• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Jun 4, 2021
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Universal acclaim- based on 298 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 16 out of 298
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  1. Jun 4, 2021
    La mejor banda de la pasada década y, potencialmente, de esta tambien. Un clarísimo ejemplo de que versatilidad y personalidad pueden hacer un gran equipo cuando hay excelentes músicos detras. Cada canción esta repleta de tantos detalles y arreglos que es muy dificil agotarse de escucharlas una y otra vez. Cualquiera que haya escuchado Wolf Alice hasta hoy sabrá que es muy dificilLa mejor banda de la pasada década y, potencialmente, de esta tambien. Un clarísimo ejemplo de que versatilidad y personalidad pueden hacer un gran equipo cuando hay excelentes músicos detras. Cada canción esta repleta de tantos detalles y arreglos que es muy dificil agotarse de escucharlas una y otra vez. Cualquiera que haya escuchado Wolf Alice hasta hoy sabrá que es muy dificil encontrar 2 canciones muy parecidas en su discografía, y este disco continua con esta tendencia: distintos estilos e intensidades fluctuan para consolidar lo que parece ser el mejor album del año. Expand
  2. Jun 6, 2021
    Album of the year im calling it Theres absolutely nothing i dont like about this album it switches between genres while not once losing track of cohesion. Every track is great.
  3. Jun 4, 2021
    Went into this album with a "I thought their last stuff was 'good' not 'great'." attitude. I was ready to be let down. Well... I was wrong. So good. Love every track. It's hard to even nitpick. I'm sure some will. This album exceeded every expectation I held. Each track exudes confidence, and you know exactly what they are trying to do, yet it manages to surprise at the same time. Great record.
  4. Jul 16, 2021
    This album has so many ups and downs in terms of tempo and style that it just blows me away! It is an incredible release with some thrashing, up-beat tracks and some seriously down-tempo chilled-out tunes that just culminate into a fantastic overall package
  5. Jun 5, 2021
    this is magnificent, aoty, no doubt
    form top to bottom, what an impeccable album
  6. Jun 11, 2021
    Pretty much flawless. Beautifully written , with confidence and drama and beautiful, tender lyrics. It's like everything that made the band exciting, they've managed to condense into something really powerful. Few albums come along that are so seamless. Goosebumps every time I listen.
  7. Jun 4, 2021
    breathtaking, emotional, energetic, fresh, and beautiful, this album hits hard in every way.
  8. Jun 6, 2021
    Wolf Alice always threatened to be good enough to make an album of this quality. Despite winning the Mercury Prize already, this is a massive step up from that into the true pantheon of greatness. Without exaggerating this is far better than they or anyone has made for a very very long time.
  9. Jun 6, 2021
    Creating an album in this era is different to how it has ever been before. With streaming and digital music being the most common way music is consumed, and the ever-growing popularity of mixed playlists, an album needs to contain the elements in it that make it a work of art as a whole, a journey that satisfies the listener from the beginning until the end. The themes Wolf Alice portrayCreating an album in this era is different to how it has ever been before. With streaming and digital music being the most common way music is consumed, and the ever-growing popularity of mixed playlists, an album needs to contain the elements in it that make it a work of art as a whole, a journey that satisfies the listener from the beginning until the end. The themes Wolf Alice portray in Blue Weekend are relevant, thought-provoking, and relatable which has allowed the album to achieve that gold level of story-telling. The moments of delicate wistfulness in Delicious Things and Feeling Myself, to the real angst and ferocity in Smile and Play the Greatest Hits, has cemented the unique ‘Wolf Alice’ sound. It is bold, its brave, and it works. The days since the release have seen it admired by both fans and critiques, with it currently being the highest rated album of the 2021 so far. This is hardly surprising given the dedication and skill that has gone into making it, and it is likely this will see them grow in popularity across the globe. Wolf Alice deserve all the respect they have gained from this album – it’s a modern masterpiece. Expand
  10. Jun 4, 2021
    Such at atmospheric yet gutteral rock album. Ellie's voice is tremendous throughout the album. In usual Wolf Alice fashion, plenty of textures and sounds explored here.
