
Generally favorable reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
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  1. Q Magazine
    Dec 8, 2014
    Their songs retain a Scandinavian feel, at once exuberant and enigmatic on the soaring Fountain and cellophane-wrapped Vista, while pulsing, M83-like synth rush of Chasing Kites shows they've set their sights well beyond the Nordic margins. [Jan 2015, p.126]
  2. Mojo
    Nov 19, 2014
    Her piercing, angelic voice, redolent of Tori Amos, is given a sparkling canvas by Claes Bjorklund's synth battery. [Dec 2014, p.96]
  3. Nov 17, 2014
    It's a rare moment of intrigue on an album that's generous in its beauty while leaving little to wonder about, a sky that never rains.
  4. 70
    Ultimately though, sensitivity outweighs ’80s cliché.
  5. Nov 14, 2014
    Blue isn’t only the most satisfying record in the collective’s discography; it’s also one of the best albums released this year.
  6. Uncut
    Nov 12, 2014
    Striped of the visual element, what remains here is sparkling Nordic synth-pop, uplifting and accessible, but increasingly conventional. [Dec 2014, p.77]
  7. Nov 12, 2014
    Jonna Lee and Claes Björklund have created a record that they hope will stand the test of time and whilst it remains to be seen if that is the case, Blue is a beautiful, engaging record that entertains as much as it inspires.
  8. Nov 12, 2014
    In its own way, this album might be Lee and Björklund's most balanced and unified work yet; it's certainly a confident journey into uncharted waters for the duo.
  9. Nov 12, 2014
    Blue's watery explorations demonstrate an intriguing new facet to the project, but it might well come at the expense of the fearsome impact that earlier releases packed in the shedload.
  10. Nov 12, 2014
    While Blue’s electropop soundscapes are hardly a great move forwards from their first two projects, there are genuinely majestic emotional moments to savour here.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 101 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 92 out of 101
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 101
  3. Negative: 9 out of 101
  1. Nov 16, 2014
    Blue by iamamiwhoami is one of the most solid albums released this year. This album is full of extreme depth. Not only is each song unique andBlue by iamamiwhoami is one of the most solid albums released this year. This album is full of extreme depth. Not only is each song unique and enjoyable in its own way, each song takes you on a journey Similar to previous iamamiwhoami albums, Blue is one massive storyline. Blue is arguably the most grasping story this group/project has written yet. Other artists have tried incoporating storylines into their music but more often than not when that concept is executed it is clear that the artist has the intentions of telling a story and that ruins what could be an amazing album. This not the case with Blue. Each song is a stand-alone track compiled with other songs that create a story. This is not an album one can miss. Each song is powerful in its own right, but one must listen to the whole album in order to clearly understand the message that is being displayed. There were few albums released this year with similar qualities. Even though it is highly recommended to listen to the whole album, if one were to listen to just a few tracks, Hunting For Pearls, Tap Your Glass, and Shadowshow give listeners a very good idea of what to expect. If you are into a good story, beautiful lyrics, soothing vocals, unique instrumentals, and art in general, Blue is the album for you. Full Review »
  2. Nov 12, 2014
    Absolutely every song on this album is a winner, each one so beautifully crafted that it's almost overwhelming. Jonna Lee's soaring voiceAbsolutely every song on this album is a winner, each one so beautifully crafted that it's almost overwhelming. Jonna Lee's soaring voice reigns over the organic synths and icy, dreamy sounds, creating an ethereal environment. In fact, you cannot feel but cleansed after listening to this 1-hour journey that takes you in some of the most tranquil, refreshing watery landscapes. The ability of this project/band to convert electronics into genuine sounds of nature makes iamamiwhoami one of the most powerful acts in the 'underground' pop-electronic music scene. 'Blue' never sounds the same, ranging from glacial electronica on 'vista' to the exuberant and summery 'blue blue', but you can definitely identify a signature sound. Also, each track has its own particular element, may it be a spectacular, middle-road change of tempo on 'thin' or crazy electronics on 'ripple'. Regarding the album's stand-outs, I would highlight (the breathtaking) 'fountain' and 'vista', 'blue blue', 'thin' and 'shadowshow'. A definite triumph for the Swedish group iamamiwhoami, both on the audio and the visual side of this project with the perfectly-suited title 'Blue'. Full Review »
  3. Dec 26, 2014
    In "Blue", iamamiwhoami explore different lands in electronic music. They have built a new crystallized atmosphere full of bright synthsIn "Blue", iamamiwhoami explore different lands in electronic music. They have built a new crystallized atmosphere full of bright synths similar to M83 and Bjork. Jonna Lee and Claes Bjorkland point to a new way of making music, carrying the audiovisual language as part of their proposal. In "Blue" feel stronger and sharper than before. Full Review »