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Universal acclaim- based on 1322 Ratings

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  1. Aug 23, 2016
    Nostalgia, Ultra is a solid rap mixtape with spitfire storytelling. Channel Orange is a pure Masterpiece. Endless/Blonde is a stripped back creative, [personal art project that is intoxicating on so many levels. 9/10
  2. Aug 29, 2016
    Easily the best album of the year. Surpasses Channel Orange and I was skeptical of that happening. I was terrified that he would turn into another money grubbing pop star with no substance. So far he's stayed true to the art form. This album is nothing short of genius and I'm very happy to be living in an era where we have artists like Frank Ocean.
  3. Sep 20, 2016
    Top 3 AOTY in no order: 1.Radiohead: A moon shaped pool 2. Frank Ocean: Blonde 3. Nick Cave: Skeleton Tree. For me this three albums are masterpieces!
  4. Aug 22, 2016
    I think the beauty in Blonde simply comes from the staggering complexity it hides behind the genre label of 'Pop'.

    The first three tracks show that complexity by traversing the genres of the trap-inspired beats in "Nikes" to the dream pop and shoegaze of "Ivy" to the unapologetic neo-soul funk of "Pink + White". Ocean shows an aptitude for grabbing inspiration and sounds from the
    I think the beauty in Blonde simply comes from the staggering complexity it hides behind the genre label of 'Pop'.

    The first three tracks show that complexity by traversing the genres of the trap-inspired beats in "Nikes" to the dream pop and shoegaze of "Ivy" to the unapologetic neo-soul funk of "Pink + White".

    Ocean shows an aptitude for grabbing inspiration and sounds from the furthest reaches of the musical world and molding them into a cohesive record that is united by his greatest instrument, his voice.

    Ocean ventures deeper into the musical experiment that he began on "Channel Orange" and finds himself reaching greater heights and lower emotional lows. The music may be more subtle, but the feeling is just as strong, if not stronger.

    Choice Tracks: "Pink + White", "Nights", "White Ferrari", "Seigfried"
  5. Feb 18, 2018
    I'm still trying to figure this one out, but so far it's really hard to tell why everyone is so smitten with this album.

    All of the songs really sound to me like tracks that should be on the end of the album as winding down tracks, I still don't get it. To explain a little, I'm not one to get too caught up in lyrics, so for all I know this might be a lyrical masterpiece, but I'm
    I'm still trying to figure this one out, but so far it's really hard to tell why everyone is so smitten with this album.

    All of the songs really sound to me like tracks that should be on the end of the album as winding down tracks, I still don't get it.

    To explain a little, I'm not one to get too caught up in lyrics, so for all I know this might be a lyrical masterpiece, but I'm about the music and this album doesn't catch my attention much at all.

    Hopefully after some more listens I will come around, but for now I have to go back and listen to Channel Orange to get my fix.

    EDIT: I've figured it out, and I love it!
    (changed from a 4 to a 10)
  6. Oct 3, 2016
    Talvez 2016 seja o melhor ano da música nessa década e com certeza o Frank Ocean está contribuindo para que isso aconteça. Qualquer demora para o sucessor do “Channel Orange” é justificável, ainda mais quando Frank não nos entrega simplesmente um álbum, mas sim dois: “Endless” e “Blonde”. “Blonde” é um álbum rico em samples, detalhes e estilos que o Frank mistura. A intenção dele não é deTalvez 2016 seja o melhor ano da música nessa década e com certeza o Frank Ocean está contribuindo para que isso aconteça. Qualquer demora para o sucessor do “Channel Orange” é justificável, ainda mais quando Frank não nos entrega simplesmente um álbum, mas sim dois: “Endless” e “Blonde”. “Blonde” é um álbum rico em samples, detalhes e estilos que o Frank mistura. A intenção dele não é de maneira alguma se acomodar e trazer mais do mesmo, e muito menos se render as tendências das rádios pop. Em “Blonde”, Frank quer imprimir novos estilos e por isso o álbum é um verdadeiro experimento e a gente percebe em algumas músicas como “Nikes” suas alterações de voz. Vale ainda lembrar o esforço que o Frank teve pra reunir grandes nomes da música atual como Jamie xx, Kendrick Lamar, Jazmine Sullivan, Sampha, Arca e outros já carimbados nomes como Beyoncé, Tyler The Creator e André 3000. O mais interessante de tudo isso é que até mesmo a participação da grandiosa Beyoncé em “Pink + White” acaba por se tornar apenas mais um detalhe no meio de uma de tantas músicas do álbum ricas em personalidade, sons e estilos. Em um ano com álbuns aclamados como “Lemonade”, “Coloring Book”, “The Life of Pablo” e “ANTI”, “Blonde” consegue saldo mais que positivo e se mantém como um dos melhores lançamentos do ano. Expand
  7. Aug 22, 2016
    Complex, reflective and somber. This is "arguably" Ocean's best music to date. It resonates to they key demographic and plays lushly within a stratosphere that jumps from experimental pop to alternative r&b. The interesting thing with Ocean is that even though there are some profound artists that have assisted with their talents throughout this production, they don't play key focus as withComplex, reflective and somber. This is "arguably" Ocean's best music to date. It resonates to they key demographic and plays lushly within a stratosphere that jumps from experimental pop to alternative r&b. The interesting thing with Ocean is that even though there are some profound artists that have assisted with their talents throughout this production, they don't play key focus as with some other LP's thats released. Whats more, Ocean seems to be showing a matured angst within his music, often playing towards his strengths and downfalls which then allow for some incredibly magnificent music. One of this best this year. 10/10 Expand
  8. Aug 24, 2016
    This is Frank's best album, let's face it. The production, the features and the lyrics are pure gold. The wait was worth it for sure. This is classic Frank, if you like his stuff, you'll like this album.
  9. Aug 22, 2016
    Well worth the wait. Raw emotion and personality on every track and I've just missed Frankie's voice, one of the best in today's R&B. Best album I've heard so far in 2016 and definitely another classic from him
  10. Aug 24, 2016
    This album is dreamy and while you can let it play as background music, when you focus in, the pure genius of Frank Ocean shows. Personally, I was not the biggest fan of Chanel Orange, so this release I was skeptical- but Frank blew it out of the water. The album is quiet, self reflecting, and modest - and you need to hear it.
  11. Jan 30, 2020
    Aug 9, 2018 - 6/10
    "Good album, but isn't too tasteful and intense than "channel orange". it would say it is even more slow-flowing and tiring than its predecessor."

