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Universal acclaim- based on 40 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 33 out of 40
  2. Negative: 4 out of 40
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  1. Oct 24, 2022
    A lot of the albums tracks fall flat for me, but hey he tried something different and went for it. At the end of the day though it's quite a forgettable album. There are a couple of decent tunes, couple of stinkers too though. I definitely don't hate it, it just didn´t end up being my cup of tea (Ironically that's what's been happening to me with Noel's solo music since 2018 LOL) .A lot of the albums tracks fall flat for me, but hey he tried something different and went for it. At the end of the day though it's quite a forgettable album. There are a couple of decent tunes, couple of stinkers too though. I definitely don't hate it, it just didn´t end up being my cup of tea (Ironically that's what's been happening to me with Noel's solo music since 2018 LOL) . Hopefully he bounces back with a banger :)

    EDIT: Changing it to 4/10 (from a 6), most songs are pretty wack tbh and didn´t stand the test of a couple of months, could be worse though, he could've released the Car by Arctic Monkeys (now that is a **** album)
  2. Aug 7, 2022
    Solo studio album number 3 is another fine effort from the renaissance Gallagher. While Oasis material will always be the draw at his live shows, Liam is gradually gathering together a fine collection of songs from which to build a set list from. "C'Mon You Know" has a handful of excellent tracks mixed with a few decent ones and a couple of generic tracks that rely too much on his vocalSolo studio album number 3 is another fine effort from the renaissance Gallagher. While Oasis material will always be the draw at his live shows, Liam is gradually gathering together a fine collection of songs from which to build a set list from. "C'Mon You Know" has a handful of excellent tracks mixed with a few decent ones and a couple of generic tracks that rely too much on his vocal delivery to justify their presence. Still, even the tracks that might be regarded as filler have plenty of interesting aspects to them. Vocally, he sounds like he's forcing it a little bit more than he has been of late. This seems to be on purpose as he sounds as good as he ever has live while touring this album. The chorus to "Diamond in the Dark" is one of the finest things he's done while the vocal performance of "Everything's Electric" is top class rock n roll. The fact that Liam Gallagher is making some of the better records of his career as he hits 50 should be applauded. Expand
  3. Jul 17, 2022
    C'mon You Know is easily Liam Gallagher's best album so far. Banger after banger, this is a belter of an album!
  4. Jul 4, 2022
    Like last album better, Moscow Rules sounds good but nothing else, pretty pity
  5. Jul 3, 2022
    This album is significant for modern rock n roll,trying rescue Oasis era,it are certain able to do this at the same time it bring new instruments with new melodies.
  6. Jun 22, 2022
    This is easily the best British album released this year. Liam Gallagher is aging like fine wine.
  7. Jun 19, 2022
    A great material for all Oasis fans.
    Same style and energy and that good ol' voice.
  8. Jun 12, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This was his most interesting album since the oasis days, he brought out amazing songs like Better Days, too good for giving up, Diamond in the dark, Moscow rules and The Joker Expand
  9. May 30, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. In my opinion, this album felt like a collection of "filler" songs, giving it a general lack of feel and direction.
    Lyrically, this album was quite cliché and, again, lacked any direction or mood.
    Some songs, which musically sounded promising were marred by questionable lyrics (for example, better days).

    The mix sounded confused also, some tracks sounding like they were engineered by completely different people from song to song.

    Everything's electric was a clear winner on the album, however, as we know, wasn't written by the man himself.
  10. May 29, 2022
    C´mon you know, feels like the true evolution of his music as equal to the growth as person. It seems like the "worst" Gallagher has surpassed finally the "greatest" Gallagher.

    A true masterpiece that goes out of the shadow of Oasis and his brother.
  11. May 28, 2022
    main problem of Liam songs is they can be good at first but have no longevity... not listening again in a few days. You immediately realise they dont "stand the test of time"... "people talking like they're Gods" (More Power), "you've been boring" (The Joker), as also all of I'm Free... seems like he talks about himself... If you're really Oasis fans, you don't support his ego, that meansmain problem of Liam songs is they can be good at first but have no longevity... not listening again in a few days. You immediately realise they dont "stand the test of time"... "people talking like they're Gods" (More Power), "you've been boring" (The Joker), as also all of I'm Free... seems like he talks about himself... If you're really Oasis fans, you don't support his ego, that means no Oasis reunion. Expand
  12. May 28, 2022
    Mad fer it! Maybe his best. Banger after banger. Not exactly "experimental" but definitely mature and a natural progression for R'Kid.
  13. May 28, 2022
    C'mon you know is amazing. From start to finish it just feels nice. It's really chill compared to his previous two releases, a lot more introspective.
    I always listen to new albums twice before forming an opinion, but I knew straight away that this was an absolute masterpiece. My favorite track is "Diamond in the Dark", and I also really like "Everything's Electric".
  14. May 28, 2022
    i liked the album quite alot its alot more calm than what you would expect from liam gallagher but it still lands. personaly i think that there are alot of good songs, the singles were deffinatilly the flatest songs.
  15. May 28, 2022
    This LP will divide opinions for sure; it's quite experimental, not what you'd expect from a Gallagher. However I find it mostly works. More Power immediately makes this new approach clear, then we get some decent upbeat rock like Diamond in the Dark and Everything's Electric, a sturdy affecting ballad in Too Good For Giving Up and convincing spookiness in Moscow Rules. There are BeatlesThis LP will divide opinions for sure; it's quite experimental, not what you'd expect from a Gallagher. However I find it mostly works. More Power immediately makes this new approach clear, then we get some decent upbeat rock like Diamond in the Dark and Everything's Electric, a sturdy affecting ballad in Too Good For Giving Up and convincing spookiness in Moscow Rules. There are Beatles influences as usual, but put to fairly good use on Better Days and Oh Sweet Children. A few dud tracks like Don't Go Halfway and I'm Free where eccentricity compromises the songwriting, but for the most part he pulls off this newly weird direction, in a way he's failed to do before. Somewhat of an unpredictable surprise. Expand
  16. May 27, 2022
    There are pleasant moments but it even more than his first two solo albums, it sounds like a bunch of people who aren’t in rock bands got together and tried to write a contemporary Oasis record. It’s fine and will do the business for him. But no one will be listening to this record 5 years from now.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Jun 14, 2022
    With Liam’s solo career on a high, it’ll be interesting to see where more experimentation leads him next - although somewhat of a mixed bag here, it’s thrilling to see him stray from the formula he knows too well.
  2. Jun 8, 2022
    Gallagher retains a slight edge to his voice that enlivens even staid settings, but this gift isn't necessarily necessary as his urgent delivery does give the album a driving force. He's working in a tonier setting, relying heavily on studio wizardry and polish, yet Liam Gallagher remains a rock & roll star, the kind who turns generic material into something worth a listen.
  3. May 31, 2022
    C’mon You Know might be his best solo album so far. Even if his singing voice or public persona turns you off, there’s substance here. Just don’t expect to be taken on some mystery tour. You know, the magical kind.