• Record Label: Jajulin
  • Release Date: Oct 14, 2016

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. Oct 14, 2016
    Some of the lyrics are so direct that they scan as trite, yet they're expressed with soul-stirring, serve-the-song conviction, and he's in the top tier when it comes to pure skill. Moreover, the songs are of undeniably high quality, filled with joy, gratitude, and devotion.
  2. Oct 14, 2016
    Anybody yearning for reinvention or experimentation is going to be let down, but the fact that Building a Beginning remains so in thrall to Lidell’s soul heroes suggests that perhaps such drastic action wouldn’t be a good idea anyway.
  3. Nov 4, 2016
    We’re a long way from Super Collider, but there’s really not a duff card in the pack.
  4. Mojo
    Oct 14, 2016
    It bursts with love--for family, for the power of musicianship, but most of all, like Lidell's hero Stevie Wonder, for the art of storytelling. [Nov 2016, p.88]
  5. Oct 17, 2016
    If this is his new beginning, it’s an unambitious one: Lidell has never sounded like more of a traditionalist than he does on this amiable but uncomplicated record.
  6. Nov 4, 2016
    Like most of Lidell’s discography, it seems simultaneously old and new, retro-minded and attuned to contemporary trends.
  7. Q Magazine
    Oct 19, 2016
    It's actually the album's introspective second half which proves most affecting. [Dec 2016, p.110]
  8. Oct 14, 2016
    Difficult to switch off, Building A Beginning promises to carry balmy summer vibes across winter’s chill.
  9. Oct 14, 2016
    The songwriting is so comfortably strong and the production so toasty that you’re soon swooning along with them.
  10. Oct 18, 2016
    Building a Beginning takes to heart every criticism of his 2013 release, inverting it into something that, though restrained and even surprisingly heartfelt at times, does very little to save itself from being forgotten.
  11. Oct 20, 2016
    While the familiar is always comforting, Lidell is a tinkerer at heart who thrives on mixing and matching styles and sounds. Listeners who expected the unexpected this time around might be disappointed by such a return to tradition.

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