
Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 12
  2. Negative: 1 out of 12
  1. Ultimately, AFI have lightened up the band's darkly-sexy vibe on Crash Love and delivered a yearning, perfect pop/rock crush of an album.
  2. In no uncertain terms, Crash Love is an accomplishment that raises the bar for them as musicians and writers.
  3. With fewer studio effects and electronic twiddles, Crash Love is a simpler rock record than its US number one predecessor "Decemberunderground." If anything, it's better however, and shows that while fusing goth, punk and pop doesn't need to be rocket science, when AFI are involved it's very definitely an artform.
  4. Davey Havok builds lyrics around the vague concept of a souring relationship, and amid some fetching singalongs (the Cure-y, uptempo 'Veronica Sawyer Smokes'), he gets his dark mojo working.
  5. 60
    AFI may not be breaking new ground, but they never forget who listens hardest.
  6. Crash Love doesn’t demand the listener’s attention to the same degree as Decemberunderground did, but closer inspection reveals a more intricate and well-constructed album.
  7. Crash is easily A.F.I.'s best since 2003's "Sing the Sorrow," and the cheeky pop-punk chorus of 'Too Shy To Scream' is their first successful decree to boogie the night away.
  8. The limited palette this time around doesn’t do the band any favors.
  9. The music of AFI wasn't always as daring as its fashion sense, but the NoCal band has grown with accelerating sophistication, stepping further beyond easy pop-punk thrashings to something grander, with music to match the mopey melodrama of Havok's words.
  10. It's at the safest of removes; emote by rote, numbness by numbers.
    Even though Crash Love isn't terribly progressive in scope and the band's '80s idolatry might one day run its course, the set is another highlight in a discography that's as consistent as it is expansive.
  12. Q Magazine
    The quartet's hardcore horror shtick has been homogenised to such an extent that this teen-friendly eigth release could soundtrack the next Twilight movie. [Nov 2009, p.101]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 50 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 37 out of 50
  2. Negative: 5 out of 50
  1. Apr 7, 2013
    I'm perplexed that any fan that doesn't like t heir recent material is still reviewing it ,anyhoo...
    Has you can see most of negative reviews
    I'm perplexed that any fan that doesn't like t heir recent material is still reviewing it ,anyhoo...
    Has you can see most of negative reviews are people who just downright dislike this band or expect them to remain in their old hardcore-punk (which I didn't find them to be all that great back in the day, Art of Drowning was probably the only CD I can honestly say I've considered and ended up buying).

    About Crash Love, I bought this the day of it's release (I got the 2 CD deluxe edition). It was one of the best CDs I've bought in recent years that is considered "mainstream" (for all those terminology gurus)
    and I loved about 95% of the CD (Including the demo tracks included on the second CD, which I loved that entire thing [it actually has been played more than the regular CD itself])

    There's a mix of genres on the CD and anyone open to alternative, 80s alternative-influenced, pop-punk/rock. Should definitely take a listen!
    Full Review »
  2. DavidT
    Dec 4, 2009
    I'm perplexed that people are comparing this to any of AFI
  3. Mar 13, 2014
    the album crash love AFI band and album which emits more sentimental songs and this leaves little umm comic book style, but their beats notthe album crash love AFI band and album which emits more sentimental songs and this leaves little umm comic book style, but their beats not fail to match such as letters, Ok I Feel Better Now and bonus Breathing Towers to Heaven, and that in my opinion the best album Full Review »