick projects are that they sound fantastic on the first couple of listens, with interesting beats, bars and hidden messages but they lack replay value compared to other "big" rappers out there today (Drake, Big Sean, Logic, Kanye and even J Cole). With this, its a hardMore replay value than any other Kendrick project, best album of the year so far. I find that the problem with most Kendrick projects are that they sound fantastic on the first couple of listens, with interesting beats, bars and hidden messages but they lack replay value compared to other "big" rappers out there today (Drake, Big Sean, Logic, Kanye and even J Cole). With this, its a hard hitting set of solid tracks with relatable theme, rich production and dreamy vocals. My favorite Kendrick album to date, Thank You. Expand
  5. Apr 18, 2017
    It was difficult to not immediately compare this to the universally acclaimed jazz rap of To Pimp a Butterfly and the West Coast hip hop of Good Kid M.A.A.D. City. However, the extensive production and the profound message in his lyrics prove to be more than enough to hold it's own against his two previous masterpieces and certify itself as a classic.
  6. Apr 18, 2017
    My score says 9 but it's really an 8.5 and the results aren't even fully in yet because this album changes every listen for me. I really like DAMN. It's Kendrick's most accessible album without him losing his individuality. It doesn't follow a solid, central narrative like his last 2 albums but it finds it's themes through issues that Kendrick is concerned with like Section.80 and projectsMy score says 9 but it's really an 8.5 and the results aren't even fully in yet because this album changes every listen for me. I really like DAMN. It's Kendrick's most accessible album without him losing his individuality. It doesn't follow a solid, central narrative like his last 2 albums but it finds it's themes through issues that Kendrick is concerned with like Section.80 and projects before it. Expand
  7. Apr 18, 2017
    This album is not perfect and is inferior to "To Pimp A Butterfly". The beats on songs like loyalty are forgetable. I felt like there were corners cut with some of these song's. Dont get me wrong there are bangers on this album, songs like DNA and Humble are some of the best songs on the album.
    I didn't really enjoy some of these samples taken and things reversed and Kendrick's singing is
    This album is not perfect and is inferior to "To Pimp A Butterfly". The beats on songs like loyalty are forgetable. I felt like there were corners cut with some of these song's. Dont get me wrong there are bangers on this album, songs like DNA and Humble are some of the best songs on the album.
    I didn't really enjoy some of these samples taken and things reversed and Kendrick's singing is some of the worst on any of his albums.
  8. Apr 18, 2017
    Very well done album. Kendrick' lyricism is good per usual, the difference being that the beats on this project add a bit more energy and are more interesting than TPAB or Untitled. There's a couple forgettable tracks, but overall a very solid album.
  9. Apr 18, 2017
    Clean, beautiful follow up to Good Kid Maad City. We thought he could only sink from his last, but the different approach he took worked to perfection.
  10. Apr 18, 2017
    Kendrick now joins an elite group of rapper who have never had a bad album. 4/4 in his career.
    DAMN. is a fantastic listen that changes your view after every listen.
  11. Apr 18, 2017
    This album has the potential to go down in history as one of Hip Hop's greatest. It shows us another great project from one of the most talented and versatile artist of all time, This album proves us that even with a different style he can put out a great work. Thank you Kendrick for this
  12. Apr 18, 2017
    Whether you find the album's concept theories running across the internet to all be a stretch (most of them are not), Kendrick's ability to consistently create captivating songs, flowing with emotion and thought demanding responses is the true characteristic that sets him out from literally every single other artist in hip hop. He is simply a genius that our children (and their children)Whether you find the album's concept theories running across the internet to all be a stretch (most of them are not), Kendrick's ability to consistently create captivating songs, flowing with emotion and thought demanding responses is the true characteristic that sets him out from literally every single other artist in hip hop. He is simply a genius that our children (and their children) will also enjoy and respect. The greatest of all time. Expand
  13. Apr 18, 2017
    K-dot abandons jazz for a more modern genre which can scared the old fans, despite few songs like GOD, LOYALTY and LOVE i think this album is perfect and deserve all the good reviews
  14. Apr 18, 2017
    Wordplay, storytelling, vocal manipulation, clean production: all marks of a classic Kendrick album. Ultimately A tense affair with the King. Not to be missed.
  15. Apr 18, 2017
    I was convinced that after TPAB Kendrick reached his peak.But damn DAMN. was as good as TPAB but generally i liked it more.In DAMN. there isn't a song that touched my soul as How much a dollar cost,but as a whole TPAB had songs that a few days later were skipped.DAMN is a complete listening.
    Now i won't make the same mistake again i am convinced that K.Dot can give a better album than DAMN.
  16. Apr 18, 2017
    If GKMC and TPAB had a lovechild, this would be it. The depth of the music, not just of the lyrics, but the sound, the feeling, the atmosphere, is just awe-inspiring. I always thought Kendrick was one of the greatest rappers but this puts him at Number 1 no question. The album is not just an amazing rap album, it's one of the greatest albums of all time period. The guy's a genius, whatIf GKMC and TPAB had a lovechild, this would be it. The depth of the music, not just of the lyrics, but the sound, the feeling, the atmosphere, is just awe-inspiring. I always thought Kendrick was one of the greatest rappers but this puts him at Number 1 no question. The album is not just an amazing rap album, it's one of the greatest albums of all time period. The guy's a genius, what more can I say. Expand
  17. Apr 18, 2017
    Good album overall but the trap-ish feel ruins most of the songs. After TPAB (a masterpiece to me) it wasn't only about the message -which is very present in this album- but also about musicality and sound itself. You can't play those songs for someone to vibe to them. If they don't understand the lyrics they won't enjoy the song and that's a big fail.

    Playing XXX at a party before I
    Good album overall but the trap-ish feel ruins most of the songs. After TPAB (a masterpiece to me) it wasn't only about the message -which is very present in this album- but also about musicality and sound itself. You can't play those songs for someone to vibe to them. If they don't understand the lyrics they won't enjoy the song and that's a big fail.

    Playing XXX at a party before I ever heard it was the biggest mistake ever.
  18. Apr 18, 2017
    Lyrically a very good Hip-Hop album but musically it is poor. From my point of view middle of the road (en vogue) sound stripped for real innovation (just something I have heard a lot lately).
  19. Apr 18, 2017
    Kendrick cements his legacy with DAMN.

    This album is conceptually genius, lyrically deep, featuring fresh and innovative production. It's rare that an artist is capable of re-inventing himself with such ease and grace. Equally rare is the commercial success that accompanies such deep works of art. Kendrick might just single handedly be this generation's Pink Floyd.
  20. Apr 17, 2017
    This album sees Kendrick going in a more consumable and pop-driven direction, while still keeping a good selection of the songs that are as conscious as we would come to expect from him. Too many repeated flows and lyrics stop this from being phenomenal and his newly-sung vocals & falsettos come across half of the time as forced and the other half beautiful. Concept and energy are grandThis album sees Kendrick going in a more consumable and pop-driven direction, while still keeping a good selection of the songs that are as conscious as we would come to expect from him. Too many repeated flows and lyrics stop this from being phenomenal and his newly-sung vocals & falsettos come across half of the time as forced and the other half beautiful. Concept and energy are grand and it really carries this album, but compared to what he has delivered in the past this is a slight disappointment and journey into a more accessible path.