    Blonde is a beautiful, full of lays, experimental and intense (yeah, I was wrong 1 and a half year ago). Sutile walls of guitars, minimalistic beats, mini-detalis combines with intimistic atmosphere, letting work even more human.
  12. Aug 23, 2016
    Thank You Frank for existing. This is the best álbum of the Year for me. A beautiful and true masterpiece. Wait for your grammys, they are coming for sure
  13. Aug 22, 2016
    4 years of waiting and this clear emotional album states Ocean's frustrations with social anxiety. Personally one of the best albums of 2016 but go ahead and listen for yourself
  14. Aug 22, 2016
    This is Ocean's most visceral and heartbreaking work yet, resulting in a devastating collection of masterful songs that leave you absolutely breathless
  15. Aug 22, 2016
    Una excelente pieza de trabajo, la espera realmente valio mucho la pena, no es tan bueno como Channel Orange pero aun asi es un excelente album. Frank se tomo su tiempo y realmente se noto su evolucion y su madurez lirica y musical.
  16. Aug 22, 2016
    Simply Amazing. it took me a few listens through but I think that this is his best album yet. It's such a new sound, and everything about it is aesthetically pleasing.
  17. Aug 22, 2016
    AN incredibly beautiful album that carries you along its melodic waves through unchartered territory, in which you immerse yourself into the rawest of Ocean's emotions. Truly art.
  18. Aug 25, 2016
    BEAUTIFUL. This album was worth the wait. Frank Ocean is truly one of the best, original artists out there right now. His storytelling and beats are incredible and ENDLESS.
  19. Aug 23, 2016
    rewarding.and adventurous.worth the four year wait.frank managed to craft one of the most anticipated albums in recent years with effort.already a future classic.
  20. Aug 24, 2016
    This is an incredible album! Definitely one of the best this year. Frank Ocean got even better with his vocals. The production is great too. A lot of songs feel stripped down but this gives him the chance to take center stage. Nikes works as a great intro and gives the listener a general feeling of what to expect through the rest of the album. Other standouts for me include: Ivy, SelfThis is an incredible album! Definitely one of the best this year. Frank Ocean got even better with his vocals. The production is great too. A lot of songs feel stripped down but this gives him the chance to take center stage. Nikes works as a great intro and gives the listener a general feeling of what to expect through the rest of the album. Other standouts for me include: Ivy, Self Control, Nights, Solo and it's Reprise (Word to Andre 3000!!!), White Ferraris and the gospel sounding God Speed. Only time will help us decide whether this surpasses Channel Orange. But what is certain is that this is a modern day classic! Expand
  21. Aug 22, 2016
    This is not what I was expecting at all, but Frank has a way of giving us music that feels vital. He's an artist and I respect his artistry enough to trust his direction. Blonde is not an easy listen. But if you're patient, the way we have to be with great art, it's extremely satisfying after repeated listens.This is one of the most beautiful albums I've ever heard hands down.
  22. Aug 31, 2016
    Easily the best album of the year. Surpasses Channel Orange and I was skeptical of that happening. I was terrified that he would turn into another money grubbing pop star with no substance. So far he's stayed true to the art form. This album is nothing short of genius and I'm very happy to be living in an era where we have artists like Frank Ocean.
  23. Aug 22, 2016
    Have been playing this album non-stop since it came out. Frank really doesn't disappoint. At first listen I didn't find songs as catchy as some in Channel Orange but those would very big shoes for anyone to fill. I'm trying to appreciate the beauty of this album on its own without many comparisons and it is absolute magic. I think that the energy of the album is dreamy, bold and theHave been playing this album non-stop since it came out. Frank really doesn't disappoint. At first listen I didn't find songs as catchy as some in Channel Orange but those would very big shoes for anyone to fill. I'm trying to appreciate the beauty of this album on its own without many comparisons and it is absolute magic. I think that the energy of the album is dreamy, bold and the experimentation was absolutely spot on. That dissonant falsetto in Nikes had me on the floor. This is still a very crude and early opinion but I am really enjoying the feelings this album is bringing out. Anyways, thank you, Frank. Please don't let us starve for another 4 years.