  11. Jun 6, 2021
    Had to create an account for the sole purpose of reviewing this amazing album. I came to meet this band with their eclectic hit “Don’t delete the kisses” hypnotized by haunting vocals and a style of music that mixed many genres in an amazing way. Wolf Alice have slowly been shaping their sound since their debut EP, and this album is their sound at their most mature, defined and polished.Had to create an account for the sole purpose of reviewing this amazing album. I came to meet this band with their eclectic hit “Don’t delete the kisses” hypnotized by haunting vocals and a style of music that mixed many genres in an amazing way. Wolf Alice have slowly been shaping their sound since their debut EP, and this album is their sound at their most mature, defined and polished. The album flows through its folk/moody songs to heavy guitars with ease. Ellie’s vocals sound confident and moody and the production is well balanced to hear her clearly. I’m smelling several grammy nominations with this one. Expand
  12. Jun 5, 2021
    A sold album throughout. A solid pinch and a beacon of light for guitar music
  13. Jun 4, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This is a great addition to Wolf Alice’s talent of song writing and producing. Every song is well thought of and expresses the band’s maturity since their debut in 2015. I love everyone of them however, I also think this is their lightest album in terms of distortion and intensity but none the less it’s fantastic, vibrant and a exceptional addition to 2021British bands. Expand
  14. Jun 7, 2021
    This is awesome!!! The sounds, their voices... I'm in love for all the songs of this album!
  15. Jun 8, 2021
    Absolutely breathtaking and Ellie's voice is spectacular! This album has something for everyone, and I can't wait to listen to it again and again.
  16. Jun 5, 2021
    Exceptional… They sure didn’t disappoint their patient fans… It was well worth the wait…
  17. Jun 4, 2021
    Every song packs some sort of emotional punch. There is no filler in here.
    Great Lyrics, production, instrumentation. What a great moment for UK rock. Who'd know? We have Squid, Black Country, New Road, and Black midi making awesome, boundaries-breaking music.
    But what about Wolf Alice? With Blue Weekend It makes the 90's feel like 5 years ago. There are shades of pop, punk, surf
    Every song packs some sort of emotional punch. There is no filler in here.
    Great Lyrics, production, instrumentation. What a great moment for UK rock. Who'd know? We have Squid, Black Country, New Road, and Black midi making awesome, boundaries-breaking music.

    But what about Wolf Alice? With Blue Weekend It makes the 90's feel like 5 years ago.
    There are shades of pop, punk, surf rock, shoegaze, neo-psychedelic but it feels cohesive somehow, making each song its history through the album.
    Ellie's voice is as alive and emotive as ever, full of emotion that varies from angry, sarcastic moments to dreamy, astounding ethereal melodies.
    The band's display is so confident.
    I think it'll soon be recognized as a milestone in modern rock music.
    It's a 10 for me because I simply liked every direction and risk taken here.
  18. Jun 4, 2021
    Ellie really defines herself as the premier alternative vocalist in the world on this album. Really creative song writing and vocal arrangements. This album really showcases Ellies world class abilities. Shes one of the biggest rock stars in the world and this album really demonstrates that. She's truly an iconic and generational talent. The production is very layered and intricate.Ellie really defines herself as the premier alternative vocalist in the world on this album. Really creative song writing and vocal arrangements. This album really showcases Ellies world class abilities. Shes one of the biggest rock stars in the world and this album really demonstrates that. She's truly an iconic and generational talent. The production is very layered and intricate. Freddy Mercury would be proud of this album Expand
  19. Jun 7, 2021
    I had never heard of this band before but I am completely blown away by this record...just incredible.
  20. Jun 5, 2021
    A great surprise. They grown up and there's a sort of awareness in lyrics and in arrangements and production. Best album of 2021 since now.
  21. Jun 6, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Versatility has been Wolf Alice’s central virtue. In the wake of two incredibly successful albums, Blue Weekend continues to traverse a great breadth of genres whilst settling on a firmer, confident sound. Demonstrated when moving from the dream-pop 'Lipstick on the Glass' into the guitar-heavy angst of 'Smile', Wolf Alice avoid becoming constrained to smaller boundaries with their new approach. Reaching for a new-found cinematic clarity, climactic opener 'The Beach' establishes greater accessibility without compromising on the euphoric rhythms and ethereal layering of harmonies for which they’ve become known. The help of producer Markus Dravs is no surprise here, with the urgency of structures and hooks reminiscent of other ‘maturing’ albums he spearheaded--the energetic rock of Florence and the Machine’s How Big How Blue How Beautiful comes to mind. However, this clear appetite to chase an anthemic sound does not compromise their identity – Ellie Rowsell’s synthesis of emotional vulnerability and stark defiance only becomes stronger when stripped back. Developing a formerly vague discussion of independence and disillusionment with relationships, Ellie's more blatant exploration of sexuality and transgressive single-hood is refreshing to hear. Nevertheless, this exploration could still have been extended. Admittedly, listeners might be disappointed when the all-encompassing grunge of Visions of a Life is replaced by luscious synths and atmospheric piano accompaniments. However, when 'How Can I Make it Okay?' moves from sharp pop synth to a powerful guitar drop, it becomes clear that their floor-filling live sound is going nowhere. Expand
  22. Jun 6, 2021
    As a huge fan of their music, I was taken back after first listen. Easily their best album. Can’t wait to fully dive into it after a few more listens.