    6.8 / 10
  21. Apr 17, 2017
    Kendrick Lamar has become his own genre and doesn't deserve comparison to any album or person who makes hip-hop music. He doesn't really deserve comparison to anyone currently making any kind of music. Just for something simple and fun go record random parts of LOYALTY. on Snapchat and use the backwards filter, specifically the pre-chorus at the beginning of the song and on the lines "I'mKendrick Lamar has become his own genre and doesn't deserve comparison to any album or person who makes hip-hop music. He doesn't really deserve comparison to anyone currently making any kind of music. Just for something simple and fun go record random parts of LOYALTY. on Snapchat and use the backwards filter, specifically the pre-chorus at the beginning of the song and on the lines "I'm a savage, I'm a **** I'm a king Shimmy-yeah, shimmy-yeah, shimmy-yeah, rock (yeah)" at the beginning of verse 3. The amount of time and effort that Kendrick puts into the lyrics on these songs is unmatched and utterly astounding, even the songs people are bashing as too radio friendly probably have messages and meanings that would be impossible to decypher and understand a few days after its release. DAMN. is an intricately made web of of pure musical creativeness that will be studied and finely combed over for years to come. Expand
  22. Apr 17, 2017
    Kendrick. Lamar. WOW.

    What can I say that hasn't been said already, Kendrick has transcended the genre yet again. Usually with critically acclaimed artists like Kendrick, after an album that has been praised and viewed as their best work, artists usually release another album that does not live towards the hype or just falls short. Nas is a victim of this, after Illmatic he was already
    Kendrick. Lamar. WOW.

    What can I say that hasn't been said already, Kendrick has transcended the genre yet again. Usually with critically acclaimed artists like Kendrick, after an album that has been praised and viewed as their best work, artists usually release another album that does not live towards the hype or just falls short. Nas is a victim of this, after Illmatic he was already viewed as an all time great. And with every album he released, they could never measure up to "illmatic" standards, even though they were very good albums. But with kendrick, there has not been an album where he seems to lose sight, have writers block, or just falls short in an album. Each and every album he puts out are phenomenal, one being better from each other and being different with sounds and textures. Somehow Kendrick Lamar pulls off the impossible, by coming off one of the Benchmark albums of the genre (TPAB), and delivering, yet another classic. Duckworth is one of the best songs I've ever heard, and with that story he tells within it, it amazes me. Raps savior, Kendrick lamar does it again. This solidifies him as an all time great.
  23. Apr 17, 2017
    Kendrick is pulling through with another amazing record, both great lyrically and production-wise. However i do have a few gripes with some songs that stop this album from being perfect, or at the same level as TPAB or good kid. God is the worst song on the album (IMO), and possibly one of his worst songs in general. Although considering his stellar career thus far, its not even that bad.Kendrick is pulling through with another amazing record, both great lyrically and production-wise. However i do have a few gripes with some songs that stop this album from being perfect, or at the same level as TPAB or good kid. God is the worst song on the album (IMO), and possibly one of his worst songs in general. Although considering his stellar career thus far, its not even that bad. I thought there was a lack of lyricism, and his singing is kind of obnoxious. Loyalty im also quite indifferent towards as Rihanna doesn't add much positively, and the 24k magic sample is chopped in a pretty irritating way. However all other tracks on here i believe are some of his best and heavily outweigh those 2 tracks. Duckworth and Fear are definitely some of his best, and some of the best songs this year. Kendrick hasn't disappointed at all, and this album cements his position in hip-hop history for me. Expand
  24. Apr 17, 2017
    Once again he switches up his sound slightly. Here for the album DAMN. he takes the more vulnerable route with songs like "LOYALTY." and "LOVE.". Something I thought of what he might do but when hearing both songs they don't sound as if he's being a "BIG **** Another two songs I thought that were risk was songs like "LUST." and "PRIDE.", where again sound wise he keeps progressing withOnce again he switches up his sound slightly. Here for the album DAMN. he takes the more vulnerable route with songs like "LOYALTY." and "LOVE.". Something I thought of what he might do but when hearing both songs they don't sound as if he's being a "BIG **** Another two songs I thought that were risk was songs like "LUST." and "PRIDE.", where again sound wise he keeps progressing with being confident of slowing up the album but to not damage it when I'm listening. I automatically thought of Andre 3000's Vibrate. where the beat rewinds for LUST. For the fans as I, we will still love songs like "DNA." or "ELEMENT." where he's typically rapping and effortlessly uses his voice where you think he's rhyming off beat but man from "Cartoons and Cereal" and "Look Out for Detox" he has come a long way. Even after for 4 days I'm still going back listening and loving each song as days go by. I had no expectations for this album, at points he shocked me with songs I previously brought up. So yeah man another 10/10 in my book.

    Shoutout to TDE!
  25. Apr 17, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Unlike that **** who gave this album a 3 and **** for a few minutes in a way that basically showed that he knew absolutely nothing about hip hop, I gave this album a 8. I was pretty pleased with this album and felt that it was another great album from a great artist. However, I wasn't completely content with this album as it got a very low score in comparison to my 10/10 for "To PImp a Butterfly." I list the bad first to get it out of the way and then go through all of the good.

    The Bad:
    -The U2 Song. I'll admit that I being somewhat of a U2 fan was happy to see the effort on Bono and the gangs' part to try and bring their talents to a new genre. However, that attempt honestly fell flat and this was by far the least memorable and direct track on the entire LP.
    -The Kid Capri **** I respected Kendrick's attempt to honor the greats, but Capri's vocal parts are kinda annoying. The **** at the beginning of yah is unbearable and I found myself skipping him in subsequent listens. Definitely a dumb production decision.
    -This isn't really a bad thing necessarily, but I can complain anyway. Unlike on Buttefly (for short), I felt constantly that my lack of understanding about Christianity (I'm Jewish) and my lack of hip hop history was a negative. I don't really think this is necessarily a bad thing, but I felt as if I couldn't enjoy the album as much as the easily accessible (at least idea wise) as well as educational "To Pimp a Buttefly"

    Okay! Now that thats over, lets get onto everything I loved and boy was there a lot.

    The Track Blood- My god was this a way to open this album. Kendrick seems to be really good at opening an album with untraditional ideas and this track certainly is very out there. The Gun shot at the end of the song and fox news sample were so perfect and I loved how he constantly dissed them throughout the whole album. This track vocals and all is **** amazing. SO AWESOME

    DNA- This track is one of the first times that Kendrick has really spoken proudly about his Black Heritage and I loved every minute of it. I personally prefer the political message stuff that Kendrick puts out and this song did that really well. Again just loving the fox news bashing going on here

    YAH- I really wasn't that big of a fan of this track. However, I liked how Kendrick decided to go somewhere different with it and it keeps the fox bashing going strong.

    ELEMENT- I was pretty pleased with this track. I think that the chorus was a jab at Drake who I happen to dislike strong and I liked the feel. It was sorta easy to connect with although I felt like he lost me at some points.

    FEEL- For an emotional Kendrick song, I was actually kinda fond of this track. He looked into his isolation and out came a beautiful message. Not much else to say but good job.

    Loyalty- This **** track. Rhiana is kinda like raps good luck charm as everything she does seems to be amazing. This track is such an amazing track.
  26. Apr 17, 2017
    Another classic album, Kendrick Lamar continues to be consistent, creative, and different. Even though this album may be mainstream or whatnot. It still has that amazing Kendrick factor. I recommend everyone to listen to this album and appreciate the hidden narrative and story.
  27. Apr 17, 2017
    Esse album trouxe um Kendrick mais forte! É um album com letras bem fortes e com uma sonoridade impecável, de longe um dos melhores albuns lançados em 2017.
  28. Apr 17, 2017
    Kendrick is back with a strong follow up to TPAB. The album is punchy and aggressive at times, but reserved and gentle at others. Best tracks: The Whole Album.
  29. Apr 17, 2017
    Damn is an introspective work that doesn't drag. It has a great cohesiveness that balances the listeners mood through alternating fast and slow beats, flows, and themes.

    Many songs on the album transform throughout their duration. In an era of shortening attention spans this quality makes the album compelling. Even so, Kendrick keeps the subject matter thought provoking. Damn offers
    Damn is an introspective work that doesn't drag. It has a great cohesiveness that balances the listeners mood through alternating fast and slow beats, flows, and themes.