    Favourite tracks: Nikes, Self-Control, Solo, Nights and Seigfried
  24. Aug 22, 2016
    I have never had an album hit me so hard on first listen. This project beats out when I first heard MBDTF, Yeezus, GKMC, and so much more. It's truly a masterpiece. The melodies, lyrics, and especially PRODUCTION are all beautiful. It's truly the peak of music so far and I can't wait to look back on this era of my life with Blonde. It's truly magical. I can't explain it. It's the only timeI have never had an album hit me so hard on first listen. This project beats out when I first heard MBDTF, Yeezus, GKMC, and so much more. It's truly a masterpiece. The melodies, lyrics, and especially PRODUCTION are all beautiful. It's truly the peak of music so far and I can't wait to look back on this era of my life with Blonde. It's truly magical. I can't explain it. It's the only time I've been speechless for an album. Expand
  25. Sep 14, 2016
    With Blonde, Frank Ocean dramatically strips down the the grand and intricate production of Channel Orange, instead opting for low-key, guitar heavy instrumentals. The result is stunning. Frank Ocean delivers some exceptional vocal performances and lyrics (tracks like Ivy and Self Control are great examples of this), as well as complex emotionally charged subject matter. Ocean plays theWith Blonde, Frank Ocean dramatically strips down the the grand and intricate production of Channel Orange, instead opting for low-key, guitar heavy instrumentals. The result is stunning. Frank Ocean delivers some exceptional vocal performances and lyrics (tracks like Ivy and Self Control are great examples of this), as well as complex emotionally charged subject matter. Ocean plays the role of a scorned lover on Seigfried, one the the outstanding songs on the album, with an incredible level of sincerity and vulnerability. On this album we get a deeper look into the wide range of emotions and ideas Ocean has always displayed in his previous works, and the stripped down production forces the listener to engage with this to an even greater extent. One of the best albums this year. Expand
  26. Aug 26, 2016
    It's not channel orange but its was worth the 4 year wait with beautiful vocals from Frank and features from Beyonce, an amazing verse from Andre 3000 and Kendrick Lamar. Frank did something totally different from his previous masterpiece and experimented with different sounds than Channel Orange. Honestly i don't have a favourite track because the whole album is a beautiful journey thatIt's not channel orange but its was worth the 4 year wait with beautiful vocals from Frank and features from Beyonce, an amazing verse from Andre 3000 and Kendrick Lamar. Frank did something totally different from his previous masterpiece and experimented with different sounds than Channel Orange. Honestly i don't have a favourite track because the whole album is a beautiful journey that you have to listen to more than 1 time Expand
  27. Aug 22, 2016
    Brilliant Album
    Has such a glossy overall vibe its hard to describe the feeling it gives but its a masterpiece no doubt, even the interludes are more developed and thought out than most other songs you will hear this year
  28. Aug 23, 2016
    An incredible album overflowing with emotion and maturity. "SELF CONTROL" is the best song on the album and do yourself a favour and listen to the song's last few minutes and be blown away. The boyfriend poem in the magazine is also a marvellous piece of work
  29. Jul 3, 2017
    Este disco es un mar de emociones, Frank es tan honesto y crudo en su musica, como cantante se hace muy exclusivo con su arte pero vale la pena mover mar y tierra para tener su musica este disco es como una bocanada de aire fresco un R&B esquisito. Uno de mis discos favoritos de esta decada sin duda.
  30. Aug 23, 2016
    I am loving this album. I felt like I was floating in a dream when I was listening to it. Songs like Nike, Skyline To, Nights and Solo made me swoon and pine for more. Andre 3000 absolutely killed it with Solo (Reprise). Really, this entire album has some of the most pleasing, elegant, and nostalgic sounds. I would definitely say that it was worth the investment on I tunes.

    It truly is
    I am loving this album. I felt like I was floating in a dream when I was listening to it. Songs like Nike, Skyline To, Nights and Solo made me swoon and pine for more. Andre 3000 absolutely killed it with Solo (Reprise). Really, this entire album has some of the most pleasing, elegant, and nostalgic sounds. I would definitely say that it was worth the investment on I tunes.

    It truly is a masterpiece, like Channel Orange before it.

Universal acclaim - based on 38 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 37 out of 38
  2. Negative: 0 out of 38
  1. The Wire
    Nov 8, 2016
    The sum is Ocean’s most thorough reading of his world to date. [Oct 2016, p.65]
  2. Magnet
    Oct 18, 2016
    This is an album of mostly beatless soul whose heart nevertheless pumps vividly and loudly throughout its 17 tracks. [No. 136, p.61]
  3. 80
    This is music that fascinates on first listen but requires multiple spins for its complexities and idiosyncrasies to take hold.