  23. Jun 7, 2021
    So, I'm obsessed. Blue Weekend is probably the best album I've heard in a year. Like, I made a metacritic account just to give it a 10/10 rating. I can't wait to hear the songs performed live!
  24. Jun 8, 2021
    I was waiting for the new album not knowing what to expect and it exceeded my expectations. Amazing album!
  25. Jun 8, 2021
    With Blue Weekend, Wolf Alice have reigned in their constant genre shifting in order to create their most sonically cohesive album yet. Ellie Rowsell’s vocals and lyricism has improved tenfold and Blue Weekend is a masterful third effort.
  26. Jun 8, 2021
    I can't comprehend how incredible this album is, a masterpiece of a band at the height of their power. Cohesive, emotive, nuanced, and best played loud in this unusual time. Rock will never die.
  27. Jun 9, 2021
    Contrary to popular opinion, I felt this ultra-talented band took a step backwards with their Mercury Prize winning Sophmore LP. Luckily for admirers such as myself, this effort returns to form and ultimately breaks new ground, both lyrically and musically. Eargasmic ambient tracks such as Feeling Myself and The Beach are juxtaposed with stadium rock classics such as Smile and Play theContrary to popular opinion, I felt this ultra-talented band took a step backwards with their Mercury Prize winning Sophmore LP. Luckily for admirers such as myself, this effort returns to form and ultimately breaks new ground, both lyrically and musically. Eargasmic ambient tracks such as Feeling Myself and The Beach are juxtaposed with stadium rock classics such as Smile and Play the Greatest Hits. Last Man on Earth seems like a bit of a miss-step at first, but that's because the confidence it betrays is not what you expect from a band with such shoe-gazing tendencies. It is hard to see where Wolf Alice can go from here, Ellie is fully exposed on this album, this level of candour and globe-trotting escapades that will likely follow will undoubtedly take a lot out of all four artists. It is hard not to compare both the anticipation and band dynamic to what Radiohead must have experienced prior to touring OK Computer in 1997. If Wolf Alice can come out of the end of what is about to hit them unscathed, it would be a minor-miracle. Suffice to say things will never be the same again, expectations, exhaustion, distractions, wealth, media-attention to name but a few, of what future records will be constrained by. The Wolf Alice we know is about to die, I hope what is reborn will be half as good. Expand
  28. Jun 17, 2021
    beautiful. simply stunning. another incredibly awesome collection of choons to match their first two gems.
  29. Jun 19, 2021
    One of the best albums of the last few years. Great and i love it. Emotional, energetic and beautiful.
  30. Jun 5, 2021
    Think this is going to be a grower. Wolf Alice has once again proved that they are the kings of British rock right now. "Delicious Things" and "The Last Man on Earth are astounding, but "No Hard Feelings" is pure gold; it's like this album's "Don't Delete the Kisses." Blue Weekend sounds more restrained but in a good way. There's no denying that the band has reached maturity.

Universal acclaim - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 19
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 19
  3. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. Jun 18, 2021
    Blue Weekend isn’t a perfect record, with the folky No Hard Feelings and Safe From Heartbreak (If You’ve Never Been In Love) a little whimsical next to everything else going on. It matters little, though. Rowsell’s rallying cry in Smile that “I ain’t afraid of the fact that I’m sensitive” is borne out in a wild and tender third album.
  2. Uncut
    Jun 18, 2021
    Blue Weekend is a collection of songs that immediately dazzle, with a relentless array of strong hooks, nestled within a sea of diverse sonic colours. [Aug 2021, p.35]
  3. Jun 17, 2021
    Blue Weekend always nails the vibe, they nail everything, but often in a way that sounds micromanaged.