    Many songs on the album transform throughout their duration. In an era of shortening attention spans this quality makes the album compelling. Even so, Kendrick keeps the subject matter thought provoking.

    Damn offers us the best of Kendrick: it has the sharp political commentary and self critical introspection of TPAB is right under the surface but unmistakable, especially in songs like BLOOD, XXX, and PRIDE; it catalogues the personal odyssey of Kendrick's life in Compton, similar to GKMC, in FEAR; it carries intelligence and sensitivity.

    This album transcends a traditional hip-hop/rap album.
  30. Apr 17, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album cements Kendrick's place in the rap hall of fame, and will go down in history as a classic. Although different to his previous studio album To Pimp a Butterfly, which will also go down as a classic, Kendrick brings a similar amount of anger and resent as he did in TPaB, but he is also showing that he is constantly evolving as an artist, as his style changes in every album. He continues to fight against discrimination, while delivering amazing production in every song on the album, and this album if more influenced by religion than his previous projects. His storytelling skill is also demonstrated, especially in the song DUCKWORTH, a song about his father and the founder of his recording label. Songs like DNA, LOYALTY and LOVE have a greater radio appeal than other songs on the album, FEEL and LUST are more mellow musically, and in FEAR, Kendrick explored the terror he had to go through at different stages in his life. Expand
  31. Apr 17, 2017
    I pride myself of being critical, fair and having high standards – especially concerning artists I hold in high regard. I've been a fan K-dot since I listened to the tracks on Section 80 back when his songs on YouTube only had a couple of hundred thousand views (Yah, I'm actually kind of proud of that – I liked him before he was 'really' cool). Needless to say, I had high expectations, butI pride myself of being critical, fair and having high standards – especially concerning artists I hold in high regard. I've been a fan K-dot since I listened to the tracks on Section 80 back when his songs on YouTube only had a couple of hundred thousand views (Yah, I'm actually kind of proud of that – I liked him before he was 'really' cool). Needless to say, I had high expectations, but I wasn't prepared for this. Kung Fu Kenny blew me away – simple as that. I'm a huge hip hop head – but usually I only find a couple of songs on an album that like. That is not the case with DAMN. – I enjoy listening to this from front to back (and in reverse!). The intro gave me chills. DNA goes hard as **** Humble as well! 'Element' might be the best **** I've heard in a long time. Lyrically 'Fear' is beyond anything I could expect, And 'Duckworth' is the kind of track you need to pay close attention to - what a ****ing story! This is the kind of album you need to listen to more than once to get the fullest out of – because it contains so much. So much work, so much thought, so much personal investment. I wish this was the standard of hip hop albums today – but that is certainly not the case. And that's why Kendrick Lamar (at the moment) is in a league of his own. And that's why I can't give this album anything less than a 10. Kendrick raises the bar – I pray for him and for I pray for hip hop artists today to follow his example. Expand
  32. Apr 17, 2017
    King Kendrick Lamar. nothing else needs to be said. The most versatile and lyrical rapper to date, everything in this album has been constructed so well and truly presents Lamar's vision.
  33. Apr 17, 2017
    Yeah, that's right a 3. You might not like to read or see it but that's what this album rightfully deserves. Now I went in objectively as I possibly could as I began with the first song on BLOOD, as It loaded up on rap genius I listened in and read along and thought christ this is aids. It was a **** story about nothing that didn't even make any sense, it's similar to a painting that triesYeah, that's right a 3. You might not like to read or see it but that's what this album rightfully deserves. Now I went in objectively as I possibly could as I began with the first song on BLOOD, as It loaded up on rap genius I listened in and read along and thought christ this is aids. It was a **** story about nothing that didn't even make any sense, it's similar to a painting that tries to be nuanced but doesn't have any real meaning or value, certainly not too common folk. I also found it fairly amusing how the editors on rap genius try to symbolize this garbage with the Lady Justice. This gave me more laughter than an entire Amy Schumer special. Maybe if I was a four year, or dropped out of middle school I could find some intrinsic value from the song but **** it, it was only an intro song so I just moved on. So I'm listening song after song and I'm finding little meaning with the lyrics but decency with the beat. YAH, HUMBLE, and LOYALTY are exempt from this critique as I found they were all decent from a beat perspective and good also lyrically. However, I found DNA, ELEMENT, and FEEL to hold a certain level **** lyrically that I doubt many other artists could replicate such poor lyrical talent and still earn such respect and credibility from their listeners. When Kendrick raps women flock to him and his camels increase and I sit and wonder why? Put on Nas Put on Eminem Put on B.I.G. Rakim, or Andre 3000. **** even Lil Dicky has more lyrical thought than Kendrick it's depressing what rap fans find good these days. Expand
  34. Apr 17, 2017
    Kendrick is the confirmed best artist of this generation. this album underlines it. DNA has the best beat of this decade, Humble already makes a buzz as a single and the U2 turned out to be a highlight of the whole project. KTT we eating fam, my name is kentiaTalk and I wanna rejoin you after that unnecessary perma...
  35. Apr 17, 2017
    Really boring and totally overhyped like his last one. Since the Good kid MAAd city album (which was definitely his best) he has become the darling of the critics but I really can't understand it. I barely got through a listen with this one before I deleted it. i re-downloaded the last one twice but I knew it was rubbish the first time. His voice, flows, beats, ideas... i am sorry butReally boring and totally overhyped like his last one. Since the Good kid MAAd city album (which was definitely his best) he has become the darling of the critics but I really can't understand it. I barely got through a listen with this one before I deleted it. i re-downloaded the last one twice but I knew it was rubbish the first time. His voice, flows, beats, ideas... i am sorry but no, I am not buying it, you're all wrong. Expand
  36. Apr 17, 2017
    Although TPAB was a very strong previous album, Kendrick Lamar manages to please a broader spectrum of his fans with "Damn." Many good highlight tracks like DNA, Feel, and Humble, all present Kendrick pushing the envelope, not to mention the other tracks as well. Whether or not you were on good terms with Lamar's jazzy/funk-inspired theme of TPAB, Lamar has a promising project that willAlthough TPAB was a very strong previous album, Kendrick Lamar manages to please a broader spectrum of his fans with "Damn." Many good highlight tracks like DNA, Feel, and Humble, all present Kendrick pushing the envelope, not to mention the other tracks as well. Whether or not you were on good terms with Lamar's jazzy/funk-inspired theme of TPAB, Lamar has a promising project that will prove replay value and an astounding hip hop project. Expand
  37. Apr 17, 2017
    Kendrick has always been one to state that change must come from himself first - his music is his own medicine, his own therapy. Here he's direct, visceral, abrasive, minimal, and loud; he states his flaws and sins and how he will be judged by God when the time comes. What brings Kendrick back to earth is how he relates and falls victim to the same attributes that he voices are necessaryKendrick has always been one to state that change must come from himself first - his music is his own medicine, his own therapy. Here he's direct, visceral, abrasive, minimal, and loud; he states his flaws and sins and how he will be judged by God when the time comes. What brings Kendrick back to earth is how he relates and falls victim to the same attributes that he voices are necessary in our world. He expresses instances of pride just as much as humility, and the same goes for lust/love. Kendrick said it himself - we need to stop running away from these things. The urgency is at an all-time high; we need to learn to accept these things, and King Kendrick is leading us on this path. Expand
  38. Apr 17, 2017
    Kendrick Lamar somehow puts together an album that sounds like it's channeling old school, classic hip hop attitude, flavor, and delivery, while also stays fresh, modern, and progressive. This is rap at it's best, from someone that will undoubtedly go down in history as one of, if not the greatest to ever pursue hip hop in all it's glorious artistry.
  39. Apr 17, 2017
    After listening to this dazzling album, I was amazed how Kendrick Lamar takes this album to a new level. The soundtrack is stellar! I have no exact words to say about this album and it's a good thing. There is no doubt that K-Dot is still the King of Modern Day West Coast hip-hop and his SONGS on DAMN. are dope compared to previous albums such as M.A.A.D City and To Pump a Butterfly.After listening to this dazzling album, I was amazed how Kendrick Lamar takes this album to a new level. The soundtrack is stellar! I have no exact words to say about this album and it's a good thing. There is no doubt that K-Dot is still the King of Modern Day West Coast hip-hop and his SONGS on DAMN. are dope compared to previous albums such as M.A.A.D City and To Pump a Butterfly. K-Dot, you made a hell of an impression making this album a modern classic.. You deserved a Grammy, an Oscar, or a Golden Globe for this creative work of art :) 10/10 Expand
  40. Apr 17, 2017
    Kendrick Lamar - DAMN. (2017)

