• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Mar 18, 2022

Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
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  1. Apr 1, 2022
    So, whether she means “Crash,” as some sort of elaborate art joke or her most direct-ever (potentially) hit-filled work, Charl XCX is going out from her longtime label with a bang.
  2. Mar 30, 2022
    Though not without its charms, the floundering moments of Crash suggests that Charli XCX may be most comfortable making subversive music.
  3. Mar 25, 2022
    Crash, while certainly not for everyone (what is?), is Charli XCX’s own translation of wounds—ahead of its time yet delivered somehow at the appropriate moment.
  4. Mar 24, 2022
    At a sleek 33-minutes long, Crash lets songs like "Lightning" -- an unlikely but winning collision of freestyle beats, giddy orchestral synth stabs, and processed vocals -- claim the spotlight they deserve. It may not be quite as striking as how i'm feeling now, but on Crash, Charli XCX once again finds endless freedom in pop's constraints.
  5. Mar 23, 2022
    Crash, while not a perfect record and not entirely free from external pressures, sees the singer in a completely different space, making joyous music that flits between normativity and hall-of-mirrors-style subversion in a manner reminiscent of The Weeknd’s Dawn FM.
  6. Mar 18, 2022
    Crash is clever and fun, as her admirers have come to expect from XCX, but until Charli scores a bona fide smash it is going to feel like an art project commenting on the state of pop rather than the real thing.
  7. Mar 18, 2022
    Overall, CRASH’s crystal clear production and iron-clad writing has all of the force behind it to propel the album into the stratosphere. But instead of putting the pedal to the metal in pursuit of a high camp sound, it stays in the slow lane.
  8. Mar 18, 2022
    Despite its minor detours, Crash is one of Charli’s better albums even if it will likely garner a polarizing reaction. She’s fully dedicated though, and it’s a testament to her commitment to crafting the big ‘sellout’ pop album, which she mostly nails.
  9. Mar 18, 2022
    It’s not her discography’s lowest point, but it is her first misstep. When Charli achieves the perfect confluence of what she loves about pop music, and what we love about her music, it soars, creating some of her finest material to date. But when that balance is not achieved, the songs can feel generic or reductive.
  10. Mar 18, 2022
    CRASH might not be up there with her best, but it's still a good pop album, and worth trying for any fans of the genre.
  11. Mar 18, 2022
    The songs on Crash may be about self-destruction and sabotage, but the intoxicating brightness and power of them suggests that her journey of self-discovery deserves to be a celebration rather than a cautionary tale.
  12. Mar 17, 2022
    It's the kind of brash, whiplash-inducing pop album that only she seems capable of making at the moment. It's a bit messy, but most crashes are.
  13. 100
    Crash is a terrifically structured album, designed to get you up and shimmying off the lockdown pounds as tracks slot sleekly together. ... Crash is a top-down, foot-down trip.
  14. 80
    At times, ‘Crash’ eases off the throttle slightly – the interpolation of ‘Show Me Love’ on ‘Used to Know Me’ is infectious, if slightly too straightforward, while smouldering ballads ‘Move Me’ and ‘Every Rule’ could do with more of the skewed hints of unfamiliarity found in spades elsewhere. These are minor gripes, though, and by the time those synthesised strings whirr into life on the jagged pop-funk track ‘Baby’ they’re easy enough to overlook.
  15. Mar 17, 2022
    Though Charli’s latest jettisons some of the sonic adventurousness of her past releases, it still finds the singer workshopping the reckless abandon of her persona.
  16. Mar 17, 2022
    Crash is Charli’s best full-length project since Pop 2, a canny embrace of modern and vintage pop styles by one of its most sincere students.
  17. Mar 17, 2022
    She’s been honest about how much she adores the boldness of pop, and she’s been so good at crafting sticky, soaring blockbusters anyway. Here, she’s simply storming the gates head on.
  18. Mar 17, 2022
    Crash is at its best in its subtler moments.
  19. Mar 16, 2022
    Even when she’s not at her best, she displays enough nous and melody to stand head and shoulders above practically all her rivals.
  20. Mar 16, 2022
    She once again explores new ventures, crafting a pop album that celebrates the old classics as well as the new, and cements her status as a true pop trailblazer.
  21. 90
    Crash is nothing short of a victory lap. Every bit as effervescent as its pandemic-induced predecessor, how i’m feeling now. ... This is connected and organic; a celebration of hope, love and spontaneity as both her catalogue and the world at large inch closer to some semblance of their old ways.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 333 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 18 out of 333
  1. Mar 18, 2022
    La forma en que Charli se involucra de lleno en cada trabajo que hace, simplemente brillante, pop en su máximo esplendor, bops y baladas pop aLa forma en que Charli se involucra de lleno en cada trabajo que hace, simplemente brillante, pop en su máximo esplendor, bops y baladas pop a los 80', jugando siempre con los sintetizadores, autotune, mezclando todo su mundo para dar un increíble álbum.
    La intensidad con la que canta, su propósito de ser una verdadera estrella pop en este su último álbum con su sello discográfico.
    No hay manera de describir esta joya pop creada por Charli XCX en este 2022.
    Beg for you, Good Ones & Used to know Me Canciones claves del álbum.
    Full Review »
  2. Mar 18, 2022
  3. Mar 18, 2022
    After creating new boundaries in pop music and slowly becoming the mainstream queen of "heavy pop", or more commonly known as "PC pop" withAfter creating new boundaries in pop music and slowly becoming the mainstream queen of "heavy pop", or more commonly known as "PC pop" with her last studio album and her more recent homemade mixtape, Charli decided to take another road on Crash: the one of the reinvention through an 80s-bloody-bimbo driven by vengeance and nostalgia mixed with clear (and voluntary) Janet Jackson influences. Although it might not be as closely-tighted and precise like her recent predecessors, it's still a brilliant follow-up and hold a proud candle over the halls of Charli's discography. Honorable mention to Lightning, a new staple in her career, followed by the title track, Yuck, Twice, New Shapes, Beg For It. Full Review »