    10 / 10

    Kendrick Lamar returns with an energetic masterpiece, containing both the energy and relatable lyrics that his 2015 problem-focused, To Pimp A Butterfly album lacked.
  41. Apr 17, 2017
    Kendrick offers another fantastic album. Despite not having TPAB's unique sound or not being as fresh sonically as GKMC when it came out in 2012, DAMN. offers a more accessible and easier listen to his music. Kendrick's lyrics, different voices and flows remain as good as ever. It lacks the cohesion that had TPAB but as a result the album shows a great variety of moods. However, some ofKendrick offers another fantastic album. Despite not having TPAB's unique sound or not being as fresh sonically as GKMC when it came out in 2012, DAMN. offers a more accessible and easier listen to his music. Kendrick's lyrics, different voices and flows remain as good as ever. It lacks the cohesion that had TPAB but as a result the album shows a great variety of moods. However, some of the more commercial appealing songs like LOYALTY or LOVE feel kinda out of place, maybe for their position in the tracklist, or like if Kendrick was not really convinced of which direction this project would take in terms of sound. This is more remarkable in the song GOD., probably the only low point I've found. Maybe not as well defined as his last one, but equally ambitious, and with this album his discography one of the most acclaimed and well received by any musician, ever in history. Expand
  42. Apr 17, 2017
    If he was to give up being melodic, he should at least explore rhythm a lot further.
    On DAMN. he mostly sounds simplistic rather than minimalistic and experimental.

    The repercussion of this album is like valuing hype over content. A good album by an outstanding rapper that's going to be overrated as people are still wooing over To Pimp a Butterfly.
  43. Apr 17, 2017
    Another Kendrick album that sounds better with every listen.
    As with GKMC and TPAB I was surprised by the style of music featured on this album. Mostly because I loved the previous album so much that I wanted more. (in this case TPAB), but after my first listen my expectations went away and I fell in love with DAMN. on the second. In fact, this album seems to be an expert at slapping your
    Another Kendrick album that sounds better with every listen.
    As with GKMC and TPAB I was surprised by the style of music featured on this album. Mostly because I loved the previous album so much that I wanted more. (in this case TPAB), but after my first listen my expectations went away and I fell in love with DAMN. on the second. In fact, this album seems to be an expert at slapping your expectations in the face. Almost every intro is completely different than the actual song, a track may strike you as a basic trap banger, but after a few listens you realize how unconventional it is. It's a rollercoaster ride, to say the least. One that I was hesitant to get on but now enjoy riding multiple times throughout the day. Kendrick experiments with effects, transitions, and styles in a way he never has before and it seems that the messages in this album require a little more digging than usual. The album is one of Kendrick more disjointed, but Kid Kapri, the multiple uses of reverse audio, the one worded themes, and the harmonies singing that you hear at the very beginning of the album link the tracks together.
    The low points of the album to me are LOYALTY. and GOD. The themes are pretty simple and Kendrick doesn't seem to say anything interesting about them. And LOYALTY. sounds terrible. From the thin mix to the obnoxious vocal sample to the generic autotune guy to Kendrick's annoying sleepy vocal delivery... I'm not sure about that one.
    I give this a 9. But I'm putting a 10 to counteract the Drake fans that give this a low score.
  44. Apr 17, 2017
    This album was a mix of the sounds of GKMC and TPAB/UU with a twist and is amazing! IS IT WICKEDNESS OR IS IT WEAKNESS? YOU DECIDE. ALBUM ON SUNDAY???
  45. Apr 17, 2017
    Once again, Kendrick successfully switches up his style without compromising. Kendrick chose to go with a more commercial sound, most likely to cater to the fans that found TPAB too intense. However, Kendrick still manages to produce a unique sound with DAMN. The production is mostly minimalist. DAMN draws from soul, psychedelic, and gritty electronic influences to allow Kendrick's voiceOnce again, Kendrick successfully switches up his style without compromising. Kendrick chose to go with a more commercial sound, most likely to cater to the fans that found TPAB too intense. However, Kendrick still manages to produce a unique sound with DAMN. The production is mostly minimalist. DAMN draws from soul, psychedelic, and gritty electronic influences to allow Kendrick's voice to be the sole focus of each track. He pushes the limits of his voice, using falsettos and tone-changing flows, while maintaining his masterful lyricism. DAMN is obscure compared to Kendrick's other works; Kendrick expresses himself more subtly in this album. There is a coherent theme in the album though. While TPAB dealt with societal issues, DAMN is more intimate and allows us to see Kendrick deal with the emotional conflicts that have followed him from childhood to stardom. The thesis of the album is stated in the first song, BLOOD. "Is it wickedness? Is it weakness?" This issue is explored through the album with contrasting tracks. Do we sin because of our wickedness, or are we forced to by our weakness? Are the wicked actually the weak acting in self-defense? Kendrick dives into issues such as these, using himself as a template. He juxtaposes each track with the next to illustrate each side of the issue. For example, the smooth, introspective PRIDE is followed by the explosive, braggadocious HUMBLE. No track is out of place, and each track transitions perfectly to the next. With DAMN, Kendrick Lamar again creates an album that transcends rap. Expand
  46. KPP
    Apr 17, 2017
    Kendrick really step up with his new album, Damn. It's An absolutely masterpiece, lyrics and musical. Kendrick made this not just a good album to hear, but a experience to listen!
  47. Apr 17, 2017
    JOHNNY DON"T WANNA GO TO SCHOOL NO MORE... Kendrick's To Pimp a Butterfly was a huge disappointment for me after the stellar Good Kid MAAD City. After learning the album dropped over the weekend I gave it a listen and was blown away. This is the Kendrick I came to love years ago and this album is simply amazing. He won me back with an emotional and powerful album that highlights currentJOHNNY DON"T WANNA GO TO SCHOOL NO MORE... Kendrick's To Pimp a Butterfly was a huge disappointment for me after the stellar Good Kid MAAD City. After learning the album dropped over the weekend I gave it a listen and was blown away. This is the Kendrick I came to love years ago and this album is simply amazing. He won me back with an emotional and powerful album that highlights current events and the state of the United States. I was never a fan of singers talking about the country but Kendrick does it masterfully. YAH. will be one of my all time favorites for years to come! Expand
  48. Apr 17, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. After the release To Pimp A Butterfly, Kendrick was crowned hip-hop’s king and savior. TPAB was not only acclaimed as a great piece of music but a work of immense social importance. It was not just praised by those in the music world (David Bowie cited TPAB as the inspiration to utilize discordant saxophone on last year’s Blackstar) but also by the outgoing POTUS. “Alright” has also become a protest anthem for Black Lives Matter. Carrying this voice-of-a-generation label has Kendrick feeling conflicted—understandably so. How many of us would feel comfortable being compared to Ghandi? DAMN is Kendrick reckoning with this label while still trying to maintain his relationship with God, society, and his family.

    The album starts off with Kendrick introducing the two main forces that influence his life: wickedness and weakness. Then we are shown a scene of Kendrick attempting to do a good deed, helping a struggling blind woman, only to discover that she turns and shoots him dead (the “weak” turning out to be “wicked”). The songs that follow are explorations of the conflicting aspects of Kendrick’s personality and existence. The song titles are very explicit with this intention. By the end of the album, Kendrick is no closer to finding answers to his questions, but he has reckoned with the fact that perfection is unobtainable. Human’s are inherently sinful creatures. We can only do our best to be good to each other while not being totally consumed by our vices.

    All of this self-examination is soundtracked by music that on the surface is far more commercial sounding. However, Kendrick has found ways to elevate the sounds of modern pop rap to new heights. Many of these songs straight up bang (DNA, ELEMENT, HUMBLE), while in between the fire we still get moments of subtle disquiet (YAH, FEEL, PRIDE). The production is crisp the music opens up on a great pair of headphones.

    What elevates Kendrick’s music for me is the artistic purposefulness combined with his unmatched rap skills (I’m really conflicted if I can call Biggie the best rapper anymore after this album). He can switch up tempo and flow, dip in and out of melody, change his vocal delivery all the while spitting bars on bars where every syllable counts. He creates enthralling narratives, emotional pop-RnB songs (K-dot is really gunning to dethrone Drake with this album), and still manages to squeeze in little non-sequiturs that make rap so quotable.

    All that being said, I can understand how someone not super familiar with rap music won’t see past the surface on this record. There’s a lot of lyrics to follow and a ton of slang and references to decode. With most rappers there isn’t much more than a worship of empty obsessions. DAMN is refreshingly free of that materialism. There’s not many mentions of designer brands and no demeaning statements towards women. This is an album in which a sensitive and complicated poet is asking himself and, by extension, the listener, serious questions about how much responsibility we all hold for the imperfect world we live in. This is a work of, in my opinion, an all-time great artist at the top of his game.
  49. Apr 17, 2017
    With an ever evolving genre, it can be hard to change without imitation or remaining true to yourself. Kendrick Lamar yet again proves why he will go down in history with this project. The rhymes have never been questioned, but they may be at their best on DAMN. I will just let the music speak for itself.
  50. Apr 17, 2017
    So many standout tracks on yet another extremely impressive release by Kendrick. This is definitely far from TPAB, but not in its grand scale, powerful lyrics, soulful instrumentals, and awesome features. Highlights are "Pride", "Fear", "DNA", "Lust", "God", and "XXX". This album has a lot to offer and cements Kendrick as truly the greatest rapper alive.
  51. Apr 17, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Best album of 2000's. All tracks make me confusion because they give me different feel. BLOOD, first track's sound is weak like inst, and DNA, second track's sound is so strong. All tracks give me that feel. 'DAMN', This album which has "weak-strong-weak-strong-weak-strong feel" is shocking album. Expand
  52. Apr 17, 2017
    Kendrick delivers another classic album, this time bearing his insecurities and questioning his morality. Somehow he matches the quality of his last two albums, possibly even surpassing them. From the chilling intro track, right the way through to the stunning 'Duckworth' closer, this album is consistent throughout in quality. Tracks like 'XXX' and 'DNA' are heavy hitting, passion filledKendrick delivers another classic album, this time bearing his insecurities and questioning his morality. Somehow he matches the quality of his last two albums, possibly even surpassing them. From the chilling intro track, right the way through to the stunning 'Duckworth' closer, this album is consistent throughout in quality. Tracks like 'XXX' and 'DNA' are heavy hitting, passion filled songs that will answer critics of 'To Pimp a Butterfly's jazzy, laid back approach, whilst there are also smooth cuts like 'Element' and 'Love'. 'Fear' is perhaps the most thought provoking track, detailing the different forms that fear takes throughout Kendrick's life and tying in nicely with the theme of 'Wickedness or Weakness?' that Kendrick discusses on the album. My only criticism is that 'Loyalty' is a little too heavily auto tuned and stands out as the weakest song on the project. Expand
  53. Apr 16, 2017
    I was nervous about the release of this album. I wondered: how could he follow up the brilliant TPAB? Good lawd! Kendrick's genius overflows on this piercing record. DNA is one of the most viscious rap songs in recent memory. YAH simmers like my grandma's grits in Mississippi. ELEMENT is straight fire.

    "Ain't nobody praying for me" is recurring refrain throughout the album. Like a lead
    I was nervous about the release of this album. I wondered: how could he follow up the brilliant TPAB? Good lawd! Kendrick's genius overflows on this piercing record. DNA is one of the most viscious rap songs in recent memory. YAH simmers like my grandma's grits in Mississippi. ELEMENT is straight fire.

    "Ain't nobody praying for me" is recurring refrain throughout the album. Like a lead Eminem single, I didn't judge the entire project based on HUMBLE because I knew that the song would tie into the overall story of the album. Honestly, after hearing HUMBLE I didn't even notice when he says nobody prays for him in the beginning until the album came out.

    Kendrick bares his soul on FEEL. LOYALTY is a great duet with Rihanna...This album is equal to rather briilliant GKMC and TPAB but different from both. I highly recommend listening to this album. Glad i was alive to hear 2pac, BIG, Nas and now Kendrick.
  54. Apr 16, 2017
    A record for people that value verses over melodies -- lyrics over hooks. When people talk about a track as melodically absent as DNA as the track of the year -- well that's just plain sad. There are a few tracks on here that are worth people's time -- most notably "Love" which stands out like a sore thumb as compared to the rest of the record. Nonetheless this is an overhyped effort fromA record for people that value verses over melodies -- lyrics over hooks. When people talk about a track as melodically absent as DNA as the track of the year -- well that's just plain sad. There are a few tracks on here that are worth people's time -- most notably "Love" which stands out like a sore thumb as compared to the rest of the record. Nonetheless this is an overhyped effort from one of the best rappers in the business. Expand
  55. Apr 16, 2017
    I have no idea how Kendrick Lamar manages to make each song so different in style and yet weave them together so well. Lamar is the genius that Yeezus touts himself as, make no mistake.
  56. Apr 16, 2017
    I really don't like the subject matter of this album. In spite of how solid the production is, if you made an album about how you wanted to kill everyone would it even matter?
  57. Apr 16, 2017
    I wasn't a huge fan of Kendrick before, I loved a few songs off the last two albums but otherwise I didn't really get into them deeply. This album is layered deeply and yet still still appeals on the surface. There are few albums that can be enjoyed from beginning to end and this is one of them. Don't just hear, listen.
  58. Apr 16, 2017
    Its Kendrick doing Kendrick, he takes us on a trip inside his mind, brings us closer to feeling like we know him. This album leaves the jazz rap of TPAB and gives the listener a more GKMC feel. Great album, is a must listen.
  59. Apr 16, 2017
    YAH, FEEL, FEAR, LOYALTY, PRIDE and DUCKWORTH are beautiful tracks. This is the Kenny I have come to love. Stand out lyrics, look inside to his psyche, solid production. The other songs, not so much. They edge too far into the hip hop/trap/pop mainstream & feel out of place. I think this album could have easily been split into two albums: an introspective album with the aforementionedYAH, FEEL, FEAR, LOYALTY, PRIDE and DUCKWORTH are beautiful tracks. This is the Kenny I have come to love. Stand out lyrics, look inside to his psyche, solid production. The other songs, not so much. They edge too far into the hip hop/trap/pop mainstream & feel out of place. I think this album could have easily been split into two albums: an introspective album with the aforementioned songs, for the listener who enjoys deep, cerebral looks into life, politics, and the rapper himself, and a second album for songs you want to blast in your car, full of braggadocio and bravado. Those songs feel a bit to radio friendly and at odds with the other songs. 9/10 on those few songs, the rest is sub par. LOVE feels like emotional Drake, XXX is Kendricks odd take on trap. I was skeptical if it would be possible to top the genre bending wizardry of TPAB, and sadly, I was proved right. Expand
  60. Apr 16, 2017
    Kendrick brought a diverse sounds of his own flows and voice, he continues to prove how much of a great lyricist he can be, and deliver with such eloquence. After every verse there is something to keep on discovering. A wonderful hearing from BLOOD. to DUCKWORTH.

    ELEMENT is my favorite track.
  61. Apr 16, 2017
    This album might be one of the best albums to ever hit the PLANET EARTH. I say PLANET EARTH because KUNG FU KENNY is not on PLANET EARTH when he makes his music. He kidnaps all of the producers, engineers, and musicians to a PLANET called GREATNESS. KUNG FU KENNY was sent to PLANET EARTH to put this rap game in its proper perspective. The album so good you don't think about "HUMBLE." YouThis album might be one of the best albums to ever hit the PLANET EARTH. I say PLANET EARTH because KUNG FU KENNY is not on PLANET EARTH when he makes his music. He kidnaps all of the producers, engineers, and musicians to a PLANET called GREATNESS. KUNG FU KENNY was sent to PLANET EARTH to put this rap game in its proper perspective. The album so good you don't think about "HUMBLE." You just let the album flow in its entirety. I have listened to a lot of albums and this is on a mountain of its own. KUNG FU KENNY has his own lane. This album is on its own plane. This album is nothing short of GREAT. Expand
  62. Apr 16, 2017
    Its a good album. Its not a ''Butterfly'' album but its a straight up beat, original and aggressive album. Kendrick says a lot on this album. A good composition, kind of jazzy in some parts. Its not what I was expecting from Kendrick but I respect his work. He is already on the top.
  63. Apr 16, 2017
    Kendrick done it again. Different than his previous albums and againg it is amazing experience from start to end. I can't name a single weak track, even the intro is so good that I don't skip it.
  64. Apr 16, 2017
    Glad to see Kendrick coming back to his harder verses and beats with the likes of DNA and HUMBLE, along with the beginning of XXX. My personal favorite type of KDot songs. The only reason I don't give it a 9 or 10 is because I feel as though he needs to move away from the receptiveness of his inner turmoil of living in Compton, I get that it's where he's from and all, I would just like toGlad to see Kendrick coming back to his harder verses and beats with the likes of DNA and HUMBLE, along with the beginning of XXX. My personal favorite type of KDot songs. The only reason I don't give it a 9 or 10 is because I feel as though he needs to move away from the receptiveness of his inner turmoil of living in Compton, I get that it's where he's from and all, I would just like to here more personal forward thinking on his part from Compton now, rather than dwelling in the past. Also, nothing can top Good Kidd Maad City for me.... Expand
  65. Apr 16, 2017
    DAMN, is an interesting album. It begins with a narrative, and is a lot more personal than any of Kendrick's other albums. the album focuses on the nature of the person, and it begins and ends with a simple tale. He changed up his sound greatly, with production on this album being a lot more scarce, and in some ways scattered compared to the heavy sound that TPAB had. The track listing isDAMN, is an interesting album. It begins with a narrative, and is a lot more personal than any of Kendrick's other albums. the album focuses on the nature of the person, and it begins and ends with a simple tale. He changed up his sound greatly, with production on this album being a lot more scarce, and in some ways scattered compared to the heavy sound that TPAB had. The track listing is extremely strong, with only a few duds - "Love" and "God". Overall, DAMN is a solid follow-up to TPAB, and better, at least in my opinion. However, I'm also in the minority that thinks that GKMC is better than TPAB - obviously in the minority. Expand
  66. Apr 16, 2017
    I don't know if this is a masterpiece, I don't know if this is a classic, all I know is after six listens (which included a read through) the only track I'm not 100% down with is humble. It's still a good track though.
  67. Apr 16, 2017
    Kendrick has evolved since TPAB to give us this introspective masterpiece. Each track bursts with originality, with some excellent beats which are complimented by superb lyrics and wonderful production. There is not one weak track on this 14 song opus, Kendrick has followed a classic with another classic. Truly amazing!
  68. Apr 16, 2017
    Kendrick Lamar se confirmou como melhor rapper da história, esse álbum nos introduz a uma nova maneira de fazer hip hop, um novo conceito, algo nunca visto antes
  69. Apr 16, 2017
    I had very high expectations for this album. It kinda made me nervous but after the first listen I knew this was one of the best album of the year. Best songs : ELEMENT, BLOOD, GOD, PRIDE, DNA.
  70. Apr 16, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. First of all, this is a huge departure from TPAB. People will be polarised but the themes, sound and other aspects of the album but still...there's isn't 1 skipable track on here. This isn't ultra conceptual like his previous 2 efforts, which has allowed him to focus on the quality more. It will be a classic, but imo the excitement and what Kendrick is trying to portray, plus the trapy beats makes this album authentic. Kendrick said it would be touching on subject of religion, but will be his most authentic project yet. He didn't fail to deliver. I think if he does provide us with another album on Sunday, (whether it's called GOD or NATION) that would probably satisfy those who feel this isn't as powerful as TPAB or UU. I kinda like he's switched up, he isn't in a box sonically, which can't be said for most hip hop artists sadly. He's made another masterpiece, which OVERTIME may develop into his 3rd classic. Only Ice Cube, Jay Z, Kanye and OutKast have that on a commercial level as well, whilst Ice Cube and Jay Z haven't had as high as critical acclaim. This is obviously opinion, but I reckon if a Sunday release is for real he's cemented as the greatest ever hip hop ARTIST. Simply put tho, Kendrick has done incredible. People are genuinely believing he's beaten one thought that would beat GKMC. From the 1st track of this album, BLOOD, I knew Kendrick was going to push boundaries here. He's an unorthodox rapper with an equally widespread, but unique perspective on the topics he chooses to discuss. This is proven in DNA, which could be 1 of the best tracks I've ever heard from 'Kung-Fu Kenny'. Like this album generally is it's a straightforward banger beat mixed in with inspired commentary. I understand, but I don't quite know why people what another TPAB from Kendrick, maybe from another artist, but he's done it now. People need to accept he's moving on to new ideas rapidly. The direct concept(s) maybe will out people off this project, but I'd say he's gone even deeper this time around. On YAH he begins the religious ideas, stating what is needed for change. On ELEMENT he recognises his stardom, but wants to stay focused as a 'black artist' and stay away from the 'wack artists'. FEEL reminds me of u off his last full effort, he's depressed by the lack of continuity of progress and people asking for more of him, when he's the only 1 trying in his eyes. He refers to the next generation as his daughter. Which makes sense in this record, because you wouldn't give your child endless lectures about political matters, you want to get to know them as people. He also feels like this could be feeling of what Tupac Shakur was, who we all know is a massive influence as K-Dot's works. LOYALTY features Rihanna, it's a banger and could be a second phenomenon for Kendrick (after HUMBLE). Like Backseat Freestyle a few back now, HUMBLE fits in perfectly after PRIDE. On PRIDE he talks about no wanting to be humble just cause 'your ass is insecure'. At this point (HUMBLE) he names himself the 'realist after all', probably cause he keeps improving himself for the better. Then LUST!! 'I need some water, something came over me!' It's my joint fave of the album, which also gives hints of what could come to us on Sunday. LOVE is perhaps the most straight forward of the album, yet it's soooooo effective!!!!! I've never really taken notice of Zacari before, but this track is one of the most upbeat from DAMN for sure. XXX is featuring U2 and is one that I think TPAB lovers will rejoice with, it oozes class, whilst suggesting he's a hypocrite for saying he'd return death is someone killed another person like in The Blacker The Berry. He also takes aim at America and their contradictions which can explain LUST and LOVE, which has a kinda prelude to in PRIDE, saying LOVE will get you killed, but PRIDE will be the death of all us. U2 don't spoil it either, they were beyond excellentm as were all features on this masterpiece (not yet classic, give it while tho). FEAR is another one for the long term K-Dot fans, as he discusses his life time worth of fears, at 7, 17 and 27. At a young age he was surrounded by demystify violence, then in his adolescence he's struggled with the gang banging and nightmare environment he was in, for further info listen to GKMC. In Verse 3 he talks about the trails and tribulations of his fame in TPAB. Now I'm Verse 4 he clicked this album in together with precision. All I'll say, is that I think this could be the 'wickedness' album which we choose to 'die (first track' in, then we might receive the 'weakness', perhaps more uplifting one where Kendrick 'lives' on without too much fear/loss of creativity. GOD feels like a confession, where he tells his closest people that he only works hard for God. Then DUCKSWORTH concludes the album with a story, where he gets shot in the end and brings the concept in full circle. Without a doubt, 10/10. Although I'm hopeful for Sunday, I'm fine with this tbh, thank u. Expand
  71. Apr 16, 2017
    Kendrick Lamar always brings something different. This time he did it again with an album, which is more compelling to the masses than his previous albums. Damn is another great Album by Kendrick Lamar!!
  72. Apr 16, 2017
    DAMN has the most varied structure of any hip hop album I have ever heard. Each song is great with standouts such as ELEMENT, DNA, YAH, GOD, HUMBLE and LOYALTY being some of the best tracks I have ever heard. Kendrick uses his voice to achieve ranges and tones he has not used previously. At times he quietly and calmly recites his bars while maintaining a threatening intonation. At otherDAMN has the most varied structure of any hip hop album I have ever heard. Each song is great with standouts such as ELEMENT, DNA, YAH, GOD, HUMBLE and LOYALTY being some of the best tracks I have ever heard. Kendrick uses his voice to achieve ranges and tones he has not used previously. At times he quietly and calmly recites his bars while maintaining a threatening intonation. At other times he spits like a gun sounding nearly frantic. This is Kendrick's best album perhaps one of the best hip hop albums of all time. Expand
  73. Apr 16, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. this album is everything king kendrick really did it another time with a different album. this damn thing keeping the rap alive and also show everyone that kendrick can blow up the world with his music... Expand
  74. Apr 15, 2017
    DAMN. gives us more of the same revolutionary, groundbreaking hip-hop that Kendrick Lamar delivered on both of his past two albums, while also allowing K. Dot to give us his hardest song yet, with DNA. Kung Fu Kenny with the 3 Peat.
  75. Apr 15, 2017
    I don't know what else to say other than it's another good Kdot album. This album definitely meets and sometimes exceeds expectations.
    What I can say about this album is that it feels very "of the moment," almost as if it were a mixtape. This is probably spurred on by the fact that the album only came out 2 years after TPAB and only 1 year after Untitled Unmastered, but also because it
    I don't know what else to say other than it's another good Kdot album. This album definitely meets and sometimes exceeds expectations.
    What I can say about this album is that it feels very "of the moment," almost as if it were a mixtape. This is probably spurred on by the fact that the album only came out 2 years after TPAB and only 1 year after Untitled Unmastered, but also because it feels like a reflection of what Lamar feels right now. His previous 2 full length albums were recollections of his past- GKMC was a retelling of Lamar's youth and TPAB was a retelling of Lamar accepting himself as a black man. Damn is Lamar providing music set for and is for the here and now, which explains why it would draw comparisons with Section.80; Lamar has not provided this level of spontaneity in a long time.
    Damn also shows the clear reasons why Lamar is constantly regarded as the best rapper right now- amazing lyricism mixed with fantastic production.
    If I were to compare this album to the rest of Lamar's discography, I would put this over GKMC(slightly!) and Section.80, but definitely does not have the earth-shattering impact that TPAB had. But to be fair, TPAB is an extremely hard record to beat and DAMN does not seek to have the same impact. Kendrick has already cemented his reputation as one of the greatest rappers of our time, and this record only strengthens that.
  76. Apr 15, 2017
    another great project from Kendrick, this is an immaculate mainstream approach, while it may have some weak tracks, and when i say weak i mean above average still, it's really impressive the consistency he has. awesome project.
  77. Apr 15, 2017
    You may not like it but please go to read the lyrics and you'll understand why he is the best alive. The Album has a perfect balance of Bangers and Classic Kendrick.
  78. Apr 15, 2017
    This album production is top tier and hearing Kendrick continually change his style is appreciated, however some of the songs near the end don't quite live up to what Kendrick is capable of. Many of these reviews are typical die hard Kendrick fans who would give him a 10 or 9 no matter what he put out. He seems to always get inflated scores simply because it's new Kendrick.
  79. Apr 15, 2017
    Another flawless project in Kendrick's discography. This record doesn't try to be super political like TPAB, or have an overarching story like GKMC, instead we get smaller self-contained tracks with Kendrick addressing different emotions and aspects of his personal life. The storytelling is as vivid as ever, the metaphors are as clever as ever, the music is as dense and lush as ever, bothAnother flawless project in Kendrick's discography. This record doesn't try to be super political like TPAB, or have an overarching story like GKMC, instead we get smaller self-contained tracks with Kendrick addressing different emotions and aspects of his personal life. The storytelling is as vivid as ever, the metaphors are as clever as ever, the music is as dense and lush as ever, both sonically and lyrically. So many themes and messages to digest and unpack here. Expand
  80. Apr 15, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I feel like this going to be a classic, I feel like this album has the most replay value out of all albums by Kenny, I feel like this album has the best hooks and lyrics. Honestly this was like 7.5 on first listen but after a few it feels like 10. It's pretty good. Expand
  81. Apr 15, 2017
    Very different approach for Kendrick Lamar. On his last 2 albums they were more jazz rap and slower paced. On DAMN., the beats are more "main stream" and fast. He performs amazingly on both styles of rap. In my opinion this is Kendrick's best album yet. Every song was a banger and they don't get annoying after listing to them over and over.
    Very different approach for Kendrick Lamar. On his last 2 albums they were more jazz rap and slower paced. On DAMN., the beats are more "main stream" and fast. He performs amazingly on both styles of rap. In my opinion this is Kendrick's best album yet. Every song was a banger and they don't get annoying after listing to them over and over.
  82. Apr 15, 2017
    After a plethora of listens, I can confidently say that "DAMN." is Kendrick's most simple and simultaneously complex project to date. With each new listen, I discovered additional hidden meanings and devices of potent symbolism densely compacted in the lyrics. The instrumentation is bold and boisterous, with lingering jazz influences and dreamy production from To Pimp A Butterfly. TheAfter a plethora of listens, I can confidently say that "DAMN." is Kendrick's most simple and simultaneously complex project to date. With each new listen, I discovered additional hidden meanings and devices of potent symbolism densely compacted in the lyrics. The instrumentation is bold and boisterous, with lingering jazz influences and dreamy production from To Pimp A Butterfly. The beats on this album are very much in-your-face, almost as if Kendrick is grabbing you by the shoulders and shaking you around, demanding that you absorb the message. And there are many a message to absorb. From the demonization of the black community at the hands of the media, to contemplating his mortality and what he'll leave behind, to pondering where he would be had Top Dawg not had a chance encounter with his father, Kendrick once again showcases his flawless capability to craft compelling narratives with complex rhymes and immense replay appeal. I'm still not sold on whether or not it tops TPAB, but I can confidently say it's a very close second, and definitely worth 55 minutes of your time. Expand
  83. Apr 15, 2017
    I didn't know how he could respong to the perfection of To Pimp a Butterfly. Kendrick returned with an album that is diverse and conceptual, tackling issues in a introspective way, backed by menacing beats, delivering stellar lyrics with unique and new flows on every song. Start to finish, perfection.
  84. Apr 15, 2017
    DAMN. is the best album put out this year. Every track is super solid and filled with content. Kendrick provides a unique listening experience with this project. He starts off very strong and only gives us a few places in which he is not absolutely killing it. This project will be seen as one of the best he has ever dropped.
  85. Apr 15, 2017
    Not a bad song on the entire album. Kendrick Lamar is on the Mount Rushmore of rap after this one. He is able to tell an amazing story and make it sound good at the same time.
  86. Apr 15, 2017
    An absolute masterpiece. It's surreal, haunting, but energetic vibe will surely make this a modern rap classic. Kendrick Lamar has proved, once again, what he is capable of, truly one of the best rappers currently alive.
  87. Apr 15, 2017
    Kendrick just nailed it so much, i cannot stop listening to DAMN. I mean it just acomplishes so much it is a classic from beginning to end, I'm amazed
  88. Apr 15, 2017
    caralho caralho caralho caralho caralho caralho caralho caralho caralho caralho caralho caralho caralho caralho caralho caralho. QUE ÁLBUM AMIGOS! QUE ÁLBUM!
  89. Apr 15, 2017
    O rapper consegue navegar em qualquer estilo de rima e fica muito bom . Álbum solido , provando a todos que é o GOAT. Melhores musicas LOVE. HUMBLE. PRIDE. LUST . FEAR.
  90. Apr 15, 2017
    Tercera obra maestra consecutiva para este maestro.. Sera dificil superar este album en el 2017. Sin duda un 10/10. Podemos decir que Kendrick Lamar es el mejor rapero de todos los tiempos.
  91. Apr 15, 2017
    This album is an impressive blend of the commercial flavor from good kid maad city, and the experimental TPAB. The result is a beautiful, conceptual, creative, banging record. Kendrick did it again!!!
  92. Apr 15, 2017
    Not quite as good as To Pimp A Butterfly, but considering how perfect that album was, I was never expecting it to be.

    That being said, DAMN. is still excellent and a solid 9/10. Many of the songs on here are great, a couple are just ok, and GOD. is kinda crap. Kendrick is definitely shooting for a more mainstream sound like Good Kid, m.A.A.d. City was, and I'm not massively enthusiastic
    Not quite as good as To Pimp A Butterfly, but considering how perfect that album was, I was never expecting it to be.

    That being said, DAMN. is still excellent and a solid 9/10. Many of the songs on here are great, a couple are just ok, and GOD. is kinda crap. Kendrick is definitely shooting for a more mainstream sound like Good Kid, m.A.A.d. City was, and I'm not massively enthusiastic about that, considering how great the Neo-soul, funk type sound of To Pimp A Butterfly and Untitled Unmastered sounded. I understand however that Kendrick needs to move on sonically rather than just keep doing the same thing album after album. So while my opinion on this new sound isn't as happy as some other people have been about it, I highly commend Kendrick for trying something new.

    Lyrically though, Kendrick is still on top. He is far more introspective about himself than on To Pimp A Butterfly and Good Kid, m.A.A.d. City, albums that were more about Kendrick's surroundings, that being Compton in GKMC and this new Hollywood life on TPAB. DAMN. has Kendrick thinking about himself, his own insecurities and dualities, and his continued faith in God.

    Overall, DAMN. doesn't top the masterpiece that was To Pimp A Butterfly, but it does succeed at following it up with a different sound with flying colours.

    Favourite songs:
  93. Apr 15, 2017
    This album is something special really, changing his sound. Not finding a bad song in this album and there's alot of bangers on this record , i recommend buying good earphones to listen to this This is easily a 10/10 record and Kendrick has arguably cemeted himself as one of the best hip hop artists of all time
  94. Apr 15, 2017
    Kendrick Lamar's ability to manipulate his style of music with the times has reinstated his immaculate, critically acclaimed status in the rapping community. Arguably the only way he could attempt to surpass the sheer brilliance shown in 'To Pimp A Butterfly', was to experiment with his approach, and that was done to perfection in 'DAMN.'.

    From the first song in 'BLOOD.' to the last in
    Kendrick Lamar's ability to manipulate his style of music with the times has reinstated his immaculate, critically acclaimed status in the rapping community. Arguably the only way he could attempt to surpass the sheer brilliance shown in 'To Pimp A Butterfly', was to experiment with his approach, and that was done to perfection in 'DAMN.'.

    From the first song in 'BLOOD.' to the last in 'DUCKWORTH.', K Dot shows off his extraordinary talent for storytelling. He explores a range of tones from the energetic 'DNA.' to the almost hypnotizing tempo of 'YAH.' in the next track. With only a few features, this LP seemed more personal than its predecessors, which only further demonstrates his incredible individual talent. This being said, Rihanna's contribution to 'LOYALTY.' was carefully integrated, into what is likely to be one of the more commercial songs on the 'DAMN.'. Meanwhile Zacari's vocals on 'LOVE.' provided Kendrick with the ideal substrate to lay his lyrics upon.

    Kung Fu Kenny is unwilling to sacrifice the legacy he's creating to necessarily 'top the charts' and this only adds fuel to the fire of music critics and his widespread fan base. This is an artist brimming with confidence and excitement to continue to impress the world, 'DAMN.' is simply another example of what he's in many ways already proven.
  95. Apr 15, 2017
    This album was great for sure. However I feel it was not better than TPAB or GKMC. Some of the songs sound like they are inspired by artists like Anderson .Paak or Jonwayne. Overall good album with high replay value because of songs like Humble and DNA. Only songs I didn't really like were Yah, and God.
  96. Apr 15, 2017
    Phenomenal and innovative beats. Instead of staying in the same vein as TPAB and GKMC Kendrick branches out and explores religion and death in this amazing album.
  97. Apr 15, 2017
    IMO this is the best album kendrick has ever dropped, as a matter of fact this is the best album anyone has ever dropped. The beats are varying and the lyrics are deep. I love it.
  98. Apr 15, 2017
    Another classic by the greatest rapper of all time, Kendrick Lamar. Very unique sound, and very different from his previous works, but still amazing. All the different sounds make an awesome album when they come together!
  99. Apr 15, 2017
    This is a flashback to the Section 80/Good Kid-Maad City K-dot. With a more religious theme it still holds up to the last Project ''To Pimp a Butterfly'', even though ''Damn'' is a lot more straight forward, which doesn't make it bad but it just seems unusual for Kendrick. Great Project.
  100. Apr 15, 2017
    9 out of the 14 songs in this album are a really good listen, the album itself doesn't really touch on a catchy upbeat type of music, most of the album is slow-ish and low beat, but Kendrick's lyrics never cease to amaze, as each song is given brilliant bars and clever rhymes as well as quick to slow changes- brilliant rap verses. The chorus of most songs are very good as well and catchy9 out of the 14 songs in this album are a really good listen, the album itself doesn't really touch on a catchy upbeat type of music, most of the album is slow-ish and low beat, but Kendrick's lyrics never cease to amaze, as each song is given brilliant bars and clever rhymes as well as quick to slow changes- brilliant rap verses. The chorus of most songs are very good as well and catchy to an extent. Overall the highlight of the album is Kendrick's lyrical brilliance, the beat and pace is well used and satisfactory- the entire album also has meaning as messages can be drawn from each song as it is clear Kendrick is up to his old tricks; playing deep and meaningful with his bars Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 39 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 38 out of 39
  2. Negative: 0 out of 39
  1. The Wire
    Aug 8, 2017
    A less deranged response to celebrity than Kanye West’s Yeezus, more imaginative than Eminem’s The Marshall Mathers LP or Lil Wayne’s Tha Carter III, it shares with the former an economy of form, and with the latter two the giddy energy of an artist coming into perfect sync with their audience. It’s also a sumptuous sounding pop record, polite streamlined mass market psychedelia. [Jun 2017, p.64]
  2. Jul 5, 2017
    The beats are heavy, spare, and hard. Lamar demonstrates the versatility of his flow.
  3. May 25, 2017
    DAMN. sees the rapper make a 180 degree turn from the sprawling jazz/funk/hip-hop odyssey of TPAB to deliver 14 taut, tough and wise cutting-edge examples of what’s possible in hip-hop today. ... Essential stuff.